Practical Research 12

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City of Malolos Integrated School – Sto.

Sto. Rosario, City of Malolos, Bulacan

SY: 2018-2019

Name: Ross Christian R Reyes Grade 12

King Jovan Sacdalan DR. HELEN B. AGGABAO
Oliver Manahan Principal IV
Jan Meyzon Salvador RESEARCH MATRIX Mr.Christopher Francisco
Fendinand De Jesus Research Teacher

No. Year Author/s Title Publications Findings

1. 2017- MARK BRYAN EFFECTS OF HAVING AN OFW The Notre Dame of Esperanza, The education of the children is the most essential
2018 MACULADA PARENT ON THE ACADEMIC IncorporatedSaliao, Esperanza, thing that the parents should provide and support in all
PERFORMANCE Sultan Kudarat term at any means. It only means that education in
children are vital because in them relies the future of a
certain country. This education trains the students how
to be skillful andacademically inclined individuals that
can be used to provide them somehow a better future.
Nevertheless, how can a student be skillful and
academically inclinedif they are emotionally unstable in
the sense that they need their parents to supportthem
not just financially but also morally.The economic
status ofparents can also be concluded as to affect the
academic performance of somestudents. This whereby
some of the students who come from families, which
arenot economically stable, tend to be chased out of
school for fees whereas othersare not able to purchase
some of the reading materials.
2. 2013- JOSHUA DELA EFFECTS OF HAVING AN OFW University of the East, According to Hearts Apart Focus Group Discussion
2014 CRUZ PARENT ON THE ACADEMIC Caloocan Research, the departure of one or two parents leaves
PERFORMANCE an emotional mark on the young children left behind.
The children long for the presence of the migrant
parent(s), especially when mothers areaway. (Arlan,
2008) suggests that the children are attended to by the
family- mostly themothers when it is the fathers who
migrate, other female relatives and extended
familywhen both parents are out. Despite the
emotional displacement, the children of migrantsare
not disadvantaged the children of non- migrants in
many dimensions of well- being.Thus, when the family
is stable, it can withstand the separation imposed by
migration. Interms of socio- economic variables, the
children of migrants are markedly better offcompared
to the children of non- migrants. Aside from objective
indicators of Socio-Economic Status (SES), such as home
ownership and ownership of durable goods,
thechildren of migrants also perceive their families as
doing well as far as economic statusis concerned.
3. 2018 EAZEL JUNE THE EFFECTS OF HAVING Koronadal National According to Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA), there
IRA G. OFWPARENTS TO THE Comprehensive are about 2.2 million Filipino who work abroad. With
ALEGRIA CHILDREN LEFT BEHIND this huge number of overseas Filipino worker, lot of
children were also left behind here in the country. The
reason behind this migration event is because they want
to sustain or give the needs of people whom they love.
This needs include shelter, food, clothing and education.
Minda (2017), said that most Filipino migrant parent
think that the closeness of their relationship cannot
measure by physical relation but it is how parents do
their role to make their children’ lives good.
4. 2018 MARIE JOY B. THE IMPACT OF PARENTS’ University of the Philippines Family structure, household resources, numbers of siblings
ARGUILLAS OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT ON Cornell University competing for those resources, and parents’ own
EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES OF educational attainment are often important predictors of
FILIPINO CHILDREN children's education outcomes. Overseas migration of
parents from the Philippines has resulted in increasing
numbers of long-term separations of parents from each
other and from their children. Western-based analyses
might predict negative education outcomes for children as
a result of parental absence. We find that separations
caused by overseas migration often are either neutral or
can have positive effects on schooling outcomes, at least
among older children. Girls fare better in terms of
educational attainment than do boys overall. Boys are
often more affected by background variables, including
parents’ international migration.

5. 2017 JOHN MARWIN THE EFFECTS OF HAVING University of the Philippines Guaranteeing the complete respect for human rights.
F. BULAN OFWPARENTS TO THE Cornell University Furthermore, the country is a signatory to all the seven
CHILDREN LEFT BEHIND core international instruments on human rights and had
moved over to several laws and policies to accomplish
such commitment. The migrations of the parents have a
lot of effects to those children left behind. It affects the
child emotional aspect, social aspect and the perception in
life of the child. These children are vulnerable to lots of
problem and also becoming self-doubting because of the
lack of attention from parents

6. 2015 AUBREY A. EXPERIENCES AND EFFECTS ON Family is the most important thing in the world. All of
AGUANA ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF us want to have a perfect and complete family. Because
THE STUDENTS WITH OFW if we have both parents at home, we will have fuller
(Overseas Filipino Worker) PARENTS perspective on life and we will know how to deal with
certain situations. But sometimes there’s a situation that
our mother/father leave us and go abroad for the sake of
our future. Parents who work overseas may put more
food on the table that makes and have better means to
support their education. However, they may deprive
their children of parental tender loving care and
guidance essential in their development as with well-
rounded personalities who can confidently take their
place in the society (Cabrillas 2008).
Using the definition of the Convention on the Rights of
the Child (CRC), “a child means every human being
below the age of eighteen” who are also needing
protection against all forms of discrimination. Under the
Convention, the parents have the moral obligation and
responsibilities for nurturing and for the development of
the children.

7. 2017 WHITNEY EXPERIENCES AND EFFECTS ON Parental absence creates “displacement, disruptions and
FAITH M. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF changes in care giving arrangement. Such effects are
LANTACA THE STUDENTS WITH OFW more felt when it is the mother who works abroad, as
(Overseas Filipino Worker) PARENTS families go through more adjustments, than when it is
the father who goes to work abroad. There is always an
emotional aspect that goes along with parents leaving
their children, especially for long periods of time. In
spite of that, it is also a relief to have the family looking
after their children who were left-behind. However, we
cannot negate the fact that the children are longing for
the love and care of their biological parents.

8. ANDREI EXPERIENCES AND EFFECTS ON Family is the most important thing in the world. All of
ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF us want to have a perfect and complete family. Because
T.AMOGUIS THE STUDENTS WITH OFW if we have both parents at home, we will have fuller
(Overseas Filipino Worker) PARENTS perspective on life and we will know how to deal with
certain situations. But sometimes there’s a situation that
our mother/father leave us and go abroad for the sake of
our future.
Parents who work overseas may put more food on the
table that makes and have better means to support their
education. However, they may deprive their children of
parental tender loving care and guidance essential in
their development as with well-rounded personalities
who can confidently take their place in the society
9. MELANIE THE EFFECTS OF HAVING Social behavior of children can also be affected by
REYES OFWPARENTS TO THE migration of either one or both parents. In the previous
CHILDREN LEFT BEHIND study by Battistella and Conaco (1996), children with
absent mothers showed poorer social adjustment and
suffered impeded psychological development. Butin the
2003 Scalabrini study, it showed that children have
generally adjusted socially mainly because of the strong
social support from family members and
relatives.Regardless of whether the parents are here or
not, children also share some responsibilityin the
household chores. Among the common chores are
cleaning the house, setting the table/washing dishes,
taking care of the siblings, doing errands, watering
plants, taking care of the animals, etc. And although
“migrant children reported experiencing13 2003
difficulties and longing for their absent parents, they
also acknowledge that they learned to be more
independent in the process.










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