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NeuroRehabilitation 41 (2017) 687–694 687

IOS Press

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III:

Normative data for Spanish-speaking
pediatric population
L. Olabarrieta-Landaa , D. Riverab , J.A. Ibáñez-Alfonsoc , N. Albaladejo-Blázquezd ,
P. Martı́n-Loboe , I.D. Delgado-Mejı́af , L. Larag , B.V. Rabago Barajash , A.M. Rodriguez Salgadoi ,
L.A. Paredes Quispej , I. Romero-Garcı́ak , J. Velázquez-Cardosol , C. Garcı́a de la Cadenam ,
I. Fernandez-Agisg,n , A. Padilla-Lópezo , G.P. Hernández Agurciap , A. Marı́n-Moralesq ,
A. Corral San Josér and J.C. Arango-Lasprillab,s,∗
a Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
b BioCruces Health Research Institute, Cruces University Hospital, Barakaldo, Spain
c Department of Psychology, Universidad Loyola Andalucı́a, Sevilla, Spain
d Department of Health Psychology, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
e Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), Logroño, Spain
f Universidad Autónoma de Asunción (UAA), Asunción, Paraguay
g Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Talca, Chile
h Departamento de Neurociencias, Universidad de Guadalajara (CUCS), Guadalajara, México
i National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery INN, Havana, Cuba
j Universidad Católica San Pablo, Arequipa, Perú
k Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto de San Germán, Puerto Rico
l Instituto Nacional de Neurologı́a y Neurocirugı́a, MVS, Ciudad de México, México
m Departamento de Psicologı́a, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guatemala
n Research Center CERNEP, Almeria University, Almerı́a, Spain
o Laboratorio de Psicofisiologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California,

Mexicali, México
p Escuela de Ciencias Psicológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
q CIMCYC-The Mind, Brain and Behaviour Research Centre, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain
r Hospital de Especialidades Eugenio Espejo, Servicio de Psicologı́a Clı́nica, Quito, Ecuador
s IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao, Spain

OBJECTIVE: To generate normative data for the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III (PPVT-III) in Spanish-speaking
pediatric populations.
METHOD: The sample consisted of 4,373 healthy children from nine countries in Latin America (Chile, Cuba, Ecuador,
Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Puerto Rico) and Spain. Each participant was administered the PPVT-III
as part of a larger neuropsychological battery. PPVT-III scores were normed using multiple linear regressions and standard
deviations of residual values. Age, age2 , sex, and mean level of parental education (MLPE) were included as predictors in
the analyses.

∗ Address for correspondence: Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla,

Ph.D., BioCruces Health Research Institute, Cruces Univer- Plaza de Cruces s/n. 48903, Barakaldo, Bizkaia, Spain. Tel.:
sity Hospital, IKERBASQUE Basque Foundation for Science, +34 946006000/Ext. 7963; E-mail:

1053-8135/17/$35.00 © 2017 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
688 L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

RESULTS: The final multiple linear regression models showed main effects for age in all countries, such that scores increased
linearly as a function of age. In addition, age2 had a significant effect in all countries, except Guatemala and Paraguay. Models
showed that children whose parent(s) had a MLPE >12 years obtained higher scores compared to children whose parent(s)
had a MLPE ≤12 years in all countries, except for Cuba, Peru, and Puerto Rico. Sex affected scores for Chile, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Mexico, and Spain.
CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest Spanish-speaking pediatric normative study in the world, and it will allow neuropsy-
chologists from these countries to have a more accurate interpretation of the PPVT-III when used in pediatric populations.

Keywords: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III, neuropsychology, Spanish-speaking populations, pediatric population

1. Introduction (PPVT-R) was developed, which sought to reduce

gender, religion or race bias. At that time, the norm-
Vocabulary is generally defined as the knowledge a ing sample included children as well as adults in the
person has regarding words and their meaning (Butler USA (2 years and a half to 40 years of age), and two
et al., 2010). Two types of vocabulary are identified: parallel forms were created (Forms L and M). For the
expressive vocabulary, which alludes to the words third edition, in 1997, a concerted effort was made
that a person can produce, and receptive vocabulary, to include minority populations in the USA, such
which refers to the words that are acquired visually or as Asians, African Americans, Hispanics and Native
aurally; that is, words that can be learned by hearing Americans. At this time, the age range was extended
someone or by reading (Burger & Chong, 2011). to 90 years of age. The USA edition has two parallel
Vocabulary development in children is fundamen- forms (Forms A and B), but the version from Spain
tal for adequate school progress. Studies have shown only has one. According to the authors of the manual,
that deficiencies in this aspect interfere with aca- this decision was prompted by their understanding
demic success resulting in reading comprehension that in the Hispanic context, the psychologist rarely
difficulties (Pearson, Hiebert, & Kamil, 2007; Stahl needs two parallel versions to evaluate one aptitude
& Fairbanks, 1986), and subsequent problems in (Dunn et al., 2010). For the Spanish norming, a total
the acquisition of new vocabulary. Studies also indi- of 2,550 persons representing 19 provinces in Spain
cate that the vocabulary level attained by children were included (Dunn et al., 2010). Lastly, the most
is related to their overall linguistic and cognitive recent version was published in 2007, the PPVT-IV.
abilities (Feldman et al., 2005; Fernald, Perfors, & However, currently there is no version of that edition
Marchman, 2006; Marchman & Fernald, 2008). for Spain or any Latin American country. For that
One of the most frequently utilized instruments reason, the PPVT-III was used in the present study.
in the measurement of vocabulary is the Peabody The PPVT-III was developed with the aim of being
Picture Vocabulary Test-III (PPVT-III) (Pankratz, a culturally valid instrument. For that reason, as was
Morrison, & Plante, 2004; Stockman, 2000). The test previously mentioned in this document, the norming
was developed to measure receptive vocabulary and samples were broader and included ethnic minority
to quickly determine verbal aptitude in a wide range representatives. This resulted in a third edition, which
of ages (2 years and a half to 90 years old; Dunn, is the least culturally biased when compared to other
Dunn, & Arribas, 2010). The test involves present- versions of the PPVT. Evidence of adequate perfor-
ing four images while the examiner says a word. The mance of this test has been obtained in studies with
examinee must then indicate which image best rep- ethnic minority participants. For example, Washing-
resents the word said by the examiner (Dunn et al., ton and Craig (1999) found that the PPVT-III was an
2010). The test advantages include quick adminis- appropriate instrument for use with African Amer-
tration time (between 10–15 minutes) and little oral ican children. Haitana, Pitama, & Rucklidge (2010)
communication from the examiner or the examinee, found the same with a sample of Maori children. Even
who can simply point to the answers. Accordingly, so, there are researchers who argue that the inclusion
this test is particularly valuable for use with persons of minority groups in the standardization sample does
who are illiterate or those with aphasia, autism or not free an instrument from cultural biases (Haitana
cerebral palsy (Dunn et al., 2010). et al., 2010). For example, a vocabulary test is based
The first edition was published in the United States on the knowledge of word meaning, which can
of America (USA; Dunn, 1959) and was normed on change depending on cultural experience (Stockman,
Caucasian children. Later, in 1981, the PPVT revised 2000). This implies that word meaning can vary
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III 689

between people of different linguistic communities lowing criteria: a) between 6 and 17 years of age,
due to cultural nuances. b) born and currently lived in a country where the
One must remember that the PPVT was initially study was conducted, c) Spanish as primary language,
created for use with English-speaking persons in the d) an IQ ≥80 on the Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence
USA. Although it was translated into Spanish, and a (TONI-2, Brown, Sherbenou, & Johnsen, 2009), and
Hispanic American version has been available since e) scored <19 on the Children’s Depression Inventory
1986 (Dunn, Lugo, Padilla, & Dunn, 1986), the stan- (CDI, Kovacs, 1992).
dardization of the PPVT-III was carried out only in Children with history of neurologic or psychiatric
Spain. For that reason, the use of the Spaniard norms disorders, as reported by the participant’s parent(s),
in Latin American countries may not be adequate, were excluded due to its effects on cognitive perfor-
even with the commonality of the Spanish language. mance. Participants in the study were from public
Not only is their cultural background different, so and private schools, and signed an informed consent.
is the frequency with which a specific word is used Socio-demographic and participant characteristics
in each country. For example, the word “calcetı́n” for each of the countries’ samples have been reported
[sock] is known by most Spanish-speakers, but it is elsewhere (Rivera & Arango-Lasprilla, 2017). Ethics
not a frequently used word in Colombia, where it Committee approval was obtained for the study in
is commonly referred to as “media”. Today, many each country.
professionals in Latin American countries utilize the
PPVT-III version from Spain. However, despite its 2.2. Instrument administration
frequent use, norms for the PPVT-III are not available
for Latin American countries. This makes it necessary The PPVT-III has the dual purpose of measur-
to provide normative data for this population. ing receptive vocabulary and serving as a screening
Furthermore, even though normative data is avail- method for verbal aptitude for children two and a
able for the population of Spain, it dates to the half years and older (Bell, Lassiter, Matthews, &
year 2003. Language changes overtime, and thus, the Hutchinso, 2001). The test consists of 4 training
degree of difficulty of the PPVT-III stimuli may have sheets and 192 test sheets arranged in order of increas-
transformed due to the frequency in the use of words ing difficulty (Dunn & Dunn, 1997). Each test sheet
by the current population. Words can change their includes 4 black and white images, of which the par-
meaning or can be substituted for others of increased ticipant has to select the image that best corresponds
present-day use. For example, several years ago the to the word prompt (Dunn et al., 2010). To get the total
word “jolgorio” [revelry] was commonly utilized, but score subtract the number of errors from the ceiling
currently it is seldom used, and “fiesta ruidosa” [noisy item.
party] is more commonplace. Thus, updated norms
are also required for the population of Spain. 2.3. Statistical analyses
In view of the previously stated information,
obtaining updated and adequate norms for each pop- Detailed statistical analyses used to generate the
ulation is necessary. For that reason, the objective of normative data for the PPVT-III Total score are
the present study was to develop normative data for described in Rivera & Arango-Lasprilla (2017).
children and adolescents of nine countries in Latin In summary, the scores were standardized using
America (Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Hon- multiple linear regressions analyses by means of
duras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Puerto Rico) and a four-step procedure. 1) First, the PPVT-III Total
Spain. scores were computed by means of the final multiple
regression models. The full regression models
included as predictors: age, age2 , sex, and mean level
2. Method of parental education (MLPE). Age was centered
(= calendar age – mean age in the sample by country)
2.1. Participants before computing the quadratic age term to avoid
multicollinearity (Aiken & West, 1991). Sex was
The sample consisted of 4,373 healthy children coded as male = 1 and female = 0. The MLPE variable
recruited from Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, was coded as 1 if the participant’s parent(s) had >12
Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, and years of education or 0 if participant’s parent(s) had
Spain. Participants were selected according to the fol- ≤12 years of education. If predicted variables were
690 L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

not statistically significant in the multivariate model Table 1

with an alpha of 0.05, the non-significant variables Final multiple linear regression models for PPVT-III
were removed and the model reanalyzed. A final B Std. t Sig. R2 SDe
regression model was conducted: ŷi = B0 + B1 · Error (residual)
   2 Chile
Age − x̄Age by country i +B2 · Age − x̄Age by country i
Constant 114.704 1.981 57.902 <0.001 0.551 20.356
+ B3 · Sexi + B4 · MLPEi . 2) Residual scores were Age 6.367 0.306 20.780 <0.001
calculated based on the final model (ei = yi − ŷi ). Age2 –0.262 0.100 –2.631 0.009
3) Residuals were standardized using the residual MLPE 6.285 2.236 2.811 0.005
Standard Deviation (SDe ) value provided by the Sex 9.427 2.118 4.451 <0.001
regression model: zi = ei /SDe . 4) Standardized
Constant 133.599 1.006 132.797 <0.001 0.721 12.962
residuals were converted to percentile values using Age 5.856 0.193 30.365 <0.001
the standard normal cumulative distribution function. Age2 –0.456 0.063 –7.206 <0.001
This four-step process was applied to PPVT-III Total Ecuador
score separately for each country. Constant 116.563 1.948 59.844 <0.001 0.655 14.145
For all multiple linear regression models, the Age 5.508 0.241 22.881 <0.001
Age2 –0.483 0.080 –6.034 <0.001
following assumptions were evaluated: a) multi- MLPE 6.266 1.889 3.317 0.001
collinearity by the values of the Variance Inflation Sex 4.098 1.681 2.438 0.015
Factor (VIF), which must not exceed 10, and the Guatemala
collinearity tolerance values, which must not exceed Constant 103.874 2.066 50.279 <0.001 0.460 18.012
the value of 1 (Kutner, Nachtsheim, Neter, & Li, Age 6.276 0.528 11.882 <0.001
MLPE 9.077 2.964 3.062 0.003
2005), and b) the existence of influential values Sex 6.222 2.601 2.392 0.018
by calculating the Cook’s distance. The maximum Honduras
Cook’s distance value was related to a F (p, n − p) Constant 118.294 1.554 76.146 <0.001 0.625 15.403
distribution. Influential values are considered when Age 6.171 0.284 21.765 <0.001
percentile value is equal or higher than 50 (Cook, Age2 –0.410 0.091 –4.487 <0.001
MLPE 4.014 1.830 2.194 0.029
1977; Kutner et al., 2005). All analyzes were Mexico
performed using SPSS version 23 (IBM Corp., Constant 113.878 1.146 99.366 <0.001 0.667 16.194
Armonk, NY). Age 6.218 0.153 40.519 <0.001
Age2 –0.521 0.051 –10.272 <0.001
MLPE 10.849 1.079 10.059 <0.001
3. Results Sex 3.755 1.071 3.506 <0.001
Constant 114.672 2.300 49.855 <0.001 0.465 23.707
The final multivariate linear regression models for Age 6.130 0.396 15.481 <0.001
the ten country-specific PPVT-III Total scores were MLPE 10.000 2.876 3.476 0.001
significant (see Table 1). In all countries, the PPVT- Peru
Constant 127.990 1.396 91.651 <0.001 0.665 17.105
III Total scores increased linearly as a function of Age 6.843 0.286 23.898 <0.001
age. The PPVT-III Total scores for Chile, Cuba, Age2 –0.405 0.094 –4.310 <0.001
Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Puerto Rico
Spain were also affected by a quadratic age effect. Constant 120.607 1.915 62.977 <0.001 0.601 17.169
Age 5.686 0.367 15.491 <0.001
Children from Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Age2 –0.266 0.120 –2.209 0.028
Mexico, Paraguay, and Spain who had parent(s) with Spain
a MLPE >12 years obtained higher PPVT-III Total Constant 129.260 1.114 115.992 <0.001 0.691 15.411
score than children who had PPVT-III Total score Age 6.819 0.149 45.819 <0.001
Age2 –0.452 0.048 –9.394 <0.001
with a MLPE ≤12 years. The child’s sex affected the MLPE 6.390 1.033 6.184 <0.001
PPVT-III Total scores for Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Sex 3.892 0.992 3.924 <0.001
Mexico, and Spain, so that boys achieved higher Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
score than girls. The amount of variance these pre-
dictors explained in PPVT-III Total scores ranged
from 46.0% (in Guatemala) to 72.1% (in Cuba). ≤1.131; collinearity tolerance values did not exceed
The assumptions of multiple linear regression anal- the value of 1) or influential cases (the maximum
ysis were met for all final models. There was not Cook’s distance value was 0.184 in a F(3,212) distri-
multicollinearity (the VIF values were below 10; VIF bution which correspond to percentile 9).
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III 691

3.1. Normative procedure 4.436/16.194 = 0.273. This is the standardized z

score for an 8-year-old Mexican girl who scored
Norms (e.g., a percentile score) for the PPVT-III 102 on the PPVT-III Total score who has parent(s)
Total scores by country were established using the with a MLPE of 14 years. 4) The last step is to
four-step procedure described in the statistical anal- use the tables available in most statistical reference
ysis section. An example will be provided to facilitate books (e.g., Strauss, Sherman, & Spreen, 2006) to
understanding of the procedure used to obtain the per- convert z scores to percentiles. In this example, the z
centile associated with a score on this test. In order to score (probability) of 0.273 corresponds to the 61st
identify the percentile score for an 8-year-old Mexi- percentile.
can girl who scored 102 on the PPVT-III and whose
parent(s) have a MLPE of 14 years. The steps to obtain 3.2. User-friendly normative data
the percentile for this score are: 1) Find Mexico in
Table 1, which provides the final regression models The four-step normative procedures explained
by country for the PPVT-III Total score. Next, use the above offer the clinician the ability to determine an
B weights to create an equation that will allow for exact percentile for a child who has a specific score on
obtaining the predicted total score for this child using the PPVT-III Total score. However, this method can
the coding provided in the statistical analysis section. be prone to human error due to the number of required
The corresponding B weights are multiplied by the computations by hand. To enhance user-friendliness,
centered age (= calendar age – mean age in the Mex- the authors have completed these steps for a range of
ican sample which is equal to 11.4 years), centered raw scores based on age, sex, and MLPE and created
age2 (= calendar age – mean age in the Mexican sam- tables for clinicians to more easily obtain a percentile
ple which is equal to 11.4 years)2 , MLPE code based range/estimate associated with a given raw score on
on the 12 years of education threshold, and sex which this test. These tables are available by country in the
was coded as male = 1 and female = 0. See Rivera & Appendixes. In order to obtain an approximate per-
Arango-Lasprilla (2017) to find the mean age of each centile for the above example (converting a raw score
country’s sample. The result is then added to the con- of 102 on the PPVT-III Total score for a Mexican
stant generated by the model in order to calculate the girl who is 8 years old and whose parent(s) have
predicted value. 14 years of education) using the simplified norma-
In the case of the 8-year-old Mexican girl, the pre- tive tables provided in the Appendixes, the following
dicted PPVT-III Total score would be calculated using steps must be followed. (1) First, identify the appro-
the following equation: ŷi = 113.878 + [6.218 · priate table ensuring the appropriate country. In this
(Agei −11.4)]+[−0.521 · (Agei − 11.4)2 ]+(3.755 case, the table for the PPVT-III Total score for female
· Sex) + (10.849 · MLPE). The child’s age is 8 and of Mexico can be found in Table A10. (2) Next, the
the child’s sex is female, so the sex value is 0. The table is divided based on MLPE (≤12 vs. more than
MLPE (14 years) is split into either ≤12 years (and 12 years of education). Since the parent(s) had 14
assigned a 0) or more than 12 years (and assigned a 1) years of education, we will use the upper section of
in the model. Since the parent(s) of the hypothetical the table for >12 years of MLPE. (3) Find the appro-
child in the example have 14 years of education, the priate age of the child, in this case, 8 years old. (4)
MLPE value is 1. Thus, the predicted value equation Next, look in the 8 years’ age column to find the
is: ŷi = 113.878 + [6.218 · (8 − 11.4)] + [−0.521 · approximate location of the raw score obtained on
(8 − 11.4)2 ] + (3.755 · 0) + (10.849 · 1) = 113.878 the test. Within the 8 years’ column, the score of
+ (−21.141) + (−6.022) + 0 + 10.849 = 97.564. 102 obtained by this Mexican girl corresponds to an
2) In order to calculate the residual value (indicated approximate percentile of 60.
with an e in the equation), subtract the actual The percentile obtained using this user-friendly
PPVT-III Total score (she scored 102) from the table sometimes could be slightly different than the
predicted value we just calculated (ei = yi − ŷi ). In hand-calculated, more accurate method (61st vs. 60th )
this case, it would be ei = 102 − 97.564 = 4.436. 3) because the user-friendly table is based on a limited
Next, consult the SDe column in Table 1 to obtain the number of percentile values. Individual percentiles
country-specific SDe (residual) value. For Mexico, cannot be presented in these tables due to space lim-
it is 16.194. Using this value, we can transform the itations. If the exact score is not listed in the column,
residual value to a standardized z score using the you must estimate the percentile value from the list
equation zi = ei /SDe . In this case, the values are of raw scores available.
692 L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

4. Discussion The MLPE was also associated with PPVT-III

Total scores. Van der Elst, Hurks, Wassenberg, Meijs,
The purpose of the present study was to obtain & Jolles (2011) were the first to use MLPE as a
normative data for the PPVT-III for children and variable associated with verbal fluency tests in their
adolescents from nine Latin American countries normative data study. Van der Elst et al. (2011)
(Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mex- reported that children whose parent(s) had a higher
ico, Paraguay, Peru, and Puerto Rico) and Spain. The educational level did better on these tests as compared
final regression models for the PPVT-III accounted to children whose parent(s) had a lower educational
for 46.0% and 72.1% of the variance. level. Normative studies on the PPVT-III have not
There are very few normative data studies pub- developed norms using this variable but a number
lished for the PPVT-III, thus comparison with the of studies have looked at its influence on perfor-
existing literature is complicated. The age variable mance. For example, educational level of parent(s) of
was significantly related to the Total scores of the African-American children was related to the score
PPVT-III, such that scores increased linearly as obtained by children in the PPVT-III, such that chil-
children become older. This gradual increase in per- dren whose parent(s) had completed high school or
formance as age advances is in line with the results college, scored higher than children whose parent(s)
of a normative study carried out in Spain (Dunn had not finished high school (Washington & Craig,
et al., 2010). The authors reported a gradual increase 1999).
in the total score of the PPVT-III, with an increase The fact that parents’ educational level influences
being especially noticeable between the ages of 12 the score obtained by children in the PPVT-III is
and 16, until stabilization begins at the age of 17, not surprising since research has shown that vocab-
especially between 19 and 20 years of age (Dunn ulary level obtained by children depends to a large
et al., 2010). Results of the present study showed a extent on the environment in which they developed.
curvilinear relationship of age and relative scores on For example, children from higher socioeconomic
the PPVT-III (reference score was a 6-year-old boy backgrounds had a higher level of vocabulary than
with high-educated parents). This relationship indi- those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds (Hoff,
cates that relative scores increase as age advances, 2003). Similarly, children’s scores on the vocabulary
with the most prominent increase in younger children task of the British Ability Scales battery depended
than older ones. For example, the difference in rela- heavily on parental education (Becker, 2011). Thus,
tive scores for a 6-year-old boy with high-educated children whose parent(s) had a high educational level
parents (reference value) compared to a 7-year-old had a broader vocabulary than children whose parents
with the same characteristics ranges from 6.8% to had a lower educational level. In addition, this study
14% percent depending on country of origin, while showed that early schooling of children positively
the difference in relative scores for a 14-year-old with influenced the development of vocabulary, but only
those same characteristics compared to a 15-year-old in those children whose parent(s) had a lower educa-
is only 1.8% to 4.5%. tional level. It seems that the way parent(s) interact
This gradual increase in PPVT-III scores coin- with their children and the stimulation they offer
cides with studies that have attempted to determine (e.g. reading books) is helpful for language devel-
the development of vocabulary during childhood, opment as well as the socioeconomic level (Becker,
adolescence, and adulthood. For example, Biemiller 2011).
and Slonim (2001) estimated that English-speaking Finally, the variable gender was associated with
children in the second grade knew an average of performance in the PPVT-III, such as males achieves
5,200 words and attaining 8,400 words by the fifth higher scores than females. Dunn et al. (2010)
grade. According to Guerra, Williamson, & Lucas- found that gender had a small influence on PPVT-
Molina (2012), vocabulary continues to expand III Total scores, thus only norms based on age were
during middle childhood, reaching 40,000 words dur- created.
ing adolescence (18 years). Sullivan & Brown (2014)
also reported a progressive increase in vocabulary 4.1. Limitations and future directions
in people aged 16 to 42 years. In addition, vocabu-
lary is quite resistant to decline during normal aging, The study has some limitations. First, only children
which can remain stable and even improve over time whose primary language was Spanish were recruited.
(Harada, Love, & Triebel, 2013). Therefore, the results of this study cannot be general-
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III 693

ized to children who speak a region-specific language Conflict of interest

in addition to Spanish. This is noteworthy because
many countries in Latin America and Spain are mul- None to report.
tilingual (Chamoreau, 2014; Garrido Medina, 2007).
Future studies should develop norms in the languages
spoken in these countries. Supplementary material
Second, the results of this study cannot be gen-
eralized to other Latin American countries such as The Appendix tables are available in the electronic
Argentina, Bolivia, Panama or Venezuela. Future version of this article:
studies should obtain normative data for the PPVT-III NRE-172239.
in the Latin American countries not represented in the
present study. This will offer a more comprehensive
accounting of normative data in this region. References
Third, the samples collected in Chile, Mexico,
Paraguay, Puerto Rico, and Spain represent data from Aiken, L. S., & West, S. G. (1991). Multiple regression:
several areas of the countries, for the rest of the Testing and interpreting interactions. Newbury Park, CA:
countries of the study only children from a spe- Sage.
cific area were recruited. It would have been ideal Becker, B. (2011). Social disparities in children’s vocabulary in
to recruit children from different areas of all the early childhood. Does pre-school education help to close the
gap? The British Journal of Sociology, 62(1), 69-88.
countries represented. Future studies should expand Bell, N. L., Lassiter, K. S., Matthews, T. D., & Hutchinson,
the data from this study with samples from differ- M. B. (2001). Comparison of the peabody picture vocab-
ent regions within the countries. Likewise, most of ulary test—Third edition and Wechsler adult intelligence
the children were recruited from urban areas, thus scale—Third edition with university students. Journal of Clin-
future studies should include more children from ical Psychology, 57(3), 417-422.
Biemiller, A. & Slonim, N. (2001) Estimating root word vocab-
rural areas. ulary growth in normative and advantaged populations:
Fourth, the PPVT-III can be applied to children Evidence for a common sequence of vocabulary acquisition.
under the age of 6 and adults up to the age of 90; Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(3), 498-520.
thus, future studies could obtain normative data for Brown, L., Sherbenou, R. J., & Johnsen, S. K. (2009). Test de
children between the ages 2 and a half and 5, and inteligencia no verbal TONI-2. Madrid: TEA ediciones.
Burger, A., & Chong, I. (2011). Receptive vocabulary. In S. Gold-
adults between the ages 18 and 90. Finally, norma- stein & J. A. Naglieri. Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and
tive data were generated using healthy children and Development. Springer US.
adolescents. Future studies should include clinical Butler, S., Urrutia, K., Buenger, A., Gonzalez, N., Hunt, M., &
samples (e.g., children and adolescents with brain Eisenhart, C. (2010). A Research Synthesis: A Review of the
damage, epilepsy, etc.) in order to obtain cutoff points Current Research on Vocabulary Instruction. National reading
Technical Assistance Center, RMC Research Corporation.
and to calculate the sensitivity and specificity of the Chamoreau, C. (2014). Diversidad lingüı́stica en México.
PPVT-III. Amerindia - Langues du Mexique, 37(1), 3-20.
Cook, R. D. (1977). Detection of influential observation in lin-
4.2. Implications and conclusions ear regression. Technometrics, 19(1), 15-18. doi: 10.2307/
Dunn, L. M. (1959). Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. Minneapo-
The level of vocabulary acquisition is an important lis: American Guidance Service.
aspect to assess during neuropsychological evalua- Dunn, L. M., & Dunn, L. M. (1997). Examiner’s manual for the
tion, since vocabulary is closely related to reading Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Third Edition. Circle Pines,
comprehension and academic success. Professionals Minn.: American Guidance Service.
in Latin America and Spain often use the PPVT- Dunn, L. M., Dunn, L. M. & Arribas, D. (2010). PPVT-III Peabody
Test de vocabulario en imágenes. Manual. Madrid: TEA Edi-
III as a measure of vocabulary in both children and ciones.
adults during their clinical work. Now, profession- Dunn, L. M., Lugo, D. E, Padilla, E. R., & Dunn, L. M. (1986).
als from nine countries in Latin America and Spain Test de Vocabulario en Imágenes Peabody. American Guidance
have normative data available for the PPVT-III for Service; Circle Pines, MN.
children and adolescents. Availability of these norms Feldman, H. M., Dale, P. S., Campbell, T. F., Colborn, D. K.,
Kurs-Lasky, M., Rockette, H. E., & Paradise, J. L. (2005).
will be valuable for professionals in these countries Concurrent and predictive validity of parent reports of child
and enhance the evaluation and diagnosis for these language at ages 2 and 3 years. Child Development, 76(4),
groups. 856-868.
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Fernald, A., Perfors, A., & Marchman, V. A. (2006). Picking Pankratz, M., Morrison, A., & Plante, E. (2004). Difference in stan-
up speed in understanding: Speech processing efficiency and dard scores of adults on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
vocabulary growth across the 2nd year. Developmental Psy- (Revised and Third Edition). Journal of Speech, Language, and
chology. 42(1):98-116. Hearing Research, 47(3), 714-718.
Garrido Medina, J. C. (2007). Multilingüismo y lengua externa e Pearson, P. D., Hiebert, E. H., & Kamil, M. L. (2007). Vocabulary
interna en la polı́tica lingüı́stica en España. Anuario de estudios assessment: What we know and what we need to learn. Reading
filológicos, 30, 131-149. Research Quarterly, 42(2), 282-296.
Guerra, N. G., Williamson, A. A., & Lucas-Molina, B. (2012). Rivera, D., & Arango-Lasprilla, J. C. (2017). Methodology for the
Normal development: Infancy, childhood, and adolescence. In development of normative data for Spanish Speaking pediatric
J. M. Rey (ed), IACAPAP e-Textbook of Child and Adolescent population. NeuroRehabilitation.
Mental Health (pp. 1-39). Geneva: International Association Stahl, S. A., & Fairbanks, M. M. (1986). The effects of vocabulary
for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions instruction: A model-based meta-analysis. Review of Educa-
2012. tional Research, 56(1), 72-110.
Haitana, T., Pitama, S., & Rucklidge, J. J. (2010). Cultural biases in Stockman, I. J. (2000). The new Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-
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Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III: Normative Data
for Spanish Speaking Pediatric Population

Appendix tables
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A1. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age and MLPE for CHILE: BOYS
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 120.9 129.8 138.3 146.2 153.7 160.6 166.9 172.8 178.1 182.9 187.2 190.9
90 113.5 122.5 131.0 138.9 146.3 153.2 159.6 165.4 170.8 175.5 179.8 183.6
85 108.6 117.6 126.1 134.0 141.4 148.3 154.7 160.5 165.9 170.7 174.9 178.7
80 104.6 113.6 122.0 130.0 137.4 144.3 150.6 156.5 161.8 166.6 170.9 174.6
MLPE > 12 years

70 98.1 107.0 115.5 123.4 130.9 137.8 144.1 150.0 155.3 160.1 164.4 168.1
60 92.6 101.5 110.0 117.9 125.4 132.3 138.6 144.5 149.8 154.6 158.9 162.6
50 87.5 96.5 104.9 112.9 120.3 127.2 133.5 139.4 144.7 149.5 153.8 157.5
40 82.4 91.4 99.8 107.8 115.2 122.1 128.4 134.3 139.6 144.4 148.7 152.4
30 76.9 85.9 94.3 102.3 109.7 116.6 122.9 128.8 134.1 138.9 143.2 146.9
20 70.4 79.4 87.8 95.8 103.2 110.1 116.4 122.3 127.6 132.4 136.7 140.4
15 66.3 75.3 83.8 91.7 99.1 106.0 112.4 118.2 123.5 128.3 132.6 136.3
10 61.4 70.4 78.9 86.8 94.2 101.1 107.5 113.3 118.6 123.4 127.7 131.5
5 54.1 63.1 71.5 79.5 86.9 93.8 100.2 106.0 111.3 116.1 120.4 124.1

95 114.6 123.6 132.0 140.0 147.4 154.3 160.6 166.5 171.8 176.6 180.9 184.6
90 107.2 116.2 124.7 132.6 140.0 146.9 153.3 159.1 164.5 169.3 173.5 177.3
85 102.4 111.3 119.8 127.7 135.2 142.1 148.4 154.3 159.6 164.4 168.7 172.4
80 98.3 107.3 115.7 123.7 131.1 138.0 144.3 150.2 155.5 160.3 164.6 168.3
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 91.8 100.8 109.2 117.2 124.6 131.5 137.8 143.7 149.0 153.8 158.1 161.8
60 86.3 95.3 103.7 111.7 119.1 126.0 132.3 138.2 143.5 148.3 152.6 156.3
50 81.2 90.2 98.6 106.6 114.0 120.9 127.2 133.1 138.4 143.2 147.5 151.2
40 76.1 85.1 93.5 101.5 108.9 115.8 122.2 128.0 133.3 138.1 142.4 146.1
30 70.6 79.6 88.1 96.0 103.4 110.3 116.7 122.5 127.8 132.6 136.9 140.6
20 64.1 73.1 81.5 89.5 96.9 103.8 110.1 116.0 121.3 126.1 130.4 134.1
15 60.0 69.0 77.5 85.4 92.8 99.7 106.1 111.9 117.2 122.0 126.3 130.1
10 55.1 64.1 72.6 80.5 87.9 94.8 101.2 107.0 112.4 117.2 121.4 125.2
5 47.8 56.8 65.3 73.2 80.6 87.5 93.9 99.7 105.0 109.8 114.1 117.8
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A2. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age and MLPE for CHILE: GIRLS
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 111.4 120.4 128.9 136.8 144.2 151.1 157.5 163.3 168.7 173.5 177.7 181.5
90 104.1 113.1 121.6 129.5 136.9 143.8 150.2 156.0 161.3 166.1 170.4 174.1
85 99.2 108.2 116.7 124.6 132.0 138.9 145.3 151.1 156.4 161.2 165.5 169.3
80 95.1 104.1 112.6 120.5 127.9 134.8 141.2 147.1 152.4 157.2 161.4 165.2
MLPE > 12 years

70 88.6 97.6 106.1 114.0 121.4 128.3 134.7 140.5 145.9 150.7 154.9 158.7
60 83.1 92.1 100.6 108.5 115.9 122.8 129.2 135.0 140.4 145.2 149.4 153.2
50 78.0 87.0 95.5 103.4 110.8 117.7 124.1 130.0 135.3 140.1 144.3 148.1
40 73.0 81.9 90.4 98.3 105.8 112.7 119.0 124.9 130.2 135.0 139.2 143.0
30 67.5 76.4 84.9 92.8 100.3 107.2 113.5 119.4 124.7 129.5 133.8 137.5
20 60.9 69.9 78.4 86.3 93.7 100.6 107.0 112.9 118.2 123.0 127.2 131.0
15 56.9 65.9 74.3 82.3 89.7 96.6 102.9 108.8 114.1 118.9 123.2 126.9
10 52.0 61.0 69.4 77.4 84.8 91.7 98.1 103.9 109.2 114.0 118.3 122.0
5 44.7 53.6 62.1 70.0 77.5 84.4 90.7 96.6 101.9 106.7 111.0 114.7

95 105.1 114.1 122.6 130.5 137.9 144.8 151.2 157.0 162.4 167.2 171.4 175.2
90 97.8 106.8 115.3 123.2 130.6 137.5 143.9 149.7 155.0 159.8 164.1 167.9
85 92.9 101.9 110.4 118.3 125.7 132.6 139.0 144.8 150.2 155.0 159.2 163.0
80 88.9 97.8 106.3 114.2 121.7 128.6 134.9 140.8 146.1 150.9 155.2 158.9
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 82.3 91.3 99.8 107.7 115.1 122.0 128.4 134.3 139.6 144.4 148.6 152.4
60 76.8 85.8 94.3 102.2 109.7 116.5 122.9 128.8 134.1 138.9 143.1 146.9
50 71.8 80.7 89.2 97.1 104.6 111.5 117.8 123.7 129.0 133.8 138.1 141.8
40 66.7 75.7 84.1 92.1 99.5 106.4 112.7 118.6 123.9 128.7 133.0 136.7
30 61.2 70.2 78.6 86.6 94.0 100.9 107.2 113.1 118.4 123.2 127.5 131.2
20 54.7 63.6 72.1 80.0 87.5 94.4 100.7 106.6 111.9 116.7 121.0 124.7
15 50.6 59.6 68.0 76.0 83.4 90.3 96.7 102.5 107.8 112.6 116.9 120.6
10 45.7 54.7 63.2 71.1 78.5 85.4 91.8 97.6 102.9 107.7 112.0 115.7
5 38.4 47.4 55.8 63.8 71.2 78.1 84.4 90.3 95.6 100.4 104.7 108.4
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A3. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age for CUBA
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 108.9 119.3 128.8 137.4 145.0 151.8 157.7 162.6 166.6 169.8 172.0 173.3
90 104.2 114.6 124.1 132.7 140.4 147.1 153.0 157.9 162.0 165.1 167.3 168.6
85 101.1 111.5 121.0 129.6 137.3 144.0 149.9 154.8 158.9 162.0 164.2 165.5
80 98.5 108.9 118.4 127.0 134.7 141.4 147.3 152.2 156.3 159.4 161.6 162.9
70 94.3 104.8 114.3 122.8 130.5 137.3 143.2 148.1 152.1 155.3 157.5 158.8
60 90.8 101.3 110.8 119.3 127.0 133.8 139.7 144.6 148.6 151.8 154.0 155.3
50 87.6 98.0 107.5 116.1 123.8 130.6 136.4 141.4 145.4 148.5 150.7 152.0
40 84.4 94.8 104.3 112.9 120.5 127.3 133.2 138.1 142.1 145.3 147.5 148.8
30 80.9 91.3 100.8 109.4 117.0 123.8 129.7 134.6 138.6 141.8 144.0 145.3
20 76.7 87.1 96.6 105.2 112.9 119.7 125.5 130.5 134.5 137.6 139.8 141.1
15 74.1 84.5 94.0 102.6 110.3 117.1 122.9 127.9 131.9 135.0 137.2 138.5
10 71.0 81.4 90.9 99.5 107.2 114.0 119.8 124.8 128.8 131.9 134.1 135.4
5 66.3 76.8 86.3 94.9 102.5 109.3 115.2 120.1 124.1 127.3 129.5 130.8

L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A4. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age and MLPE for ECUADOR: BOYS
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 106.3 116.5 125.8 134.1 141.5 147.8 153.3 157.7 161.2 163.7 165.2 165.8
90 101.2 111.5 120.7 129.0 136.4 142.8 148.2 152.6 156.1 158.6 160.2 160.7
85 97.8 108.1 117.3 125.6 133.0 139.4 144.8 149.2 152.7 155.2 156.8 157.3
80 95.0 105.2 114.5 122.8 130.2 136.5 141.9 146.4 149.9 152.4 153.9 154.5
MLPE > 12 years

70 90.5 100.7 110.0 118.3 125.6 132.0 137.4 141.9 145.3 147.9 149.4 150.0
60 86.6 96.9 106.2 114.5 121.8 128.2 133.6 138.0 141.5 144.0 145.6 146.2
50 83.1 93.3 102.6 110.9 118.3 124.6 130.1 134.5 138.0 140.5 142.1 142.6
40 79.6 89.8 99.1 107.4 114.7 121.1 126.5 131.0 134.4 137.0 138.5 139.1
30 75.8 86.0 95.3 103.6 110.9 117.3 122.7 127.1 130.6 133.1 134.7 135.3
20 71.2 81.5 90.7 99.0 106.4 112.8 118.2 122.6 126.1 128.6 130.2 130.8
15 68.4 78.6 87.9 96.2 103.6 109.9 115.3 119.8 123.3 125.8 127.3 127.9
10 65.0 75.2 84.5 92.8 100.2 106.5 112.0 116.4 119.9 122.4 123.9 124.5
5 59.9 70.2 79.4 87.7 95.1 101.4 106.9 111.3 114.8 117.3 118.9 119.4

95 100.0 110.3 119.6 127.9 135.2 141.6 147.0 151.4 154.9 157.4 159.0 159.6
90 94.9 105.2 114.5 122.8 130.1 136.5 141.9 146.3 149.8 152.3 153.9 154.5
85 91.6 101.8 111.1 119.4 126.7 133.1 138.5 142.9 146.4 148.9 150.5 151.1
80 88.7 99.0 108.2 116.5 123.9 130.3 135.7 140.1 143.6 146.1 147.7 148.3
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 84.2 94.4 103.7 112.0 119.4 125.7 131.1 135.6 139.1 141.6 143.1 143.7
60 80.4 90.6 99.9 108.2 115.5 121.9 127.3 131.8 135.3 137.8 139.3 139.9
50 76.8 87.1 96.4 104.7 112.0 118.4 123.8 128.2 131.7 134.2 135.8 136.4
40 73.3 83.5 92.8 101.1 108.5 114.8 120.3 124.7 128.2 130.7 132.2 132.8
30 69.5 79.7 89.0 97.3 104.6 111.0 116.4 120.9 124.4 126.9 128.4 129.0
20 65.0 75.2 84.5 92.8 100.1 106.5 111.9 116.4 119.8 122.4 123.9 124.5
15 62.1 72.4 81.6 90.0 97.3 103.7 109.1 113.5 117.0 119.5 121.1 121.7
10 58.7 69.0 78.2 86.6 93.9 100.3 105.7 110.1 113.6 116.1 117.7 118.3
5 53.6 63.9 73.2 81.5 88.8 95.2 100.6 105.0 108.5 111.0 112.6 113.2
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A5. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age and MLPE for ECUADOR: GIRLS
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 102.2 112.4 121.7 130.0 137.4 143.7 149.2 153.6 157.1 159.6 161.2 161.7
90 97.1 107.4 116.6 124.9 132.3 138.7 144.1 148.5 152.0 154.5 156.1 156.6
85 93.7 104.0 113.2 121.5 128.9 135.3 140.7 145.1 148.6 151.1 152.7 153.3
80 90.9 101.1 110.4 118.7 126.1 132.4 137.8 142.3 145.8 148.3 149.8 150.4
MLPE > 12 years

70 86.4 96.6 105.9 114.2 121.5 127.9 133.3 137.8 141.2 143.8 145.3 145.9
60 82.5 92.8 102.1 110.4 117.7 124.1 129.5 133.9 137.4 139.9 141.5 142.1
50 79.0 89.3 98.5 106.8 114.2 120.5 126.0 130.4 133.9 136.4 138.0 138.5
40 75.5 85.7 95.0 103.3 110.6 117.0 122.4 126.9 130.4 132.9 134.4 135.0
30 71.7 81.9 91.2 99.5 106.8 113.2 118.6 123.1 126.5 129.0 130.6 131.2
20 67.1 77.4 86.6 94.9 102.3 108.7 114.1 118.5 122.0 124.5 126.1 126.7
15 64.3 74.5 83.8 92.1 99.5 105.8 111.2 115.7 119.2 121.7 123.2 123.8
10 60.9 71.1 80.4 88.7 96.1 102.4 107.9 112.3 115.8 118.3 119.8 120.4
5 55.8 66.1 75.3 83.6 91.0 97.4 102.8 107.2 110.7 113.2 114.8 115.3

95 95.9 106.2 115.5 123.8 131.1 137.5 142.9 147.3 150.8 153.3 154.9 155.5
90 90.9 101.1 110.4 118.7 126.0 132.4 137.8 142.2 145.7 148.2 149.8 150.4
85 87.5 97.7 107.0 115.3 122.6 129.0 134.4 138.9 142.3 144.8 146.4 147.0
80 84.6 94.9 104.1 112.4 119.8 126.2 131.6 136.0 139.5 142.0 143.6 144.2
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 80.1 90.3 99.6 107.9 115.3 121.6 127.0 131.5 135.0 137.5 139.0 139.6
60 76.3 86.5 95.8 104.1 111.4 117.8 123.2 127.7 131.2 133.7 135.2 135.8
50 72.7 83.0 92.3 100.6 107.9 114.3 119.7 124.1 127.6 130.1 131.7 132.3
40 69.2 79.4 88.7 97.0 104.4 110.7 116.2 120.6 124.1 126.6 128.2 128.7
30 65.4 75.6 84.9 93.2 100.6 106.9 112.3 116.8 120.3 122.8 124.3 124.9
20 60.9 71.1 80.4 88.7 96.0 102.4 107.8 112.3 115.7 118.3 119.8 120.4
15 58.0 68.3 77.5 85.9 93.2 99.6 105.0 109.4 112.9 115.4 117.0 117.6
10 54.6 64.9 74.2 82.5 89.8 96.2 101.6 106.0 109.5 112.0 113.6 114.2
5 49.5 59.8 69.1 77.4 84.7 91.1 96.5 100.9 104.4 106.9 108.5 109.1
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A6. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age and MLPE for GUATEMALA: BOYS
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 119.2 125.5 131.8 138.0 144.3 150.6 156.9 163.1 169.4 175.7 182.0 188.2
90 112.7 119.0 125.3 131.6 137.8 144.1 150.4 156.7 162.9 169.2 175.5 181.8
85 108.4 114.7 121.0 127.2 133.5 139.8 146.1 152.3 158.6 164.9 171.2 177.4
80 104.8 111.1 117.4 123.6 129.9 136.2 142.5 148.7 155.0 161.3 167.6 173.8
MLPE > 12 years

70 99.0 105.3 111.6 117.9 124.1 130.4 136.7 143.0 149.2 155.5 161.8 168.1
60 94.2 100.5 106.7 113.0 119.3 125.6 131.8 138.1 144.4 150.7 156.9 163.2
50 89.7 96.0 102.2 108.5 114.8 121.1 127.3 133.6 139.9 146.2 152.4 158.7
40 85.2 91.5 97.7 104.0 110.3 116.6 122.8 129.1 135.4 141.7 147.9 154.2
30 80.3 86.6 92.9 99.1 105.4 111.7 118.0 124.2 130.5 136.8 143.1 149.3
20 74.5 80.8 87.1 93.4 99.7 105.9 112.2 118.5 124.8 131.0 137.3 143.6
15 70.9 77.2 83.5 89.8 96.0 102.3 108.6 114.9 121.2 127.4 133.7 140.0
10 66.6 72.9 79.2 85.4 91.7 98.0 104.3 110.6 116.8 123.1 129.4 135.7
5 60.1 66.4 72.7 79.0 85.2 91.5 97.8 104.1 110.3 116.6 122.9 129.2

95 110.1 116.4 122.7 129.0 135.2 141.5 147.8 154.1 160.3 166.6 172.9 179.2
90 103.7 109.9 116.2 122.5 128.8 135.0 141.3 147.6 153.9 160.1 166.4 172.7
85 99.3 105.6 111.9 118.2 124.4 130.7 137.0 143.3 149.5 155.8 162.1 168.4
80 95.7 102.0 108.3 114.6 120.8 127.1 133.4 139.7 145.9 152.2 158.5 164.8
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 90.0 96.2 102.5 108.8 115.1 121.3 127.6 133.9 140.2 146.4 152.7 159.0
60 85.1 91.4 97.7 103.9 110.2 116.5 122.8 129.0 135.3 141.6 147.9 154.1
50 80.6 86.9 93.2 99.4 105.7 112.0 118.3 124.5 130.8 137.1 143.4 149.6
40 76.1 82.4 88.6 94.9 101.2 107.5 113.8 120.0 126.3 132.6 138.9 145.1
30 71.2 77.5 83.8 90.1 96.3 102.6 108.9 115.2 121.4 127.7 134.0 140.3
20 65.5 71.7 78.0 84.3 90.6 96.8 103.1 109.4 115.7 122.0 128.2 134.5
15 61.9 68.1 74.4 80.7 87.0 93.2 99.5 105.8 112.1 118.4 124.6 130.9
10 57.5 63.8 70.1 76.4 82.6 88.9 95.2 101.5 107.8 114.0 120.3 126.6
5 51.1 57.3 63.6 69.9 76.2 82.4 88.7 95.0 101.3 107.5 113.8 120.1
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A7. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age and MLPE for GUATEMALA: GIRLS
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 113.0 119.3 125.5 131.8 138.1 144.4 150.6 156.9 163.2 169.5 175.8 182.0
90 106.5 112.8 119.1 125.3 131.6 137.9 144.2 150.4 156.7 163.0 169.3 175.5
85 102.2 108.5 114.7 121.0 127.3 133.6 139.8 146.1 152.4 158.7 164.9 171.2
80 98.6 104.9 111.1 117.4 123.7 130.0 136.2 142.5 148.8 155.1 161.3 167.6
MLPE > 12 years

70 92.8 99.1 105.4 111.6 117.9 124.2 130.5 136.8 143.0 149.3 155.6 161.9
60 88.0 94.2 100.5 106.8 113.1 119.3 125.6 131.9 138.2 144.4 150.7 157.0
50 83.5 89.7 96.0 102.3 108.6 114.8 121.1 127.4 133.7 139.9 146.2 152.5
40 79.0 85.2 91.5 97.8 104.1 110.3 116.6 122.9 129.2 135.4 141.7 148.0
30 74.1 80.4 86.6 92.9 99.2 105.5 111.7 118.0 124.3 130.6 136.8 143.1
20 68.3 74.6 80.9 87.2 93.4 99.7 106.0 112.3 118.5 124.8 131.1 137.4
15 64.7 71.0 77.3 83.6 89.8 96.1 102.4 108.7 114.9 121.2 127.5 133.8
10 60.4 66.7 73.0 79.2 85.5 91.8 98.1 104.3 110.6 116.9 123.2 129.4
5 53.9 60.2 66.5 72.7 79.0 85.3 91.6 97.8 104.1 110.4 116.7 122.9

95 103.9 110.2 116.5 122.7 129.0 135.3 141.6 147.8 154.1 160.4 166.7 173.0
90 97.4 103.7 110.0 116.3 122.5 128.8 135.1 141.4 147.6 153.9 160.2 166.5
85 93.1 99.4 105.7 111.9 118.2 124.5 130.8 137.0 143.3 149.6 155.9 162.1
80 89.5 95.8 102.1 108.3 114.6 120.9 127.2 133.4 139.7 146.0 152.3 158.5
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 83.7 90.0 96.3 102.6 108.8 115.1 121.4 127.7 134.0 140.2 146.5 152.8
60 78.9 85.2 91.4 97.7 104.0 110.3 116.5 122.8 129.1 135.4 141.6 147.9
50 74.4 80.7 86.9 93.2 99.5 105.8 112.0 118.3 124.6 130.9 137.1 143.4
40 69.9 76.2 82.4 88.7 95.0 101.3 107.5 113.8 120.1 126.4 132.6 138.9
30 65.0 71.3 77.6 83.8 90.1 96.4 102.7 108.9 115.2 121.5 127.8 134.0
20 59.2 65.5 71.8 78.1 84.4 90.6 96.9 103.2 109.5 115.7 122.0 128.3
15 55.6 61.9 68.2 74.5 80.7 87.0 93.3 99.6 105.9 112.1 118.4 124.7
10 51.3 57.6 63.9 70.2 76.4 82.7 89.0 95.3 101.5 107.8 114.1 120.4
5 44.8 51.1 57.4 63.7 69.9 76.2 82.5 88.8 95.0 101.3 107.6 113.9
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A8. Normative data for the PPVT-III stratified by age and MLPE for HONDURAS
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 104.4 114.4 123.6 132.0 139.6 146.3 152.2 157.3 161.6 165.1 167.7 169.6
90 98.8 108.9 118.1 126.5 134.0 140.8 146.7 151.8 156.1 159.5 162.2 164.0
85 95.1 105.2 114.4 122.8 130.3 137.1 143.0 148.1 152.4 155.9 158.5 160.3
80 92.1 102.1 111.3 119.7 127.3 134.0 139.9 145.0 149.3 152.8 155.4 157.2
MLPE > 12 years

70 87.1 97.2 106.4 114.8 122.3 129.1 135.0 140.1 144.4 147.8 150.5 152.3
60 83.0 93.0 102.2 110.6 118.2 124.9 130.8 135.9 140.2 143.7 146.3 148.1
50 79.1 89.2 98.4 106.7 114.3 121.1 127.0 132.1 136.4 139.8 142.5 144.3
40 75.3 85.3 94.5 102.9 110.5 117.2 123.1 128.2 132.5 136.0 138.6 140.4
30 71.1 81.1 90.3 98.7 106.3 113.0 119.0 124.1 128.4 131.8 134.5 136.3
20 66.2 76.2 85.4 93.8 101.4 108.1 114.0 119.1 123.4 126.9 129.5 131.4
15 63.1 73.1 82.3 90.7 98.3 105.0 111.0 116.1 120.4 123.8 126.5 128.3
10 59.4 69.4 78.6 87.0 94.6 101.3 107.3 112.4 116.7 120.1 122.8 124.6
5 53.9 63.9 73.1 81.5 89.0 95.8 101.7 106.8 111.1 114.6 117.2 119.0

95 100.4 110.4 119.6 128.0 135.6 142.3 148.2 153.3 157.6 161.1 163.7 165.5
90 94.8 104.9 114.1 122.4 130.0 136.8 142.7 147.8 152.1 155.5 158.2 160.0
85 91.1 101.2 110.4 118.8 126.3 133.1 139.0 144.1 148.4 151.8 154.5 156.3
80 88.0 98.1 107.3 115.7 123.2 130.0 135.9 141.0 145.3 148.8 151.4 153.2
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 83.1 93.1 102.4 110.7 118.3 125.1 131.0 136.1 140.4 143.8 146.5 148.3
60 79.0 89.0 98.2 106.6 114.1 120.9 126.8 131.9 136.2 139.7 142.3 144.1
50 75.1 85.1 94.3 102.7 110.3 117.0 123.0 128.1 132.4 135.8 138.5 140.3
40 71.3 81.3 90.5 98.9 106.4 113.2 119.1 124.2 128.5 132.0 134.6 136.4
30 67.1 77.1 86.3 94.7 102.3 109.0 115.0 120.1 124.3 127.8 130.5 132.3
20 62.2 72.2 81.4 89.8 97.4 104.1 110.0 115.1 119.4 122.9 125.5 127.3
15 59.1 69.1 78.3 86.7 94.3 101.0 106.9 112.1 116.3 119.8 122.4 124.3
10 55.4 65.4 74.6 83.0 90.6 97.3 103.3 108.4 112.6 116.1 118.7 120.6
5 49.8 59.9 69.1 77.5 85.0 91.8 97.7 102.8 107.1 110.6 113.2 115.0
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A9. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age and MLPE for MEXICO: BOYS
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 106.3 117.6 127.9 137.1 145.3 152.5 158.6 163.7 167.7 170.7 172.6 173.5
90 100.4 111.8 122.0 131.3 139.5 146.6 152.8 157.8 161.9 164.8 166.8 167.7
85 96.5 107.9 118.2 127.4 135.6 142.8 148.9 153.9 158.0 161.0 162.9 163.8
80 93.3 104.6 114.9 124.2 132.4 139.5 145.6 150.7 154.7 157.7 159.7 160.6
MLPE > 12 years

70 88.1 99.4 109.7 119.0 127.2 134.3 140.4 145.5 149.5 152.5 154.5 155.4
60 83.7 95.1 105.4 114.6 122.8 130.0 136.1 141.1 145.2 148.2 150.1 151.0
50 79.7 91.0 101.3 110.6 118.8 125.9 132.0 137.1 141.1 144.1 146.1 147.0
40 75.7 87.0 97.3 106.5 114.7 121.9 128.0 133.0 137.1 140.1 142.0 142.9
30 71.3 82.6 92.9 102.1 110.3 117.5 123.6 128.7 132.7 135.7 137.6 138.5
20 66.1 77.4 87.7 97.0 105.2 112.3 118.4 123.5 127.5 130.5 132.4 133.4
15 62.9 74.2 84.5 93.7 101.9 109.1 115.2 120.3 124.3 127.3 129.2 130.1
10 59.0 70.3 80.6 89.8 98.0 105.2 111.3 116.4 120.4 123.4 125.3 126.2
5 53.1 64.5 74.8 84.0 92.2 99.4 105.5 110.5 114.6 117.6 119.5 120.4

95 95.4 106.7 117.0 126.3 134.5 141.6 147.7 152.8 156.8 159.8 161.8 162.7
90 89.6 100.9 111.2 120.4 128.6 135.8 141.9 147.0 151.0 154.0 155.9 156.8
85 85.7 97.0 107.3 116.5 124.7 131.9 138.0 143.1 147.1 150.1 152.0 152.9
80 82.5 93.8 104.1 113.3 121.5 128.7 134.8 139.8 143.9 146.9 148.8 149.7
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 77.3 88.6 98.9 108.1 116.3 123.5 129.6 134.7 138.7 141.7 143.6 144.5
60 72.9 84.2 94.5 103.8 112.0 119.1 125.2 130.3 134.3 137.3 139.3 140.2
50 68.9 80.2 90.5 99.7 107.9 115.1 121.2 126.2 130.3 133.3 135.2 136.1
40 64.8 76.1 86.4 95.7 103.9 111.0 117.1 122.2 126.2 129.2 131.2 132.1
30 60.4 71.8 82.0 91.3 99.5 106.6 112.8 117.8 121.9 124.8 126.8 127.7
20 55.2 66.6 76.9 86.1 94.3 101.5 107.6 112.6 116.7 119.7 121.6 122.5
15 52.0 63.3 73.6 82.9 91.1 98.2 104.3 109.4 113.4 116.4 118.4 119.3
10 48.1 59.5 69.7 79.0 87.2 94.3 100.4 105.5 109.5 112.5 114.5 115.4
5 42.3 53.6 63.9 73.1 81.3 88.5 94.6 99.7 103.7 106.7 108.6 109.5
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A10. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age and MLPE for MEXICO: GIRLS
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 102.5 113.8 124.1 133.4 141.6 148.7 154.8 159.9 163.9 166.9 168.9 169.8
90 96.7 108.0 118.3 127.5 135.7 142.9 149.0 154.1 158.1 161.1 163.0 163.9
85 92.8 104.1 114.4 123.6 131.8 139.0 145.1 150.2 154.2 157.2 159.1 160.0
80 89.5 100.9 111.2 120.4 128.6 135.8 141.9 146.9 151.0 154.0 155.9 156.8
MLPE > 12 years

70 84.4 95.7 106.0 115.2 123.4 130.6 136.7 141.8 145.8 148.8 150.7 151.6
60 80.0 91.3 101.6 110.8 119.0 126.2 132.3 137.4 141.4 144.4 146.3 147.2
50 75.9 87.3 97.6 106.8 115.0 122.2 128.3 133.3 137.4 140.4 142.3 143.2
40 71.9 83.2 93.5 102.8 111.0 118.1 124.2 129.3 133.3 136.3 138.2 139.1
30 67.5 78.9 89.1 98.4 106.6 113.7 119.8 124.9 128.9 131.9 133.9 134.8
20 62.3 73.7 84.0 93.2 101.4 108.6 114.7 119.7 123.8 126.8 128.7 129.6
15 59.1 70.4 80.7 90.0 98.2 105.3 111.4 116.5 120.5 123.5 125.5 126.4
10 55.2 66.5 76.8 86.1 94.3 101.4 107.5 112.6 116.6 119.6 121.6 122.5
5 49.4 60.7 71.0 80.2 88.4 95.6 101.7 106.8 110.8 113.8 115.7 116.6

95 91.7 103.0 113.3 122.5 130.7 137.9 144.0 149.0 153.1 156.1 158.0 158.9
90 85.8 97.2 107.4 116.7 124.9 132.0 138.1 143.2 147.2 150.2 152.2 153.1
85 81.9 93.3 103.6 112.8 121.0 128.1 134.3 139.3 143.4 146.3 148.3 149.2
80 78.7 90.0 100.3 109.6 117.8 124.9 131.0 136.1 140.1 143.1 145.1 146.0
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 73.5 84.8 95.1 104.4 112.6 119.7 125.8 130.9 134.9 137.9 139.9 140.8
60 69.1 80.5 90.8 100.0 108.2 115.4 121.5 126.5 130.6 133.6 135.5 136.4
50 65.1 76.4 86.7 96.0 104.2 111.3 117.4 122.5 126.5 129.5 131.4 132.3
40 61.0 72.4 82.7 91.9 100.1 107.3 113.4 118.4 122.5 125.5 127.4 128.3
30 56.7 68.0 78.3 87.5 95.7 102.9 109.0 114.1 118.1 121.1 123.0 123.9
20 51.5 62.8 73.1 82.3 90.5 97.7 103.8 108.9 112.9 115.9 117.8 118.7
15 48.3 59.6 69.9 79.1 87.3 94.5 100.6 105.7 109.7 112.7 114.6 115.5
10 44.4 55.7 66.0 75.2 83.4 90.6 96.7 101.8 105.8 108.8 110.7 111.6
5 38.5 49.9 60.2 69.4 77.6 84.7 90.9 95.9 100.0 102.9 104.9 105.8
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A11. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age and MLPE for PARAGUAY
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 129.2 135.4 141.5 147.6 153.7 159.9 166.0 172.1 178.3 184.4 190.5 --
90 120.7 126.8 132.9 139.1 145.2 151.3 157.5 163.6 169.7 175.9 182.0 188.1
85 115.0 121.1 127.3 133.4 139.5 145.6 151.8 157.9 164.0 170.2 176.3 182.4
80 110.3 116.4 122.5 128.6 134.8 140.9 147.0 153.2 159.3 165.4 171.6 177.7
MLPE > 12 years

70 102.7 108.8 114.9 121.1 127.2 133.3 139.5 145.6 151.7 157.8 164.0 170.1
60 96.3 102.4 108.5 114.7 120.8 126.9 133.1 139.2 145.3 151.4 157.6 163.7
50 90.3 96.5 102.6 108.7 114.9 121.0 127.1 133.3 139.4 145.5 151.6 157.8
40 84.4 90.5 96.7 102.8 108.9 115.1 121.2 127.3 133.5 139.6 145.7 151.8
30 78.0 84.1 90.3 96.4 102.5 108.7 114.8 120.9 127.1 133.2 139.3 145.4
20 70.4 76.6 82.7 88.8 95.0 101.1 107.2 113.3 119.5 125.6 131.7 137.9
15 65.7 71.8 77.9 84.1 90.2 96.3 102.5 108.6 114.7 120.9 127.0 133.1
10 60.0 66.1 72.3 78.4 84.5 90.6 96.8 102.9 109.0 115.2 121.3 127.4
5 51.5 57.6 63.7 69.9 76.0 82.1 88.2 94.4 100.5 106.6 112.8 118.9

95 119.2 125.4 131.5 137.6 143.7 149.9 156.0 162.1 168.3 174.4 180.5 186.7
90 110.7 116.8 122.9 129.1 135.2 141.3 147.5 153.6 159.7 165.9 172.0 178.1
85 105.0 111.1 117.3 123.4 129.5 135.6 141.8 147.9 154.0 160.2 166.3 172.4
80 100.3 106.4 112.5 118.6 124.8 130.9 137.0 143.2 149.3 155.4 161.6 167.7
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 92.7 98.8 104.9 111.1 117.2 123.3 129.5 135.6 141.7 147.8 154.0 160.1
60 86.3 92.4 98.5 104.7 110.8 116.9 123.1 129.2 135.3 141.4 147.6 153.7
50 80.3 86.5 92.6 98.7 104.9 111.0 117.1 123.3 129.4 135.5 141.6 147.8
40 74.4 80.5 86.7 92.8 98.9 105.1 111.2 117.3 123.5 129.6 135.7 141.8
30 68.0 74.1 80.3 86.4 92.5 98.7 104.8 110.9 117.1 123.2 129.3 135.4
20 60.4 66.6 72.7 78.8 85.0 91.1 97.2 103.3 109.5 115.6 121.7 127.9
15 55.7 61.8 67.9 74.1 80.2 86.3 92.5 98.6 104.7 110.9 117.0 123.1
10 50.0 56.1 62.3 68.4 74.5 80.6 86.8 92.9 99.0 105.2 111.3 117.4
5 41.5 47.6 53.7 59.9 66.0 72.1 78.2 84.4 90.5 96.6 102.8 108.9
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A12. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age for PERU
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 100.4 111.7 122.2 131.9 140.7 148.8 156.0 162.5 168.1 172.9 176.9 180.1
90 94.3 105.6 116.0 125.7 134.6 142.6 149.9 156.3 162.0 166.8 170.8 174.0
85 90.2 101.4 111.9 121.6 130.5 138.5 145.8 152.2 157.8 162.7 166.7 169.9
80 86.7 98.0 108.5 118.2 127.1 135.1 142.4 148.8 154.4 159.2 163.3 166.5
70 81.3 92.6 103.0 112.7 121.6 129.6 136.9 143.3 149.0 153.8 157.8 161.0
60 76.6 87.9 98.4 108.1 117.0 125.0 132.3 138.7 144.3 149.2 153.2 156.4
50 72.4 83.7 94.1 103.8 112.7 120.7 128.0 134.4 140.1 144.9 148.9 152.1
40 68.1 79.4 89.9 99.5 108.4 116.5 123.7 130.2 135.8 140.6 144.6 147.8
30 63.5 74.8 85.2 94.9 103.8 111.8 119.1 125.5 131.2 136.0 140.0 143.2
20 58.0 69.3 79.8 89.5 98.3 106.4 113.6 120.1 125.7 130.5 134.5 137.7
15 54.6 65.9 76.4 86.0 94.9 103.0 110.2 116.6 122.3 127.1 131.1 134.3
10 50.5 61.8 72.3 81.9 90.8 98.8 106.1 112.5 118.2 123.0 127.0 130.2
5 44.3 55.6 66.1 75.8 84.6 92.7 99.9 106.4 112.0 116.8 120.8 124.0

L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A13. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age for PUERTO RICO
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 103.3 112.0 120.2 127.8 135.0 141.6 147.6 153.1 158.1 162.6 166.5 169.9
90 97.1 105.8 114.0 121.7 128.8 135.4 141.4 147.0 152.0 156.4 160.4 163.8
85 93.0 101.7 109.9 117.5 124.7 131.3 137.3 142.8 147.8 152.3 156.2 159.6
80 89.5 98.3 106.5 114.1 121.2 127.8 133.9 139.4 144.4 148.9 152.8 156.2
70 84.1 92.8 101.0 108.6 115.7 122.3 128.4 133.9 138.9 143.4 147.3 150.7
60 79.4 88.1 96.3 104.0 111.1 117.7 123.8 129.3 134.3 138.7 142.7 146.1
50 75.1 83.8 92.0 99.7 106.8 113.4 119.5 125.0 130.0 134.4 138.4 141.8
40 70.8 79.6 87.7 95.4 102.5 109.1 115.2 120.7 125.7 130.2 134.1 137.5
30 66.2 74.9 83.1 90.8 97.9 104.5 110.5 116.1 121.1 125.5 129.4 132.8
20 60.7 69.4 77.6 85.3 92.4 99.0 105.0 110.6 115.6 120.0 124.0 127.4
15 57.3 66.0 74.2 81.8 89.0 95.5 101.6 107.1 112.1 116.6 120.5 123.9
10 53.2 61.9 70.1 77.7 84.8 91.4 97.5 103.0 108.0 112.5 116.4 119.8
5 47.0 55.7 63.9 71.5 78.7 85.2 91.3 96.8 101.8 106.3 110.2 113.6

L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A14. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age and MLPE for SPAIN: BOYS
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 116.0 127.1 137.4 146.7 155.2 162.7 169.4 175.1 179.9 183.9 186.9 189.0
90 110.4 121.6 131.8 141.2 149.6 157.2 163.8 169.6 174.4 178.3 181.3 183.5
85 106.7 117.9 128.2 137.5 145.9 153.5 160.1 165.9 170.7 174.6 177.6 179.8
80 103.7 114.8 125.1 134.4 142.9 150.4 157.0 162.8 167.6 171.5 174.6 176.7
MLPE > 12 years

70 98.7 109.9 120.1 129.5 137.9 145.5 152.1 157.8 162.7 166.6 169.6 171.8
60 94.6 105.7 116.0 125.3 133.8 141.3 147.9 153.7 158.5 162.4 165.5 167.6
50 90.7 101.9 112.1 121.5 129.9 137.5 144.1 149.8 154.7 158.6 161.6 163.7
40 86.9 98.0 108.3 117.6 126.1 133.6 140.2 146.0 150.8 154.7 157.8 159.9
30 82.7 93.9 104.1 113.5 121.9 129.4 136.1 141.8 146.6 150.6 153.6 155.7
20 77.8 88.9 99.2 108.5 117.0 124.5 131.1 136.9 141.7 145.6 148.7 150.8
15 74.7 85.8 96.1 105.4 113.9 121.4 128.1 133.8 138.6 142.6 145.6 147.7
10 71.0 82.1 92.4 101.7 110.2 117.7 124.4 130.1 134.9 138.9 141.9 144.0
5 65.4 76.6 86.8 96.2 104.6 112.2 118.8 124.6 129.4 133.3 136.3 138.5

95 109.6 120.8 131.0 140.4 148.8 156.3 163.0 168.7 173.5 177.5 180.5 182.6
90 104.1 115.2 125.5 134.8 143.3 150.8 157.4 163.2 168.0 171.9 175.0 177.1
85 100.4 111.5 121.8 131.1 139.6 147.1 153.7 159.5 164.3 168.2 171.3 173.4
80 97.3 108.4 118.7 128.0 136.5 144.0 150.6 156.4 161.2 165.1 168.2 170.3
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 92.3 103.5 113.7 123.1 131.5 139.1 145.7 151.5 156.3 160.2 163.2 165.4
60 88.2 99.3 109.6 118.9 127.4 134.9 141.6 147.3 152.1 156.1 159.1 161.2
50 84.3 95.5 105.7 115.1 123.5 131.1 137.7 143.4 148.3 152.2 155.2 157.3
40 80.5 91.6 101.9 111.2 119.7 127.2 133.9 139.6 144.4 148.3 151.4 153.5
30 76.3 87.5 97.7 107.1 115.5 123.1 129.7 135.4 140.3 144.2 147.2 149.3
20 71.4 82.5 92.8 102.1 110.6 118.1 124.8 130.5 135.3 139.3 142.3 144.4
15 68.3 79.5 89.7 99.1 107.5 115.0 121.7 127.4 132.2 136.2 139.2 141.3
10 64.6 75.8 86.0 95.4 103.8 111.3 118.0 123.7 128.5 132.5 135.5 137.6
5 59.1 70.2 80.5 89.8 98.3 105.8 112.4 118.2 123.0 126.9 130.0 132.1
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
L. Olabarrieta-Landa et al. / Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III

Table A15. Normative data for the PPVT-III Total score stratified by age and MLPE for SPAIN: GIRLS
Age (Years)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
95 112.1 123.3 133.5 142.9 151.3 158.8 165.5 171.2 176.0 180.0 183.0 185.1
90 106.6 117.7 128.0 137.3 145.7 153.3 159.9 165.7 170.5 174.4 177.4 179.6
85 102.9 114.0 124.3 133.6 142.0 149.6 156.2 162.0 166.8 170.7 173.8 175.9
80 99.8 110.9 121.2 130.5 139.0 146.5 153.1 158.9 163.7 167.6 170.7 172.8
MLPE > 12 years

70 94.8 106.0 116.2 125.6 134.0 141.6 148.2 154.0 158.8 162.7 165.7 167.9
60 90.7 101.8 112.1 121.4 129.9 137.4 144.1 149.8 154.6 158.6 161.6 163.7
50 86.8 98.0 108.2 117.6 126.0 133.6 140.2 145.9 150.8 154.7 157.7 159.8
40 83.0 94.1 104.4 113.7 122.2 129.7 136.3 142.1 146.9 150.8 153.9 156.0
30 78.8 90.0 100.2 109.6 118.0 125.6 132.2 137.9 142.8 146.7 149.7 151.8
20 73.9 85.0 95.3 104.6 113.1 120.6 127.3 133.0 137.8 141.8 144.8 146.9
15 70.8 82.0 92.2 101.6 110.0 117.5 124.2 129.9 134.7 138.7 141.7 143.8
10 67.1 78.3 88.5 97.9 106.3 113.8 120.5 126.2 131.0 135.0 138.0 140.1
5 61.6 72.7 83.0 92.3 100.7 108.3 114.9 120.7 125.5 129.4 132.5 134.6

95 105.7 116.9 127.1 136.5 144.9 152.4 159.1 164.8 169.7 173.6 176.6 178.7
90 100.2 111.3 121.6 130.9 139.4 146.9 153.5 159.3 164.1 168.0 171.1 173.2
85 96.5 107.6 117.9 127.2 135.7 143.2 149.8 155.6 160.4 164.3 167.4 169.5
80 93.4 104.5 114.8 124.1 132.6 140.1 146.8 152.5 157.3 161.3 164.3 166.4
MLPE ≤ 12 years

70 88.5 99.6 109.9 119.2 127.6 135.2 141.8 147.6 152.4 156.3 159.3 161.5
60 84.3 95.4 105.7 115.0 123.5 131.0 137.7 143.4 148.2 152.2 155.2 157.3
50 80.4 91.6 101.8 111.2 119.6 127.2 133.8 139.5 144.4 148.3 151.3 153.5
40 76.6 87.7 98.0 107.3 115.8 123.3 130.0 135.7 140.5 144.5 147.5 149.6
30 72.4 83.6 93.8 103.2 111.6 119.2 125.8 131.5 136.4 140.3 143.3 145.4
20 67.5 78.6 88.9 98.2 106.7 114.2 120.9 126.6 131.4 135.4 138.4 140.5
15 64.4 75.6 85.8 95.2 103.6 111.1 117.8 123.5 128.4 132.3 135.3 137.4
10 60.7 71.9 82.1 91.5 99.9 107.4 114.1 119.8 124.7 128.6 131.6 133.7
5 55.2 66.3 76.6 85.9 94.4 101.9 108.5 114.3 119.1 123.0 126.1 128.2
Note. MLPE: Mean level of parental education.
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