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WESTERN SYDNEY | b UNIVERSITY Professional Practice ‘Secondary Program U Report Proseries Teacherename | Lameron Wallace Sudent IO: TEAS TEE Curiculumeaching area POIM/ee Dates: DIF EE 30 days Scheel oe ee ‘SUMMARY COMMENTS by the SUPERVISING TEACHER (amen is a monvakd and dedicated educator wito WAL made excellent progrtss on his practical enpenena. : Ris organised with his Hathiag and leaminy and has provided a vanehy of engaging and dynam ( lessons acrdss stage 4 4S. . Camevon (5 professional and developed posi nve relationships with beth cm{f and Srudents. OVERALL ASSESSMENT LY Satisfactory Di unsatisfactory Grat SATISFACTORY: The Pe-senvice Teacher has passed and met the expectd standard in most ofthe relevant elements as described by ‘the NSW instute of Teachers for his slage ofthe professional learning, Where a Pre-Service Teacher’ wor is considered outstanding orwell above average, his judgment should be reflected inthe summary comments, UNSATISFACTORY: The Pre-servic Teacher has flled tis Professional Experience unit and has not demonstrated al ofthe evant ‘ements as descrbed by the NSW instite of Teachers. The Supervising Teacher, Professional Experience Coordinator and Principal ‘26 the opinion that the Pre-servce Teacher requires an addon Professional Experience o attempt o demonstrate sastacory ‘ompelonce as 2 graduale teacher. No Pre-senee Teacher shoul receive an Unsaislactoy rade without being placed At Rsk andthe Comite of Advice being convened, This grade may be recommended on ONE or more ofthe following grounds: + Perfomance Defieneits~ ie falure to exhib crt incaed fo the paricla Professional Experience uni + Vitherewing frm Professional Experience — unless a Withdrawal Without Pena is awarded; * Nodeadoms Mscondct WAI+€F signature: a _ ate: i2fujis Pre-service Teacher's Signature: ate: (2/1 / '8 re-servioe Teacher are tobe assessed by the Supervising Teacher against the celevant Gradate Teacher Standards tha are appbicatle to Professional Experience ill a5 eer ND Not emonstzted; 0 ~ emanated; E~ Exoeeds expectations. Elaborate onthe Pre ‘sence Teacher’ professional practice inthe Comment section I Standards are not abla to be demonstrated please prove an ‘explanation inthe appropriate Comments section. standards ae nt relevant please insert NAY Supenising Teacher's Name Ni Col STANDARD _T:KNOW STUDENTS AND HOW THEY LEARN ND[D JE Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS Sot / Sa Soon 2 SRST — Da al a a ST ATT ine Fa De Ta rT Tunes, | Pomme wavbespaiclanngmek of ocsic oro Sehlme fall range of abilities Tai Sirtegies to Demonsirate broad knowledge and understanding of legislative requirements suppor full participation | and teaching strategies that support participation and learning of students of students with with disability. disability Comments Cameron has demonshated a high level of Commitment to building (elahonshipt with the students, calenng fur all ctudent nee ond pryuded Saft learmiay envi an ments, ‘STANDARD 2: KNOW THE CONTENT AND HOW TO TEACHIT ND |D |e Focus ares ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 211 Conte and Demonstrate Knowledge and understanding of the sono, subsance and 7 teaching sategies ofthe | structure of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching re. teaching area 22.1 Content slecion | Organise content into an eTfeaine Tearing and aching sequence 7 and organisation 23.1 Curriculum, Tse curcaam, asessmant and reporting knowledge to design Tearing assessment and sequences and lesson plans reporting 21 Undersand and] Demonstrate broad Know ledge of, understanding of and respect for respect Aboriginal and | Aboriginal and Torres Stat Islander histories, cultures and langusge. Torres Siri Islander V people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non- Indigenous Australians 25.1 Literacy and ‘Krow and undersand Ieracy and numeracy teaching strategies and their 7 numeracy strategies ___| application in teaching areas. 7261 Information and | Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand euriculum Tearing 7 ‘Communication ‘opportunites for students “Technology (CT. | Comments Cameron hal Thorugh knowledge of the PDHIVE lurriculvm and successfully engaged al udenty i tittravy and nameraoy based _achvine). STANDARD 3: PLAN FOR AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING [ND_[D TE. Professional Practice 1! Report SSupewvsing Teacher's signature: Soo Presence Tesch sgnetue bo Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 311 Exabish ‘Set leaming, goals that provide achievable challenges Tor Sudenis oF Wd tallengng leaming | varying abilities and characterises. cals an Tesson sequences using owedge oF student Teaming, concen and 7 effete teaching staegies ‘3.1 Use aching Tnclade a range of eaching sates atgies 3.1 Selestand use] Detmonsiate knowiedge ofa range of resources, incTading ICT, ta 7 resoues, ‘engage students in thei learning, TS Use aise Demionsrats a range oF verbal and non-verbal Sommunioaton Srategies V classroom suppor student engagement, communication 36.1 Evaluate and ‘Demonstrate broad Knowledge of sategies that canbe sed to evaluate improve teaching teaching programs to improve student learning programs 377 Engage paris! | Deserbe a broad range of sratgies Tor iavolving parnsveares inthe A carers inthe educative | educative process. v process Comments (amertn has Confdenty and competently embedded ICT, he iS entrniasNC and oganised and delivered high quality fessoas. STANDARD 4: CREATE AND MAINTAIN SUPPORTIVE AND SAFE LEARNING ND] D]E ENVIRONMENTS. ASPECT ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS “E1.1 Suppor slent | Identity strategies to suppor iehsive tude paiTpalion and engagement pticipation in classroom activities “4.2.1 Manage classroom | Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear J activities alireztions “63.1 Manage ‘Demonstrate knowledge of practi) approaches to manage challenging challenging behaviour __| behaviour - 44.1 Maintain student | Desribe srategies thal suppor Sudenis welling and seely working V safety within sehool andor system, curriculum and legislative requirements TST Use TCT safely, | Demonstrate an understanding ofthe relevant sues and ie Sraepies rsponsblyand chal | eve soppon ese sponibleand eal eof CT in earning VV and teaching. Comment Cameron has domenittied safety ia both theory and prachcal Itssons. He Is atkntve 1 Studentt welfare edi and has ef fechvaly Communicated and divsed propoms. I 5 de ee

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