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1. An old woman approached PO3 Gomez asking the police officer to
run after an unidentified young man who allegedly snatched her mobile
phone.PO3 Gomez declined claiming that the man was
already a block away from them and besides the police officer
alleged that he is rushing home for an urgent matter. The officer’s refusal to help
the old woman is an example of
A. nonfeasance
B. malfeasance
C. misfeasance

2. When the accused is found not guilty of the charges presented

before the court, he is
A. convicted
B. suspended
C. acquitted
D. absuelto

3. Guilty by act means

A. Actus Reus
B. Actus Numbus
C. Mens rea
D. Rea mensa
4.) What kind of assault committed when it includes kicking,
punching,deliberately throwing an object and drawing a lethal
weapon against someone?
A. Mental
B. Physical
C. Sexual

5.) A false belief based on an incorrect inference about external

reality and firmly sustained despite clear evidence to the
contrary, and which is not related to cultural or religious beliefs
A. False alarm
B. hallucination
C pschotic
D. Delusion
6).A child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as, having
committed an offense under Philippine laws is considered
A. Child at risk
B. Child in conflict with the law
C. Minor offense
D. Juvenile offender
7.)The apprehension or taking into custody of a child in conflict with
the law by law enforcement officers or private citizens is termed
A. Arrest
B. Initial contact
C. Child custody

8.One day we maybe cool and withdrawn and the next day, warm
and sociable. This condition may fall into the disorder known as:
A. Bipolar disorder
B. Schizophrenia
C. Psychopathic behavior

9.) Pedro engaged in a multiple means of torture, using psychological

torment combined with physical methods to lighten his sexual
arousal is suffering from:
A. Sexual Pyromania
B. Sexual Sadism
C. Sexual Torture

10.) According to psychoanalysis, this refers to the conscience of man.

A. Ego
B. Id
C. super ego
D. spirit

11.) A type of crime in which the end result is destructive.

A. acquisitive crime
B. extinctive crime
C. seasonal crime
D. static crime

12.) The taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the
commission of an offense.
A. Search
B. Seizure
C. Detention
13.) The authority of the court to hear or determine a case.
A. executive power
B. jurisdiction
C. hearing

14.) The reading of charges against the accused in the open court and the declaration
of his plea of guilty or not guilty.
A. Charging
B. Sentencing
C. Arraignment
D. Trial
15.) The informal component of the Criminal Justice System.
A. Community
B. law enforcement
C. prosecution
D. corrections
16.) PD 603 is known as:
A. the Parole Law
B. the Probation Law
C. the Child and Youth Welfare Code
D. the Revised Penal Code for children
17.) A child whose basic needs have been deliberately unattended.
A. neglected child
B. abandoned child
C. dependent child
D. abusive child

18.) Phenomena in a hostage situation where the hostages become sympathetic to the
hostage takers.
A. Oslo Syndrome
B. Stockholm Syndrome
C. Hostage Syndrome
D. Helsinki Syndrome

19.) When an individual experience tension and anxiety increases making him/her
helpless, thus he experience negative feelings called
A. Crisis
B. Frustration
C. Conflict
D. Hallucination

20.)A parent who provided an egg, sperm, or uterus with an intent of

giving the child up for adoption to specific parties.
A. None of these
B. Stepparent
C. Foster Parent
D. Surrogate Parent
21.) What is the legal doctrine that unless the mother is "unfit", very
young children should be placed in custody with their mother
following a divorce?
A. Tender Years Doctrine
B. Psychological Parent Doctrine
C. Unwed Mother’s Doctrine
D. Illegitimacy
22.) It refers to the totality of the circumstances and conditions most
congenial to the survival, protection and feelings of security of
the child and most encouraging to the child’s physical,
psychological and emotional development.
A. Best interest of the child
B. Rights
C. Obligations
D. Child’s role

23.) In the Organized crime world, who bribes, buys, intimidates and negotiates into a
relationship with the police or public official?
A. Enforcer
B. Instigator
C. Corrupter
D. Corruptee

24.) A single act which brings about two or more grave or less grave felony.
a. complex crime b. Compound crime c. Complex crime proper d. All of the these

25.) The characteristics of criminal law which undertakes to punish crimes committed
within the philippine territory.
a. prospectivity b. Generality c. Territoriality d. All of these

26.) The circumstances which if present in the commission of the crime will have the
effect of increasing the penalty without however exceeding the maximum penalty
prescribed by the law.
a. Alternative b. Justifying c. Aggravating d. Mitigating

27.) The person is stout, has short stubby hands and with round body. This type usually
commits with violence.
a. pyknic type b.athletic type c.asthenic type d. Dysplastic type

28.) refers to surroundings of an object. It consists of conditions and factors that surround and
influence behavioral pattern.
a.) Heredity b. Enviroment c. Learning D. Value

29.) characterized by interests directed toward the external environment of people and things
rather than toward inner experiences and oneself.
a. extrovert b. Introvert c. Ambivert d. Abnormal
30.) refers to the situation which blocks the individual’s motivated behavior. Sustained
frustration may be characterized by anxiety, irritability, fatigue or depression
a. coping mechanism b. Frustration c. Sublimation d. Displacement

31.) This is an intense, unrealistic fear. In this case, anxiety is focused so intensely on some
objects or situations that the individual is acutely uncomfortable around it and will often go to great
pain to avoid it.
a. Fear b. Anxiety c. Phobia d.emotion

32.) involve a neurotic pattern in which the individuals complain of bodily symptoms that suggest
the presence of a physical problem, but for which no organic basis can be found.
a. somatoform b. Hebrepenic c.simple schizoprenia d. Disiociative disorder

33.) refers to any behavioral reactions or reflexes exhibited by people because of their inherited
capabilities or the process of natural selection.
a. inherited behavior b. Learned behavior c. Complex d.instictive

34.) is the feeling or impression created by a given stimulus or cause that leads to a particular
reaction or behavior.
a. sensation b. Perception c. Awareness d. Delusion

35.) obtaining sexual pleasure by watching the members of the opposite sex undressing or
engaging in sexual activities.
a. bestiality b. Fellatio c. Voyeurism d.necrophilia

36.) anything that a person considers important in life, such as material things, ideas and
a. value b.right c. Duty d. Intellectual

37.) abandonment or renunciation of one’s loyalty to the government of the Philippines

advocating to overthrow the present administration .
a. Disloyalty of government b. Incompetence c.dishonesty d. Discretion

38.) all members of the PNP must have moral courage to sacrifice self-interest

a. Police lifestyle b. Political patronage c. Delicadeza d.democracy

39.) the flag is raised at half-mast in deference to deceased uniformed members of the command.
a. ceremony b. Half-mast c. flag retreat ceremony d. Flag raising ceremony
40.) during marriage of PNP members, a ceremony is conducted with participants in uniform and
swords drawn
a. social decorom b. Anniversarry c. Wedding ceremony d. Honor ceremony

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