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Reading manual

Rutgers University-Camden
Graduate Liberal Studies Program
Front Cover Catalog

Magazine Name Cover Story

‘Universal’ gathering different views and topics around the world, giving When our team started to plan this project, we considered about our
an open-mind report to the audience. abilities, limitation, our habits and what content could attract our target,
young people, so we planned a topic which contains celebrities and their
About Ads careers.

Celebrities attract media to expose their news, so do their sidelines.

I designed our magazine like a travel-fashion style magazine. I chose
Because audience will put more enthusiasm to visit or fallow their
several clothes, fashion, traveling advertisements. Because our target
sidelines, meanwhile media and society expect these stars do better than
was mostly college students, so I selected some brands which pop
others, so everything happened in the stores, restaurants, studios will be
between them.
over exposited. In addition, not everyone want to see these celebrities’
sidelines successful, the crowd has multiple reactions to these celebrities’
About Art Design careers, such as suppuration, opposition, curious.

I used lots of light color in different pages, and distinguish different blocks That was why we pick this topic, we wanted to satisfy our targets,
with bright color. In the cover story, designed white pages with color youngers, but also presented a deeper report, included the beginning and
blocks, in special program filled one color in whole page to show different the hard time.
style than cover story.
P1 P2
Special Program - Extended Content Cover Story
Extended content we distinguished between cover story and special
program, presented two restaurants introductions, which relate to the
topic-- celebrities’ sidelines but not too formal.

The cover story aimed people focus on a star why and how to build a
business, surrounding goal, environment, and difficulty, so unavoidably
the writings were just a little bit boring, so special program needed to relax
readers’ emotion also associate with the main idea. The article of special
program referenced travel style magazine, the principal was creating a
soft content to continue readers’ willing.

Work List

Our team were formed by seven persons; two main editors, one was me,
LEE, CHIA-I; one was another teammate, and I was the only art editor.

P3 P4
The cover story includes three sections:
Introduction(Under The Light)
Main Story(Dream And Strait)
Side Story

As the only art editor and main editor, I led art design and leading
principles and cover story title.

Introduction(Under The Light)

In the introduction, we enumerated several pop celebrities’ sidelines in

Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, from the beginning to look out why these
kinds of sidelines were so popular.

About the title-Under the light

I used this title to present a contrast, celebrities worked under the

spotlights, so did their sidelines were opened under the spotlight; in
addition, when public stars wanted to do ‘something’ media would become
sharks which followed the celebrities like prey. Main Story(Dream And Strait)
So the title one wanted to show celebrities themselves, also wanted to tell
In the main story, we interviewed two different stars and they both had an
our audience the shadow what they carried.
apparel brand. From the project proposal, because of our limited method
and means, we couldn’t invite some well-known person, but still had to
Excerpt Translation keep our report level and smoothness of the main story, so we selected
one a television drama actor; one an pop singing group member.
The most pop choices “own a restaurant”

Nothing could avoid but eat! Also, nowadays people not only care About the title-Dream and strait
meals but also dessert and afternoon tea, some girls treat tea time more
important than three meals. But this was not the reason meaning “open Dream and strait also showed a contrast, after I interviewed Leo(our
a restaurant” would succeed, just marketing requirement brought such respondent) and another teammate’s report, I found out the same
multiple opportunities. experience on their career road, that was a dream.

As we said, celebrities could use their fame to attract fans to support their People build their dream career because of some reasons, due to special
sidelines, but that did not guarantee the success of restaurant, because identity, celebrities had more opportunities to explore their brands, names,
any restaurant could withou t good flavor and service. companies, but the spotlight also bought overload criticism.

P5 P6
Excerpt Translation Special Program
The Pressure of Multiple Identity

Before LEO established ‘OUTER SPACE’, he was the members of

CIRCUS, now on he was a director, designer, and artist.

Would you feel too tired or one of identity did better than other so abandon
some identity, I asked, he said ‘every role he played were important, he
was composed by this three identities, so he would give up any of them.’

Side Story

Fans and worker

We designed another two pages to describe two important roles in whole

celebrity sidelines, in some industries, such as pop clothing brand, fans
played an important role as a customer, another reason was we really
curious how crazy will fan-customer did?

P7 P8
Arts and Culture

Art and Culture

The art and culture zone we planned four articles, six pages, including
a black cross-page, and the content was a pop-music concert, a TV
program, a Macao introduction, a Japan culture introduction.

Pop-Music Concert & TV program

Adding two really ‘entertainment’ topics in the last part. Art and Culture
were the end of ‘UNIVERSAL’, so we appropriately selected several
interesting topics to catch readers’ eye. Another reason was before
we started to plan the whole magazine, we stayed a zone to satisfy our
teammate’s expectation that everyone wrote an article what they liked or

Macao and Japan culture introduction

A very simple reason why we chose Macao and Japan: because we had
one Japanese and Macao in our team :)
P9 P10

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