Air Pollutants

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The aim of the study is to determine the efficacy of biosponge as

motorcycle exhaust filter for the biosponge is something that is cheap
and has the capacity to absorb pollutants like CO2 and NO2. The
proponents prepared the materials, gathering the Wielded BC elbow
metal, Medium Pioneer tube, RC- All-purpose epoxy, Bulldog
superglue, and the biosponge with one meter biofoam and they
proceeded . After putting the biofoam inside the elbow metal, attach the
pioneer tube to the elbow metal by putting superglue and epoxy between
the two structures. Put the biosponge and the prototype is ready. The
proponents tested three different motorcycles and were tested using the
Two-gas Emission Gas Analyzer (EGA). First test, 2007 Yamaha MC
followed by a 2012 Suzuki MC and the last is a 2017 Suzuki MC. The
Yamaha was analyzed and it has 4.41% carbon monoxide concentration
and 3000 hydrocarbon but with the filter applied, the results changed
and become 4.01% carbon monoxide concentration and 2279
hydrocarbon. The same goes with the 2012 Suzuki MC, it had 2.5% CO
concentration and 4400 HC but with the filter applied, it became 2.35%
CO and 4175 HC. The 2017 Suzuki MC’s results were the same, 1.64%
Co and 800 HC with and without the filter. The filter proved to be
efficient but it doesn’t apply to new motorcycles for they have clean
exhaust. Thus, the biosponge is efficient in and has the potential to
become a motorcycle exhaust filter that everyone can purchase regarding
of status.


The highly ongoing rise of air pollution globally has resulted to very

significant changes to our environment. Statistics shows that this increase

is highly caused by harmful air pollutants roving around in our

atmosphere where in fact here in our country, about an annual of PM2.5

(particulate matter) concentration rests at 18.4 μg/m3 (microgram per

cubic meter), according to the 2016 WHO report. This value is

approximately 80% higher than the safe levels indicated by WHO. Their

presence poses an environmental problems due to their persistent nature

and existence. People are also one of the big contributors of air pollution.
The fast development of technology serves as an ‘ingredient’ for the

automotive industry to have its formation in advancing automobiles such

as cars, trucks and motorcycles generally. With this improvement,

vehicles are produced in a fast rate every day. In line with this, vehicles

are producing gases into the atmosphere which means more vehicles to

more gas emission but these gases are composed of not all good

substances especially to our atmosphere. Industrialized filters and built-in

environment sustainable engines are readily made to help lessen the air

pollutants that are wandering in the air but not all engines are built this


To date one feasible and sustainable solution -the search for

alternative filter composed of easy to find component. The idea of having

sponge to be a component in making exhaust filter of vehicles. Not just

an ordinary sponge that we use in washing dishes but instead a biosponge

is utilized. A structure used in marine filtration in aquarium has the

capability in removing and less CO2 and ammonia NH3. Aside of having

this capacity, the sponge is made of net like structure which can be seen

under a microscope. This structure will trap the harmful molecules of

emitted gases from vehicles having it to slip in


The main purpose of this study is to know if biosponge can be used as a

component in making motorcycle exhaust filter. Specifically it aims to:

 Determine the effectiveness of biosponge as an exhaust filter for


 Determine the unit of pollutants reduced or absorbed by the

biosponge exhaust filter

 Help lessen motor pollution as eco-friendly as possible and low-

cost but effective at the same time

 See the difference of particulate gas molecules emitted from new

model motorcycles vs the old ones

 Make a low cost alternative exhaust filter for motorcycles

The increasing air and motorcycle pollution has been a notorious

threat in the environment and also to the people living in the city and

suburban areas where motorcycles and vehicles have gone rampant and

the smoke released from these said transportations can harm people and

can harm our planet. To be specific, these vehicles (especially

motorcycles) released exhaust fumes containing certain chemicals like:

carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde, benzene

and soot, which can ultimately harm the human body by disrupting and

destroying the body systems, especially the respiratory system.

Almost all vehicles emit these chemicals, but study shows that

motorcycles and scooters have the most fumes released and thus making

motorcycles the top contributor of dangerous exhaust fumes in cities,

highways, and even in rural and mountainous areas. Still, motorcycles

now have catalytic converter that helps in converting carbon monoxide

into carbon dioxide making it slightly more environmentally friendly.

Even with catalytic converter attached, it doesn’t change the fact that

motorcycles are still the top of the ‘smoke chain’ in terms of fumes being

released in the air.


I. Experimental Unit and Subject

 Two stroke engine motorcycle

II. Variables and Controls

The independent variable of this experiment is the biosponge and


The amount of CO2, CO, HC in the emitted gas from the exhaust serves

as the dependent variable.

III. Instruments and Materials

 9.90 cm length and 3.81cm in diameter Welded BC Elbow,

 Medium Pioneer tube RC- All-purpose epoxy

 Bulldog superglue
 cylindrical Biosponge

 1 meter biofoam

 4.5mm x 2 1/2 ‘’ concrete nail

 EGA (Exhaust Gas Analyzer)


A. Preparation/ modelling the prototype

The proponents prepared the following materials: 9.90 cm

length and 3.81cm in diameter Welded BC Elbow, Medium Pioneer

tube RC- All-purpose epoxy, Bulldog superglue, cylindrical

Biosponge, and 1 meter biofoam. The proponents had a 2 thin layer

of 11 cm biofoam (we make sure to have an allowance length) and

glued it with superglue inside the welded BC elbow. Cut the excess

biofoam that overlapped the BC elbow tube. We detached the 5.84

cm length and 2.75 cm in diameter built-in cylindrical plastic

structure from our biofoam and put some 0.9cm in diameter holes in

its top-circular structure using the heated 4.5mm x 2 ½’’ concrete

nail. The proponents attached again the cylindrical plastic structure

to the biofoam and put the mixture of 1.5g adhesive and hardener

epoxy. Then the proponents connect the BC elbow tube with the

biosponge attached in its cylindrical plastic structure. The built filter

is placed in a room. The epoxy completely hardened for about 25

minutes under room temperature.

B. Testing

The proponents went to TOL- CEB-TA Pollution Test CO.

Three different motorcycle models were tested using the Two-gas

EGA (Emission Gas Analyzer). The 2012 and 2017 motorcycles

were not trated with the prototype filtrator only the 2007 model




Implementation of Vehicle Emission Limits for Euro 4/IV, and In- Use

Vehicle Standards (Memorandum Circular No. 2017-2078)

Motor Date Date to CO(% HC (PPM) Light Absorption Fuel

Vehicle From by At Idling Coefficient At Criteria

Type Volum Free Acceleration

e At


<12/31/200 12/31/2007 2.5

In-use, rebuilt Diesel

and imported 01/01/2008 06/30/2017 2.0

used passenger

cars, light and 07/01/2017 07/01/2017 1.0

heavy duty 12/31/2007 12/31/2007 3.5 600

vehicles Gasoline/

01/01/2008 06/30/2017 0.5 250 LPG

07/01/2017 07/01/2017 0.25 100

4.5 6000 30% smoke opacity

<12/31/201 12/31/2011 Gasoline/
01/01/2012 06//30/2017 3.5 4500 30% smoke opacity

motorcycles & 07/01/2017 07/01/2017 2.5 1000 20% smoke opacity


Three different model motorcycles were tested:

Table 3:


Motorcycle Application Type of Standard Measured Result

Model State (with Gas Gas Limit Data

or without Particulate (Base on

filtrator) date


CO 4.50 % 4.41% OK

2007 Without HC 6000 3000 OK

Yamaha CO 4.50 % 4.01% OK

MC With HC 6000 2279 OK


CO 3.5 2.5 % OK
2012 HC 4500 4400 OK
Suzuki MC
CO 3.5 2.35% OK
HC 4500 4175 OK

CO 2.5 1.64% OK

2017 Without
HC 1000 800 OK
Suzuki MC
CO 2.5 1.64% OK
HC 1000 800 OK

CO- Carbon monoxide HC- Hydrocarbons

When the proponents looked at the emission standards, the older the

year the motorcycle was manufactured the higher the figures are set. Like

in the 2007 model of the tested Yamaha MC (Motorcycle), the standard

gas limit of CO (Carbon Monoxide) is 4.50% and 6000 ppm of HC

(Hydrocarbons) compared to the new models of motorcycles in 2017 that

CO and HC standard gas limit has been set to 2.5% and 1000 ppm

respectively. The results also shows that even without the filter, the tested

different models of motorcycles passed the standards of healthy emission

of gas relative to its particulate gas molecule component (HC AND CO).
When the filter was connected, the results shows that there was a

relative decrease of 0.4% in CO (from 4.41% to 4.01%) and 0.24% of HC

percentage (from 3000 to 2279 ppm) emitted by the 2007 model of

Yamaha MC. That also goes for the Suzuki MC with a decrease of 0.15%

in CO (from 2.5% to 2.35 %) and 0.05 % in HC (from 4400 to 4175 ppm).

The last test for the last motorcycle was different from the two previous

tests. In the third test for the 2017 model of Suzuki MC there was no

change in the amount of CO and HC.

Generally, the filter yielded positive results as it shows some relative

change though the motorcycles were not that type that emitted significant

large amounts of CO and HC. Results also shows that an average decrease

of 0.275% in CO gas and 0.145% in HC from having the filter in the

exhaust. The year of motorcycle models may also bring effects and

reflects to the results as shown in the table.


Based on the conducted experiment and the generated results, the

proponents have arrived at the following conclusions:

 The older the model of motorcycle the higher the amount of

CO and HC

gases emitted

 This shows that newer models of motorcycles had improved

their engine exhaust system for lesser emission of harmful

particulate gases
 The prototype was not that very effective in filtering the smoke

emitted though there was still a decrease in the CO and HC



During the experiment the proponents thought of some

realizations for the improvement of their prototype.

 The filter must have larger hole for the Exhaust Gas Analyzer

testing hose to fit easier

 Improvement to the structure of the exhaust filter

 Having an additional cylindrical tube that will surround the

biofoam that extends over the edge of it to have the smoke

not to go out of the sponge in any direction. The smoke will

be concentrated in a fixed area and will go outside in one


 Make a component that will allow the filter to attach to any

sizes of exhaust or to the motorcycle mufflers


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Photo 1: Preparation of the materials

Photo 2: Attaching the biosponge inside the tube

Photo 3: Applying ceramic glue for the sponge to attach on the

Photo 4: Final output

Photo 5 : Testing Suzuki MC without the filter

Photo 6: Testing Yamaha MC without the filter

Photo 7: Filtering Suzuki MC with the filter

Photo 8: Actual EGA, working with the results

Photo 9:A closer look in the testing process

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