Natalo Rin Si Pilandok

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5 Things to Remember to be the Best Virtual Assistant

I am not the best. But I can become one.

I must thank my Australian friend for giving me the chance to become one of the
best Virtual Assistant, hopefully.

I have seen my potential. I'm positive. Not easy but possible.

His business became my initial exposure in working online before I enrolled in a

Virtual Assistant Course, where I am at the moment.

And this is my basis for writing this article, so just my point of view.

1.TARDINESS is professionalism. I get paid per hour. Putting myself in the shoes of
whom my services rendered is what makes me conscious of my time. I must say
that the observance of tardiness marks the professionalism of a person with
regards to character.

2. HONESTY signifies trustworthiness. I think in any case, especially relationship in

general, it's not easy to find someone who is honest. Initially trust in invested and
time will tell one's credibility.

3. PATIENCE requires hard work. Patience is a sign of willingness to do all the tasks
needed, no matter how difficult it is. It only needs resourcefulness of solutions to
the problem. But I reckon if a virtual assistant loves what he is doing and has a
great interest in it, that will make him one of the best. Working hard is tolerable
when someone finds joy in what he does. No wonder I sometimes tend to forget
my break when I engrossed on to something. Healthwise that’s not good, of
course. I thought of setting the alarm on in the end. It's not worth it when it's only
the doctor who will benefit my earnings after I get sick.

4. GOOD COMMUNICATION creates harmony. I want peace of mind when dealing

with what I'm doing. I prefer someone who is candid enough to tell me my
mistakes. Choosing the right words to say, and the tone of the voice must be
considered to avoid misunderstanding. I think handling a conversation well means
respect. I do anticipate how it would affect someone if I say things incorrectly. If I
have evil thoughts about certain things, I would rather keep it to myself than to
create chaos. Rather shut my mouth if I can't say anything right. But it’s a different
story when someone tries to belittle or bully me.

5. QUALITY SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE is a must-tool for good results. A few times, it
has taken me ages to finish a task because I don't know what to do next. Lack of
skills can result in unproductivity. Sometimes using Google is not just enough. I
need to learn and understand more. I can sometimes be slow, maybe because of
age?  I know a few people they learn things online only. That’s alright. But for
me, I prefer interaction in a classroom as I like to be with people. But I do love my
own quiet time, too, of course, depends on what I am doing.

I think there is no test of knowing beforehand if someone is one of the best virtual
assistant. I believe it is like creating a relationship. You will never know until you
get there. But I am positive that first impression can be right but not always.

I only know after I coincidentally put my friend in trouble but have resolved the
issue he told me I am still the best he had in his business. And that episode has
boosted my self-confidence.

There are more other things to remember to be one of the best virtual assistant.

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