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Performance Management Plan



Performance Management Plan

Plan Criteria Explanation

Provide a My cosmetic products company which is grappling with the reality of

description of your change in the marketplace is seeking strategies to adapt and remain

company and competitive. To achieve robust growth, I envision the firm, not just a

employees. cosmetic company, but a leading distributor of beauty products. This

viewpoint requires a transformation in the company for employees to

meet the new strategy. To achieve this, the firm seeks to adopt a

strategic performance management approach based on a higher

production culture rather than an occasion to measure the performance

of employees. The approach would motivate engagement of employees

and create productive individuals and teams. Also, it would increase

the operational excellence and results of the company. Performance

management therefore, has the ability to influence strategic

implementation through motivation and cultivating the talents needed

for its execution.

How will you assess Evaluating employee performance is an important aspect of

employees? (For motivating, inspiring and improving the quality of work; it is a

example, will you measure of whether the staff is working towards achieving the set

make performance goals. Therefore, a performance review should be one that enhances

appraisals? Will you communication between employees and the manager. I would embrace

rank employees?) a peer review approach where every stakeholder has a say on an

employee’s performance. This method involves collecting feedbacks

from colleagues to broaden already solicited information through

informal discussions. After identifying areas that require improvement

in an employee, I would communicate to the employee about the

weakness and put in place measure to curb the shortcoming so that

every worker has a competitive edge.

How will you Employees need feedback on their job performance to for motivation

provide feedback? purpose. The feedback ought to be detailed so that the staff knows

What kind of exactly where there strengths and weaknesses lie. The information

feedback will you helps employees to know their specific job duties and work on how to

provide? improve their productivity and innovativeness.

The benefit of feedback should also assist in identifying loopholes of

knowledge about the company’s expectation which provides training

needs. Performance feedback is, therefore, the conduit through which

an organization realizes success. Also, proper performance feedback

identifies potential employees for promotion through their strengths.

An employee's strength could be offering customer care while the

manager insists that the individual be in the store.


Will you use Micromanagement is the type of controlling a company with excessive

micromanagement duties and paying attention to detail, while macro management is an

or organizational management from far, that is, employees, perform their

macromanagement? duties under minimal supervision. While micromanagement

Explain how you discourages creativity and innovation, macro management requires the

will accomplish this. manager to set the required standards; it encourages accountability. The

management of my company will be based on macro management.

With this style of management, the employees will not feel

demoralized and demotivated while performing their tasks but will

execute their duties well since there is room for consultations.

How will you For employees to maintain good work and feel motivated there is a

reward the top need for a strategic rewarding process that goes in hand with the

employees? How organization’s corporate strategies. For example, I could implement an

will you handle low- incentive structure to acknowledge my top salesperson for hitting the

performing set target. Outstanding behaviors are also worth rewarding, such

employees? behaviors include innovative minds and the culture of coming to work

early in the morning and leaving late past schedule. Low performers

employees need retraining and exploration of their skills to determine

whether or not they possess the actual skills.



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