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A First Course in String Theory. Solutions for problems in Part IT. Chapters 14, 15, and 16. The following pages contain the solutions for all the problems to be found in Chapters 14 15, and 16 of Part II of the textbook A First Course in String Theory. The handwritten solutions are due to Jeffrey Goldstone. The rest of the solutions have been typeset. They were mostly written by me. In chapters 14 and 15 the solutions of problems related to string models were based on those of Daniel Gulotta and Clayton Featherstone. Barton Zwiebach MIT Cambridge, MA September 2004 Quick Calculations 14.4 to 14.7. acd Qcu.s Qc46 Qci47 #(E1,€2) = —2. The intersection points on the torus are (0,0) 8 3). fy is rotated by —1/2 with respect to é; (clockwise rotation), so the sign is as expected. The points with integer coordinates (lattice points) on the torus € are copies of the point (0,0) on the unit torus, so hy the cited ‘known’ fact, there must by a total of 1 lattice points on C. One lies on the corners of the parallelogram. Since the vectors fy and f are reduced, no further lattice points lie along the edges of the parallelogram. Therefore the other J — 1 lattice points must lie on the interior of the cell C. Viewed as lines on @, both &; and f each contain the lattice point represented by (0,0) They do not contain additional lattice points. The same facts hold for any copy of é, or £2, because copying maps lattice points to lattice points. It follows that all copies of 6 and f go through interior lattice points. Since each copy contains just one lattice point on C, one copy of f; and one copy of é2 goes through each lattice point on the interior of C. Here is a systematic solution, Associated with the vector é = (m,n), with m and n relatively prime integers, we consider the set of lines parallel to € that go through lattice points. Such lines have slope n/m, and if they pass through the lattice point (p,q) are written as nz — my = np — mg. Since n and m are relatively prime, as we vary p and q. np — mq can take on any integer value (this is a theorem in arithmetic). So the lines in question are of the form nx — my = k, for arbitrary k € Z. The intersection poi of the lines é, = (m,n) and fy = (p,m) are found by solving the simultaneous equations mr — my = ky and nar — may = ky, for arbitrary ky and ky, and selecting the solutions (2, y) inside the unit cell For our lines (3,2) and (1,2), the equations are 2r — Sy = ky and Qe — y = ke, which ives = (hy Fk) /4 and. y = (hy + a)/2. Plagaing in ew values for ky and kz wwe obtain, as expected, four intersections: (0,0), (4,4), (4.0 Febbe 1. | Dp bone cath ourkefells ~) XX" me NN cindankio cath exparcien (72.24) XB2- x fir dit + We TA aon QD an Tr-0- 2 aonb) = ENaane- « Delf T' = cia" Loddey no) eens sion Gino GD = ee +a he sin no ae Siner- @ CM Ganon ee Lae SE = GD oy Sa Xu alee ao NN ceckbo ba we evel Lae = Ce oo ae ud res = 0 Supt £8 adn £9. wie GI) =E) D N=0: IP PO 4 best emiek Clade) Nes]: ae “lp = Od eres = ad, > p> . eee, ae £allp> (F-2) Nv=. aa web de IPD Sua [p> Bddslp> Boddy) Messlas stolons wre me rea dane turoak be Dp bmne-, Seat ect mrt Leenks. bnfim eins f eck X! ford be Ha bra ne aie pane He. pest fm te bow v canara wth ar che & crag

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