Intelligent Bio-Detector

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A Journal Paper Critique Submitted in Partial

Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Subject ECE

Elective 4: Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering

(ELE 525)

Submitted By:

Jester Cyrus E. Camacho

Submitted To:

Engr. Arlene C. Grate, ECE, MEP-ECE

Date Submitted:

March 20, 2019

I. Journal

Received: November 16, 2016

Accepted: December 25, 2016

Published: December 28, 2016

Intelligent Bio-Detector


Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT, USA

Keywords: Bio-Detector, Biosensors, Biomedical, Hospital’s Devices, Biotechnology, Biomedical



The objective of this document is to describe the design and implementation of an

intelligent biomedical system. The system consists of an array of multiple sensors. The sensors

are connected to the Arduino Uno device to allow data capture and processing. The captured

signals from the sensors are then digitized by the microcontroller. The data from the

microcontroller are accessible via two different portals: the LCD display and the LabVIEW

graphical user interface. The microcontroller is also equipped with a GSM module to send the

alert message to the user upon occurrence of events that simulate abnormal activity in the

biological parameters of the user.

III. Critique

System or Issue Being Investigated

Chronic disease is disease that persists over a long period of time. Chronic disease can

hinder independence and the health of people with disabilities, as it may create additional

activity limitations. People with chronic disease often think that they are free from the disease

when they have no symptoms. The problem discussed in this study is a multi- sensor will work

and help in solving a critical problem with our healthcare industry.

Synopsis of the Questions

In this study the researchers conduct research by using alternative testing methods, for

example, a hair dryer was used to increase the temperature around the temperature sensor.

Lemon water was used to verify the functionality of the pH sensor

Overview of the Situation

Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require

ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. Chronic diseases such as

heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the United

States. So the researcher conduct a test on how an Intelligent systems work and how it will

benefit the patients suffering from chronic diseases. The researcher will made a design and make

a device that can monitor the data that will reach to the serve about the condition of the patient.

Objectives of the Research Work

The research work focuses on patients that suffer from chronic dieases.

1. To know the significant of Intelligent Control

2. To design and implement an intelligent bio-detector that can measure the vital parameters

of the patient’s health.

3. To create a device that can monitor and collect data.

Overview of the Results made by the researcher


Since we do not have access to patients that we can try the Intelligent Bio-Detector on

We used alternative testing methods. For example, a hair dryer was used to increase the

temperature around the temperature sensor. Lemon water was used to verify the functionality of

the pH sensor.

Sensor is connected to the AI2 (Analog Input 2) of the Arduino UNO. For calibration and testing
of the pH sensor, we wrote a small Arduino program that allows us to monitor the result of the
pH sensor in two different mediums, water and lemon water.
The analog Read function is the output of the 10-bit ADC on the Arduino. The output values
range from 0 to 1023. Since the range of the ADC input is from 0 - 5 V, we multiplied the output
of the ADC by (5 V/1024) to get the actual voltage (Figure 20). The 3.84 shown in the code is
the correlation coefficient to convert the voltage into pH. We tested the pH sensor using pure
water as shown (Figure 21).
The output of the Arduino code is shown on the serial monitor (Figure 22).
We also implemented the pH sensor code in LabVIEW as seen below. In this case, we first tested
the pH of pure water, then we immersed the sensor into lemon water as shown in Figure
23 and Figure 24.

Strength and weaknesses compared to other related studies

In “Heart Rate Monitors. Live Science.” By Zimmermann, K.A.. This study is all

about heart rate monitors. The paper contains immediate feedback on how hard you are working
out so that you can make adjustments to get the greatest benefit from your exercise regimen.

In “LabVIEW Introduction” by Thoric. The paper contains graphical programming and

basics for applications that require test, measurement, and control with rapid access to hardware

and data insights.

In “Using a Temp Sensor” By Ada L. . In this paper the researcher show tutorials on

using Temperature sensor and how it will be program by means of using Arduino.

Conclusions and Recommendation

According to the researchers, patients suffering from chronic illness and paralysis will

tremendously benefit from this invention. By doing this research, the results they have gathered

is very useful in the future. As a result having Intelligent Biodetector will also relieve stress from

home nurses and family members who must provide undivided attention to patients throughout

the day.

The researcher recommends that Intelligent Biodetector will give big Impact on

monitoring patients that suffer from chronic diseases.

The data will be useful in the future when it comes to Intelligent Control, Advanced

Process Control, Biomedical Applications, Power Systems and Suistainable Energy.

References used by the researchers

[1] Griffith, T. (2012) Understanding pH Measurement. Sensor Land.

[2] Zimmermann, K.A. (2013) Heart Rate Monitors. Live Science.

[3] Ramamoorthy, R. (2003) Oxygen Saturation. Journal of Materials Science, 38, 4271-4282.

[4] Sharifi, R. and Langari, R. (2016) Nonlinear Sensor Fault Diagnosis Using Mixture of
Probabilistic PCA Models. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 85, 638-650.

[5] Ada, L. (2012) Using a Temp Sensor. AdaFruit.

[6] Thoric (2016) LabVIEW Introduction. Retrieved from

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