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Brand identity vs Brand image

The identity of a brand responds to a set of characteristic elements that the brand tries to
construct. It is the promise, the manifesto, which establishes as priorities to reflect through
everything it does.

The image is related to the actions, expressions, and relationships that it provokes in the
public. It’s the perception that the others have from outside. It ends up being really
important because it means how the brand is perceived.

● What we are /Brand identity/

● What others think about me /Brand image/

About Moving Threads

Moving threads is an eclectic brand that moves in the fashion world looking for the best of
each style to create a unique outfit for a type of person. We want to target fashion
conscious people. We know that the "style seeker" would like some of the treasures that
we have. We firmly believe in the value of experiencing hunting on its own and we
understand the power of having what we want.


Original Naff

Funny Boring

Open Mind Classic

Creative Elegant

Exclusive Massive

Intelligent Formal

Selective Closed

Surprising Common

Extroverted Cold

With Style Complicated

Active Extravagant

Brand archetype

Brand archetypes generally represent the main human motivations, are directly related to
the collective unconscious and are universal concepts that work on everything related to:

● Brand image
● Emotional bond
● Differentiation of competition
All of this is also related to the personality of the brand, which facilitates to positioning in
the minds of the people and adds value and coherence. These archetypes allow reflecting a
specific personality.

Our archetype
We are “The Magician”

Motto: I make things happen

Core desire: Understanding the fundamental laws of the universe
Goal: To make dreams come true
Greatest fear: Unintended negative consequences
Strategy: Develop a vision and live by it finding win - win solutions
Weakness: Becoming manipulative
Also known as: The visionary, catalyst, inventor, charismatic, leader, shaman, healer,
medicine man

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