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Deming’s 14 Points

Quality Control

Abdallah Lattouf
German Jordanian University
About DR. W. Edwards
 was an American engineer,
statistician, professor, author, lecturer,
and management consultant.

 Deming received his electrical

engineering degree from the
University of Wyoming and his Ph.D.
in mathematical physics.
About DR. W. Edwards
 Deming was a professor of statistics
at New York University's graduate
school of business administration.

 He also taught at Columbia

University's graduate school of

 Awards: National Medal of Technology

and Innovation, Shewhart Medal,
14 Points on Total Quality
 DR. W. Edwards Deming offered 14 key
principles for management to follow for
significantly improving the effectiveness
of a business or organization.

 Many of the principles are philosophical.

Others are more programmatic. All are
transformative in nature.

 The points were first presented in his

very famous book “Out of the Crisis”
The 14 points with their
Rule #1
“Create constancy of purpose for
improving products and services”

 Inspire the workers to stay competitive in

the market and remind them about the
importance of stability in jobs and new
opportunities which may come up in later
stages, as inducing a sense of purpose in
producing quality products will work as the
inspiration to work efficiently.

 Don't just do the same things better – find

better things to do.
Rule #2

“Adopt the new philosophy”

The customer demands and taste

change very fast and the competition in
the market grow at a rapid rate today,
and we have to accept new
philosophies according to the market
trends and technology revolutions.
Rule #3
“Cease dependence on inspection to
achieve quality”

Inspection is too late, ineffective, and

costly. It is too late to react to the quality
of a product when the product leaves
the door. Quality comes not from
inspection but from improving the
production process.
Rule #4
“End the practice of awarding
business on price alone; instead,
minimize total cost by working with a
single supplier”

Profitable job cant ignore the selling price at

all, but it must count on suppliers who
depend on the quality of their products, and
consolidate the relationship with them.

Look at suppliers as your partners in quality.

Encourage them to spend time improving
their own quality – they shouldn't compete
for your business based on price alone.
Rule #5
"Improve constantly and forever every
process for planning, production and

 Improve performance permanently .Whatever

the quality level that you have reached today,
it must be the basis for improvement in the

 Fixed and invariable Standards are the

reasons that breaks down the company or

 Every company must improve their

performance and products in order to catch
up with the competitive market.
Rule #6

“Institute training on the job”

 A trained worker has more productivity

and quality than an untrained one, so
giving training sessions will drastically
improve the quality of the person and
directly it helps in better product quality

 Allow workers to understand their roles

Rule #7
“Adopt and institute leadership”

 Don't simply supervise – provide

support and resources so that each
staff member can do his or her best.
Be a coach instead of a policeman.

 A company can display stunning

growth if potential leaders are
identified and encouraged.
Rule #8
“Drive out fear”

 Creating a fearful impression in the employees

does not give more quality and productivity to
work. If a person is not working willingly with
satisfaction and without fear then he can never
do a work perfectly even if he has the intention
to be perfect in conscious mind, so driving out
fear is essential.

 Make workers feel valued by ensuring that

they're not afraid to express ideas or concerns
and encourage them to look for better ways to
Rule #9
“Break down barriers between staff areas“

 We as Company must improve the

relationships between the workers and try to
solve their personal problems and make them
feel that they are one family by fun days, trips
and vacations and we must also make them
feel that they are working to achieve one goal
which is quality not competing between with
other workers .

 Breaking down the barriers between workers

will take the company to better quality
assurance management and also other profit
with better planning.
Rule #10
“Eliminate slogans, exhortations and
targets for the workforce”
 Slogans and exhortations focuses on the desire to do
something more than focusing on how to work it. It is
better to eliminate Slogans or exhortations that call for
more quantity in production than focusing on quality
control in manufacturing, which will severely damage
the quality management process.

 “Let people know exactly what you want – don't make

them guess”

 “Don't let words and nice-sounding phrases replace

effective leadership.”
Rule #11
“Eliminate work standards and numerical
quotas for the workforce and numerical
goals for management”

 Reduce Instructions that require achieving specific

results each year , because going beyond
customer expectations that are related to quality
have long-term value more than the expectations
about the amount of manufactured production.

 Look at how the process is carried out, not just

numerical targets.

 Measure the process rather than the people

behind the process.
Rule #12
“Remove barriers that rob people of
pride of workmanship, hinder the hourly
worker and eliminate the annual rating or
merit system”

Eliminate everything that rob the pride of

workmanship, for example the evaluation system.
Negative evaluation that focuses in negative
details will destroy the desire of employees or staff
to improve performance, all workers want to do
their job in a good way and they don’t want also to
be sentenced inaccurate, or were subjected to
unfair criticism, and their lowest expectations that
they will be treated in a fair way
Rule #13
“Institute a vigorous program of
education and self-improvement for
 This rule is so important because all
workers and employees must be up to
date with the new information that goes
with their job, Because tools, techniques
and information are changing

 A person must grow after joining a

company, and letting them learn new
technology and techniques will increase
employee longevity and experience and
Rule #14
“Put everybody in the company to
work accomplishing the

 Improve your overall organization by

forcing each person to take a step
toward quality, the transformation is
everybody's job starting from the
Director ending with the security .
Thanks for listening

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