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No Kids Zone Is Discrimination Against The Socially Weak

경영학과 201721442 고예은

There was an issue in 2011 that made South Korea's "No Kids Zone" craze even stronger.

A serving employee and a child running around collided in a store which sold hot soup, as the

employee fell the child got burned. Many people rebuked parents for neglecting their duty of care

for their child, and they supported stores that declared No Kids Zone in the wake of the incident.

Although the case itself attracted great attention too, the result of a lawsuit filed by the child's

parents against the store sparked the craze. After numerous debates, the 2013 ruling came out. The

court ruled that 70% of the employees were responsible for their negligence and that 41 million

won in damages should be paid to the child's parents. Public opinion expressed great anger, saying

it would not have happened if the parents made sure that the child did not run around in the first

place. I am very sorry for the restaurant's position that was directly damaged, but is it right that the

restaurant, which has become a public victim, declared the No Kids zone after the incident? If the

restaurant is a true victim, why did the court order the restaurant to compensate for the damage?

Is the court's ruling a wrong one that disregards social feelings? Is it okay that countless children

be deprived of their time to eat with their parents because of one child? We should separate the

typical issue and social bullying.

The owners who declared the No Kids zone say it's their store, so it's their right and choice.

Will the act of paying for building rent and running a store really gives the right to reject the
children? In 2017, a customer with a 9 years old child was denied at an Italian restaurant on Jeju

Island, he filed a petition with the National Human Rights Commission. NHRC decided that this was

'discrimination with no reasonable reason for age.' In its decision, the NHRC said, "Commercial

facility operators are aimed at generating maximum profits. And they are guaranteed freedom of

business under Article 15 of the Constitution, but freedom is not unlimited. And a reasonable cause

should be recognized, especially if certain groups are excluded from the use of a particular space

or service." In addition, "Universal exclusion of restaurant use is a generalization of some cases

without objective and rational reasons because not all children or careers accompanying children

do much harm to business owners or other users," they said. The owners, who earlier said they

were their own stores and their choices, had overlooked the fact that the freedom given to them

was not unlimited. And that their rights were not prioritized over the right not to discriminate

against children. Thus, in order to prevent damage by children within their own business premises,

a specific standard must be drawn up, such as ‘Do not run wild indoors’ or 'Do not change diapers

inside a restaurant' rather than a unilateral No Kids Zone declaration.

Most public institutions in South Korea have recently changed their hiring pattern to a

‘Blinded’ one. The blind admission is to make it impossible for applicants to fill out the information

that is not directly related to their work. Such as their school of origin or their age, grades or regions

of origin. This hiring method has been adopted to ensure that applicants are not discriminated

against, and to provide them with the same starting line opportunities. This means that everyone

should be respected their right not to be discriminated against by race, religion or gender and that
human rights and their abilities have prior priorities to anything else. So why should children be

discriminated by their age? Society denounces people who discriminate by race, calling them racist,

but why is it justified to discriminate by age? We should treat all discriminatory acts equally and

create a social atmosphere in which we refrain from doing so. We were all someone’s kid. And we

grew up learning from our teachers, neighbors, friends, and family, including our parents. Kid's

mistakes can be overcome by learning. However, adults who teach someone's kid should not make

mistakes and try not to make mistakes.

A child who grows up with being discriminated learns to discriminate, which leads to

discrimination about another group. Teaching discrimination should never be justified. In fact, there

is another social phenomenon that has recently drawn attention, the 'No Senior Zone'. A Seoul's

bar became the subject of controversy by posting the phrase, 'A person aged 49 or older politely

refuses' in its stores. Even then, some netizens supported the store's stance, posting the second

round of abusive comments such as "I think there are too many rude customers in senior ages" and

"seniors sit in the store for too long, which is detrimental to store sales." This is not the only one.

Some cafes have rejected middle and high school students. They banned them to make their store

quiet and posted signs asking customers to cooperate in checking their ID cards. This phenomenon,

which is widely believed to support the emergence of the "No Kids Zone," "No Senior Zone," and

"No Student Zone," could lead to the appeal of "No Christian Zone", "No Disabled People Zone"

and "No Black People Zone." It is too much simple a solution to eliminating the whole group just

because some people cause problems. Can you support the opinion that braille sidewalk blocks for
the blind should disappear, because they hurt building's fine view? Society is a place where people

from various backgrounds live together. The act of erasing a group on the grounds of 'inconvenience'

and 'not wanted' in a modern society that aims for harmony between various countries and races

should be subject to condemnation. We need a social consensus to consider them for harmony and

find another win-win way.

In Korea, people adopt a Korean-style age that gives them one year as soon as they are

born. This ridiculous Korean-style age, in which a child born on Dec. 31 turns 2 years old the next

day, begins with respect for the 10 months the fetus spent on its mother's body. We should not

support an illogical society that respects fetuses and makes them objects of discrimination at the

same time they are born. The No Kids Zone is not a business owner's right, it is an act of teaching

children discrimination and discrimination against the socially weeks. Earlier in the essay, we talked

about children, students and the elderly who were subject to discrimination. This is not a social

status achieved by effort, but just a natural status according to growth and time, and no one can

escape. Because time is a natural law that applies equally to anyone. In other words, the

discrimination I have inflicted on someone today has the boomerang effect of coming back to me

in the future. Therefore, we need to take a deep look at this issue. To prevent my children, parents,

family, and friends from being subject to social discrimination.

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