Learning Outcomes:: Time/mi N Teacher's Activity

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Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani School


Laamu - Gan
Date: 23 June
Week: 1 Duration: 35 mins
Lesson No: Class: 12 Subject: Physics
Unit : Astrophysics

Prior Knowledge: Outer space and celestial objects

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
 Explain what star are made up of
 Explain how astronomical distances are measured
Teacher’s Activity
Greeting the students and discussing the objectives and outcome of the lesson.
Our galaxy is made up of clouds of dust and gas called nebula, stars, comets, asteroids and
5 planets.
The movement of the earth around the sun causes any nearby star to shift its position
slightly. This effect is called stellar parallax or trigonometrical parallax. Angles are used to
describe an object’s location in space. Angular measurements of celestial objects are mostly
expressed in degrees, minutes of arc and seconds of arc.
A light year is simply the distance that light travels in vacuum in one year (9.46 × 1015m).
1 parsec is about 3.09 × 1016m
Hence, 1parsec = 3.26 light years.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
 Explaining how distances of celestial’  Listening actively and responding.
bodies are measured – method of  Noting down the key point
stellar parallax  Getting the doubts clarified
 Solving numerical problems given to them


Evaluation and Conclusion

Time/mi Solve the following problems in class based on trigonometric parallax
n 1. How many minutes is 3.500
2. How many radians is 23.50 min
3. How many radians is 16.3 sec
4. Convert 0.01 sec of arc to degree and then to radians
5. Explain why stars have to be within a certain distance from earth for trigonometric
parallax to be useful.

Checked by
Name of the teacher Signature Head of the Department Signature
Diwakar Srinivasan Lizna Abdulla

Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani School

Laamu - Gan
Date: 24 June
Week: 1 Duration: 35 mins
Lesson No: Class: 12 Subject: Physics
Unit : Astrophysics [contd……]

Prior Knowledge: Outer space and celestial objects

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
 Describe what’s luminosity and intensity
 Explain the concept of Inverse square law

Teacher’s Activity
Greeting the students and discussing the objectives and outcome of the lesson.

10 Luminosity is a measure of objects brightness. It is the amount of light it emits from its
surface. The difference between luminosity and apparent brightness depends on
distance. Luminosity depends on size and temperature. If the size increases, the luminosity
also increases. The total energy output per second of a star is called its luminosity, L. Our
Sun's luminosity is about 3.84 × 1026 W.

The equation for the apparent brightness of a light source is given by the luminosity divided
by the surface area of a sphere with radius equal to your distance from the light source, or
F = L / 4 π d2 where d is your distance from the light source.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
The size of a star. If two stars have the  Listening actively and responding.
same effective temperature but differ in  Noting down the key points.
size then the larger star has a greater  Getting the doubts clarified.
surface area and as it radiates the same  Solving numerical problems given to them
amount of energy per unit surface area
15 per second as the smaller star its total
power output or luminosity must be
greater. For two stars of identical size
and temperature, the closer one to us
will appear brighter.

Evaluation and Conclusion

Time/mi Asking students to solve simple problems in class based on luminosity
n The Sun has a luminosity of 3.84 × 1026 W. If the distance between sun and Earth is
1 AU = 1.5 x 1011 m , calculate the Flux received on Earth surface
Checked by
Name of the teacher Signature Head of the Department Signature
Diwakar Srinivasan Lizna Abdulla

Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani School

Laamu - Gan
Date: 25 June
Week: 1 Duration: 35 mins
Lesson No: Class: 12 Subject: Physics
Unit : Astrophysics [contd……]

Prior Knowledge: Outer space and celestial objects

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
 Explain HR diagram
Teacher’s Activity
Greeting the students and continuing further with what was discussed previously …..The
following are the diagrams that need to be explained in a clear and concise manner.

5 In a H-R diagram the luminosity or energy output of a star is plotted on the vertical axis.
Astronomers also use the historical concept of magnitude as a measure of a star's
luminosity. Absolute magnitude is simply a measure of how bright a star would appear if 10
parsecs distant and thus allows stars to be simply compared. The lower or more negative
the magnitude, the brighter the star. By definition a star of magnitude 1 is 100 × brighter
than one of magnitude 6. Our Sun has an absolute magnitude of + 4.8.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Stars appear to be grouped in four main regions Most stars seem to fall into group A called
25 the Main Sequence . It shows a general trend from cool, dim stars in the lower right corner
up to hot, extremely bright stars in the top left corner which fits in with our expected
relationship between temperature and luminosity. So stars found on it are main sequence
stars. Our Sun is one such example. Others include α Cen, Altair, Sirius, Achernar and
Barnard's Star.

Stars in group B are much larger than main sequence stars. Although they emit the same
amount of energy per square meter as main sequence stars they have have much greater
surface area (area ∝ radius2) the total energy emitted is thus much greater. These stars are
referred to as giants. Examples include Aldebaran and Mira.

The stars in group C are even more luminous than the giants. These are the super giants,
the largest of stars with extremely high luminosities. A red supergiant such as Betelgeuse
would extend beyond the orbit of Jupiter if it replaced the Sun in our solar system. The final
groups of interest are those stars in group D. From their position on the H-R diagram we see
that they are very hot yet very dim. Although they emit large amounts of energy per square
meter they have low luminosity which implies that they must therefore be very small. Group
D stars are in fact known as white dwarfs. Sirius B and Procyon B are examples. White
dwarfs are much smaller than main sequence stars and are roughly the size of Earth.

Evaluation and Conclusion

Asking simple questions to check their level of understanding
Checked by
Name of the teacher Signature Head of the Department Signature
Diwakar Srinivasan Lizna Abdulla

Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani School

Laamu - Gan
Date: 26 June
Week: 1 Duration: 35 mins
Lesson No: Class: 12 Subject: Physics
Unit : Astrophysics [contd……]

Prior Knowledge: Outer space and celestial objects

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
 Explain more on HR diagram [continuation of previous day’s class……………]
 Solving problems using distance modulus

Teacher’s Activity
5 Greeting the students and discussing the objectives and outcome of the lesson.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
 Listening actively and responding.
 Noting down the key points.
 Getting the doubts clarified.
 Solving numerical problems given to them

A stars luminosity is determined by its surface

temperature and radius L = 4πr2σT4 and
Stefan constant σ = 5.67 x 10-8 Wm-2

25 Apparent brightness = luminosity in watts / 4π

Cepheids are a type of variable star that pulsates
regularly. These stars have a particular
brightness to variation ratio; they serve as good
rulers for determining distances.

Reference http://astronomyonline.org/Science/
Evaluation and Conclusion
Time/mi Asking students to solve problems in class based on luminosity and intensity
n If Star A and Star B have the same luminosity, but A is closer to earth than B, which one will
look brighter? Why?
Ans: Star A will look brighter because it is much closer to Earth than Star B. The closer a star
is to Earth, the brighter it will appear to be
Why are blue stars the hottest? Ans: Hotter objects emit EM radiation at higher frequencies.
Blue has a short wavelength on the visible light portion of the EM spectrum and therefore
5 has a higher frequency.
Two stars have the same apparent magnitude as seen from Earth’s surface. Star A is 33 light
years away. Star B is 346 light years away. Which star has the smaller absolute magnitude?
Ans: Star B must have a smaller absolute magnitude meaning the
star must be brighter than Star A. Star B is more than 10 times farther away, but has to be
brighter in order for both stars to look the same from Earth’s surface.
Checked by
Name of the teacher Signature Head of the Department Signature
Diwakar Srinivasan Lizna Abdulla

Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani School

Laamu - Gan
Date: 27 June
Week: 1 Duration: 35 mins
Lesson No: Class: 12 Subject: Physics
Unit : Astrophysics
Prior Knowledge: Outer space and celestial objects
Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
 Explain Doppler shift
Teacher’s Activity
15 Greeting the students and discussing the objectives and outcome of the lesson.
Doppler shift is a phenomenon of change in frequency based on the observer’s point of view.
We notice an increasing sound intensity when a source approaches us and once it passes us,
the sound intensity becomes lower. If the source of the sound and observer moves at the
same speed then no Doppler effect occurs. This shift in frequency due to motion of the
sound wave source or of the observer is called the Doppler effect.

Please note that The word "apparent" means "as observed at a particular point X". Different
observers will observe different frequencies depending on their relative velocity to the
source. Apparent frequency is the frequency perceived by an outside observer. It may or
may not match the actual frequency.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
10  Listening actively and responding.
 Noting down the key points.
 Getting the doubts clarified.
 Solving numerical problems given to them

The equation of the Doppler effect :

Sign convention :
The sound speed (v) always positive
The observer speed (vobs) is positive if observer
moving toward the source of the sound
The observer speed (vobs) is negative if the
observer moving away from the source of the
The source speed (vsource) is positive if the source
of the sound moving away from the observer
The source speed (vsource) is negative if the source
of the sound moving toward the observer

Evaluation and Conclusion

Time/mi Asking students to solve problems in class based on Doppler shift
n 1. A source of sound moving toward the stationary observer at 20 m/s. The frequency of
the source of the sound = 380 Hz. The speed of the sound waves in air = 400 m s-1.
What is the frequency of the sound waves heard by the observer?
10 2. Car A moves at 72 km/h and car B moves at 90 km/h, approach each other. Car A
honked with a frequency of 650 Hz. If the speed of the sound waves in air is 350 m/s,
then what is the frequency of sound heard by the driver of car B from car A.
Checked by
Name of the teacher Signature Head of the Department Signature
Diwakar Srinivasan Lizna Abdulla

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