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A good movie can influence an individual’s way of thinking

201623515 영어영문 권희영

In these days, the movie is an important part of our culture. Many people

say watching movies is their hobby. And among them, some people said that the

movie has changed their life. There are various kinds of movies in the theater. But

it is hard to find movies that evoke something good in our mind. Nevertheless, it

is still worth trying to find good movies. A good movie can influence an individual’s

way of thinking in three ways. The example of a good movie is “Dead Poets Society”.

Background of the movie is the school where tradition is regarded as the most

important value. In school, students have to fulfill their duty in order to be a

successful man. They spend their whole days studying math or history according

to the schedule. While living a boring life, they meet someone special, who tells

them to live an extraordinary life. This person is professor Keating, who teaches

them literary. In his first class, he made his students rip the textbook up, and feel

the poetry. He gradually influences the student’s way of thinking and also audiences.

First, the movie "Dead Poets Society" influences people's mind through
maxim that is practiced by professor Keating. The story of the movie starts when

he comes to school. In the class, he shows the picture of the students who were

already graduated. Then he tells the students that "Carpe diem", which means "seize

the day". And in the next class, he goes out of the classroom and let the students

know how to walk differently as they want. And the students start to have curiosity

and suspicion about the new professor. In living life that is fixed by many things to

do, the students start to find special things that make their life meaningful. Many

people face the same situation in their life. They have to do things that society

requires them. But the purpose of life is not doing the duty which is usually unhappy.

In the movie, professor Keating's lecture is not only for the students in the class of

the movie but also for the audience seat in the movie theater. Through his lecture,

the audiences start to identify themselves with the students in the movie. Although

it is just a movie, they accept the situation as if they actually experience it. It evokes

thinking that I can find something special in my life like the students in the movie.

And this thinking made behavior that actually changes the way of life and thinking.

Second, the movie shows harsh circumstances that help the audience to
think about their suffering. The students in the movie suffer various kind of suffering

which make them stop finding what they want. One of the students who want to

be an actor start to audition in many theaters and finally gets the role. But his

father wants him to be a doctor, so he suffers from his father’s order. Keeping it a

secret to his father, he successfully finishes the play. So he feels sure of his choice

and hopes to continue what he wants, acting. But his father does not want to know

what he wants. Because his father already confirms his son's way of life, he gives

enormous pressure to him. In that night, he finally kills himself in his house. And

his parents and friends are shocked. This scene made audiences think that he could

be alive. At the same time, the audience thinks their experience which is frustrated

in the past because of the similar reason of the student. In this respect, the choices

of the student seem quite brave and show that he has full of ambitions to get his

hope to do what he wants. And his ambitions influence audience way of thinking

as much as Keating’s lecture. Although he is dead in the movie, his aspire to go a

different way of life still remains the audiences’ mind and also helps to think about

what they want.

Third, the movie gives audiences courage and hope in the end. The last

scene of the movie is that one student stands up on the desk in the middle of the

class. To the Keating who is leaving the school, he shouts "Captain, oh my captain."

It is the most famous scene in the movie. Also, it figuratively means the resistance

of student against the tradition of the school. The student discovered his talent for

writing poet through Keating's lecture. At first, he is the shyest boy in the class who

feels hard to say his own voice. But through Keating's lecture, he became one who

can shout in the middle of class and convey his brilliant thinking. Finally, he has

the ability to make his voice against tradition which oppresses his freedom and

hope. This scene gives the audience the courage to maintain their way of life which

they choose. Whenever they feel anxious about confronting their various problems

which can be friends or workplace, they think about the scene and get confidence.

Sometimes, one good scene in the movie is better than the advice of a friend.

Because people's opinions are easy to change in different circumstances. But the

movie always remains the same over time. In order to change their way of thinking,

people need to hope and courage regardless of their circumstance.

In conclusion, the movie "Dead Poets Society" gives the audience inspiration

to change their way of thinking. The movie suggests the vision of living a different

life. It guides the audience in the most natural way. In the movie, there are many

students and situations that audiences can identify with. So audiences can feel

empathy when the students suffer from a similar situation to them. The movie

shows the students who go through the harsh situation. And so do audiences in

their real life. The movie tells audiences that it is worthy of tryout whether it is

successful or not. Because the very experience helps them to grow and think

differently. They can imagine how the situation of the movie is going on. And they

also imagine that how can I overcome the problem in that situation. In doing so,

they try to solve the problem. Consequently, they can apply that experience to their

real life. So, the good movie “Dead Poets Society” evokes something valuable in

the audience's mind. And it also gives audiences the opportunity to think differently.

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