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Roni Isobelle Ortaliz



1. 5 undemocratic practices
- Corruption, social polarisation, lack of respect for the rule of law, diversion of funds
intended for development and essential services and detention without trial or charge.

2. Why do you think these are undemocratic? Why do you think these are happening?
- These are undemocratic because it is against the government and not all of the citizens are
in favour of these. These undemocratic maybe for personal interests or the disagreement on
the rule or laws made by the government. These are happening because we all have
different preferences and some are not contented with the decisions, some are for the
means of money and some are just because they don’t want who’s making these decisions.


1. Write an action plan to address these undemocratic practices.

- Finding a way to resolve this kinds of problems in the society is not easy, planning in
resolving these will also take time because the plan is to resolve this in a long term benefit.
So here’s an option for me first maybe we should find a way to start with in ourselves,
because if we try to make a difference that can benefit big because we can get attentions of
others and then we try to extend what we want to do, for example this lack of respect for
the rule of law, respecting the law is a simple thing that we should really do and abide but
what what are we doing some of us runs away from the law by using money to let them go
,they bribe some people in the government that’s not contented with what they have but
doing this small thing affects the whole nation. If this news is worldwide people will think
that by using money they can get away with the law, some becomes dirty with their work
they make a project that has a big budget then they try to find a way where they can lessen
it and the excess budget goes to their pockets, so with this things around us how can we
resolve this if we can’t start it in ourselves so basically resolving this will take time because
not all will be willing to help because they’re hopeless but they’re wrong if we believe that
change can happen there will be change so we better start now than say tomorrow because
there’s this future that we can’t change if we won’t change today.

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