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Bow down our heads and fill the presence of our Lord.

God our Father, we thank You for having called us together

belonging in one family, one organization, our Philippine National
Police, our beloved Philippines. We are hoping to be good
stewards of Your gifts. We thank You for the gift of knowledge that
you bestowed upon us.
We thank for service through our colleagues and partners that we
do not have to walk our journeys alone as we fulfil our calling and
destinies in the transformation we aspire for our organization. Lord,
we ask You to look upon us and let the darkness of our being
vanish before the beams of Your light. We accept your Light as a
gift of knowledge in fulfilling our roles. Let your light be the beacon
that may help. Father, we ask for Your holy spirit to dwell in our
midst as we begin this Entrance Briefing for the PNP
Institutionalization Evaluation Process (Enterprises Level) Third
Party Audit.
Father God, may we keep our thoughts still in times of confusion
and disagreement. Help us understand each other. Help us to listen
before speaking. Help us to be respectful and just in our
discernment and decisions.
And finally may You keep us united in purpose and lead us to
pursue truth and justice in the transformation process of the Police
Regional Office 6, and in the whole organization of the PNP.

We offer this to the glory of your name, Amen.

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