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Chapter I


Numerous people have experienced street harassment. These people receive

praises, comments, criticism or any form of verbal appraisal from a stranger while

walking down the streets. Receiving those praises can be flattering for some. But it

depends on an individual on how people perceive them. Sometimes, it would make them

feel happy, sad, confused, overwhelmed, disgusted, or disrespected. Because of this,

issues regarding harassment may arise. Rodrigo (2017) stated that street harassment is the

unwanted attention from other people in public places. It creates an intimidating, hostile

or offensive environment in the school or the workplace.

Through the research conducted by Muhonen (2016), it is noticeable that the

number of sexual harassment cases taking place is increasing rapidly, which gives a clear

idea of the existence of many reasons, one of which is how people in authority are not

taking this huge problem into account and are not trying to prevent it. This term

sometimes extends to include gender harassment, harassment based on sexual orientation,

and sexual abuse. According to Kerst (1993), harassers know that they are doing

something against the law or at least wrong and that’s why they work hard to keep it

hidden. In order to do that they need to keep their identity hidden or use their power to

keep the victim’s mouth shut under every condition.

Sexual harassment may be manifested in both verbal and physical conduct.

Verbal harassment may consist of lewd comments or remarks, offensive jokes, or outright

propositions. While the physical form may range from a glance, a wink, leering, kissing,

brushing up against a person intentionally, pinching and touching, to rape or attempted

rape. Sexual harassment can be done by persons of either sex, although surveys and

studies in the U.S. reveal that 95 percent of sexual harassment are done by men on

women (O’Leasy, 2016). According to University of New Hampshire Sexual Harassment

& Rape Prevention Program (SHARPP), male victims have the same rights under the law

as women. Men are entitled to the same services and support following a sexual assault.

Sexual harassment is also done on the streets also done by men on women. But in the

Philippines, even men experience street harassment from women and gays especially

when a man is an attractive guy.

1.1 Background of the Study

Sexual harassment is a social practice. Social practices have lives, institutional

lives and semiotic lives. Groups such as the Women’s Christian Temperance Movement

and labor activists worked to protect women from sexual harassment and coercion in the

late 19th and early 20th centuries. These efforts lessened in the 1920s as female workers

were expected to know how to deal with sexual harassment on their own. Guidebooks

advised them to learn how to handle unwanted advances in the workplace and to quit if

they were unable to ward off lecherous coworkers (Reed, 2013).

Sexual violence is a crime of power and control and perpetrators use many

methods to control their victims, including fear, shame, threats, and debilitating

substances like alcohol and drugs.

As originally introduced in Congress, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

only prohibited discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion or national

origin. Discrimination based on sex was not included. The prohibition against sex

discrimination was added by a floor amendment by Representative Smith on 8 February

1964. Representative Smith was an opponent of Title VII and his amendment was

considered an attempt to confuse the purpose of Title VII and a means to defeat the bill.

Nonetheless, the House of Representatives adopted the amendment without hearing and

with a little debate.

In the Philippines, Congress enacted Republic Act No. 7877 otherwise known as

the “Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995”. Under the said law, sexual harassment is

considered a criminal offense for which the offender, upon conviction, could be penalized

by imprisonment of not less than Ten thousand pesos~ (PlO,OOO) nor more than Twenty

thousand pesos (P20,000) or both fine .and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

The legal prohibitions regarding this criminal offense, including the RA 7877, RA 9262,

and the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines, could greatly affect the numbers of people

being harassed by drastically diminishing it through penalizing such act and providing

stiffer penalties against the said matter. Moreover, aside from the statutory laws coming

from the legislated acts, the Civil Service Commission Resolution Number 01-0940

provides us also with the forms of sexual harassment that could help demarcate and

distinguish this criminal act from the other ones. Furthermore, tackling this topic is

highly relevant for it could happen according to Philippine Statistics Authority in

different places such as in workplace, school, parties, or even by telephone or cellphone.

1.2 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the research is to give information that also men are being

catcalled by females and lgbtq+ community. The researchers are here to let the men have

a voice about their experience and perception in regards to street harassment.

This research also aims to find out the impacts of street harassment to the persons

of other genders, particularly men who are also experiencing street harassment. This is

also to help future researchers and males to get information and be aware of the social

issue street harassment.

1.3 Statement of the problem

The intention or the target of this study is to determine and achieve the impact or

effects to the selected male victim who experience street harassment along in the street of

City of Manila only. This study also has desire to know what possible outcome of street

harassment to the selected male victim is.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the experiences of the respondent in street harassment?

2. How does sexual harassment affect the respondent?

3. How does the respondent cope in such street harassment?

1.4 Significance of the study

The result of this study aims to raise awareness and show realization to those

people who already experienced it and those people who are can be involve in this kind

of issue. This research will have a big influence on these people.

 MALE MEMBERS OF SOCIETY. As with this study, the male society has a

big beneficiary of this research. This research will help the male society to have

an idea that they have rights to express that they also experiencing street

harassment. This will provide them a study that would stand as a stronger basis

for their campaigns and advocacies for their rights as male.

 TEENAGERS. The result of this study may help teenagers to become a

knowledgeable and responsible one.

 FUTURE RESEARCHERS. The result of the study will help the future

researcher to gain greater knowledge and information because this research paper

can support and guide them. Also, they can apply some ideas to their research

especially when do the same topic through the thoughts and perception coming

from our research paper.

 COMMUNITY. The result of the study will help the community to become more

understanding to everyone and to know why this kind of harassment do by other

person, and it will help to community to prevent this kind of situation and to

know what will do if he/she experience this kind of harassment.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation

This study is centered on the effects of street harassment on the selected male

victims. The impact of this situation to the victims, how the victim reacts and also how

victims respond to this kind of situation.

In this research, the researchers decided that our respondents will be in the male

gender society that experience sexual harassment in the age of 16 and above. The

researcher focuses on victimized male who experienced street harassment. It also covers

the men from Sampaloc Manila and their perception regarding this matter and how they

interact to the society after they have been victimized. The view of the male who

experience being catcalled will determine the effects of street harassment. In addition to

this, gender was also a limitation wherein the researchers focused only on selected male.

1.6 Definition of Terms

 Attempted Rape - A crime in which rape was the motive for an assault, although

no rape was carried out

 Catcalling - The act of shouting harassing and often sexually suggestive,

threatening, or derisive comments at someone publicly.

 LGBT+ - LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) and LGBTQIA (lesbian,

gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual) the plus (+) in their name

ensures that they will always be inclusive of all identities to make their

community feel welcomed and that nobody is left out.

 Physical Appearance - Is the outward phenotype or look of human beings. There

are infinite variations in human phenotypes, though society reduces the variability

to distinct categories. Physical appearance of humans, in particular those

attributes which are regarded as important for physical attractiveness, are believed

by anthropologists to significantly affect the development of personality and 555

social relations

 Physical Conduct - Physical conduct is a sexual nature when either. The conduct

is made as a term or condition of an individual's employment, education, living

environment or participation in a University community.

 Self-esteem - Self-esteem can involve a variety of beliefs about yourself, such as

the appraisal of your own appearance, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors.

 Sexual Harassment - Is a harassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or

other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual

advances or obscene remarks.

 Street Harassment - Is a form of sexual harassment that consists of unwanted

comments, gestures, honking, wolf-whistling, catcalling, exposure, following,

persistent sexual advances, and touching by strangers in public areas such as

streets, shopping malls, and public transportation.

 Verbal Appraisal - It is the act of estimating or judging the nature or value of

something or someone.

 Verbal Harassment - Verbal abuse/harassment (verbal attack or verbal assault) is

when a person forcefully criticizes, insults, or denounces someone else.

Characterized by underlying anger and hostility, it is a destructive form of

communication intended to harm the self-concept of the other person and produce

negative emotions.

1.7 Theoretical Framework

Street harassment cannot be understood from the perspective of a single theory

but it is always a combination of different predictors. Previous researches used numbers

of frameworks including organizational approach, feminist theory, role theory and

attributional models of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment may be understood from

different perspectives, as reflected through the existing literature on the subject.

However, there have been several widely accepted theories of sexual harassment that

attempt to explain the phenomenon from different angles and perspectives. These theories

will try to include in their scope the concepts in this research and will also try to give

explanations and interpretation about the given phenomena. One significant theory that

will be utilized is the Natural/biological model theory. Sexual Harassment is simple an

inept expression of a natural sexual attraction between people, with two versions: (a) that

sexual harassment is often an inappropriate expressions and/or (b) sexually offensive

behavior are merely failed compliments from a person. These perspectives posit that

sexual harassment is a natural extension of mate selection evolutionary theory. In other

words, sexual harassment represents expressions of sexual attraction, a natural element in

mate seeking. Therefore, such sexual behavior is not mean as harassment. But in Gutek’s

theory, defines sexual behavior as a behavior that is legally considered as sexual

harassment Hence, it viewed as an inevitable consequence of cultural experience.

(Whaley and Tucker, 1998)

The natural/biological model theory was explained by Tangri et al. (1982) sexual

harassment is demonstration of human sexuality and results out of natural sexual

attraction. Tangri explained that this theory has two versions: as per first version of the

model sexual behavior is not to be seen as offensive and discriminatory since it is a

normal consequence of the stronger sex drive. Second version was posits that both sexes

participate in sexually oriented behavior at workplace and both like it that way. Tangri et

al. (1982) suggest that this model will adequately explain sexual harassment if women

and men are similar in socially relevant characteristics such as age, race, unmarried, and

behaviors should be akin to courtship behaviors. But Sundaresh and Hemlatha (2013)

state that as per this model the concept of sexual harassment is a mistaken one and should

be viewed as courtship behavior. Hence, Tangri et M. (1982) described the

Natural/Biological model which suggests that sexual behaviour is simply a natural

extension of human sexuality. It interprets sexual harassment as natural sexual attraction

between people. Its assumptions include a natural, mutual attraction between men and

women. Thus this model implies that the concept of sexual harassment is a mistaken one;

the relevant interactions are most appropriately viewed as courtship behaviour . This

implies that a person may not have an intention of sexual harassment but still would

involve in the act owing to the motivation provided by opposite sex attraction, a natural

attribute. (Tangri et al., 1982,Kamal,1998)

The relevance of the natural/biological perspective is that it acknowledges the

innate human potentially driving sexually aggressive behavior. In other words, it unifies

evolutionary perspectives to explain sexual harassment.

1.8 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.

This figure consists of the concepts that is related to Sexual Harassment, the

perception of other people, the experience of the victims and also the relationship of the

victims in the society. In this figure also explains the relations of street harassment on

male and what will be the positive and negative effects of this situation. It is indicated in

the figure 1 that the effects of sexual harassment will be the primary variable of all the

other concepts. The public relationship of the victims which are males will cover the

holistic effects of the said matter on the scale of the public relations and the society at

large. The concepts of societal gender roles, gender-based hierarchical society, and the

long-withstanding idea of patriarchy will be brought up upon the discussion of this


On the aspect of the personal perception, the views and opinion of the persons

involved, especially of the respondent shall be interpreted to come up with certain

answers in accord with the theories stated above. This portion shall include their own

perspective towards street harassment and how it affects gender-centered concepts.

Lastly, the experiences of the respondents will be greatly utilized to delve deeper into

their standpoint and explain several concepts through the use of the theoretical tools.

First-hand experience is important for it is one of the most reliable source of data for

being a primary source.

Chapter II


This segment talked about strategies and instruments utilized in choosing

members particularly men identified with street harassment and developing system a

scope of methodologies used to assemble information utilizing meeting and perception to

the chose male casualty of street harassment.

2.1 Research Design

The study aims to know how the street harassment affects males through

qualitative research. Qualitative research focuses in understanding a research query as a

humanistic or idealistic approach (Pathak, Jena & Kalra, 2013). The gathered data

through qualitative research is important in determining the particular frequency of traits

or experiences.

It is not ordinary to use male as the one who was the victim of street harassment

since females is the usual victim of it. This study will show that street harassment in male

also exists and rise. Through this study sexual harassment against men will widely

studied as street harassment against women.

2.1.1. Phenomenology

In this research, researchers will use phenomenological approach to interpret the

effects of street harassment in male. The phenomenological method aims to describe,

understand and interpret the meanings of experiences of human life (Bloor & Wood,

2006). It focuses on research questions such as what it is like to experience a street


The researchers utilized purposive examining for the individuals who are

consented to be a part of this study. A lot of criteria was established to figure out who

should be participate in this study.

2.2 Research Instrument

These instruments are utilized to check if the researchers direct the correct method

to gather the information and data. This is utilized to ensure that the researchers

assembled the information in like manner for solid information and legitimacy of the


2.2.1 Interview

An interview is a conversation between two people or more where questions are

asked to a person to get the required responses or answers (Krishna Reddy, 2018). This

interview is one-to-one, where the researcher collects data directly from the interviewee

on a one-to-one basis (Adi Bhat, 2019). Through a 3-5 minutes interview, participants

will be asked questions related to the research. The interview has structured questions

related to effects of street harassment that was experienced by males.

The interview is documented by tape recording. The will keep up a vital

separation from the tricky idea and turns out on exact, dependable and legitimate

information as the researchers tended to the research question. The responses of the

participants or the gathered information from the interview will answer the research


2.3 Population and Sampling

The participants of this study are males who are victimize of street harassment

within the population of Sampaloc Manila. This research defined to include the male

victims of street harassment in Manila, while the accessible population is the 10 male

respondents in Sampaloc Manila who are within the researcher’s reach.

After prospective participants were identified, the researcher approached and

invited them to participate in the study. They were presented with the information sheet

and were further informed about their right to refuse participation and that participation

was voluntary. When they agreed to participate, they were also made aware of their right

to withdraw from partaking in the interview. They were further informed that the

information that they provided in the interviews would also be treated with

confidentiality; they were not required to disclose their identifying details. Finally, they

were presented with consent forms for their participation and for the audio tape recording

that they signed to give their consent.

The study is a non-probability sampling where researchers select subjects that are

considered to be representative of the population. Non-probability sampling implies that

not every element of the population has an opportunity for being included in the sample,

such as convenience (accidental), quota, purposive and network sampling procedures

(Burns & Grove 2001).

Purposive sampling is used in this study, where technique relies on the judgement

of the researcher when choosing who to ask to participate. Researchers may implicitly

thus choose a “representative” sample to suit their needs, or specifically approach

individuals with certain characteristics (Barratt & Shantikumar, 2009). A sample is a

subset of a population selected to participate in the study, it is a fraction of the whole,

selected to participate in the research project (Polit & Hungler, 1999). In this study, a

subset of 5 males was selected out of the entire population of males who experienced

street harassment in Sampaloc Manila. Specifically, those who are in those stage of

adolescence it can be a student, worker or bystander that experience being catcall or

sexually harassed. Catcalling can also be a gesture of disrespecting adolescents and it

may affect the way the victim sees the people around him.

2.4 Research Locale

The research study about the effects of street harassment on male will be

conducted here in the area of Sampaloc, Manila Philippines. It is a rural area where street

harassment can happen, and possible male victims can be found. The study is conducted

on the month of March year 2019.

2.5 Research Ethics

In this research, the researchers are looking for a male participant that has

experienced sexual harassment or catcalling. The researchers gave the informed consent

form to the participants and explain the whole consent form to ensure their privacy

towards the study. For confidentiality, the researchers make sure the all names and

information are sugarcoated and after the study has been presented, all videos and audio

clips are deleted.

2.6 Data Analysis

The researchers use Colaizzi's (1987) Phenomenological data analysis procedures

and steps. The following are the clarifications of what is the stream of information

accumulation process the researchers had. The responses of the respondents were audio

taped and written. Next, data analysis occurred following the Phenomenological systems

and steps of Colaizzi (1987).

Every transcript should read and re-read so as to get a general sense about the

entire substance. For every transcript, statement that relate to the wonder under study

should be removed. These announcements must be recorded on a different sheet taking

note of their pages and lines numbers. Implications should be detailed from these

significant statements. The figured implications should be arranged into classifications,

groups of subjects, and topics.

The findings of the study should be incorporated into a thorough portrayal of the

phenomenon under study. The principal structure of the phenomenon should be

described. Lastly, approval of the discoveries should be looked for from the exploration

participants to contrast the researcher's unmistakable outcomes and their encounters.

2.7 Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher made a letter for the approval to conduct a study in the

respondents that will be given before the date of interview. After that researchers orient

the respondent if they are agreed to be participant of this study before the actual

interview. The accurate and valid answers and also the answers of the respondent who

does not used English as their language will be translates when the researchers conduct

the interview. Each respondent interviewed, was observed on how they cope with the

situation and what are the effects in this issue to them.

After collecting all data, the confidentiality of the information that was gathered

was ensured to make sure that the respondent’s privacy is safe and protected. Gathered

documents was used to understand the information for the study.

Chapter 3


3.1 Presenting the significant Statement

In this portion the Significant Statements will be presented. These are the statements that
are extracted s from the transcription table that is directly or non-directly answer the
research questions of our study.

3.1.1 Experience in Street Harassment


*1 Maybe I will tell them that is not right to do that to other people
*4 Because they have many problems then they thinking to do that just for fun

*10 I guess other people do that just for fun like, boasting that they catcall for them to
be look cool to their group (friends)
*14 Like they are calling your attention then they are trying to pick a fight
*17 I just don’t take an action regards to the situation because it might get them even
worse until they don’t control their selves.
*18 Yes, maybe for some it may consider as a harassment and for some can be a
compliment or it can boost their confidence.
*20 I think they find the person attractive and because of that they cannot control their
selves and maybe they are being influence by their friends, so they tend to copy them.

*22 I have experienced that someone called me “babe” also with other boys, especially
with my brother
*24 Yes, I witness many catcalling specially with my twin.
*26 I would not respond much and I would just give up a smile. Like I
*29 malicious intent, attraction
*32 Like gays and other women like to give up that “pssst” and “hey handsome” or
something like that or “handsome one hundred” “hansome three hundred” ganun.
*34 Yes. I have it done to my friend once like, we were just walking down the streets
after we played league of legends and this gay guy like walk up to us like “psst
handsome come here. You want three hundred?”
*35 he looked at me like “Dude what the hell is going on?” like, just like that… and he
said… and I just look at him like “I don’t know dude” (laughs)
*40 The usual thing that happen to me maybe that calling me “Hi Handsome” like
*42 In my classmate. (pertaining where he witness) When we are walking someone
catcalled him, then shout like “Hi handsome”

3.1.2 Effect to male


*2 Not really. I’m not thinking about those things.

*8 I’m discouraging myself that disregarding the respect to the person.
*9 They are disrespecting my personality like they are treating me like low class
*11 I’m offended when they are disrespecting me

*15 When you are walking down the streets you need to be alert.
*16 It is not safe nowadays because other people like to make fun of others.
19 I feel uncomfortable.
23 I just feel uncomfortable and conscious with what they are doing because to be
honest, I don’t feel safe sometimes because I’m still a kid and some harassers are

25 They often feel shocked and afraid, also they are not comfortable with it because
they don’t feel safe.
*27 Yes. Actually because that kind of experience is pretty traumatizing.
*28 I would feel very anxious, very questioning with myself. Why I’ve heard that. I
would see on my reflection as something like a dog because of those malicious words
*31 when you experience them yourself you would know the fear of having those

malicious word unto you.
*33 Rather conscious with the people I see that I avoid their stare, or I avoid their eye
*36 Ofcourse for me its not good because first of all I don’t know them
*37 I feel uneasy about those things
*38 Feeling nervous of course I’m nervous specially I don’t really know them
*41 Sometimes I’m nervous ofcourse. Specially when I’m alone walking in the streets
then it’s sunny afternoon or when I go home at night.
*43 we felt nervous then second we get annoyed because it’s disrespecting

3.1.3 Coping Mechanism of the victim


*3 Its not big deal if you will not take those words seriously
*5 Just let them be and ignore all those words that they said.
*13 Let them because the abuse that they did will not affect you.
*21 I just don’t mind them. I just act normal and I just walk pass them.
*30 I wouldn’t even consider that or just shrugged it off me. And probably rant it up
on my friend
*39 Maybe I will tell that to my friends specially to my parents that there is scenario
that happened to me while walking in the streets

3.2 Formulated Meaning from Significant Statements


*1 Maybe I will tell them that is not right to Deal the incident by calmly talking to the
do that to other people harasser that what they did is not right.
*4 Because they have many problems then There are many problems nowadays that
they thinking to do that just for fun why some harasser do that behavior just
to have some fun.
*10 I guess other people do that just for Harasser tends to do that just to have fun
fun like, boasting that they catcall for them and they think that makes them cool.
to be look cool to their group (friends)
*14 Like they are calling your attention Street harassment also involve those who
then they are trying to pick a fight are harassed thru trying to pick a fight
with them
*17 I just don’t take an action regards to Not acting towards the situation is

the situation because it might get them ignoring the fact that they are being
even worse until they don’t control their harassed to avoid conflicts towards the
selves. victim and harasser.
*18 Yes, maybe for some it may consider as Harassment is viewed depending on the
a harassment and for some can be a person and how will the victim take this.
compliment or it can boost their
*20 I think they find the person attractive Looking at the looks and sometimes
and because of that they cannot control being influenced can lead to
their selves and maybe they are being misunderstanding.
influence by their friends, so they tend to
copy them.
*22 I have experienced that someone Experiencing the situation and with
called me “babe” also with other boys, other victims.
especially with my brother
*24 Yes, I witness many catcalling With the norm of harassment, they
specially with my twin. witness harassment towards other people.
*26 I would not respond much and I would Walking away from the harasser is the
just give up a smile. Like I way how they avoid further conflict.
*29 malicious intent, attraction The reason for exhibiting those behavior
can be because of malicious intent and
*32 Like gays and other women like to give Random words was said to express the
up that “pssst” and “hey handsome” or attraction and malicious intent
something like that or “handsome one
hundred” “hansome three hundred”
*34 Yes. I have it done to my friend once The incident was witnessed and also
like, we were just walking down the streets experienced being done with other
after we played league of legends and this people.
gay guy like walk up to us like “psst
handsome come here. You want three
*35 he looked at me like “Dude what the It happened so fast that lead the victims
hell is going on?” like, just like that… and to be shocked
he said… and I just look at him like “I
don’t know dude”
*40 The usual thing that happen to me The attraction of a random stanger was
maybe that calling me “Hi Handsome” like express thru appraisal

*42 In my classmate. (pertaining where he Witnessed it being done with the people
witness) When we are walking someone round him.
catcalled him, then shout like “Hi
*2 Not really. I’m not thinking about those Not taking the experience seriously so
things. that it will not cause any further effect .
*8 I’m discouraging myself that Being disrespected leads the victim to
disregarding the respect to the person. lose his confidence.
*9 They are disrespecting my personality The lack of courtesy to victim makes the
like they are treating me like low class victim feel belittled .
*11 I’m offended when they are The perceived insult results to the victim
disrespecting me to feel upset or offended .

*15 When you are walking down the streets Because of the experience the victim
you need to be alert. must be alert at all time to avoid being
any conflict.
*16 It is not safe nowadays because other The feeling of interacting to other people
people like to make fun of others. is not safe.
*19 I feel uncomfortable. Being harassed is letting the victim be
uncomfortable towards the harasser.
*23 I just feel uncomfortable and Feeling paranoid with the society
conscious with what they are doing because they feel so unsafe. They do not
because to be honest, I don’t feel safe depend on adults towards the situation
sometimes because I’m still a kid and some because some harassers are adults.
harassers are adults.
*25 They often feel shocked and afraid, The reaction shocked and afraid is
also they are not comfortable with it acceptable because of the situation.
because they don’t feel safe.
*27 Yes. Actually because that kind of Street harassment experience can
experience is pretty traumatizing. cause type of damage to the mind due to
that distressing event
*28 I would feel very anxious, very Due to the experience the way how the
questioning with myself. Why I’ve heard victim will think about himself is
that. I would see on my reflection as affected.
something like a dog because of those
malicious words
*31 when you experience them yourself Being in the situation of the victim you
you would know the fear of having those will know what it feels to be harassed.
malicious word unto you.
*33 Rather conscious with the people I see The incident leads to uneasy feeling

that I avoid their stare, or I avoid their eye in interacting with other people in the
contact streets.
*36 Ofcourse for me its not good because Receiving those words from a stranger
first of all I don’t know them doesn’t feel good
*37 I feel uneasy about those things Its uncomfortable to experience being
*38 Feeling nervous of course I’m nervous Experiencing being harass tends to
specially I don’t really know them make a victim alarmed
*41 Sometimes I’m nervous ofcourse. Due to the incident it doesn’t feel safe to
Especially when I’m alone walking in the walk alone.
streets then it’s sunny afternoon or when I
go home at night.
*43 we felt nervous then second we get Negative feelings was expressed due to
annoyed because it’s disrespecting the disrespecting incident
*3 Its not big deal if you will not take those It will not cause much effect by ignoring
words seriously it.
*5 Just let them be and ignore all those Disregard the experience and don’t mind
words that they said. it any more.
*13 Let them because the abuse that they Don’t let that experience affect the victim
did will not affect you. as individual
*21 I just don’t mind them. I just act Avoid thinking to much about the
normal and I just walk pass them. incident and maintain being normal.
*30 I wouldn’t even consider that or just The further effect of the experience was
shrugged it off me. And probably rant it up avoided through self-reflection and
on my friend expressing what does it feel.
*39 Maybe I will tell that to my friends Telling the people that you trust will ease
specially to my parents that there is the negative feeling that you felt in the
scenario that happened to me while incident.
walking in the streets

3.3 Thematic Map

Formulated Meaning Cluster Theme Emergent Theme

*1 Deal the incident by Victim’s point of view about Experiences in Street
calmly talking to the the situation Harassment
harasser that what they did
is not right. *10 Harasser
tends to do that just to have
fun and they think that
makes them cool. *14 Street
harassment also involve

those who are harassed thru
trying to pick a fight with
them. *17 Not acting
towards the situation is
ignoring the fact that they
are being harassed to avoid
conflicts towards the victim
and harasser. *18
Harassment is viewed
depending on the person and
how will the victim take
this. *26 Walking away from
the harasser is the way how
they avoid further conflict.

*4 There are many problems The common reasons to

nowadays that why some experience the harassment.
harasser do that behavior
just to have some fun. *14
Street harassment also
involve those who are
harassed thru trying to pick
a fight with them. *20
Looking at the looks and
sometimes being influenced
can lead to
misunderstanding. *22
Experiencing the situation
and with other victims. *24
With the norm of
harassment, they witness
harassment towards other
people. *29 The reason for
exhibiting those behavior
can be because of malicious
intent and attraction. *32
Random words was said to
express the attraction and
*2 Not taking the experience The reactions that the victim Effects of Street harassment.
seriously so that it will not felt on himself due to the
cause any further effect. *8 harassment.
Being disrespected leads the
victim to lose his
confidence. *9 The lack of
courtesy to victim makes the

victim feel belittled. *11
The perceived insult results
to the victim to feel upset or
offended. *25 The reaction
shocked and afraid is
acceptable because of the
situation. *27 Street
harassment experience can
cause type of damage to the
mind due to that distressing
event. *28 Due to the
experience the way how the
victim will think about
himself is affected. *31
Being in the situation of the
victim you will know what it
feels to be harassed. *36
Receiving those words from
a stranger doesn’t feel good.
*37 Its uncomfortable to
experience being harassed.

*15 Because of the The effects to the victim on

experience the victim must interacting with his
be alert at all time to avoid surrounding
being any conflict. *16 The
feeling of interacting to
other people is not safe. *19
Being harassed is letting the
victim be uncomfortable
towards the harasser. *23
Feeling paranoid with the
society because they feel so
unsafe. They do not depend
on adults towards the
situation because some
harassers are adults. *33 The
incident leads to uneasy
feeling in interacting with
other people in the streets.
*38 Experiencing being
harass tends to make a
victim alarmed. *41 Due to
the incident it doesn’t feel
safe to walk alone. *43
Negative feelings was

expressed due to the
disrespecting incident

*3 It will not cause much The way how the victim deals Coping mechanism in Street
effect by ignoring it. *5 with the effects of street harassment.
Disregard the experience harassment after the incident.
and don’t mind it any more.
* Don’t let that experience
affect the victim as
individual, *21 Avoid
thinking to much about the
incident and maintain being
normal. *30 Avoid thinking
to much about the incident
and maintain being normal.
*39 Telling the people that
you trust will ease the
negative feeling that you felt
in the incident.

Chapter IV


The chapter shows the discussion of the data gathered from the answer of

researchers on the research question of the study (1) What are the experience of the

respondent in street harassment?; (2) How does sexual harassment affect the respondent?;

(3) How does the respondent cope in such street harassment? These questions were

answered by the respondents during the interview that held in Sampaloc Manila.

4.1 Arguments for Research Question Number One

This first research that guided this study was "what are the experience of the

respondent in street harassment" The researchers formulated the different experiences of

the respondent. The "common factors" that the researcher formulate are (a) calling for

attention; (b) tripping; and (c) malicious intent or attraction; The first factor is "calling for

attention" This factor explains that the harasser does just to get an attention of the victim

(Q7, R2); The second factor is "tripping" they become a victim of sexual harassment

because the harasser tripping them (Q3, R2); The last factor is "malicious intent or

attraction" This factor simply explain that they experienced sexual harassment because of

the malicious intent or the attraction of the harasser (Q4, R4); These factors was

simplifies that who ever we are, or what we are, we will experience sexual harassment.

"It's still just getting cat called. When I was about 18-20, I used to have girls catcall me

frequently. I had a mohawk and wore tight jeans, things which they always had to point

out. It's most commonly some girls shouting from a passing car. "You're hot!" or

something along those lines. They're typically younger (think college or earlier) and with

their friends. And that's a malicious intent" (Tarheel, 2017)

4.2 Arguments for Research Question Number Two

The second research question that this study aims to answer is "how does sexual

harassment affect the respondents". After the researchers conduct the interview, they

formulated the different reaction of the respondents the main factors that the researchers

formulate are (a) traumatize feeling; (b) more become conscious; (c) anxious; these

factors highly influenced the respondents reaction on how does sexual harassment affect

them. The first factor is "traumatize feeling" of the respondents. This factors explains that

the street harassment has a big impact or sexual harassment affect them. They are

traumatize specially it is the first time that is happened on them. It feels that they are

surprise on the something that has a big impact on them. (Q2, R4); The second factor is

"become conscious" this factor explains that some victims become more conscious in

their body appearance after the incident. While in the other hand, some victim doesn't

become conscious because according to them, being a man it doesn't matter. (Q5, R5);

The last factor is "anxious" The victims feels very anxious, that they questioning

themselves. Why people harassed them? Why should people do thing to them that they

aren't deserve. (Q3, R4); These factors and ideas really has a big impact that they don't

know how to cope up regarding to this issue.

"Honestly as of now, I am still in trauma about street harassment that I had Experienced.

I cry a lot of times, every time I remember those incidents. Some of those happened a

couple months ago, and one of those happened hours ago". (CL, 2018)

"I've been honked, whistled and catcalled way too much as wl and it traumatize me even

more after 2016 since it happened. It doesn't happen as much as it used too but I still

anxious when I see cars driving and it's never flattering when a total stranger imposes

things like that upon you". (Borrero, 2018)

4.3 Arguments for Research Question Number Three

The last question that this study aims to know is "how does the respondent cope in

such street harassment." This last question appeals to the outcome of the respondents on

how they cope up after the incidents. It stated that after the incident they become more

conscious on their body and they learn to become more alert on their surroundings. (Q8,


"You need to be aware of who's looking at you. Don't have your hands in your pocket, or

get too involved in your cell phone. If you're listening to headphones, keep your eyes on

your surroundings." Lexi Nisita

Chapter V


After the researchers conduct the interview, the researchers formulated the

different experiences of the respondent. The "common factors" that the researchers

formulate are (a) calling for attention; (b) tripping; and (c) malicious intent or attraction.

The research also found out the different reaction of the respondents the main factors that

the researchers formulate are (a) traumatize feeling; (b) more become conscious; (c)

anxious; these factors highly influenced the respondents reaction on how does sexual

harassment affect them. In addition finding also leads to discover the appeals to the

outcome of the respondents on how they cope up after the incidents. It stated that after

the incident they become more conscious on their body and they learn to become more

alert on their surroundings.

Findings leads the researchers to come up with the conclusion that Street

harassment have effect on the male victim. Due to the malicious intent, tripping and

attraction, the Street harassment was exhibit and affect the individual or male victim on

how they see himself and the people around him. Experiencing being harassed makes the

victim to feel unsafe walking down the streets and interaction with other people

especially when it is completely stranger. In addition, this study also found out that street

harassment is not particular to gender because men and lgbtq+ community also

experience it.

The study will lead for the males and his surroundings to get information and be

aware of the social issue street harassment. This will help the community to prevent this

kind of situation and to know what will do if he/she experiences this kind of harassment.

Chapter VI


 For the authorities/government officials

The researchers of this study advise them to give more attention to the victims of street

harassment and to enforce the right laws against street harassment. It is also suggested to

create more laws/regulations for the protection of men to avoid such acts.

 For psychologists,

The researchers advise them to correctly assist victims to overcome probable

psychological effects that these experiences may result to. It is also recommended that

they help victims to regain self-esteem that they may have lost during the incidents and

recover from the trauma.

 For street harassers,

The researchers recommend them to be aware of their actions because many laws

regarding street harassment will be violated and will lead to punishment. Their actions

towards males can also have negative or psychological effects.

 For advocates of men’s rights,

It is suggested that they use this study to better help and understand the victims of street

harassment. The researchers recommend to properly guide victims toward recovery and

prevent this from happening to other men. It is advised that they conduct seminars and/or

forums that may help men with this ongoing problem.

Appendix I
Researchers Profile

Name: Mark Kenneth Larion Abundo

Name: Kristelle OH A. Abrogena Birthdate: December 17, 2001
Birthdate: September 06, 2001 Birthplace: Manila
Birthplace: Manila Address: 93 Matibuan St. Masambong, Quezon
Address: AB 1105 Elpuebto Condo, Anonas St. City
Sta. Mesa, Manila Contact No.: 09478467930
Contact No.: 09226490282 Email Address:
Email Address: Short Description about the Researcher:
Short Description about the Researcher: He is an athletic person, and his favorite sport is
She is the type of girl who loves to sleep when basketball. He wants to be a player in his favorite
cramming and explore new things. An industrious university in the Philippines and a soon to be police
young woman. She is a caring and loving daughter. man. He is not clever, but he finds himself as a
She is not expressive, but you will feel that she strategical person and a hardworking student. He
cared. She is a God-fearing person. wants to be successful someday to make a life better
with his parents and his future family.

Name: Johanna Joyce Batac Aledo

Birthdate: February 27, 2002 Name: James Francis C. Jalalon
Birthplace: Sampaloc, Manila Birthdate: December 10, 2000
Address: 655 D. Vicente G. Cruz st. Sampaloc, Birthplace: Sampaloc, Manila
Manila Address: 3111 BF Roxas st. Sta.Ana Manila
Contact No.: 09333108372 Contact No.: 09957001847
Email Address: Email Address:
Short Description about the Researcher: Short Description about the Researcher:
She is a soon to be psychologist and she is a He is the guy who is not certain about his college
hardworking student who loves to try new course, but one thing is for sure, he is passionate
adventures. She is the type of girl that is a loving about photography, videography, and other media
and caring daughter and a friend. Most of the time related fields. He is the type of guy that is super
she is so straightforward but controls her temper in hyper and the guy who is friendly and a caring

a manner that there will be no one who will be person.

Name: Eldrin M. Madrid

Name: Mara Isabel Z. Bravo Birthdate: September 29, 2001
Birthdate: January 29, 2002 Birthplace: Romblon, Romblon
Birthplace: Bulihan Silang, Cavite Address: Santol st., corner Ramon Magsaysay
Address: 27 ROTC Hunters Tatalon, Quezon City Blvd, Sampaloc, Manila
Contact No.: 09165562630 Contact No.: 09308037792
Email Address: Email Address:
Short Description about the Researcher: Short Description about the Researcher:
She used to be the highest rank officer in a military His name is Eldrin Madrid, born at Romblon and
organization when she was in Junior High School. studying at NU – Nazareth School as a student
Leading a group is already her expertise that’s why athlete in the field football. Someday he wants to
she is really fit as the assigned Principal Investigator make a better life with his parents and wants to
of her research group. achieve his future goal.




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