Bus Group No. 2

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1. .MORGAN EDWIN 31302564T.17
2. BEATHA D KUMALIJA 31302004/T17
3. JANETH L MWALONGO 31302477/T.17
4. MHAVILE AMANI 31302031/T.17
5. DEUS SHIJA 31302075/T17
6. ALKANGELA K. CLEMENCE 31302009/T.17
7. TEDDY NYUMBA MGENDI 31302386/T.17
8. PROSPER A. MGIMBA 31208349/T17
10. BOSCO J. MWAKALINGA 31302756/T.17


Make a case both for and against statement that ”the customer is always right”
Customer; is any person, a company or other entity which buys goods and services or
other entity which buys goods and services or holds the potential to undertake activities that offer
long term value to an organization. Is an individual or business that purchases the goods or
services produced by a business. There are several types of customers include internal and
external, where by the external customers are those customers from outsides the organization that
can be the end user customer or manufactures for suppliers. The internal customer that are the
customer within the organization such as employee. Also there are the basic types of customers
these are current, past and potential customers. Current customers are those new customers who
seek for the goods or services, past customers are those customers who were there and make
contributions of buying goods and services but they shifted and potential customers are the
customers who are capable of becoming a purchaser of product and services from an

To make a case both for and against the statement that “the customer is always right”
starting on the side of agree that customer is always right this due to the following points;

Customer Feedback; customer is always right because he or she provides for the feedback or
information about service or goods we offered to them can be either in terms of complaint or
normal information about goods and services we offering to them, so through this service
provider take this as a challenge to improve the quality of goods

Customer need satisfaction; always customer when demanding a certain service him or her
always expect getting certain level of satisfaction towards certain service or product. here the
service provider fails to provide to meet the customer expectation, always will not satisfy the
customer and here the customer will complaint to the service provider and here the customer is
right since he or she needs satisfaction, therefore meeting customer expectation is most valuable
part of customer satisfaction.

The customer makes business; here customer is always right because he or she makes prompt
payment to our product and services which acts as the source of income towards our business, on
other hand customer make voluntary advertisement to their fellow towards our products and
services which this increases the numbers of customer in our business thus why customer is
always right.
Business ethics, here the organization establishes the codes of conducts, rules and defining and
teaching the organization department and employees at large on code of conduct that will treat
customer as valuable assets to the organization, the business ethics classes also teach that all
department with a business establishment should have uniform code of conduct. This code of
conduct should display th heart of the business which should include love and loyality to the
customers. That is the culture of the business organization to treat customer well judge customer
as always right.

Apart from the points of agree that customer is always right also some time customer is not
always right due to the following points of discussion;

Customer is not an expert, this is because there are customers who don’t have enough
knowledge and skills about services and products on how they are manufactured served and
features of the given products, for example know it all customers are the good example of this
part because they think that they know each and every thing about a certain product while in real
sense they don’t have enough research and skills about a given product or services.

Business company has limited resources; sometimes customer complaint since they set high
expectations toward the product and service of a given company or organization, while fails to
meet those customer expectation of the customer since because the organization operate with the
limited resources including time, funds and energy that direct affects the customer to complaint
while the organization not intend to provide service under low capacity but is due to the limited
resource available.

Bad customer create bad image experience to other, this imply that in the process of
providing service to customer, sometimes happen that some customer who gets services form the
service provider may complaints towards the products and services offered which eventually can
spread the bad information to their fellow customers which direct may affect the direct the
business where numbers of customer may decrease since they will perceive in negative as they
are fellow customer. For example meek customer they not complaint to the service provider
while they tend to complaint outside to their fellow customer.
Customer not have enough information about the organization policy and guidelines; as the
policy is framework of whole organization which used in making decision towards provision of
services; therefore some customer complain because they feel that the service provided is not
good and feel as unsatisfactory with that service this is because the some customer are not aware
of the guidelines and policies and requirements to services. For example when a customer
require a certain service or product but there are requirements to meet the services but in really
sense the customer can not get that service since he or she did not meet the requirements.

The customers sometimes are right and also customer are not right, but the but is the duty of
business firm to treat the customer as a king there fore the customer are always right since
without customers the business firm or organization cannot exist due to their difference merits to
the firm, they provide feedback to the firm so that the firm can make necessary improvement
towards the poor service that lead the customer to complain which this will made the business
firm to take advantages of improvements, customer they advertise the business outside to other
customer which this will increase the number of market shares and sale revenue and through
customer is were the business firm can decision of which product the organization will come
with based on the demands and the needs of customers.
Gronroos. C, (2000), Service management and marketing, Acustomer relationship management

Cook S. (2008); Customer Care Excellence; How to Create an Effective Customer Focus, 5th
Edition,Kogan Page, UK.

Zoithaml, V. A &Bitner, M. J, (2008); Services Marketing; Integrating Customer Focus Across

The Firms; McGraw-Hill, New York.

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