If I Could Change One Thing About The World.... It Would Be Our Hearts and Minds

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once a Thief and a rich man travelling together. The thief identified him is a wealthy man.

tried to get his wealth in his absence. He searched all his baggage. When train journey about to
end, the thief confessed himself and asked wealthy man,actually I am a thief, I tried to get your
wealth but I couldn't find it. Then the rich man pulled out his wealth from underneath of the
thief's bed. This is where I hid it, because I knew that underneath your bed would be the last
place that you would look.
So often we look for pleasures in many different places, travel different countries looking for this
pleasure, but we don't realize that pleasure is actually right there in the heart. That is GOD.

If I could change one thing about the world.... it would be our hearts and minds
Today's world is a super world of advances in science and technology. Even though we are in the
world of comforts, we are facing the problems today that the human race has faced throughout history:
wars, famines, conflicts, immorality, and loneliness, irrational evil— the list is almost endless.

What is our basic problem?

The basic problem is within us--within our own hearts and minds. Even if we invent things that
will bring great benefit to the people, evil minds can still use them to bring great destruction.

Example: 1.Hacking of computers

If I could change one thing about the world, it would be our hearts and minds. But I can’t do that,
and neither can anyone else—except God.

If we are god conscious, no matter what the world throws at you," you will turn into your best

❖ If we look at one big tragedy death of Jesus at age of 32, he was nailed to a cross and had
a terrible death. We bow down to him. We believe in him. Even he got nailed; he said
they don't know what they are doing. Please forgive them. So, we bow down to him,
not because of he was nailed, but even though he was nailed he did not lose his
quality***(his love).His love is unconditional Love and Divine.THAT IS WHAT WE

This is why it is worth worshipping.


We just need one icon as God to show as a better way for our existence.
Material life means being controlled by senses or mind. If one is controlled by the
mind means, he is controlled by the senses.

The sensory factors-------1.hear, 2.smell, 3.see, 4.Taste, 5.Touch.These are useful

to correspond and communicate the OUTER side of the world.

BHAGAVAD GITA explains the process of controlling mind with senses.

The mind is store house of thoughts, unfulfilled desires and past experiences.

for example:

If mind says: senses

why dont you smoke the cigarette? senses follows...hands along with the
mouth and nose follows

Indicates mind is uncontrolled

why don't you sit quiet and listen in the classroom? ears are ready to listen

Indicates mind is controlled

The urges of our senses and our mind are the enemies that exist within us. People
act in foolish, crazy,unethical and voilent ways because of six enemies with in us
they are lust, anger, greed, pride,illusion and envy.One can tolerate these six
enemies by God consciousness.

The purpose of practicing Real yoga is meant to control one's mind, senses and

I would stop evil minds by starting a company called LLA [love all Live well
Association] .The L.L.A will teach the values of life. The LLA will be associated
with schools and work places.

last but not least

“World change can only come from personal change,”

Thank you

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