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T.H.I.S, Newsletter, May 2019 Edition.

VOLUME – 05 Page: 01


Gynaecologist provides access to critical health services for women residing in tribal villages (Population: five
lakhs) in Surrounding Tribal Villages, Salur, in Vizianagaram District in Andhra Pradesh, India. These villages
are in hilly and forested areas of Vizianagaram District. The women in these villages do not have access to
quality and affordable key health care services apart from Philadelphia Community Hospital. Gynaecologist
will help provide key health services (safe delivery, hysterectomy, cataract operation etc) for women. According
to Government of India, maternal mortality ratio is higher in tribal areas compared to other population. 50% of tribal
women are anaemic. 75% of tribal women suffer from variety of gynaecological sicknesses which affect quality of life.
Unfortunately, there is no health-care facility in Salur Tribal area which provides quality and affordable health
services for above diseases. Through this Philadelphia Community Hospital, tribal women of Salur Surrounding
areas will has access to health services to overcome above problems. Philadelphia Community Hospital provides
preventive and curative health services to tribal women. Adolescent and young women are counselled to adopt
habits (related to nutrition, addiction etc) to live a healthy life. 48 Outreach diagnostic camps per year are supported
by Philadelphia Community Hospital which provides comprehensive obstetric, and eye care by offering services of
doctors (1 full-time gynaecologist, 1 Female Medical Officer, 1 full-time ophthalmologists, etc), diagnostics
(sonography, laboratory etc), operations, blood transfusion, and pharmacy. By improving women's health, there will
be long-term impact on their families and communities. Women's health is an already recognized millennium
development goal. Improving woman's health will improve income generating capacity and improve economic
condition of their families. According to WHO, maternal health is highly correlated with children health; therefore,
improving maternal health through safe delivery and gynaecologic sicknesses will improve children's health in
Surrounding Tribal Villages, Salur.
T.H.I.S, Newsletter, May 2019 Edition. VOLUME – 05 Page: 02

Dr Sucharitha David parents worked in
Leprosy Mission meeting needs of the patients
affected by leprosy (PALS). Dr Sucharitha
David was inspired by them and by God’s
grace secured a seat in Christian medical
college, Vellore, where the medical training
began, and she started a holistic approach
towards her patients.
She is grateful to God for that wonderful
opportunity and then moved on to taking care of
the Leprosy patients staying in mercy homes
wherein she saw their needs for eye care were
high in order to lead a quality life.
Dr Sucharitha David felt the need to be trained
in Ophthal in a double way (She means the
Post-graduation diploma & also a degree from
the national board – DNB) wherein the
training made her excel in treating from
cataract to glaucoma, which are the prevalent
causes of blindness in our country.
Her heart reaches out to those who are really in need to see good vision to lead a good quality of life
especially to those in rural areas wherein cataract, trachoma, glaucoma, etc are more prevalent and
which are preventable if detected early. She prays that her journey in Philadelphia Community
Hospital (The Leprosy Mission India) would be giving glory to God by giving the best vision
possible to those in need, thereby giving them good quality of life seeing more smiles on their faces
and touching the lives of those crying out in need .
T.H.I.S, Newsletter, May 2019 Edition. VOLUME – 05 Page: 03


KALLA ARAVINDA is the son of daily labourers and the youngest among the siblings in his house His sister
studying in intermediate in Maripalli Government College in Vizianagaram District, and they stay in a rented
house in a slum street in Bhudevi Street. . Kalla Aravind is a student studying 9th standard and was diagnosed with
leprosy associated with deformed clawing of Right hand Claw finger. He has discrepancy in using his Left hand
Claw Fingers and his friends from school treated him differently due to disfigurement. . Kalla Aravind could not do
any work with his hands or write and hold his school bag. . Kalla Aravind is a very anemic boy, he never used to eat
anything so he was like a skeleton. Kalla Aravind is from a below poverty line (BPL) so his parents earning is not
enough to meet their family needs and get Kalla Aravind Surgery done due to poverty. . The Government Leprosy
Centre in Vizianagaram District has referred Kalla Aravind to Philadelphia Community Hospital for
reconstructive surgery. Health Community Programme manager and Counselor went to Kalla Aravind’s house
and counseled about the Leprosy disease, cleanliness, Sanitation, Healthy diet and hygiene around the house and
street as they stay in a very poor slum Street in a tribal village in Vizianagaram district. We admitted Kalla
Aravind in Philadelphia Community Hospital for reconstructive surgery eat health food and saw that he never
missed eating any meal as he was fussy to eat. We tried different diet to increase his blood count. And prepared him
for surgery and then we kept him in the hospital for observation so that he will have good health food in the
hospital. First we gave him a good nutritious food and we motivated him to if he goes to his home the family could
not take care of him or give a nutritious food to eat. After the cast is removed we gave him physiotherapy. Now his
hand has become normal and he is able to write exam and able to do his daily work. Now he is able to eat with his
own hand. Philadelphia Community Hospital applied for a Sadarem certificate for Kalla Aravind. Now he get
2000/- per month from Government. His mother says that she is very happy that he getting money so that she can
give him better food and medication. Philadelphia Community Hospital has enrolled his name for CUFA,
upcoming. project. Parents have no words to say. They say that we will be thankful throughout the whole life. Kalla
Aravind says that one day he will become a good Engineer and support the people in needy. Aravind’s parents says
that through good diet and good habit there was a great change in him
T.H.I.S, Newsletter, May 2019 Edition. VOLUME – 05 Page: 04


To sensitize the elderly about the importance of a
healthy heart. Philadelphia community hospital, Salur,
provided Free Tests that were conducted, comprised,
E.C.G, 2D Echo Scan, and Cardiologist Consultation
Approximately 45 Senior citizens of Salur attended the
free cardio camp on 6th June 2019. A corresponding Audio
Advertisement Campaign was aired throughout the day
in the town of Salur and surrounding places urging
people to take care of their heart.
This Healthy Heart Camp, is a little effort to not only
screen the elderly for Cardiovascular problems but also
Dr G Mahesh M.D., D.M. create awareness about the issue and give them some
Cardiovascular Cardiologist
tips to take back home, which they could incorporate in
their daily lifestyle.

Donate to Support
For people affected by leprosy to live as equal citizens, they need to have access to good healthcare, employment skills with earning capacities, and
equal opportunities. The Leprosy Mission Trust India (TLMTI), through its varied programmes – Healthcare, Sustainable Livelihood, Community
Empowerment, Advocacy, and Research and Training – is working to bring healing, inclusion and dignity in their lives. But we cannot do it alone. We
need your support.
Your generous contribution will make a difference to the lives of people affected by leprosy in India.
It will make sure that they get an opportunity to be HEALED of the disease, be INCLUDED in their communities and live a life of DIGNITY.
Payment by cheque : You can send your donations by cheque in favour of P L HOSPITAL, payable at Salur.
Payment by NEFT payment: You can send your donations through Transfer / NEFT:
P L HOSPITAL, A/c no: 11370742563, State Bank of India, Salur branch (00914), IFS code: SBIN0000914
All donations to The Leprosy Mission Trust India are eligible for 50% tax relief under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Get Involved & Support Our Work

Word for the month

You are special and unique
For you created my inmost being: you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13-15
I praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
When i was made in secret place.
When i was woven together in the depth of he earth
There is nobody like you in this world, therefore you are special and unique, have you ever realised that you started as a single cell, and within that
cell contained DNA with more than 1000 characteristics that tells about you and that makes you unique and special. It did not happen by accident.
The colours of hair, your eyes, your height, weight almost everything, even smile that makes you unique and special.
Why? Because God designed you, to make you unique. The reason, you are special to him.
He has a plan for you. A plan that will glorify him in the process you become special to him.
You may think your confidence is low, do not have degrees like others, you may think you suffer from diabetes, cancer, muscular or nervous
disease, what can you do in this world?
“for we are God’s workmanship, created in Jesus Christ to do good works, which god prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

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