Procedures 1

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5. LUTHER’S CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Entering the Room P< enter the room quietly and politely. If you brought sack lunch or snack please place it in ach bin by the door. Remove hats and sunglasses prior to arriving to your seat. Take out hing you anticipate using for the remainder of the day. You will not be allowed in your sacks again until it is time to cleanup or you are given permission. Look at the board for » snstructions | may have written; follow those instructions, Pull out your D.O.L. and immediately begin working in it. Dismissal }) sure that your area is clean, as in no trash should be on the floor. No one will be excused © she floor is completely cleaned up and all desks are cleared off. | will designate a number ©) hipleces each student has to pick up. Ensure that all assignments that are due are turned "our area box. Fold your hands on your desk and wait to be excused (you will be called by ~ oF row/group). Once you are excused you may grab your bag and then quietly line up. IF ¥ etalking you will be asked to sit back down and will stall the entire class being dismissed. Lining up will be assigned a line-up order at the beginning of school. This order will never change ‘oss issues arise with two students being next to each other. Students will form two lines -» Jining up outside of the class (awaiting entry). Number 1-12 will be in one line and the sinder of the students will form a line next to them (students should always be in their “ber order). When you are asked to line up please leave room for the students who are »-cted te be in front of you. Stand in line quietly, facing forward, with your hands behind Sack. if you are holding an object such as a book or a lunch pale, please hug it with both bin front of you. If you are distracting others in line you will be moved to the back of the J) {you continue to be a distraction, you are putting yourself at risk for moving your clip or losing your recess time. ‘Leaving the Classroom Individually or in Small Groups ‘when leaving the classroom to go to the office, library, restroom, nurse, speech, or other, number magnet to the appropriate location you anticipate going to. Return it mired return to therdassroom. avichate maybe given for following y Unfinished Work \ shed work should be placed in your class work folder. When it is complete you can place © appropriate bin. Work that is completed on-time should be placed in the “completed in. Late assignments should be turned in to the “late” bin. Incomplete assignments will ‘vcally be given @ zero. Unfinished work should be turned in by the end of the day unless “henwse. Ian assignment is incomplete you should record the assignment on the log on top of the computer when leaving for recess. Absent or Tardy vork will be accepted in the event that you are absent or tardy. You will need to see me © oF after class to ask for make-up assignments. You will have the amount of class time “sed out on to make-up the assignment, For example, if you are absent for two days, you will have two additional days to make up that work. Group Work (Student) ven working with a student group you should use whisper talk and conduct yourself in a + tive manner at all times. All communication should revolve around the assignment. You “ould not be communicating with any group other than your own. If you are seen as a ction you will be given a single warning. If you continue to not follow group procedures you will have to complete the work individually. Group Work (Teacher) "en asked to work in a teacher group you should quickly and quietly grab the required _ sterials and go to the assigned area. Students who are not in the group should remain ed on their given tasks. Whisper talk will be permitted if students are in student groups. "nt groups should not interrupt the teacher group. If students outside the teacher group _ have a question they should ask 3 before me. sink Sie ag og Moraine ‘ aly to each student who fpresent ine pportunity to save up tickets for a class auction that will take pla trimester. at the end of each Classroom Jobs cents will tum in an application explaining why they are qualified for specific classroom ‘esponsibilities. Classroom jobs will be assigned at the beginning of the year. Job + psibilities wall be rotated to new student applicants every two months. Student subs will assigned to perform tasks in the event that an assigned student is absent. Although I 2) inte the help, please do not raise your hand to offer assistance in completing a classroom {os helpers will be clearly established. Classroom helpers will receive an extra two tickets each week. Asking a Question, Answering a Question, Commenting "sues will be used to ask/answer questions or make comments. Please use the appropriate ‘cue to get my attention. Need a tissue? 11 need to get a tissue you should quietly raise your hand. Only one student willbe allowed to do this at a time. Promptly return to your seat once you are finished. Need to Use the Restroom? required jn the event that you need to use the restroom. You will be oe Deposit your tickets in the can by the sign out. If

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