Optometry: A-Crystallin: A Review of Its Structure and Function

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a-crystallin: a review of its structure and function

Clin Ex# Optom 2004; 87: 6: 356-366

Robert C Augusteyn BSc PhD DipEd a-crystallin, the major protein of the mammalian lens in most species, is an aggregate
Vision Cooperative Research Centre, assembled from two polypeptides, each with a molecular weight around 20,000 Da. It is
University of NSW, Sydney, Australia. polydisperse and can be isolated in a variety of forms, including spherical particles with
Neuroimmunology Laboratory, molecular weights ranging upwards from about 200 kDa.
Biochemistry Department, LaTrobe Sequence comparisons reveal that it is a member of the small heat shock protein
University, Bundoora, Australia (shsp) family. These proteins are aggregates assembled from polypeptides of 10 to 25
kDa that share a common central domain of about 90 residues (the ‘a-crystallin domain’)
with variable N- and Gterminal extensions.
a-crystallin has been intensively studied for more than 50 years but its three-dimensional
structure remains unknown because it has not been possible to obtain crystals for X-ray
studies and it is too large for NMR measurements. Structural information has been
derived from a variety of solution studies. Because of the protein’s polydispersity, inter-
pretation of data has been difficult. This led to different viewpoints and vigorous debate
on its structure and properties. Recently, the crystal structures of two closely-related
small heat shock proteins have been determined. These have provided some insight
into the structure of a-crystallin and explanations of previous observations.
Like many other heat shock proteins, a-crystallin exhibits chaperone-like properties,
Submitted: 29 March 2004 including the ability to prevent the precipitation of denatured proteins and to increase
Revised: 23 June 2004 cellular tolerance to stress. It has been suggested that these functions are important for
Accepted for publication: 18 July 2004 the maintenance of lens transparency and the prevention of cataract.

Key words: a-crystallin, chaperone, crystalline lens, heat shock proteins, structure

The name crystallin was first coined by of the total protein in most species. It is usu- a. My first exposure to a-crystallin came in 1965
Berzelius in 1830 to describe the gelati- ally isolated as a polydisperse mixture of when, as a young postgraduate student, I read a
nous substances that could be isolated large aggregates assembled from two types paper on its dissociation. I thought it had a
strange name and assumed this indicated i t had
from the crystalline lens.’ Fractionation of of polypeptides, the CrA and a B chains, with been crystallised, not yet having heard of the
this material led to the recognition in 1896 molecular weights around 20 kDa. The p r e crystalline lens. Three years later, Abraham
that there were several different constitu- portions of the two chains vary with cellular Spector, one of the paper’s authors, invited me
to join his laboratory and study a-crystallin. So
ents a n d these were proteins, t h e differentiation, with age and with species began a journey of almost 40 years, frustrating
crystallins, but studies on their structures but the significance of this variability is at times hut always interesting and stimulating.
did not begin in earnest until the 1 9 6 0 ~ . ~ not understood. It appears that there is no The journey is not yet complete. It has become
more difficult recently but my goal remains
a-crystallin is the major protein of the specific requirement for either polypeptide clear-understanding the structure and func-
mammalian lens, accounting for about half in the formation of a stable protein. tions of a-crystallin.

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 87.6 November 2004

a-crystall in A ugustqrn

Traces of the a-crystallin polypeptides Centigrade, close to the temperature at

are found in some other tissues but the which it exists in the eye, the average is
distribution of a B is ubiquitous.' It is 320 kDa." Similar sizes are obtained with
thought that production of a B is part of proteins assembled from purified sub-
the cell's response to stress and involves u n i t ~ , ' " .or
' ~by renaturation of denatured
its chaperone-like activity. protein.15 This suggests that the 800 kDa
This review focuses on current knowl- species of a-crystallin is a n artefact
edge of the structure of a-crystallin and generated when the lens is cooled.
its possible functions in the lens. For other Determining the true molecular weight
discussions on the properties and func- of a-crystallin has not yet been achieved,
tions of a-crystallin, as well as the other not only because of its polydispersity but
crystallins, the reader is referred to reviews also because of the large variations in the
by Horwitz,3 van Montford, Slingsby and size of the isolated proteins. Average mo-
Vierlir~g,~Sax and Piatigorsky,' Augusteyn lecular weights for different preparations
and Stevens.ti range from 280 kDaI6 to in excess of
10 mDa." The reasons for the variability
SIZE AND SHAPE are not yet fully understood, although, as
pointed out earlier, isolation conditions
When isolated in t h e laboratory, can have an effect.
a-crystallins are usually polydisperse Some of the polydispersity is due to an
populations of macromolecules large increase in the molecular weight of the
enough to be seen with the electron mi- protein, as the lens grows larger. Figure 2
croscope. Apparently spherical particles shows that the size of a-crystallin increases
with diameters of 12 to 15 nm are most towards the centre of the lens, in both
commonly A highly magnified adult and foetal lenses. Because of the
example is shown in Figure 1 (top). unique growth pattern, in which n o cells
Although there appear to be surface or their contents are lost during an ani-
features, areas where stain molecules con- mal's lifetime, a-crystallins isolated from
centrate, it has not been possible to deter- whole lenses will comprise proteins of
mine the subunit arrangement. Smaller different sizes.
particles (approximately 9.5 n m ) of T h e increase in molecular weight is
similar appearance are obtained with usually attributed to age-related post-
proteins assembled from the purified translational modifications and conforma-
polypeptides.','" Sheet-like forms of the tional changes that make the protein more
protein are also observed." hydrophobic.14 It is thought to be part of
The spherical particles assemble into pathological processes that culminate in
Figure 1. Electron micrographs of an
chain-like structures (Figure 1, bot- the insolubilisation of proteins and the
a-crystallin particle (top) and a chain of
tom) .8.'".12 These are fragile and fragment formation of cataract in the old lens.
particles (below) magnified 10 to 20 x106
easily but large numbers are seen if they Both post-translational modifications
fold. The proteins were negatively stained
are stabilised by cross-linking with glutar- and molecular weight increases start dur-
with uranyl acetate. Dark areas correspond
I t is probable that the ob- ing prenatal lens growth. In the centre of
to stain deposited on and around protein.
served polydispersity of the a-crystallin the foetal lens, the molecular weight is al-
The bar on each micrograph is 10 nm.
populations is due to variations in the ready more than double that in the out-
length of these chains.I2 How these relate side (Figure 2). This could hardly be con-
to the structure of the protein in the sidered as pathological or age-related in a
intact lens remains to be determined, tissue no more than six months old. More
however, it is likely they are generated by likely, it is a normal event associated with
rearrangement of the in vivo form, as the the compression of cells into the lens cen-
protein can be affected by conditions tre and plays a role in generation of the
used for disrupting lens cells. For exam- refractive index gradient.
ple, isolation of a-crystallin at five degrees An increase in size reduces the surface
Centigrade yields macromolecules with area/volume ratio of a protein and de-
an average molecular weight of about 800 creases the size of its hydration shell rela-
kDa. If a lens is disrupted at 37 degrees tive to its mass. Consequently, higher pro-

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 117.6 November 2004

a-crystallin Augustqrn

residues, respectively. The amino acid

4000 1 sequences of bovine a.4-and dogfkh a&

crystallin, separated according to the exon

locations, are shown in Figure 4.For ease
Y of reference, the numbering includes
gaps. Thus, the end of exon 1 in OA is at
position 77, corresponding to 63 amino
acids and 14 gaps.


Amino acid sequence comparisons of a
0 200 400 600 800
large number of OA and aB polypeptides
Protein accumulatedfrom the outside of the lens (mg)
from different species have indicated that
the two share a common ancestral gene
Figure 2. The molecular weight of u-crystallinsin concentric layers
and have evolved slowly, averaging only
removed from single prenatal (eight-month gestation, -.- and
three amino acid changes per 100 residues
adult (two years, -.- bovine
. - lenses.
. - Protein accumulated is a
(three per cent) every 100 million years.2n
measure of the distance into the lens, with 0 representing the outside
By contrast, haemoglobin has changed by
and 800 the centre in the adult. The relationship is not linear.
20 per cent in the same time. Compari-
son of the sequences of the modern bovine
a.4-and the ancient dogfish aB-crystallins
in Figure 4 shows the close relationship.
It would appear that there are structural or
functional constraints on the a-crystallin
Figure 3. The u-crystaUingene, showing the arrangement of exons molecule, which prohibit extensive amino
and introns ( ) acid changes. This is not surprising for a
protein that must interact with other lens
crystallins to form a transparent protein
matrix and with denatured proteins to
prevent their insolubilisation.
Comparison of the sequences with
tein concentrations and refractive index dissociation of subunit homopolyrners.l8 those of other proteins has revealed that
can be attained without an attendant It seems that the smallest a-crystallin mol- a-crystallins are members of the small heat
increase in osmotic pressure. This is pre- ecule may be under 200 kDa.I4sL8 A three- shock protein family.21This family com-
cisely what is required in the central areas dimensional structure would provide the prises 10 to 27 kDa polypeptides that share
of the lens. required information but, because of the a common central sequence of about 90
The variability in particles that can be polydispersity, it has not been possible to residues, called the a-crystallin domain.
isolated and in the molecular weights of crystallise the protein and the aggregate They differ in the variable N- and Ctermi-
different preparations, as well as the is too large for complete structural nal extensions and form aggregates of vari-
polydispersity,suggest that a-crystallins are determination using NMR. ous sizes. Examples are shown in Figure 4.
aggregates of a smaller molecule.
Several approaches have been used in
attempts to isolate this molecule. Re-
peated fractionation of a-crystallin a-crystallin comprises two primary gene Exons often code for independent struc-
populations, to remove large aggregates, products, the OlA and aB polypeptides, tural units or domains in a protein.22Thus,
yielded species with average molecular each 170 to 180 amino acids long.4 a-crystallins may contain three domains.
weights of 280 kDa.I6 These were still They are not related to any of the other Hydropathy plots indicate that the amino
polydisperse, indicating that the mini- lens proteins (p-, 'y- or taxon specific- acid sequences corresponding to the exon
mum was lower, perhaps a dodecamer crystallins). boundaries are strongly hyd ro p h ili~This
(240 kDa) . l 3 < I 4 Similar sizes are obtained The OA and aB genes (Figure 3) con- is a characteristic of domain interfaces,
by partial dissociation with weal5 and by sist of three exons (coding regions) sepa- which are often found on the surface of a
reassembly of purified s ~ b u n i t s . ' ~Even
-'~ rated by two introns (n~n-coding).'~ The protein.
smaller species can be obtained by acid exons code for 63 to 67,41 and 67 to 69 There is little doubt that domain 1 is an

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 87.6 November 2004

a-crystallin Augustqrn

a - C r y s t a l l i n exon 1

20 40 60 71
hsp2O M E I P V P V Q P S W L R R A S A P L P - - - G L S A P O R L F D Q W D E G L L Q

a-Crystallin exon 2

80 100 120 126


- - --
P2 P3 P4 I35 P6

a-Crystallin exon 3

127 140 160 180 197


- --

P7 P8 P9 P I0
Figure 4. Alignment of bovine UA- (bvaA) and dogfish UB (dfuB) crystallin amino acid sequences with those of human (hsptO), mouse
(hsp25, truncated near the Cterminus), methanoeoccusj a m c h i i (hsp16.5) and wheat (hsp16.9) heat shock proteins. The sequences are
arranged in three segments corresponding to the exons in the UA-crystallingene. Identical or highly conserved residues (D/E; S/T; I/L/v,
K / R Y/F/W) in at least four of the six sequences are shown in bold. The c cry stall in domain is shaded. The numbering at the top is for the
ucrystallin sequences and includes the gaps. The location of secondary structure elements in the hsp 16.9 u-crystallindomain is indicated
with black bars below the sequences.

independent structural unit. As can be The homology with invertebrate shsps mon origin. As can be seen in Figure 4,
seen in Figure 4, there are large variations (hsp 16.5 and 16.9) appears to reside only the hsp20, hsp25 and both a-crystallins
in the size and sequence of this domain in in the sequences corresponding to the sec- also show substantial homology in their
the shsp family. It is hard to accept that ond exon and a large part of the third. N-terminal sequences.
these variations could be accommodated This suggests that the a-crystallin gene may In the vertebrate hsps, domain 1 con-
in a larger domain without serious disrup have arisen through a process of exon tains an internal duplication with residues
tion of the protein's structure. Further- shuffling, with the second and third exons 1 to 34 homologous to residues 35 to 63.26
more, a mutant polypeptide lacking the first derived from the same ancestral gene as This suggests the domain has evolved
63 amino acids forms a stable dimeric struc- the shsps and the first exon from some through duplication and fusion of an an-
ture,24t25indicating that the domain is re- other unknown source. In some vertebrate cestral gene coding for 30 to 40 amino
quired only for assembly of the aggregates. shsps even the first exons may have a com- acids. Removal of the first of these

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 87.6 November 2004

a-crystallin Augusteyn

Figure 5. Secondary structure of the hsp 16.9 subunit with an Figure 6.A possible micelldike structure for c cry stall in.'^*^ The
ordered N-terminus.ss The N-terminal domain (green) contains subunits contain two domains and assemble into large aggregates
three helical segments, as shown, in half of the subunits. The through interactions between their hydrophobic N-terminal
remaining subunits in hsp 16.9 and all subunits in hsp 16.5 have domains (dark grey), which are located in the centre of the
unstructured N-termini. The u-crystallindomain (red) consists aggregate. The hydrophilic Gterminal (u-crystallin) domains
of a seven-stranded B-sandwich, an interdomain loop containing (light grey) are on the surface of the assembly.
one pstrand (B6 at the top) and a Gterminal extension (at the
bottom), which is largely unstructured except for the short BlO-
strand. (Reproducedwith permission from Nature Structural and
MokcuZur Biology; http://www.nature.com/nsmb/)

repeated segments by mutagenesis has is very similar except for its N-terminal
no discernible effect on the size of the domain, which is unstruct~red.~’ Because
a-crystallin molecule or on its stability.25 Circular dichroism and infrared measure- of the large differences between the N-
In view of the conserved nature of the ments indicate that 60 to 70 per cent of terminal domains, both in sequence and
a<rystallin domain, itwould be expected that the a-crystallin polypeptide is arranged in in conformation, it is not possible to pre-
exons 2 and 3 would be interdependent. P-strands and there is very little or no dict its structure in a-crystallin.
The similarities between the hsps and a - h e l i ~ .How
’ ~ these strands are arranged The a-crystallin domain consists of the
a-crystallin also extend to their aggre- can be deduced from a consideration of compact Psheet sandwich in the centre,
gates. Antibodies against a-crystallin re- the structures of the closely related hsp the interdomain loop at the top and the
act with the Drosophila s h s p ~ . ~Some
’ 16.5 and 16.9.s1*s2 Cterminal extension below. The bsheet
shsps form 200 to 800 kDa aggregates, A ribbon diagram, showing the second- sandwich contains seven P-strands and
which appear very similar to those seen ary structure of one subunit in hsp 16.9,32 closely resembles the sandwich found in
in electron micrographs of a-crystallin. is shown in Figure 5, with the N-terminal the immunoglobulins.ss There is little
Furthermore, hsp25 and uA-crystallin can domain, green, and the a-crystallin do- doubt that the secondary structure of
coaggregateZ8and complexes of shsps and main, red. The amino acids comprising a-crystallin would be similar in this highly
aB-crystallin have been observed in other the P-strands are identified under the conserved domain. .
tiss~es.~~~~~ sequence in Figure 4. The hsp 16.5subunit There will be some differences. For

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 87.6 November 2004

a-crystallin Augustqrn

example, as can be seen in the sequence such as a critical micelle c ~ n c e n t r a t i o n . ~ ~

comparisons, there are gaps in the region Furthermore, the model is not consistent
corresponding to the interdomain loop To determine the subunit arrangement or with the uniformity of particles observed
(residues 100 to 120) in the a-crystallins. quaternary structure of a protein, an ac- with the electron microscope. Large vari-
Thus, the loop will be smaller. As the loop curate molecular weight is required. So far, ations in diameter would be expected for
is important in subunit interactions, it is this has been unattainable for a-crystallin. micelles with different numbers of
likely that subunit orientations are differ- Nevertheless, models for the quaternary subunits.
ent in a-crystallin. structure abound. They include the three- Therefore, we are considering an alter-
These observations are consistent with layered models, the dodecamer, the native model, a tetramer of tetramers, de-
studies of the location and arrangement micelles and those involving a tetrameric rived in part from our studies on the acid
of the pstrands, using an elegant approach arrangement of subunits. Some of these dissociation of subunit homopolymers.6t18
called site-directed-spin-labelling are based on observations now known to This is also consistent with many of the
(SDSL)..943fi be incorrect and have been largely aban- observations on the protein. A similar
They generated sets of mutant a - doned. For a detailed discussion on these model has been suggested for the closely
crystallins, in which consecutive amino models, the reader is directed to the re- related murine h ~ p 2 5 . ~Further
’ work is
acids were replaced with cysteine. A view by Augusteyn and Stevens.6 required to explore this new model.
nitroxide spin label group was then A key feature of a-crystallin molecules More information on the possible
attached to the side chain of the cysteine is that there is no specific requirement for subunit arrangement can be gleaned from
to produce sets of proteins containing either CLA or a B s u b ~ n i t s .Any
‘ ~ combina- consideration of the hsp quaternary struc-
nitroxide spin labels in consecutive posi- tion of subunits can be accommodated tures that are shown in Figure 7. Hsp 16.5
tions. By examining the characteristics of and, regardless of aggregate size, all of the contains 24 subunits, arranged on the sur-
the label in each protein, the secondary subunits are equally accessible, in quasi- face of a hollow sphere while hsp 16.9 is a
structure of the polypeptide and its inter- equivalent locations on the surface of the dodecamer, consisting of two stacked
actions with other parts of the protein aggregate^.'^,^' It is probable that the hexameric rings. In both cases, all of the
could be deduced. For example, when subunits are in two different orientations subunits are in quasi-equivalent locations
sequences are in a Pstrand configuration, as only half can interact with monoclonal on the surface of the aggregate, as is the
accessibilityand mobility of the label vary antibodies directed to the a-crystallin case for a-crystallin.Although the two shsp
with a periodicity of two (that is, high, low, d~main.~’ molecules contain different numbers of
high, low et cetera). Therefore, any model proposed for the subunits, they share several common struc-
Mchaourab’s laboratorys43fiwas able to quaternary structure of a-crystallin must tural features that would also be expected
identify seven P-strands in residues 60 to have the subunits in two orientations and in a-crystallin. These can be seen by refer-
155 (the a-crystallin domain) of aA-crys- in equivalent locations. It must also be able ence to the ribbon diagrams in Figure 7b.
tallin, determine their orientations and to accommodate the huge variations In both hsps, the subunits are arranged
identify their packing in pairs. They com- observed in the molecular weight. head to head in dimeric building blocks,
pared the arrangement of P-strands in Models that best meet these criteria in- stabilised by interactions between the
aA-crystallin, hsp 27 and hsp 16.3 and clude those in which subunits are in a a-crystallin domains (through the top
found that, as expected, the secondary micelle-like arrangement (Figure 6). The surface of the domain shown in Figure 5).
structure of a-crystallin was very similar idea of a micellar quaternary structure was The orientations of the subunits in the
to that of the larger hsp. Also, they were first floated by Thomson in 1985,42and dimers are slightly different for the two
able to conclude that the basic building later developed by Augusteyn and molecules, but the similarities are evident
block of the hsp aggregates was a dimer Koret~T . ~h e~ idea is supported by in Figure 7. A key feature of the dimer
formed through a two-fold symmetric previous observations that subunits are structure is strand sharing, where the P 6
interface between two P-strands near the mobile and readily exchange between ag- strand from each subunit becomes part of
N-termini. gregates under mild conditions;@that the the sandwich in the other subunit. This is
The a-crystallin and hsp 25 sequences a-crystallin polypeptide is amphiphilic possible because of the large loop in which
extend well beyond the P l O strand (Fig- with distinct hydrophobic N-terminal and this strand is located (Figure 5). In
ure 4). NMR measurements have shown hydrophilic Gterminai domains;2sand that a-crystallins, the loop is much shorter be-
that these residues are unstructured and the subunits assemble through interac- cause of amino acid deletions (Figure 4).
highly m~bile.~’,~*They contain a high pro- tions between the N-terminal domains.45 This changes the nature of the interactions
portion of hydrophilic amino acids and are The micelle model has been adopted at the interface but, as shown with SDSL
thought to contribute to the solubility of enthusiastically in many laboratories. How- and X-ray solution scattering, the subunit
the protein. ever, our further research has shown that dimer is still f ~ r m e d . ~ ~ - ~ ~
a-crystallin does not exhibit some of the A dimeric arrangement is also consist-
characteristic properties of lipid micelles, ent with the limited binding of antibodies

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 87.6 November 2004

a-crystallin Augustqn

Figure 7a. Spacefilling models of the 24mer hsp 16.5 (LHS)and the 12-merhsp 16.9 (RHS)molecules. Subunits are
shown in different colours. Different shades of similar colours are used for the two subunits in a dimeric building
block. The hsp 16.5 molecule is a hollow sphere with triangular and square windows on the surface. Hsp 16.9 consists
of two hexameric rings with a triangular central cavity. (Reproducedwith permission from Natum Strueeuml and Moleculat.
Biology; http://www.nature.com/nsmb/)

Figure 7b. Ribbon diagrams showing the secondary structure of a portion of hsp 16.5 around one of the triangular
windows (LHS)and the top ring of hsp 16.9 (RHS). Subunits in the dimeric building block are the same colour. In the
hsp 16.9 molecule, submits in the bottom hexameric ringare shown in lighter shadesof the top ring colours. (Reproduced
with permission from Natutv Structural and Molecular Biology; http://www.nature.com/nsmb/)

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 87.6 November 2004

a-crystallin Augustqrn

to a-crystallin."2The monoclonal antibod- residue in position 153. This corresponds of the aggregate^.'^.^^ This may be neces-
ies used were directed at residues within to a P8 strand residue, which lies in the sary because the Gterminal extensions are
the sequence numbered 111 to 130 in Fig- groove where the hsp extension binds. The too flexible to maintain a compact, or-
ure 4 (HG ... GY in bovine aA). These in- side chain of the cysteine is buried in dered aggregate. Under conditions where
clude the p6 strand and the interdomain a-crystallin but becomes exposed with age- the Gterminal extensions have dissociated
loop before it. In the hsp molecules, these related Gterrninal truncation and during from their grooves and the a-crystallin
are on the surface of the molecule close partial denaturation of the molecule, indi- domain starts to unfold (exposure to 4 to
to the subunit-subunit dimer interface. cating it is covered by a flexible region of 5M urea), the aggregates remain intact.15
Binding of antibody to one of the subunits polypeptide near the Gterrninus.39 By contrast, the shsp molecules would be
would make inaccessible the binding site In aA-crystallin, there are even more expected to dissociate. Mutant a-crystal-
in the second. residues between the p9 and P l O strands lin polypeptides, lacking the N-terminal
In both hsps, the dimers are arranged (Figure 4). This suggests that the exten- domain, do not assemble into aggregates
around a central cavity. T h e actual sion may be even more flexible, that is, but form dimers and small amounts of
arrangement is determined by the the hinge may be larger, allowing more tetramer~.'~.'~ Presumably, as in the com-
Gterminal extensions, which fit into hy- subunit orientations. The a B hinge is plete molecule, the dimers consist of two
drophobic grooves on the surface of smaller and only one residue longer than a-crystallin domains in the head to head
subunits in adjoining dimers. that in hsp 16.9. These observations sug- configuration, while the tetramers also
In hsp 16.5, the extension adopts a sin- gest that the aA and a B homopolymer involve the Gterminal extensions.
gle conformation, which results in the molecules may have different quaternary As mentioned earlier, the N-terminal
dimers being located in identical positions structures. It is interesting to note that domain of a-crystallin consists of two re-
on a spherical surface. This can be seen a-crystallin molecules rich in aB polypep peated sequences. The first of these is
in Figure 7b. The C-terminal extension tides appear to be more compact, have partly exposed on the surface49 but the
from the blue subunit on the left lies over lower average molecular weights and are second is buried inside the aggregate.
the red subunit beside it. The C-terminal less polydisperse than those rich in cA.'".'~ Mutants lacking the first repeat still form
extension, from the blue subunit on the This may reflect a lower flexibility in a B a-crystallin-sized aggregates. However,
right, heads in the opposite direction, because of the smaller hinge. removal of any part of the second repeat
around the surface of the sphere, to in- It seems likely that the a B homopoly- generates the dimers, indicating that
teract with an adjacent subunit. Although mer is a dodecamer, similar to hsp 16.9. residues 36 to 63 are critical for aggregate
the colours are different in the space- aA may be larger, perhaps the tetramer of f ~ r m a t i o n . * ~ .far,
~~S it ohas not been possi-
filling model, the extensions are clearly tetramers.'" It is difficult to imagine the ble to determine the secondary structure
visible. structure of the mixed a-crystallin aggre- of the repeats.
The C-terminal extension in hsp 16.9 gates. Indeed, there may be several qua- Although great advances have been
contains additional residues between the ternary structures, all with the subunits in made in recent years, much remains to be
P9 and PlO strands. It is obviously longer quasiequivalent locations, and the specific learned before we can fully understand the
in Figures 7a and 7b, allowing greater sepa- structure adopted could depend o n the structure and properties of a-crystallin.
ration between the subunit dimers. The proportions of aA and a B subunits as well
extra length generates a hinge, so that the as the molecule's environment. This could
angle between the extension and the explain some of the variability observed
a-crystallin domain can vary by 30 degrees. in the structure of a-crystallin. Until about 10 years ago, it was thought
As a result, there are two different As can be seen in Figure 7b, the hsp16.9 that the roles of a-crystallin in the lens
orientations of the dimers, giving rise to a molecule is also stabilised, by the N-termi- were passive, that is, to contribute to the
quaternary structure different from that nal domains, which are located within the refractive properties of the lens and to
in hsp16.5." One extension is similar to interior of the aggregate. Half of these remain soluble for the lifetime of the or-
that in hsp 16.5, lying over the top surface domains have an ordered structure con- ganism. The discovery that akrystallin is
of the adjoining red subunit, and can be taining three a-helical segments."' By expressed in other tissues2and is elevated
seen clearly in Figures 7a and 7b. The sec- contrast, all of the N-terminal domains in in a number of human diseases"' led to
ond, which cannot be seen in the views hsp 16.5 appear to be unstructured,3' sug- speculations that the protein may have
presented, lies down the side of the mol- gesting the domain plays little or no role specific functions in the lens and else-
ecule (at right angles to the plane of the in stabilisation of the aggregate. where.
paper) and joins together subunits in the In this regard, the a-crystallins differ Apart from the structural similarities
two rings. substantially from the two small hsps. The discussed earlier, a-crystallin resembles
It is probable that the Gterminal exten- N-terminal domain is much larger in the many of the other small heat shock pro-
sion functions in the same way in the a- a-crystallins (Figure 4) and several obser- teins in its ability to inhibit the precipita-
crystallins.The aA chain contains a cysteine vations indicate it is critical for assembly tion of denatured proteins, including the

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 87.6 November 2004

a-crystallin A u p t e y n

- --

P3 P4 P5
it in the other,fi5yet removal of the whole
domain does not appear to have any
effect.4sSeveral mutations in the a-crystal-
lin domain, which affect activity, have also
been described. However, in view of the
Figure 8. The putative chaperone binding sites in bovine aA-and confusion in data on the N-terminus, it is
akystallins difficult to evaluate these at present.
A major difficulty in mutational studies
is the risk that the mutation affects the
overall structure of the protein and this is
j3- and y - ~ r y s t a l l i n sSimilar
. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~protection aggregate. A covalently cross-linked responsible for the change, rather than
is offered from other types of stress caus- a-crystallin, which is incapable of dissocia- any specific effect on the chaperone. It
ing protein denaturation and precipita- tion, shows undiminished chaperone ac- may not always be possible to detect such
tion. In addition, it appears that the pro- tivity.60In addition, aA and a B mutants, structural changes.
tein can impart thermotolerance to lacking the N-terminal domain, exhibit Sharma and co-workers%allowed hydro-
cultured cells.54These protective functions substantial chaperone activit~.~’ Thus, it is phobic fluorescent probes to interact with
are referred to as the molecular chaper- unlikely that residues in the N-terminal a-crystallin and then covalently cross-
one activity (see review by Hendrick and domain or dissociation of the molecule are linked the probes and protein. On the
HartP). required for the activity. assumption that the probes would have
The protective activity involves binding Numerous studies have addressed the bound at or near the hydrophobic c h a p
of denatured polypeptides to the hydro- relationship between structure and func- erone binding site, they identified two se-
phobic a-crystallin to form larger soluble tion by examining the effects of tempera- quences in the a B chain and one in a4
complexes. The stoichiometry of the bind- ture, pressure, dissociation/association, that may be involved in the chaperone-like
ing is one denatured polypeptide per chemical modification and denaturation activity. The sequences are shown in Fig-
subunit.5fiUnlike the large heat shock pro- on the hydrophobicity and chaperone ac- ure 8. The putative binding sites contain
teins, ATP is not required and the dena- tivity. As with earlier studies on the p r o p the P3, P4 and P5-strands and, in the hsps,
tured protein is not refolded and released, erties of a-crystallin,fi there is a large line the groove on the surface of the
although it may be presented to the large amount of information but little agree- subunit, in which the Gterminal extension
chaperones for r e f ~ l d i n g . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ment between investigators. This may be from an adjoining subunit binds. This
The mechanism involved is not under- due, in part, to differences in the meth- would suggest that denatured proteins
stood but binding has been attributed to ods used for isolating and handling the bind in the groove and displace at least
hydrophobic sequences in the a-crystallin proteins. In addition, one must question part of the Cterminal extension, consist-
domain and in the N-terminal domain. the value of studies conducted with pro- ent with the report that immobilisation of
I t has been suggested that these become tein isolated in the cold when lens tem- the extension reduces chaperone activity.*
exposed only following dissociation of the perature is around 36 degrees Centigrade Sharma and his colleagues@ also synthe-
m o l e c ~ l e .It~ would
~ ~ ~ ~appear that and it has been demonstrated clearly that sised a peptide corresponding to the aA
a-crystallins and many of the small heat the protein has different structures at five site and, surprisingly, found that this
shock proteins have mobile structures, degrees and 37 degrees Centigrade.’3,44f’’ exhibited chaperone activity.
being able to exchange subunits between Site directed mutagenesis has been used Much has been made of the chaperone
different aggregates under mild condi- in attempts to identify residues involved property and the relationship of a-crystal-
t i o n ~ . ~This
~ *must
~ ~ .involve
~ ~ dissociation in the chaperone activity. Unfortunately, lin with stress proteins (see reviews by
of the molecule at least into the subunit the results are confusing. For example, a Derham and Harding,fiyGanea,7”Groenen
dimers. Whether such dissociation is mutation at position 27 in a B was initially a n d associate^,^' Horwi tz3 a n d van
involved in the chaperone activity is reported to be inactive@but subsequently Montford, Slingsby and Vierling4). I t is
questionable. shown to be active.fiSIn 1999, it was re- now generally thought that the chaperone-
The complex formed between a-crystal- ported that mutations at positions 19 and like activity plays an important role, espe-
lin and denatured proteins is larger than 45 in the N-terminal domain of aB were cially in the ageing lens by preventing the
the original a-~rystallin,5~ indicating that without effect, while a mutation at 59 pro- accumulation of insoluble proteins, which
the subunits must reassociate. Given that duced a modest decrease.fi4In 2001, the would scatter light and cause a loss of trans-
the N-terminal domain is required for the same laboratory reported that mutations This is an
parency, that is, cataract.3.5’,m.6y
formation of aggregates, it is hard to im- in positions, 45 and 59 decreased chaper- interesting idea as a-crystallin represents
agine how it could bind a denatured pro- one activity.- Swapping of the aA and aB almost 50 per cent of the proteins in the
tein and still participate in the interac- N-terminal domains has been reported to mammalian lens72and theoretically (based
tions, which generate the a-crystallin abolish activity in one hybrid but enhance on the 1:l stoichiometry), would be capa-

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 87.6 November 2004

acrystallin Auguslqrn

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