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[Student Name]

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[Institution Name]
Speech for Zimbabwe
Hearing the name Zimbabwe will probably bring image of an African country which you
may have head in some sports event. Most common image which your unconscious mind may
project is a poor country where people are living in deplorable conditions deprived of the most
basic human needs. If such picture did come to your mind, then I can say that it is not wrong since
the country has long been facing several issues from the start in its struggle for independency, for
its national lands and later for power (Subramanian,1996). This landlocked country is
impoverished and fails to develop because of severe economic challenges which it currently faces.
Weak infrastructure and government systems can be seen as main contributing factor which
has not allowed the country to stabilize itself and is still battling several issues. Agriculture used
to be backbone of the country which now has fell to disuse causing production to decline rapidly.
Unemployment is extremely high where 95% of workforce fails to find employment. It is a big
misfortune for the country that despite minerals and raw materials present here, it is not able to
take benefit from it since many foreign companies left (Shizha,2007). As a result of economic
problems which engulf the country, many other problems are also on the rise such as spread of
various diseases. Poor infrastructure has left sewage on streets which led to the spread of Cholera.
We see that this land is rich with resources and opportunities but economic and political
constrains have taken away its power to develop and led to this dreadful condition. If proper
resources are provided to this region, then it can get back to its feet (Hoddinott,2006). Proper use
of its land and natural resources will allow it to undertake significant development and counter its
internal issues. Main areas which can be worked on is stabilizing the economy by increasing
revenue through agricultural activities. This will provide employment to people bring welfare to
whole society.
Being members of the international organization designed to help all of humanity, it is our
responsibility to answer their call for help as not only being fellow human beings but the
representative of United Nations. Leaving them in their current condition will be an explicit
example how UN fails at humanity.
Subramanian, J. (1996). Zimbabwe country profile. Country profiles of land tenure: Africa.


Shizha, E. (2007). Critical analysis of problems encountered in incorporating indigenous knowledge in

science teaching by primary school teachers in Zimbabwe. Alberta Journal of Educational
Research, 53(3).


Hoddinott, J. (2006). Shocks and their consequences across and within households in rural
Zimbabwe. The Journal of Development Studies, 42(2), 301-321.


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