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Nut Bolts of Dissertation from Dr Ashish Pareek

• Structure of the Dissertation

– Title Page or Cover Sheet

– Certificate from the student

– Abstract/ Executive Summary

– Acknowledgements

– List of Contents

– List of Figures and Tables and Abbreviations

– Chapter 1 – Introduction (5-10 pages)

– Chapter 2 – Literature Review (4-10 pages)

– Chapter 3 – Research Methodology (3-5 pages)

– Chapter 4 – Findings & Analysis (10-25 pages) (includes table, graphs etc.)

– Chapter 5 – Recommendations & Conclusion (2-3 pages)

– References/ Bibliography

– Appendices/ Appendix
Title Page or Cover Sheet



(Title of the Study)

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of
Business Administration (DS)

Submitted by Submitted to

(Name of Student) Center for ESBM

Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer

References/ Bibliography

a) Text book:

Names of authors, title of the book with edition number, place of Publication, then
(:) followed by name of publisher, and year of publication.

b) Published article

Name(s) of author(s), title of the article as it appears, title of the journal, volume
number, issue number, year of publication, page to page (e.g., pp. 12-16 or p. 4)

c) Article presented in a conference:

Name(s) of author(s), title of the article as it appears, proceedings of the National/

International Conference/Workshop/ Seminar on “write here Theme of the
Conference”, organization address with place, dates (period) of conduct, article
page to page number.

If there are two authors use “and”, and if more than two authors, write all names with
preposition “and” before the last name.
Do’s and Don'ts of Dissertation Report

1. Each Chapter of project must start on a new page.

2. Have an appealing design for start of each chapter.

3. Differentiate among section titles, sub-titles and sub-sub titles.

4. Write chapter title in upper case, section title, each word beginning with capital
letter, sub-title only beginning letter capital, remaining lower case, all in bold.

5. Do not decorate any page.

6. Be as simple as possible.

7. Do not use flowery language.

8. Text must be compact, concise, lucid, and simple and essentially syntax errors free.

9. Even if spell check is used see that the words used are what you desire to have.

10. Normally font be of Times New Roman or Aerial type, with size 12 or 13, line
spacing should be double, alignment (justify)

11. Maintain the flow of the text. i.e., the end of preceding paragraph/ Section/
Chapter must indicate the beginning of the following paragraph/Section/Chapter.

12. Appendices can be added if you want to give some additional data/information.

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