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Research Teams

Waiting for a passenger, Siem Reap, July 2009

For these assignments, you will be divided into three teams. Part of
each assignment involves research prior to the expedition, the other
part requiring practical tasks in the form of filming, sensitive
photography and prepared interviews. The three assignments are
designed to reflect the aims of the expedition i.e. to gain insight
into Cambodia from historical, political and socio-economic points
of view. These assignments will be combined into (a) presentations
upon your return to school and (b) a permanent exhibition
documenting the school’s first expedition.
Team #1: The Dark Side...

Educated people seek to understand the
world – the good and the bad. Simply
to dwell on the positive and ignore the
negative leads to naivety and
superficiality. We should not simply
learn about history – we should learn
from it...
From 1975 until 1979 Cambodia (then
known as Democratic Kampuchea) was torn
apart by a violent government known as
the Khmer Rouge. Cambodia has taken –
and is still taking – decades to
recover from the damage done by this
ruthless and fanatical organisation.
Your assignment is to find out why.
The Stupa of Skulls, Siem
Reap, July 2009
 Who were the Khmer Rouge?
 How did they come to power?
 Who were their leaders?
 What were their political aims?
 How did they plan to achieve those aims?
 What were the effects on the people and the country?
Practical activity
 You will meet Savong’s father, who worked as a cook during the
period of Khmer Rouge rule. You will film an interview with him
as he tells you about daily life under the control of a regime
which, at any moment and for no reason, would execute you. Once
you have done your research, prepare questions for him. These
will be sent to Savong’s father in Cambodia in advance.
 Based on your research and your interviews, prepare a 15-20
minute presentation on Cambodia’s dark side which will be given
to the senior students of the school next term.

Team #2: The Eighth Wonder of the World...

Angkor Wat, July 2009

 To what does the term Angkor refer?
 Find out about:
 the civilisation that built Angkor
 the purpose of Angkor
 the “rediscovery” of Angkor in the 19th century by Henri Mouhot
 restoration work on the temples
 the importance of Angkor to Siem Reap and the possible long
term effects of 2,000,000 visitors per year
 Find out the meanings of some
of the words used in
connection with Angkor:
 angkor
 banteay
 baray
 phnom
 prasat
 preah
 srei
 ta
 thom
Bas relief, Angkor Wat
 wat
 Find out about the bas relief
 Why do the stone Buddhas in which surrounds the lower
Angkor Wat have no heads? levels of Angkor Wat
Practical Activity
 On your second day, choose at
least one of the following

1. Angkor Wat
2. Bayon
3. Ta Prohm

 Through film, photography,

creative writing, art and
additional research, give a
fuller picture of the temple.
Surreal interweaving of ancient Obtain architectural plans and
stones and giant tree roots, Ta explain the function of each
Prohm part of the temple.
 How, through these media, can you convey, for example, the
grandeur of Angkor Wat or the mystery of Ta Prohm?
 Your research and your artistic response will be combined into a
15-20 minute presentation to be given to the school next term.
Team #3: Making the difference...
 Find out about the efforts of
NGOs to combat Cambodia’s
socio-economic challenges
particularly in relation to
 Find out about subsistence
 What organisations are present
in Siem Reap? What do they do?
 What are the challenges faced
by children in Siem Reap?

Meeting with Savong and one of

the orphan children, Cambodia,
July 2009

 Your research and your two

practical activities will be
combined into a 15-20 minute
presentation to be given to
the school next term.

First visit to the new orphanage,

July 2009
Practical Activity #1
 Research the history of
Savong’s School and the newly
constructed orphanage.
 Prepare questions for and
record interviews with (a)
Savong himself and (b) 2-3 of
his students.
 Find out about Savong’s aims
and how he plans to achieve
Orphans being given opportunities
at Savong’s School, July 2009
 Learn from the students about their lives and how the school
benefits them. What activities take place at the school? How does
interaction with foreign visitors help the children? What
challenegs are faced by the school?
 Pay a brief visit to the orphanage and document your visit
through film and photography. Why is this orphanage necessary?
 Consider ways in which further assistance could be given to
Savong’s School; remember that assistance does not necessarily
have to be financial
Practical Activity #2
 Find out the location of Les Artisans d’Angkor and take the free
tour of their premises.
 Through film and photographs, document your visit and find out
about the aims of Les Artisans d’Angkor and how those aims are

Students in the new library, Savong

School, Cambodia, July 2009
Useful links to get you started...
Khmer Rouge


NGOs in Cambodia
 http://www.ccc-

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