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The Business of Sustainability


The Business
of Sustainability
Imperatives, Advantages, and Actions
This report is published by The Boston Consulting Group
†“‰—ŠʴŠˆ™˜”š—ˆ”‘‘†‡”—†™Ž”“œŽ™MIT Sloan Management
Review on the Sustainability Initiative, a joint undertaking
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The Business
of Sustainability
Imperatives, Advantages, and Actions

Maurice Berns
Andrew Townend
Zayna Khayat
Balu Balagopal
Martin Reeves
Michael Hopkins
Nina Kruschwitz

September 2009
© The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. 2009. All rights reserved.

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Preface 4

Executive Summary 5

Survey and Interview Findings 7

The Consensus: Sustainability Matters 7
Sustainability Is Not a “Topic du Jour” 7
Opinions Differ on Certain Aspects of Sustainability 8
Some Companies Are Acting Decisively and Winning 12
Many Companies Are Moving Slowly or Struggling with Execution 12

Challenges to Decisive—and Effective—Corporate Action 14

Three Major Barriers Impede Decisive Corporate Action 14
Necessary Capabilities 18

Looking Ahead: Seizing Opportunities and Mitigating Risks 20

Lessons from Leading Companies 20
Peering over the Horizon 21

Appendix I: Methodology for the Sustainability Survey and Interviews 23

Appendix II: The Sustainability Audit 24

Appendix III: Thought Leader Interviewees 27

For Further Reading 31

Note to the Reader 32

The Business of Sustainability 3


ustainability is garnering ever-greater public This report presents high-level findings from the survey
attention and debate. The subject ranks high responses and thought leader interviews and offers inter-
on the legislative agendas of most govern- pretation and analysis of the results, along with a diag-
ments; media coverage of the topic has prolif- nostic tool to help companies assess where they stand
erated; and sustainability issues are of increas- with their own sustainability efforts. We hope to provide
ing concern to ordinary citizens around the world. executives food for thought as they consider how—or
whether—they can take their sustainability efforts to the
However, the business implications of sustainability mer- next level.
it greater scrutiny. Will sustainability change the compet-
itive landscape and reshape the opportunities and threats For more about this work in sustainability, including
that companies face? If so, how? How worried are execu- detailed results from the survey, please see the online
tives and other stakeholders about the impact of sustain- exploration at MIT Sloan Management Review’s Sustain-
ability efforts on the corporate bottom line? What—if ability Initiative Web site,
anything—are companies doing now to capitalize on sus- busofsustainability/.
tainability-driven challenges? And what strategies are
they pursuing to position themselves competitively for About the Authors
the future? Maurice Berns is a partner and managing director in
the London office of The Boston Consulting Group.
To begin answering these questions, The Boston Consult- Andrew Townend is a principal in the firm’s Dallas
ing Group and MIT Sloan Management Review are collabo- office. Zayna Khayat is a principal in BCG’s Toronto of-
rating on a project called the Sustainability Initiative. As fice. Balu Balagopal is a senior partner and managing
part of that effort, we recently launched a global survey director in the firm’s Houston office. Martin Reeves is
of more than 1,500 corporate executives and managers a senior partner and managing director in BCG’s New
about their perspectives on the intersection of sustain- York office and leads the firm’s Strategy Institute.
ability and business strategy.1 (We plan to make this an
annual survey.) We separately conducted more than 50 Michael Hopkins is the editor in chief of MIT Sloan
in-depth interviews with a broad mix of global thought Management Review. Nina Kruschwitz is the sustainabil-
leaders. Our interviewees included executives whose ity editor.
companies are at the cutting edge of sustainability (in-
cluding General Electric, Unilever, Nike, Royal Dutch
Shell, and BP) and experts from a range of disciplines
such as energy science, civil engineering, and manage-
ment. The insights of both the survey respondents and 1. We received an additional 462 survey responses from academics,
the thought leader group yielded a fascinating glimpse of government officials, executives of nonprofits, and others. The data
and analysis in this report reflect the survey responses from 1,560
sustainability’s current position on the corporate agen- business leaders. For more information on the survey methodology,
da—and where the topic may be headed in the future. please see Appendix I.

4 The Boston Consulting Group

Executive Summary

here is a strong consensus that sustain- ◊ More than 70 percent of survey respondents said that
ability is having—and will continue to their company has not developed a clear business case
have—a material impact on how compa- for sustainability.
nies think and act.
A small number of companies, however, are acting
aggressively on sustainability—and reaping substan-
◊ Ninety-two percent of survey respondents said that their tial rewards.
company was addressing sustainability in some way.
◊ Once companies begin to pursue sustainability initia-
◊ There was also a strong consensus that the underlying tives in earnest, they tend to unearth opportunities to
drivers of sustainability are highly complex, interrelat- reduce costs, create new revenue streams, and develop
ed, and lasting, and that the corporate sector will play more innovative business models.
a key role in solving the long-term global issues related
to sustainability. ◊ The early movers’ approaches have several key char-
acteristics in common: they incorporate a comprehen-
Sustainability is surviving the downturn. sive set of data into a robust business case, which they
then integrate throughout all relevant aspects of their
◊ Fewer than 25 percent of survey respondents said that operations to deliver measurable financial results.
their company had decreased its commitment to sus-
tainability during the downturn. Thought leaders and survey respondents with experi-
ence in sustainability interpreted sustainability con-
◊ Respondents in some segments, such as the automo- cerns (and their management implications) far more
tive industry and the media and entertainment indus- broadly than did survey respondents lacking such ex-
try, reported an increased company commitment to perience. This understanding can open sometimes
sustainability relative to the average. surprising opportunities for capturing advantage.

Although almost all the executives in the survey ◊ While sustainability’s novice practitioners thought of
thought that sustainability would have an impact on the topic mostly in environmental and regulatory
their business and were trying to address this topic, terms, with any benefits stemming chiefly from brand
the majority also said that their companies were not or image enhancement, practitioners with more knowl-
acting decisively to fully exploit the opportunities edge about sustainability expanded the definition for
and mitigate the risks that sustainability presents. sustainability well outside the “green” silo. They tend-
ed to consider the economic, social, and even political
◊ The majority of sustainability actions undertaken to impacts of sustainability-related changes in the busi-
date appear to be limited to those necessary to meet ness landscape. Simply put, they saw sustainability as
regulatory requirements. an integral part of value creation.

The Business of Sustainability 5

◊ Self-identified experts in sustainability believed more ◊ Consumer concerns were viewed as a relatively more
strongly in the importance of engaging with suppliers critical force in sustainability among companies based
across the value chain. Sixty-two percent of these re- outside the United States and Europe.
spondents considered it necessary to hold suppliers to
specific sustainability criteria; only 25 percent of nov- Sustainability will become increasingly important to
ices felt the same way. business strategy and management over time, and
the risks of failing to act decisively are growing.
◊ There was a high correlation between the depth of a
business leader’s experience with sustainability and ◊ Our research indicates that companies need to devel-
the drivers and benefits that he or she perceived. For op a better understanding of the implications of sus-
example, 68 percent of business leaders with sustain- tainability for their business—and that the companies
ability expertise cited improved financial returns as a already doing so are seeing significant benefits.
benefit from their organization’s investments in sus-
tainability initiatives, compared with only 32 percent ◊ Companies will need to develop new capabilities and
of novices. This suggests that the more people know characteristics, including the ability to operate on a
about sustainability, the more thoughtfully they evalu- systemwide basis and collaborate across internal and
ate it and the more opportunity they see in it—and the external boundaries; a culture that rewards and en-
more they think it matters to how companies manage courages long-term thinking; capabilities in the areas
themselves and compete. of activity measurement, process redesign, and finan-
cial modeling and reporting; and skills in engaging and
According to survey respondents, the biggest drivers communicating with external stakeholders.
of corporate sustainability investments—that is, the
forces that are having the greatest impact on compa-
nies—are government legislation, consumer con-
cerns, and employee interest in sustainability.

◊ Government legislation was cited as the principal driver

of sustainability efforts by nearly all the industries we
analyzed—with the exception of agriculture, mining,
and water companies, which cited concerns about envi-
ronmental pollution, and companies in both the media
and entertainment industry and the technology and
telecommunications industry, which identified global
political security as being of greatest concern.

6 The Boston Consulting Group

Survey and Interview

irst and foremost, our survey revealed that In the last year or two, everything has changed. Peo-
there is no single, established definition for ple are starting to suspect that these are really stra-
sustainability. Companies view it in myriad tegic issues that will shape the future of our busi-
ways—some focusing solely on environmen- nesses. The specifics are different depending on
tal impact, others incorporating the numer- industry and context, but we’re in the beginning of
ous economic, societal, and political implications. Yet a historic wake-up.
while companies may differ in how they define sustain- ——Peter Senge, senior lecturer, MIT Sloan School
ability, our research indicates that they are virtually of Management; founding chair, Society for
united in the view that sustainability, however defined, Organizational Learning
is and will be a major force to be reckoned with—and
one that will have a determining impact on the way Sustainability Is Not a “Topic du Jour”
their businesses think, act, manage, and compete.2
A good indication that sustainability is here to stay is the
I think that the world has reached a tipping point fact that fewer than one-fourth of the survey respondents
now. We’re beyond the debates over whether [ad- told us that their companies have pulled back on their
dressing sustainability] is something that needs to commitment to sustainability during the downturn. (See
be done or not—it’s now mostly about how we do it. Exhibit 1.) In fact, respondents in some segments, such as
And from the perspective of ecomagination, it’s not the automotive industry and the media and entertain-
about altruism, it’s about creating value. ment industry, reported an increased company commit-
——Steve Fludder, vice president, ecomagination, ment to sustainability relative to the average.
General Electric
A number of corporate executives in the thought leader
The Consensus: Sustainability Matters group also shared their belief that the downturn has
accelerated a shift toward a greater corporate focus on
Indeed, the overwhelming majority of the respondents in sustainability—particularly toward sustainability-related
the corporate survey group—as well as nearly all the cor- actions that have an immediate impact on the bottom
porate executives interviewed in the thought leader line. At the same time, several respondents in the corpo-
group—told us that sustainability-related issues are hav- rate survey group lamented having to meet higher-than-
ing or will soon have a material impact on their business. normal criteria for sustainability investments. They told
For example, 92 percent of the survey respondents told us that the current financial environment has made it in-
us that their company was already addressing sustainabil- creasingly difficult to maintain investments—not only in
ity in some way. Furthermore, there was a strong consen- sustainability but also more fundamentally in the busi-
sus that the underlying drivers of sustainability are high- ness—because of limited access to capital.
ly complex, interrelated, and lasting, and that the
corporate sector will play a key role in solving the long- 2. For a discussion of the many ways in which companies are defin-
term global issues related to sustainability. ing sustainability, see the Sustainability Initiative Web site.

The Business of Sustainability 7

Exhibit 1. At Respondents’ Companies, the Downturn Has Had Little Effect
on the Commitment to Sustainability

How has the current economic downturn affected your

organization’s commitment to addressing sustainability issues?
60 percent of respondents said that
they have maintained or increased
their commitment to sustainability
Overall 10 15 35 17 7 11 5
Agriculture, mining, and water 8 12 45 18 4 8 4
Automotive 18 8 34 21 3 5 11
Conglomerate 18 9 35 21 3 9 6
Construction 4 14 35 24 12 10 2
Consumer products and retail 7 16 33 27 7 8 3
Energy 11 7 52 9 6 12 4
Financial services 7 14 31 16 7 16 7
Health care 9 11 38 13 10 17 3
Industrial goods and services 8 18 32 19 11 9 3
Media and entertainment 20 13 30 13 8 3 15
Technology and 7 18 35 16 6 12 6
0 25 50 75 100
Commitment to sustainability has Percentage of respondents
increased most among media and
entertainment companies (33 percent)
Commitment increased significantly Commitment increased somewhat Business as usual, no changes
Commitment decreased somewhat Commitment decreased significantly No basis for making judgment
Organization does not address sustainability
Source: The Sustainability Initiative 2009 Survey, BCG and MIT Sloan Management Review.
Note: Data reflect 1,560 responses from business leaders; because of rounding, the percentages for some industries do not total to 100 percent.

The issue we have this year is this: how do you con- a number of cases, the perspectives held by these three
tinue to make progress without the capital that groups were at odds.
you’ve had in the past?
——William O’Rourke, vice president of sustain- ◊ Experts defined sustainability more comprehensively
ability and environment, health, and safety, than novices did. While a significant proportion
Alcoa (40 percent) of novices defined sustainability simply as
“maintaining business viability,” nearly two-thirds
Opinions Differ on Certain Aspects (64 percent) of experts used one of two widely accept-
of Sustainability ed definitions: the so-called Brundtland Commission
definition or the Triple Bottom Line definition, both of
Although the points above reflect a strong convergence of which incorporate economic, environmental, and
views on the overarching question of sustainability’s im- social considerations.3
pact on business, significant divergence in opinion arose
regarding particular aspects of sustainability. We highlight ◊ Whereas 50 percent of the experts we surveyed said
some of the most noteworthy differences below. that their company had a compelling business case for

Self-identified sustainability experts viewed the topic

3. The Brundtland Commission wrote in its 1987 report, Our Com-
differently from those who considered themselves
mon Future, that “sustainable development seeks to meet the needs
novices in the area. We asked respondents in the corpo- and aspirations of the present without compromising the ability to
rate survey group to rate their experience with sustain- meet those of the future.” The Triple Bottom Line, also known as
“people, planet, profit,” is a term coined by John Elkington in 1994.
ability by classifying themselves as either sustainability It expands traditional financial-reporting frameworks to include
experts, individuals with some experience, or novices. In ecological and social performance.

8 The Boston Consulting Group

sustainability, only 10 percent of the novices we sur- be the sustainability-related issue with the greatest im-
veyed said the same. Further, when asked about the pact on their business. (See Exhibit 2.) Sixty-seven per-
logic underlying their organization’s investments (or cent said that this issue had a significant impact on
lack thereof ) in sustainability initiatives, 68 percent of how their organization was approaching sustainabili-
experts cited improved financial returns, compared ty.4 By contrast, the thought leader group placed far
with only 32 percent of novices. less emphasis on government legislation as a driving
force in sustainability. Further, many of the thought
◊ Experts believed more strongly in the leaders we interviewed cited instances in
importance of engaging with suppliers which companies had played a role in
across the value chain. Sixty-two per- The more people know shaping the regulatory framework rather
cent of the experts surveyed considered about sustainability, than simply reacting to it. (For more about
it necessary to hold suppliers to specific one company that actively shapes the reg-
sustainability criteria; only 25 percent the more opportunity ulatory environment and partners with
of surveyed novices felt the same way. they see in it. government and other stakeholders, see
the sidebar “Better Place: Enabling the
It is noteworthy that surveyed experts’ Global Transition to Electric Vehicles.”)
views on the points above were largely consistent with
those of the corporate executives in the thought leader ◊ Consumer Concerns. Fifty-eight percent of respondents
group, with experience being the common denominator in the corporate survey group cited consumer concerns
between the groups. Simply put, we conclude that the as having a significant impact on their companies.5 By
more people know about sustainability, the more thought- contrast, although interviewees in the thought leader
fully they evaluate it and the more opportunity they see group acknowledged that consumer awareness is a
in it—and the more they think it matters to how compa- reality that businesses must confront, they cited other
nies position themselves and operate. drivers—such as climate change and other ecological
forces—as more pressing.
The essence of environmental strategy is to make it
an issue for your competitor, not for your own com- ◊ Employee Interest. Rounding out the top three drivers
pany...because you’ve already made sustainability was employee interest in sustainability; 56 percent of
an integral part of your business. respondents in the corporate survey group selected it
——Amory Lovins, chairman and chief scientist, as an issue having a significant impact on their com-
Rocky Mountain Institute pany.6 Yet among the thought leader group, employee
interest was deemed to be a far less significant issue.
All the benefits of sustainability are only possible if Corporate interviewees in this group, however, consis-
you tackle the issues on the supply chain. If you
don’t, it’s greenwashing. 4. When we examined sustainability drivers by industry, we found
——Dierk Peters, director, World Wildlife Fund that government legislation also led among nearly all the industries
we analyzed, with a few exceptions. Survey respondents from agri-
Sustainable Seafood Initiative
culture, mining, and water companies cited environmental pollu-
tion as the issue having the greatest impact; for the media and en-
Overall, the opinions of the respondents in the corpo- tertainment industry and the technology and telecommunications
industry, respondents identified global political security as having
rate survey group were different from those of the the greatest impact.
thought leaders we interviewed. Perhaps because of 5. Consumer concerns were viewed as a relatively more critical
their comparatively greater experience with sustainability, force in sustainability among companies based outside the Unit-
the thought leaders’ views on several aspects of sustain- ed States and Europe. In Australia and New Zealand, Africa and
the Middle East, and Latin America, 73 percent, 68 percent, and
ability diverged from those of the survey respondents— 67 percent of survey respondents, respectively, identified con-
particularly with regard to the topic’s drivers and benefits. sumer concerns as an issue having a significant impact on their
The main points of contention included the following: company.
6. The topic was markedly more significant to respondents from
Africa and the Middle East (where it was cited by 70 percent of re-
◊ Government Legislation. Overall, respondents in the cor- spondents) and Australia and New Zealand (where 76 percent of
porate survey group deemed government legislation to respondents cited it, deeming it the region’s top driver overall).

The Business of Sustainability 9

Exhibit 2. Companies Are Influenced by a Wide Range of Sustainability-Related Issues

How much impact will the following

sustainability-related issues have on your organization?
Respondents who rated an issue Top drivers for
as having a significant impact1 (%) A top driver for the agriculture,
100 A top driver for the automotive and mining, and water
consumer and energy industries companies
90 automotive industries


60 58 56
50 51 50 49
43 45
40 41 41


Government Increasing interest Depletion of Water supply Population
legislation related in sustainability nonrenewable or access growth
to sustainability among employees resources (such as oil) issues
Increasing concern for Air, water, or other Societal pressures— Global political Climate
sustainability issues environmental social license to operate security change
among consumers pollution a business
Technology and telecommunications Media and entertainment Industrial goods and services Health care
Financial services Energy Consumer products and retail Construction Conglomerate
Automotive Agriculture, mining, and water Overall
Source: The Sustainability Initiative 2009 Survey, BCG and MIT Sloan Management Review.
Note: Data reflect 1,560 responses from business leaders.
Respondents were asked to rate the issues on a scale of 1 (no impact) to 5 (major impact); this exhibit reflects the percentage of respondents who rated
each issue with a 4 or 5.

Better Place
Enabling the Global Transition to Electric Vehicles

No one ever catches the back of the wave and sumer demand for such vehicles. Better Place has made
reaches the shore. You must start paddling be- particularly impressive inroads in Australia, Denmark,
fore the wave comes in. and Israel and has established itself as a bona fide driver
—Shai Agassi, founder and CEO, Better Place and shaper of progress and policy. In Israel, for example,
the company has formed a partnership with the Renault-
Better Place is one of the world’s leading suppliers of ser- Nissan Alliance and the government of Israel to advance
vices to the electric-vehicle industry. Founder and CEO the adoption of electric vehicles. There, the government
Shai Agassi launched the company in 2007. Agassi envi- has committed to developing an infrastructure that sup-
sions Better Place as a key part of the solution to the en- ports electric vehicles, and Better Place will play a lead
vironmental and other problems generated by fossil-fuel- role in developing that infrastructure.
based vehicles.
By identifying and seizing promising opportunities and
The company has operations in Australia, Canada, Den- forming strong partnerships with stakeholders, Better
mark, Israel, Japan, and the United States—countries Place is both accomplishing its mission of advancing the
chosen for having government policies that support the global adoption of electric vehicles and positioning itself
adoption of electric vehicles and relatively strong con- as a primary beneficiary of that growth.

10 The Boston Consulting Group

tently cited enhanced recruitment, retention, and en- a broad continuum of rewards that were grounded more
gagement—among other employee-related issues—as in value creation—particularly sustainability’s potential
major benefits of addressing sustainability. to deliver new sources of competitive advantage. Several
thought leaders offered other provocative ideas about the
People (in our company) are thrilled when they feel potential benefits of addressing sustainability. For exam-
that they can be part of the solution. ple, some suggested that leadership in sustainability
——Chris Page, director of climate and energy might be viewed as a proxy for management quality.
strategy, Yahoo!
A small core of skeptics did not share the views
I think that the first reward is around the ability to espoused by the majority of the respondents in the
attract and motivate the very best people. It is ex- corporate survey group. Most survey respondents were
traordinary how attractive BP’s alternative-energy convinced that sustainability is currently relevant to their
business is for people coming into the company. And companies. But depending on the questions asked, ap-
where—certainly up until very, very recently—many proximately 5 to 10 percent of the survey respondents
good graduates would not consider a career in the expressed doubts.7 Those doubts were centered largely
oil industry, they will consider a career in an alter- on the following three basic arguments:
native-energy business, even if it is inside an oil
company. ◊ Sustainability issues are not real or material. “All groups
——Vivienne Cox, former executive vice president, talk about the issue, but solely from a politically cor-
BP; former chief executive officer, BP rect viewpoint,” said an executive at a midsize multi-
Alternative Energy national company. “Behind the sustainability ‘chatter,’
no one is willing to take any action or invest any time
By a wide margin, respondents in the corporate survey in the matter.”
group identified the impact on a company’s image and
brand as the principal benefit of addressing sustainability. 7. This percentage may underrepresent the number of skeptics and
(See Exhibit 3.) But corporate executives in the thought critics in the market since there could be an inherent self-selection
bias among survey respondents. That is, those who took the time to
leader group rarely cited this factor (or else they de- respond to our survey may be more likely to believe that sustain-
scribed it as a second-order benefit), emphasizing instead ability is having or can have an impact.

Exhibit 3. Respondents Cited—by a Wide Margin—an Improved Image as the Principal

Benefit of Addressing Sustainability

What are the greatest benefits to your

organization in addressing sustainability issues?

Improved company or brand image

Cost savings
Competitive advantage
Employee satisfaction, morale, or retention
Product, service, or market innovation
Business model or process innovation
New sources of revenue or cash flow
Effective risk management
Enhanced stakeholder relations
0 10 20 30 40
Percentage of respondents
Source: The Sustainability Initiative 2009 Survey, BCG and MIT Sloan Management Review.
Note: Data reflect the top-ranked responses from the 1,560 business leaders who participated in our survey.

The Business of Sustainability 11

◊ Business does not have a role, in general, in addressing sus- Many Companies Are Moving Slowly or
tainability issues. The chairman of a Latin American Struggling with Execution
consumer-retail company told us, “My only objective is
[a high] return on equity, and I hope that the CEOs Our survey and interviews demonstrated that there is a
who manage the companies in which I invest my sav- large degree of consensus regarding the potential busi-
ings reason just as I do.” ness impact of sustainability. Our research further con-
firmed that there are stirrings of activity throughout the
◊ Sustainability presents no material oppor- business realm. But we found a material
tunities (or threats) to the company. gap between intent and action at most of
Another argument we heard was that We found a material the companies we examined. On one
even if sustainability presents opportu- gap between intent hand, more than 60 percent of the respon-
nities or threats, they are minor—par- dents in the corporate survey group said
ticularly when compared with those re- and action at most that their company was building aware-
lated to other investments that companies. ness of its sustainability agenda. On the
companies could make. An executive at other hand, most of these companies ap-
a European financial-services company peared to lack an overall plan for attack-
explained simply, “Sustainability has no impact on our ing sustainability and delivering results. Many of their
business.” actions seemed defensive and tactical in nature, consist-
ing of a variety of disconnected initiatives focused on
These views may reflect legitimate doubts; they may also products, facilities, employees, and the greater commu-
reflect a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of sus- nity. While these efforts might be impressive on some lev-
tainability. For example, we have met with several com- els, they largely represented only incremental changes to
panies that voice many of the arguments listed above— the business.
but that are nonetheless redesigning and repositioning
their products to have a lighter environmental footprint Clearly, companies can do more to connect their stated
because it “makes good business sense.” intent in sustainability with business impact—and they
can do it in a way that maintains explicit links to the bot-
Some Companies Are Acting Decisively tom line over both the short and long term. But why
and Winning aren’t they doing more, given that they believe sustain-
ability will materially affect their business?
While the vast majority of companies have yet to com-
mit aggressively to sustainability, our survey and inter-
views confirmed that there are some noteworthy excep-
tions. The group of so-called first-class companies in
sustainability, as identified by survey respondents, is
populated by the usual suspects that are often highlight-
ed in business articles, reports, books, and sustainability
indexes. The five cited most often by our survey respon-
dents were General Electric, Toyota, IBM, Royal Dutch
Shell, and Wal-Mart.8 But some lesser-known names
also surfaced, such as Rio Tinto, Better Place, and IWC
(International Watch Company). In aggregate, these
companies are demonstrating that a sustainability strat-
egy can yield real results. (For more about Nike—anoth-
er one of the companies that many of our survey re-
spondents also cited as a first-class company—and the
steps that it has taken in the area of sustainability, see
8. See the Sustainability Initiative Web site for the full list of organi-
the sidebar “Nike: Moving from Operating Defensively zations identified by survey respondents as first-class companies in
to Capturing Advantage.”) sustainability (

12 The Boston Consulting Group

Moving from Operating Defensively to Capturing Advantage

Today, Nike is a leader in sustainability—in terms of both Nike changed its design principles. When Nike started
the company’s initiatives and the value that those initia- to examine its design processes, the footwear group real-
tives create for the company. Yet Nike “bumped into” sus- ized that it was wasting materials. It found that for every
tainability long before the company attempted an active two pairs of shoes that the company was producing, an
transformation to the strategy. In the early 1990s, when additional third pair, on average, could have been pro-
Nike was vilified for its labor practices, it undertook steps duced from the materials that were being incinerated or
that have led to sustainable practices. How did the com- discarded in a landfill. This insight and the company’s so-
pany travel along the arc from operating defensively to lution led to positive impacts on the environment and on
capturing advantage? Nike’s bottom line.

Nike set ambitious goals grounded in facts. In the late As Winslow explained, “We started to create an overarch-
1990s, Nike set ambitious long-term goals for the year ing strategy of what it meant to be a more sustainable
2020: zero waste and toxins, fully closed-loop systems, and company.” Today, Nike uses its own index to provide prod-
sustainable growth and profitability. According to Darcy uct teams real-time feedback on how much waste a prod-
Winslow, a former general manager for women’s fitness at uct is creating. The company also maintains a broad li-
Nike, it was “very difficult to really grasp and understand brary of environmentally preferred materials that have
what we were attempting, much less to get buy-in on it.” been analyzed using “zero toxics” principles. It has creat-
Back in 2001, Nike estimated that annual footwear pro- ed restricted-substances lists that its vendors now adhere
duction created $700 million of waste in materials alone. to. It has well over 50 closed-loop systems within its man-
Having that information for the first time triggered the ufacturing and materials processes. And its product teams
creation of “design for environment” principles and the have something tangible that they can measure their work
development of closed loops and recycling efforts (among against: real decision-making tools.
other initiatives). The goal was to reverse the trend and
point Nike toward ambitious goals for 2020. By aiming high and pursuing its goals thoughtfully and
aggressively, the company is proving that success in sus-
Nike sought engagement with its partners. In 2000, tainability not only is compatible with bottom-line suc-
Nike started looking at its major supply-chain partners cess but also contributes directly to it.
and asking them where they sourced their materials. It
forged deep relationships with The Dow Chemical Com-
pany, DuPont, and BASF, among others; shared its goals
with these suppliers; and asked for their support in achiev-
ing its ambitious goals in sustainability. Nike also took
this approach with its manufacturing partners.

The company tailored the definition of sustainability

to its own organization. Ultimately, Nike discarded pre-
vailing notions of sustainability for a definition that fit its
own culture and environment. The company’s initial ef-
forts to catalyze action failed when it framed sustainabil-
ity in terms of “natural capital” and the Triple Bottom
Line. And it wasn’t until the footwear group started to
translate its 2020 goals into dollars and cents that it be-
gan to capture the attention of top management. Accord-
ing to Winslow, “One of the reasons we have been so suc-
cessful is that the language is congruent with the Nike
slogan ‘Just Do It.’”

The Business of Sustainability 13

Challenges to Decisive—
and Effective—Corporate

he thought leader group and the survey re- The best way to get people to take sustainability
spondents alike viewed sustainability as a seriously is to frame it as it really is: not only a chal-
unique business issue, both strategically and lenge that will affect every aspect of management
economically. They embraced the following but also, for first movers, a source of enormous com-
principles: petitive advantage.
——Richard Locke, deputy dean and professor
◊ Sustainability has the potential to affect all aspects of of entrepreneurship, MIT Sloan School of
a company’s operations—from development, manu- Management
facturing, and distribution to sales and support func-
tions. Three Major Barriers Impede Decisive
Corporate Action
◊ Sustainability also has the potential to affect every
value-creation lever over both the short and longer There are many reasons why companies have difficulty
term. Rarely has a business issue been viewed as hav- tackling sustainability more decisively. But our research
ing such a broad scope of impact. points to three root causes. First, companies often lack
the right information upon which to base decisions. Sec-
◊ There is mounting pressure from stakeholders—em- ond, companies struggle to define the business case for
ployees, customers, consumers, supply chain partners, value creation. Third, when companies do act, their exe-
competitors, investors, lenders, insurers, nongovern- cution is often flawed.
mental organizations, media, the government, and so-
ciety overall—to act. Some companies don’t understand what sustainabil-
ity is—and what it means to the enterprise. Many
◊ The solutions to the challenges of sustainability are in- business leaders do not have a full understanding of what
terdisciplinary, making effective collaboration with sustainability really means to their company, largely
stakeholders particularly critical. because of some key underlying information gaps.

◊ Decisions regarding sustainability have to be made ◊ Managers lack a common fact base about the full suite
against a backdrop of high uncertainty. Myriad factors of drivers and issues that are relevant to their compa-
muddy the waters because their timing and magni- ny and industry. More than half of the respondents in
tude of impact are unknown. Such factors include gov- the corporate survey group stated a need for better
ernment legislation, demands by customers and em- frameworks for understanding sustainability.
ployees, and geopolitical events.
◊ As noted earlier, companies do not share a common
These principles make sustainability a uniquely challeng- definition or language for discussing sustainability—
ing issue for business leaders to manage and address some define it very narrowly, some more broadly, and
effectively. others have no corporate definition at all.

14 The Boston Consulting Group

◊ The goal or “prize” of concerted action is often defined tions even around the oil and gas business. And sus-
too loosely and not collectively understood within the tainability efforts are therefore opening up a differ-
organization. And there is often very little understand- ent dialogue than the one that would occur if we
ing of how to measure progress once actions are un- were just a traditional oil and gas company.
dertaken. ——Vivienne Cox, former executive vice president,
BP; former chief executive officer, BP
All of these issues point to a critical need for a thorough Alternative Energy
and structured gathering and sharing of basic facts about
sustainability as a first step toward helping managers to Some companies have difficulty modeling the busi-
be more decisive in the choices they face. To aid manag- ness case—or even finding a compelling case—for
ers in this difficult task, we have developed a simple sustainability. Most survey respondents who considered
framework for understanding the drivers and impacts of themselves experts in sustainability, as well as most of
sustainability efforts and for helping to add clarity to the the corporate executives in the thought leader group, said
boardroom discussion on the appropriate actions for each that their company had found a compelling business
company. (See the sidebar “One View on Framing Sus- case—one that reflected multiple tangible and intangible
tainability for Business.”) costs and benefits—for sustainability. (See Exhibit 4 for a
summary of sustainability’s potential impact when
[Pursuing sustainability] opens up a broader set of viewed through the lens of shareholder value creation.)
options. For example, there are places where the fact
that we have a solar business—or are involved in The majority of survey respondents overall, however, dis-
carbon capture and storage—changes the conversa- agreed: almost 70 percent said that their company did

Exhibit 4. Sustainability Efforts Could Influence All the Levers That Companies Use
to Create Value

Value creation The potential impact

levers of sustainability efforts
◊ A stronger brand and
Pricing power greater pricing power

◊ Greater operational efficiencies

improvement Cost savings ◊ More efficient use of resources
◊ Supply chain optimization
◊ Lower costs and taxes

Employee ◊ Enhanced ability to attract,

recruitment and retain, and motivate employees
engagement ◊ Greater employee productivity

Total ◊ Improved customer loyalty;

shareholder Market share lower rate of churn
growth ◊ Enhanced ability to enter
New market new markets
Free cash ◊ More potential sources
flow of revenue

◊ Lower market, balance-sheet,

and operational risks
multiple Risk premiums ◊ Lower cost of capital
◊ Greater access to capital,
financing, and insurance
Sources: The Sustainability Initiative 2009 Survey, BCG and MIT Sloan Management Review; interviews with thought leaders.

The Business of Sustainability 15

One View on Framing Sustainability for Business

Many companies lack a clear, cohesive view of what sus- unique opportunities or mitigate unique threats posed by
tainability is and how they should approach it. We offer a near-term sustainability issues. Examples in this category
visual framework that can help these companies concep- include the $500 million energy-efficient retrofit of the
tualize their efforts. (See the exhibit below.) Empire State Building in New York, along with improving
resource productivity and eliminating waste across the
The framework looks at sustainability through two lenses: supply chain as Unilever and Wal-Mart have sought to do.
the time horizon for the sustainability effort and the
degree to which the drivers and impacts of the effort are In the third quadrant are actions geared toward capturing
specific to a company or are shared more broadly among competitive advantage via sustainability. These efforts in-
the corporate community. This framework categorizes clude innovations and longer-term bets that are difficult
sustainability efforts into one of four quadrants. for competitors to imitate and that often require organiza-
tional rewiring so that a company can achieve the full im-
In the first quadrant (lower left) are short-term actions pact of its sustainability efforts. Reimagining how prod-
that we call table stakes: the minimum, lowest-cost sus- ucts are made and used and what happens to them when
tainability actions that all companies can—and in many they expire is an example of a strategy in this category.
cases must—take, such as complying with regulatory de- The fourth quadrant encompasses future innovations that
mands or capturing easily attainable cost efficiencies. In all companies can undertake as long as they form broader
the second quadrant are actions that go beyond the broad, alliances with external stakeholders and rethink econom-
basic steps companies can take; these sustainability ic frameworks, because payoffs occur over a longer time
efforts make good business sense because they capture frame.

Our Framework Helps Companies Categorize Their Sustainability Objectives

and Then Align Their Sustainability Efforts with Achieving Those Objectives

II. Good business III. Competitive

practices differentiation
Specific to
a company ◊ Transparency ◊ Product redesign
(or industry) ◊ Supply chain ◊ New market entry
productivity ◊ New organizational
Drivers and
impacts of a
I. Table stakes IV. Game-changing
innovation for
Shared ◊ Public relations the future
among all ◊ Compliance
◊ Reframed economic
companies ◊ Efficiencies models
◊ Partnerships with

Short term Long term

Time horizon of a sustainability effort

Sources: BCG and MIT Sloan Management Review.

16 The Boston Consulting Group

not have a strong business case for sustainability. Of these rate action, since it gets to the heart of how companies
respondents, 22 percent claimed that the lack of a busi- decide where they will—and will not—allocate their re-
ness case presented their company with its primary bar- sources and efforts.
rier to pursuing sustainability initiatives.
Green can save you a lot of money—not two or three
Why do companies struggle in their efforts to develop the years from now, but now.
business case for sustainability? Our survey uncovered ——Catherine Roche, partner and managing director,
three main challenges that trip up compa- The Boston Consulting Group
nies. The first challenge is forecasting and
planning beyond the one-to-five-year time Clarifying the business Execution is often flawed. Even compa-
horizon typical of most investment frame- case for sustainability nies that have a solid understanding and
works. It is easy to assert that sustainability can make a strong business case for sus-
is about taking a long-term view. In prac- may be the best route tainability often stumble over execution.
tice, however, calculating the costs and to decisive action. While it is still early days in terms of be-
benefits of sustainability investments over ing able to judge the effectiveness of ex-
time horizons that sometimes span gener- ecution in sustainability, our survey
ations can be difficult with traditional economic ap- results and our interviews with thought leaders high-
proaches. This is further exacerbated by the short-term lighted three significant challenges in executing sustain-
performance expectations of investors and analysts. The ability initiatives. The first is overcoming skepticism in or-
simple framework mentioned earlier can provide a com- ganizations. Indeed, respondents in the corporate survey
pany’s board, shareholders, employees, and investors group cited outdated mental models and perspectives
with a starting point for assessing the potential of short- as the top internal roadblock to addressing sustainabil-
and long-term moves in sustainability to create value. ity issues. (See Exhibit 5.) Examples of entrenched mind-
sets that respondents cited include views that sustain-
The second challenge is gauging the systemwide effects of ability is solely “an additional cost” or “a green
sustainability investments. Companies find it difficult utopia.”
enough to identify, measure, and control all of the tangi-
ble facets of their business systems. So they often do not The second challenge in execution is figuring out how to
even attempt to model intangibles or externalities such institutionalize the sustainability agenda throughout the cor-
as the environmental and societal costs and benefits of poration. Survey respondents and the thought leader
their current business activities and potential moves in group alike were adamant that top-down vision, commit-
sustainability. This hinders their ability to get a true sense ment, and leadership were critical for success—and that
of the value of investments in sustainability. the absence of a top-down commitment was one of the
greatest impediments to successful execution. What’s
The third major challenge is planning amid high uncertainty. more, companies were often uncertain about where re-
Factors contributing to uncertainty include potential sponsibility for achieving sustainability strategies should
changes in customer preferences and regulation. Strategic or did reside, and whether that responsibility had the nec-
planning, as traditionally practiced, is deductive—compa- essary scope.
nies draw on a series of standard gauges to predict where
the market is heading and then design and execute strate- The third major challenge cited is measuring, tracking, and
gies on the basis of those calculations. But sustainability reporting sustainability efforts. These tasks involve seeking
drivers are anything but predictable, potentially requiring complete transparency on sustainability. Companies are
companies to adopt entirely new concepts and frame- often expected to share information such as their carbon
works. footprint and the specifics of their manufacturing prac-
In general, both the thought leader group and the survey
respondents with experience in sustainability believe Several of these barriers, it should be noted, are likely to
that clarifying the business case for sustainability may be accompany any major change effort in corporate strategy
the single most effective way to accelerate decisive corpo- and operations. But they are intensified in the case of sus-

The Business of Sustainability 17

Exhibit 5. Business Leaders Reported Various Internal Challenges to Sustainability

Which internal challenges within your organization present the

most significant roadblocks to addressing sustainability issues?

Overall 21 20 18 14 10 8 5 4

Agriculture, mining, and water 27 14 18 16 4 10 8 2

Automotive 14 19 17 31 6 8 6 0
Conglomerate 24 26 9 9 6 18 3 6
Construction 22 14 26 16 10 6 4 2
Consumer products and retail 11 28 16 17 8 11 5 4
Energy 25 22 20 7 9 7 3 7
Financial services 21 22 18 12 11 6 6 4
Health care 28 20 14 20 5 4 4 3
Industrial goods and services 18 21 15 10 13 9 7 6
Media and entertainment 23 13 20 20 15 5 5 0
Technology and telecommunications 21 19 23 15 9 7 4 3
0 25 50 75 100
Percentage of respondents
Health care Consumer companies Construction Automotive
companies cited cited competing companies cited an companies cited
outdated mental priorities as their unproven value insufficient
models as their greatest challenge proposition as their resources as their
greatest challenge greatest challenge greatest challenge

Outdated mental models and Too many competing priorities Not convinced of the business
perspectives on sustainability (don’t know what to do first) case or value proposition
Insufficient resources Initiative stalled by the Inability to assess the tradeoffs
to address these issues economic recession between short and long term
Don’t know the most Other
effective ways to take action

Source: The Sustainability Initiative 2009 Survey, BCG and MIT Sloan Management Review.
Note: Data reflect the top-ranked responses from 1,560 business leaders who participated in our survey; because of rounding, the percentages for some
industries do not total to 100 percent.

tainability in light of the topic’s unique economic and Necessary Capabilities

strategic challenges and companies’ limited experience
with it. Most of the survey respondents expressed relatively lim-
ited concern about their companies’ having distinct gaps
Sustainability must be an integral part of strat- in the technical or operational capabilities needed to ad-
egy—not an add-on. dress sustainability. We believe, however, that those exec-
——Ramón Baeza, senior partner and managing di- utives might have underestimated the challenge. Accord-
rector and topic leader in the sustainable devel- ing to corporate executives in the thought leader group,
opment sector, The Boston Consulting Group companies will need to develop and master a multitude
of new capabilities and tools—and take a number of ac-
We have specific metrics because in a culture of tions—if they are to successfully execute their sustainabil-
execution, which is what GE is all about, the only ity strategies, as highlighted below:
way that ecomagination could survive is if we put
some hard metrics around it. ◊ Adopting a broad, systems-thinking approach to the
——Steve Fludder, vice president, ecomagination, business. Actions could range from deploying frame-
General Electric works that allow for modeling the systemwide effects

18 The Boston Consulting Group

of sustainability initiatives over the long term to form- We need to educate people about systems thinking
ing more effective partnerships and alliances and and help them understand how all of these activities
working in more concerted ways with stakeholders, are interdependent and affect each other.
regulators, and other influencers. ——Jeffrey Hollender, chief inspired protagonist
and cofounder, Seventh Generation
◊ Adding scenario-planning capabilities that allow the
company to build resilience to unpredictable future Anticipating what’s coming, such as new greenhouse-
environments and external shocks, such as sharp gas regulations, is vital. Key energy technologies
swings in commodity prices. need to move through the Four Ds: discover, develop,
demonstrate, and deploy.
◊ Developing tracking, measuring, and reporting capa- ——Graeme Sweeney, executive vice president of
bilities, particularly as the bar for transparency contin- future fuels and CO2, Royal Dutch Shell
ues to rise.
Masdar’s typical engagement model is to partner
◊ Retooling R&D, product development, and sales and with more experienced organizations. Torresol En-
marketing to reimagine how products are designed, ergy, London Array, or our Masdar Clean Tech Fund
made, used, and recycled. with Credit Suisse are typical examples of such part-
nerships. Our investment strategy is centered around
◊ Enhancing capabilities in innovating organizational “people, planet, profit.” Besides the obvious commer-
models and management practices. This includes reori- cial benefits that we expect to achieve, we also con-
enting incentive and reward systems to promote long- sider the social and environmental impact of new
term strategic and tactical thinking and multidisci- investments.
plinary collaboration. It also includes knowing how and ——Ziad Tassabehji, director of utilities and asset
when to partner to achieve maximum advantage. management, Masdar

In the near future, these capabilities and tools may rep-

resent table stakes for managers and organizations. Al-
ready, many leading companies possess these skills.

The Business of Sustainability 19

Looking Ahead
Seizing Opportunities and Mitigating Risks

s they confront the barriers to pursuing push suppliers to be better stewards of sustainability—
and achieving sustainability, many—if not often even selecting them on that basis. And they form
most—business managers are struggling to partnerships and alliances with critical influencer groups
understand where their companies are, (such as regulators, nongovernmental organizations, ex-
where they need to go, and how to get perts, communities, and other companies) so that they
there. The examples of leading companies offer a blue- can learn about and jointly develop innovative solutions.
print for how to proceed. Mining firm Rio Tinto, for example, leads an industry-
wide initiative in sustainable development and has ties
Lessons from Leading Companies to the International Council on Mining and Metals. (See
the sidebar “Rio Tinto: Earning a Social License.”)
There is much that can be learned about how to over-
come the managerial obstacles to sustainability by exam- They create a robust business case for sustainability.
ining the companies that are leading the way and—even In developing the financial case for sustainability, leading
more important—that are creating value while doing so. companies speak the language of business: value cre-
We asked respondents in the corporate survey group ation. They assess their sustainability strategies as they
which companies they consider to have first-class capa- would any investment, systematically evaluating each
bilities in sustainability and why. We also gathered deep value-creation lever—including the intangibles, which
perspectives on these—and other—leading companies’ are more difficult to model.
practices and key success factors through in-depth inter-
views with corporate executives in the thought leader These companies also make effective tradeoffs between
group. (In Appendix II, we synthesize the lessons from short-term expectations and longer-term impact, bringing
leading companies into a proprietary audit that compa- the same long-term mindset to sustainability investment
nies can use to assess their own progress.) decisions that they bring to other routine long-term bets.
They take into account all external factors and system ef-
While the particulars of each of these companies’ re- fects when analyzing the business case for sustainability,
spective sustainability campaigns are unique, all first- assessing the full set of costs and benefits.
class approaches have several notable characteristics in
common. With a grounding in the facts and a solid business case,
leading companies publicly commit to ambitious goals
Leading companies understand and articulate sus- that they measure and report—and they demonstrate
tainability’s impact on their organization. Leaders in that sustainability investments produce real business
sustainability gather the full set of facts and incorporate results.
this knowledge into how they frame and define sustain-
ability strategically and economically. They also adopt a They holistically integrate their sustainability strat-
systemwide view in understanding the relevant issues egy throughout the business. Leading companies be-
and needs of all their stakeholders. For example, they lieve that sustainability is a source of value creation

20 The Boston Consulting Group

Rio Tinto
Earning a Social License

We have to create an environment in which lo- ◊◊ New technologies and training designed to enhance
cal—and to some extent global—stakeholders employees’ skills and transform employees from man-
can see us operating in a manner that is viewed ual laborers to skilled workers
as sustainable and respectful to the community,
science, the environment, and our employees. ◊◊ Policies that provide employment opportunities for Aus-
—Tom Albanese, CEO, Rio Tinto tralia’s Aboriginal population

Rio Tinto is a leading international mining group that ◊◊ A program that tests product safety
finds, mines, and processes the earth’s mineral resourc-
es. Its activities span the world but are strongly repre- ◊◊ Safety and sustainability metrics that are incorporat-
sented in Australia and North America. The company’s
ed into the company’s performance-management
chief executive officer, Tom Albanese, seeks to minimize
the potential negative effects of its operations on local
environments and populations. To achieve this goal, he is
◊◊ A “no ghost town” plan that calls for developing local
committing the firm to adopting best practices in sus-
communities after mines are closed
tainability and earning what has been termed a social
license—unwritten acceptance of the company’s opera-
tions by local communities, governments, and society Rio Tinto is also leading an industrywide initiative in sus-
overall. To achieve these goals, the company has under- tainable development. The initiative has, in turn, spawned
taken a range of actions and initiatives that include the the International Council on Mining and Metals, which
following: aims to advance the industry’s thinking on sustainability
and encourage sustainable best practices.
◊◊ A program to reduce carbon emissions
Rio Tinto aspires to be a leader in what the company calls
“the global transition to sustainable development.” Its
◊◊ Policies to protect biodiversity and water quality
successes to date demonstrate this commitment and
have established the company as one of the early champi-
◊◊ Programs aimed at enhancing employees’ health,
ons of sustainability.
safety, and welfare

rather than merely a legal imperative. They therefore Peering over the Horizon
work to integrate it deeply into their culture and to
embed it holistically into their strategy and all relevant Sustainability will have an increasingly large impact on
aspects of their operations, while supporting it through the business landscape going forward. Companies that
strong, top-down commitment from the executive lead- recognize this fact and position themselves at the fore-
ership team. front stand to reap sizable competitive advantages. Con-
sider the following emerging realities:
In sum, the companies that are winning with their sus-
tainability approaches are embracing aggressive strate- ◊ Prices for food, water, energy, and other resources
gies, adapting their organizations, and creating new are becoming increasingly volatile. Companies that
sources of advantage to deliver measurable business re- are able to optimize their sustainability profile and
sults. practices will be less exposed to these swings—and
more resilient.
You cannot implement these kinds of programs bot-
tom-up—it’s impossible. It’s always top-down, al- ◊ Stakeholders—including consumers, customers, share-
ways. Because it’s such a cultural change, you cannot holders, and the government—are paying more atten-
do it organically. tion to sustainability and putting pressure on compa-
——Georges Kern, CEO, IWC nies to act.

The Business of Sustainability 21

◊ Governments around the world are becoming increas- The experiences of executives already wrestling with sus-
ingly involved in developing policies that advocate sus- tainability-driven business issues suggest that companies
tainability. Companies that are proactively pursuing do not need to make large, immediate investments in new
sustainability initiatives will be less vulnerable to sud- programs. The findings reveal instead that what is essen-
den regulatory changes. They will also be better posi- tial is that companies start to think more broadly and pro-
tioned to have a voice in shaping policy—rather than actively about sustainability’s potential impact on their
simply reacting to it. business and industry—and begin to plan and act.

◊ Capital markets are paying more attention to sustain- The time to take risks is when you’re successful, not
ability and using it as a gauge to evaluate companies when you’re sliding down the slope.
and make investment decisions. ——Tim Mohin, principal consultant, Environmen-
tal and Occupational Risk Management;
◊ First movers are likely to gain a commanding lead, and former senior manager for supplier responsibil-
it may become increasingly difficult for competitors to ity, Apple; former director of sustainable
catch up. development, Intel

22 The Boston Consulting Group

Appendix I
Methodology for the Sustainability Survey and Interviews

BCG and MIT Sloan Management Review developed a for-profit companies. (See the exhibit below.) The large
20-question electronic survey drawing on our interviews number of survey responses allows for statistical signifi-
with more than 50 thought leaders in sustainability (listed cance across all of the major categories examined.
in Appendix III). The survey was available online during
March and April 2009. More than 2,000 respondents, repre- An additional 462 survey responses from academics, gov-
senting a broad mix of companies and organizations, par- ernment officials, executives at nonprofits, and others
ticipated in the survey. The data and analyses in this report were analyzed separately. This analysis is available at
reflect the 1,560 survey responses from business leaders at

A Diverse Mix of Business Leaders Responded to the Sustainability Survey

C-level executive 34
Job position Senior manager 52
Other 14

Expertise in Expert 15
Novice 14
sustainability Some experience 72

Africa/Middle East 6
Asia-Pacific 13
Australia/New Zealand 3
Europe 14
Region Global 27
Latin America 6
North America 28
Other 3
Fewer than 10,000 employees 69
Size of the 10,000 to 100,000 employees 22
organization More than 100,000 employees 9
Agriculture, mining, and water 3
Automotive 2
Conglomerate 2
Construction 3
Consumer products and retail 9
Energy 7
Industry Financial services 11
Health care 6
Industrial goods and services 10
Media and entertainment 3
Technology and telecommunications 18
Other 26
0 20 40 60 80
Source: The Sustainability Initiative 2009 Survey, BCG and MIT Sloan Management Review. Percentage of respondents
Note: There were 2,022 respondents to our survey; data and analysis in this exhibit reflect 1,560 responses from business leaders at for-profit companies.

The Business of Sustainability 23

Appendix II
The Sustainability Audit

Companies that seek to enhance their profile in sustain- drawing on the lessons of organizations that are cited as
ability should begin by undertaking a critical self-assess- having first-class capabilities in sustainability. Company
ment. In our proprietary Sustainability Audit, we have executives that candidly evaluate their level of agree-
identified ten statements that we believe represent the ment with each statement in this audit will gain an un-
most important dimensions of sustainability from a man- derstanding of where their organization stands and which
agerial perspective. We developed these statements by areas it needs to focus on.

The Sustainability Audit

Statement Level 1 Agreement Level 2 Agreement Level 3 Agreement Level 4 Agreement

Framing the Sustainability Agenda
1. Our company has a We have no corporate We have no formal cor- We have a corporate def- We have a clearly articu-
clearly articulated defini- definition of sustain- porate definition of sus- inition of sustainability lated corporate defini-
tion of sustainability and ability; the term is used tainability; however, the that has been endorsed tion of sustainability
an understanding of how loosely and in different term is used in a broadly by the board and dis- that has full consensus
sustainability is or will be ways throughout the uniform way throughout seminated throughout and buy-in from the
affecting our business company the company the company, but it has board and across all lev-
yet to be fully accepted els of the organization
and internalized across
all levels
2. Our company has We have not carried out We have made an as- We have conducted We have completed a
conducted a thorough as- a thorough assessment sessment of some driv- a thorough audit of thorough assessment
sessment of the drivers of of the drivers of sustain- ers of sustainability for several key drivers of of all potential drivers
sustainability that present ability some key business areas sustainability for our of sustainability and
the greatest opportunities or markets most critical business have a realistic view of
and potential risks to our areas or markets—but which drivers will affect
business1 not for all of them each business area and
3. Our company has trans- We do not yet have a We have determined We have determined We have a clearly articu-
lated analysis into action clear sustainability where we will position what our sustainability lated sustainability strat-
by defining where and how strategy ourselves regarding sus- positioning and associ- egy and a clear timeline
we will deal with sustain- tainability but do not yet ated strategy are (or will for getting there, and
ability as a business issue have a well-defined plan be), where we will and have publicly commit-
for getting there will not engage, and ted to this timeline and
how quickly we want to strategy
achieve these goals

Drivers include government legislation, pressure from consumers and customers, employee activism, pressure from society, the impact of ecological
factors (including climate change, pollution, and the supply of resources such as food and water), and sociological factors (such as population growth,
urbanization, and inequities in health and labor).

24 The Boston Consulting Group

The Sustainability Audit (continued)

Statement Level 1 Agreement Level 2 Agreement Level 3 Agreement Level 4 Agreement

Developing the Business Case for Sustainability
4. Our company has We have not yet ex- We have some sense of We have a clear under- We have a clear and
developed a clear and amined the business the short-term business standing of the short- compelling short-term
compelling business case case for the short term case but have not yet ex- term business case business case that
for our sustainability beyond those actions ploited all value-creation that exploits several exploits all possible
efforts over the short term needed to meet regula- levers (including costs, potential value-creation value-creation levers
(that is, over the next one tory requirements revenues, price, and levers (both economic to drive competitive
to three years) intangibles)2 and intangible) advantage and that has
been incorporated into
our financial plans
5. Our company has mod- We have not yet exam- We have not yet exam- We have some sense of We have modeled a
eled the business case for ined the long-term busi- ined the business case the longer-term business longer-term business
sustainability investments ness case for sustain- for the long term beyond case for sustainability case for sustainability
over the long term (that is, ability investments those actions needed to investments but have investments that drives
four years into the future meet regulatory require- not yet modeled the competitive advantage
and beyond) ments systemwide costs and and considers system-
benefits across our value wide costs and benefits
chain over the life cycle across our value chain
of our products and over the life cycle of our
services products and services
for a multiyear time
6. Our company has We have no targets or We have high-level tar- We have targets and We have defined a set
established targets for our metrics in place gets and metrics that we metrics in place and rou- of targets and metrics
sustainability efforts, along report infrequently or tinely compile reports and have integrated the
with metrics for meas- do not fully disclose (be- on our performance metrics into our perfor-
urement, tracking, and cause we have difficulty mance management as
reporting measuring results) part of a holistic sustain-
ability strategy
Executing the Sustainability Strategy
7. Our company’s sustain- It is unclear where Responsibility for our We have assigned Discrete individuals or
ability strategy receives responsibility resides or sustainability strategy accountability for de- units with seniority in
sufficient focus from senior who in our organization has been added to the livering the company’s the organization are re-
management, and all is accountable for the existing responsibili- sustainability strategy to sponsible for driving the
responsibilities and ac- sustainability agenda ties of an individual (or a dedicated individual sustainability agenda,
countabilities are clear individuals) or unit, but or unit with sufficient but accountability for
there is little visibility seniority in the organiza- delivering results is
tion spread throughout the
8. Our company’s sustain- There has been little to There has been some Our sustainability strat- We have fully integrated
ability strategy is inte- no internal integration integration of our sus- egy has been partially our sustainability objec-
grated with our operations, tainability strategy with incorporated into our tives and strategy into
processes, and culture selected operations and culture through as- our corporate culture,
processes similation into many of operations (such as
our key operations and product development,
relevant processes manufacturing, sales,
and support functions),
and processes (such as
performance manage-
ment, financial report-
ing, and HR processes)

Intangible impacts include enhanced brand awareness and equity (which leads to customer loyalty and the ability to command a price premium);
improved employee recruitment, retention, and engagement; and lower risk premiums (which improve valuations and enable easier access to capital
and insurance).

The Business of Sustainability 25

The Sustainability Audit (continued)

Statement Level 1 Agreement Level 2 Agreement Level 3 Agreement Level 4 Agreement

9. Our company’s sustain- We have little or no We have conducted We have an exten- We are partnering and
ability agenda is aligned communication or some public relations sive public-relations working methodically
with the relevant external engagement with campaigns and provided campaign and have with all relevant stake-
stakeholders in our busi- stakeholders outside the ad hoc reporting to communicated with— holders to solve our
ness system3 company some but not all of the and at times reported mutual sustainability is-
relevant external stake- to—some stakeholders sues, encouraging those
holders in our business but only on some issues stakeholders to drive
system and not in a consistent value from sustainabil-
or systematic way ity efforts and working
together to proactively
shape the landscape of
our industry
10. Our company has the We lack both the capa- We lack several required We have in place (or We have in place the
required capabilities and bilities and the tools capabilities and tools available) most of the full suite of necessary
tools to effectively execute to effectively deliver a but are on a path to rec- necessary capabilities capabilities and tools
our sustainability strategy4 strategy tify our shortcomings and tools and are mov- to enable the effective
ing to fill any gaps execution of our sustain-
ability strategy

Stakeholders include consumers, business-to-business customers, competitors, regulators, nongovernmental organizations, investors, lenders, capital-
market analysts, and society at large.
Capabilities and tools include, but are not limited to, frameworks for developing the business case; measurement, tracking, and reporting tools; scenario-
planning capabilities; technologies for product design and manufacturing; supply chain technologies; capabilities in partnering with stakeholders; and
regulatory expertise.

26 The Boston Consulting Group

Appendix III
Thought Leader Interviewees

The thought leaders who generously shared their Vivienne Cox

views on the topic of sustainability, and whose insights Former Executive Vice President
helped form the basis of our survey, are listed below. BP
They include managers, C-level business executives, ac- Former Chief Executive Officer
ademics, and experts from government organizations, BP Alternative Energy
nongovernmental organizations, advisory services
firms, and think tanks. Videos of several of these inter- John Ehrenfield
views can be found at MIT Sloan Management Review’s Executive Director
Sustainability Initiative Web site, http://sloanreview. International Society for Industrial Ecology Former Director
series/. MIT Program on Technology, Business, and Environment

Shai Agassi John Elkington

Founder and Chief Executive Officer Founder and Non-Executive Director
Better Place SustainAbility
Founding Partner and Director
Tom Albanese Volans Ventures
Chief Executive Officer
Rio Tinto Alyssa Farrell
Marketing Manager for Sustainability Solutions
Ray Anderson SAS
Founder and Chairman
Interface Steve Fludder
Vice President, ecomagination
Roberto Bocca General Electric Company
Senior Director, Head of Energy Industries
World Economic Forum Jay Forrester
Former Director, Emerging Consumer Markets Germeshausen Professor Emeritus of Management; Sys-
BP Alternative Energy tem Dynamics Group
MIT Sloan School of Management
Jason Clay
Senior Vice President, Market Transformation Hal Hamilton
World Wildlife Fund Codirector
Sustainable Food Laboratory

The Business of Sustainability 27

Stuart Hart L. Hunter Lovins
Samuel C. Johnson Chair in Sustainable Global Enter- President and Founder
prise, Professor of Management Natural Capitalism Solutions
The Johnson School, Cornell University
Thomas Malone
Paul Hawken Professor of Management
Author, Environmentalist, and CEO MIT Sloan School of Management
Biomimicry Ventures Group Founding Director, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence

Rebecca Henderson David Marks

Senator John Heinz Professor of Environmental Man- Goulder Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineer-
agement ing and Engineering Systems
Harvard Business School Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Howard Herzog Lord Robert May

Principal Research Engineer Professor
MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment Oxford University and Imperial College, London

John Hofmeister William McDonough

Founder and Chief Executive Officer Founding Partner
Citizens for Affordable Energy William McDonough & Partners

Jeffrey Hollender Tim Mohin

Chief Inspired Protagonist and Cofounder Principal Consultant
Seventh Generation Environmental and Occupational Risk Management
Former Senior Manager for Supplier Responsibility
Georges Kern Apple
Chief Executive Officer Former Director of Sustainable Development
IWC (International Watch Company) Intel

Judith Layzer Adil Najam

Associate Professor of Environmental Policy Director
Department of Urban Studies and Planning Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Range Future
Boston University
Bernard Lietaer
Chairman Jacqueline Novogratz
ACCESS Foundation Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Fellow, Center for Sustainable Resource Development Acumen Fund
University of California, Berkeley
William O’Rourke
Richard Locke Vice President, Sustainability and Environment, Health,
Deputy Dean and Professor of Entrepreneurship and Safety
MIT Sloan School of Management Alcoa

Amory Lovins Chris Page

Chairman and Chief Scientist Director of Climate and Energy Strategy
Rocky Mountain Institute Yahoo!

28 The Boston Consulting Group

Rod Pearse Peter Senge
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director Senior Lecturer, Organization Studies
Boral Limited MIT Sloan School of Management
Founding Chair
Dierk Peters Society for Organizational Learning
World Wildlife Fund Sustainable Seafood Initiative Yossi Sheffi
Former International Marketing Manager Professor
Unilever Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Director, MIT Engineering Systems Division
John Reilly Director, MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics
Senior Lecturer, Center for Energy and Environmental
Policy Research Cameron Sinclair
MIT Sloan School of Management Executive Director and Cofounder
Architecture for Humanity
Dawn Rittenhouse
Director of Sustainable Development Sarah Slaughter
DuPont Senior Lecturer, Strategy
MIT Sloan School of Management
Harriett Ritvo Coordinator
Professor of History Laboratory for Sustainable Business and Sloan Sustain-
Massachusetts Institute of Technology ability Initiative

Walter Robb John Sterman

Co-President and Chief Operating Officer Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management and Engi-
Whole Foods Market neering Systems
MIT Sloan School of Management
George Roth Director, System Dynamics Group
Principal Research Associate Laboratory for Sustainable Business
MIT Sloan School of Management
Joseph Sussman
Gwen Ruta JR East Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineer-
Vice President of Corporate Partnerships ing and Engineering Systems
Environmental Defense Fund Massachusetts Institute of Technology

John Sall Graeme Sweeney

Cofounder and Executive Vice President Executive Vice President of Future Fuels and CO2
SAS Royal Dutch Shell

Peter Schwartz Ziad Tassabehji

Thought Leader Director, Utilities and Asset Management
Monitor Group Masdar
Cofounder and Chairman
Global Business Network Vijay Vaitheeswaran
Jeff Seabright The Economist
Vice President, Environment and Water Resources Coauthor
The Coca-Cola Company Zoom: The Global Race to Fuel the Car of the Future

The Business of Sustainability 29

Allen White Interviews with BCG Experts
Senior Fellow and Vice President Finally, we interviewed 20 global experts from several
Tellus Institute of BCG’s industry and functional practice and topic ar-
eas, including the Energy and Environment, Industrial
Darcy Winslow Goods, Consumer, Financial Institutions, Public Sector,
Chief Executive Officer and Founder Strategy, Marketing and Sales, and Technology, Media &
Designs for a Sustainable World Collective Telecommunications practices as well as the sustainable
Former General Manager development, social impact, and megatrends sectors.
Nike These individuals shared their personal views as lead-
ing strategists and thinkers in their fields. They also
shared the perspectives of their clients, who are con-
fronting many issues of sustainability as they manage
their businesses.

30 The Boston Consulting Group

For Further Reading
BCG and MIT Sloan Management Re- Back to the Basics: How Capturing the Green Advantage
view have written extensively about Photovoltaic Suppliers Can Win for Consumer Companies
in Today’s Solar Market A report by The Boston Consulting
sustainability. The publications listed BCG Opportunities for Action in Energy, Group, January 2009
here represent a sampling. August 2009
The Comeback of the Electric Car?
Sustainable Steelmaking: Meeting How Real, How Soon, and What
Today’s Challenges, Forging Must Happen Next
Tomorrow’s Solutions A Focus by The Boston Consulting Group,
A White Paper by The Boston Consulting January 2009
Group, July 2009
Carbon Capture and Storage: A
A Sober Optimist’s Guide Solution to the Problem of Carbon
to Sustainability: An Interview Emissions
with John Sterman A Focus by The Boston Consulting Group,, January 29, 2009 July 2008
green/a-sober-optimists-guide-to- Collaborating for Systemic Change
sustainability/) MIT Sloan Management Review, January 1,
Sustainability as Fabric—and
Why Smart Managers Will
Capitalize First: An Interview
with Richard M. Locke, January 14, 2009

The Business of Sustainability 31

Note to the Reader
BCG’s sustainable development sec- Acknowledgments For Further Contact
tor is one of the fast-growing sectors The authors would like to thank For additional information about
within the Energy and Environment Michael Deimler, Iván Martén, and this report or BCG’s role in the Sus-
practice. We help corporate clients Simon Targett for guidance and over- tainability Initiative, please contact:
develop strategies and best practices sight; Hari Govindahari, John Hutchi-
to create competitive advantage and son, Stevan Jovanovic, Christopher Maurice Berns
make business sense of sustainabil- Knape, Acer Nethercott, and Robin Partner and Managing Director
ity. The practice also helps clients in Ridesic for research and analytical BCG London
the public sector set environmental support; and Barry Adler, Katherine +44 207 753 5353
policies and strategies that drive ma- Andrews, Gary Callahan, Matthew
jor changes while meeting the needs Clark, Mary DeVience, Angela DiBat-
of the many stakeholders in sustain- tista, David Fondiller, Elyse Fried-
ability. man, Kim Friedman, Gerry Hill,
Elizabeth Lento, Corrie Maguire,
Christi Stubbs, and Janice Willett
for editorial, production, and distri-
bution support. The authors would
also like to thank MIT Sloan Manage-
ment Review’s Michael Barrette and
Deb Gallagher for their thought part-

The authors are very grateful to the

more than 50 thought leaders who
agreed to be interviewed and the
more than 2,000 respondents who
completed the survey, as well as the
20 global experts from BCG who
shared their time and perspectives.

32 The Boston Consulting Group

For a complete list of BCG publications and information about how to obtain copies, please visit our Web site at

To receive future publications in electronic form about this topic or others, please visit our subscription Web site at

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