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Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 23(2):175–193 (2004)

Copyright C Taylor and Francis Inc.

ISSN: 0735-2689
DOI: 10.1080/07352680490433295

Managing Soil Microorganisms to Improve Productivity

of Agro-Ecosystems

Gregory E. Welbaum
Department of Horticulture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Saunders Hall,
Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA

Antony V. Sturz
PEI Department of Agriculture & Forestry, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada C1A 7N3

Zhongmin Dong
Department of Biology, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3C3

Jerzy Nowak∗
Department of Horticulture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Saunders Hall,
Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA

Referee: Dr. Paul C. Struik, Crop & Weed Ecology, Wageningen University, Bodenumber 71, Bornsesteeg 47, 6708 PD Wageningen,
The Netherlands

Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 176

A. Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 176
B. Some Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 176

II. SOIL AGRO-ECOSYSTEM AND MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES .................................................................... 177

A. Soil Microbial Diversity and Functionality ....................................................................................................... 177
B. Plant-Engineered Root Zone Communities ...................................................................................................... 177
C. Beneficial and Detrimental Microbial Allelopathies ......................................................................................... 178

III. NITROGEN-FIXING AND HYDROGEN-GAS–OXIDIZING BACTERIA ......................................................... 178

A. Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria in Soil ..................................................................................................................... 178
B. Hydrogen-Gas–Utilizing Bacteria in the Rhizosphere ....................................................................................... 179

IV. SOIL AGRO-ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................... 180

A. Tillage Effects ............................................................................................................................................... 180
B. Bacterial Endophytes and Crop Rotations ........................................................................................................ 180
C. Soil Ethylene and Crop Development .............................................................................................................. 180
D. Feeding Soil Microbes ................................................................................................................................... 181


A. Plant–Microbial Ecosystems ........................................................................................................................... 184
B. Soil Priming .................................................................................................................................................. 184
C. Biopriming Plant Propagules .......................................................................................................................... 185
D. “Microbial Precision” Production Systems: The Development of the “Smart Field” Concept ................................ 185

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................................... 186

Corresponding author: Department of Horticulture, Saunders Hall (0327), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg,
VA 24060, USA. E-mail:


that more enlightened farmers used to conserve and improve

Historically, agricultural production has relied on practices de- their soils, maintain tilth, and increase productivity. This was
signed to manage nutrients, water, weeds, and crop diseases. Pre- not new knowledge; pioneers in land experimentation had their
cision agriculture and integrated pest management programs have roots in Great Britain, where Jethro Tull’s The Horse-Hoeing
gone one step further by recognizing the need to target inputs where
they are required in the field. The major objective of these programs Husbandry (1733) promoted what today might be described as
has been to minimize adverse environmental impacts of intensive a system of sustainable soil management.
agriculture practices and reduce per unit production costs. This Such calls to farming practices, which espoused the main-
review surveys the literature, examining the manipulation of mi- tenance or improvement of the land base, were taken up by
crobial (primarily bacterial) populations as linked to agricultural successive sets of producers who praised the benefits of soil
production, and discusses new approaches that involve the pre-
cision management of microorganisms in the agro-ecosystem. It conditioning based on “closed” nutrient cycles and soil micro-
is proposed that our understanding of plant–soil interactions can bial rejuvenation. These practices were principally the result of
be greatly refined through the development of “smart” field tech- reincorporating into farmland carefully mixed manure prepara-
nology, where real-time, computer-controlled electronic diagnostic tions as a standard part of their land husbandry practice.
devices can be used to monitor rhizosphere and plant health. We During the aftermath of World War II the recognition of
submit that “smart field” generated information could be used to
develop a prescription for timely and low-level production interven- food as a strategic resource led to the drive for national secu-
tions that will avoid the traditional inundative approaches to crop rity through self-sufficiency in food production and the ascen-
maintenance and soil husbandry. Consequently, a lesser impact on dancy of agrichemical systems of crop production. Chemical
the agricultural soil environment is envisioned. The maximization fertilizers came to supplant organic farming systems and the
of production efficiencies will also involve the development of crop “natural” accumulation of soil nutrients and soil microflora that
cultivars that are bred specifically to capitalize on beneficial plant–
microbial associations. produced them. Newly developed classes of plant cultivars be-
came increasingly reliant upon the support of agrichemistry. At
Keywords soil microbial communities, diversity, management, the same time, the yield potential of agricultural soils began to
plant-microbial interaction, feeding microbes decline as the biological processes that maintained their health
and quality became overtaxed (Greenland and Szabolcs, 1994;
Pankhurst et al., 1997). Accordingly, an environmental price was
paid for a food security system based upon technological and
agrichemical innovation and the exploitation of nonrenewable
The times have changed; the face of the country is changed; the energy reserves. Most notably, in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s the
quality of the soil has changed; and if we will live as well, and become scientific literature became filled with reports of “soil-fatigue,”
as rich and respectable as our fathers, we must cultivate their virtues;
“soil degradation,” and “soil loss.”
but abandon their farming system.
- The Farmers Manual (1819)

B. Some Definitions
A. Overview Despite its importance, it is only relatively recently that mi-
Mismanaging soil health and fertility is not a prerogative of crobial ecologists have begun to consider those complex interac-
twenty first century agriculture. In the early part of the nineteenth tions between plants and the microbial components in soil that
century commentators had already noticed the occurrence of soil sustain them. And while the physical and biological benefits
exhaustion and fertility loss, the consequences of overworking of manures and composts have been quantified (Brady, 1974;
farmland and a general failure to manage nutrient flow correctly Hoitink and Boehm, 1999), the microbial mechanisms that un-
(Spafford, 1812). derpin their effectiveness are still little understood. Similarly,
Unfortunately, the choice between soil improvement or aban- relatively little is known about the processes that maintain “soil
donment usually resulted in the latter course, with settlers mov- quality,” “soil resilience,” and “soil health,” or that conserve “soil
ing on to clear new land and repeat the same management stability” above and beyond the application of chemical fertil-
mistakes, and reap the inevitable consequences. As a result, izers and certain well-established systems of crop rotation and
the pattern of American land colonization throughout the nine- residue management.
teenth century was one of eastern farmers pushing west, leaving In the general context of this review, we define soil quality in
in their wake a ruined rural landscape, stripped of its forests and terms of its “suitability for chosen uses” (Warkentin and Fletcher,
depleted of its fertile topsoil (Strickland, 1801). Accordingly, 1977), usually for the purpose of sustaining plant and animal
one of the most intractable problems in American agriculture in productivity to support human health and habitation (Sparling,
the 1800s became managing the relationship between yields and 1997). Soil health, by contrast, is understood to be the com-
soil nutrient balance. For although farmers understood that fer- petence with which soil functional processes (e.g., nutrient cy-
tility could be taken away, few understood the best methods for cling, energy flow) are able to support viable, self-sustaining
returning it. (micro)faunal and (micro)floral ecosystems that make up a “liv-
In his treatise on the history of soil regeneration practices in ing soil” (O’Neill, 1991, p. 39). Soil stability relates to struc-
early America, Stoll (2002) outlines a number of the systems tural integrity and describes the capacity of “soil to retain its

arrangement of solid and void space when exposed to different Part of the difficulty in resolving soil microbial community
stresses” (Kay, 1990). We define soil resilience as the capa- structure is our limited ability to examine soil ecosystems in real
bility of a soil (population or system) to return to its preper- time. The current trend of community-based analysis using PCR
turbation condition, as opposed to any intrinsic capacity to re- extraction does provide a new insight into the enormous diversity
sist displacement from that initial equilibrium state (Eswaran, of bacterial strains in the soil environment (Kent and Triplett,
1994). 2002). However, these techniques are not without their limita-
Though it is often considered that soil microbes play a key tions (Niemi et al., 2001; Wilson et al., 1997; Sessitsch et al.,
role in soil quality and health (Pankhurst et al., 1997; Karlen 2002). As a result, only a fraction of that continuum of popula-
et al., 1997; Vessey, 2003), a general dearth of information ex- tion events is captured in time (season) and space (root zone),
ists when it comes to categorizing the assembly of species that and this for a restricted number of taxonomic units (species).
assure soil fertility, the critical forces that govern their com- Consequently, total species diversity can often appear to remain
munity structure and function. What has become clear is that constant, when in effect a continuous process (e.g., organic mat-
the interaction between root zone microflora and plants involves ter decomposition) is occurring, driven by the sequential colo-
a continuum of colonization events that are initiated at seed nization of consortia of niche specialists that utilize the differ-
germination and traverse the rhizosphere to the rhizoplane, to ent substrates that present themselves over time (Walker, 1992).
the endoroot via the root epidermis and apoplast, directly to the Thus, a duality in community variability occurs, namely that
shoots (Petersen et al., 1981; Kloepper et al.,1992; Van Bruggen of changes in compositional variability (relative abundance of
et al., 2002). Consequently, phyto-microbial relationships can component species) juxtaposed with that of aggregate variability
become extremely intimate, extending over the life-cycle and (those changes involving total properties as overall abundance,
growth habit of the plant, and involving both exo- and endo- biomass, and or production; Micheli et al., 1999).
plant environments (Wardle, 2002). In this review we focus on The stability of populations at any given microsite, the rate of
methods to create sustainable agro-ecosystems of crop produc- turnover of species within an ecosystem, and the accumulation
tion through the selective management of phyto-microflora. of biological diversity over time, if any, is subject to a number of
rate-governing variables, the degree and direction of which re-
main largely unpredictable (Swift and Anderson, 1993; Lawton,
II. SOIL AGRO-ECOSYSTEM AND MICROBIAL 1994; Micheli et al., 1999). Ecologists have long suggested that
COMMUNITIES environmental perturbations will increase the variability of eco-
logical systems (Odum et al., 1979; Underwood, 1991). Whether
A. Soil Microbial Diversity and Functionality this variability leads to increasing species diversity—thus pro-
It is still unclear whether (bacterial) species diversity is, as moting increased productivity and stability within ecosystems—
is often proposed, critical to the integrity and long-term sustain- becomes the basis for an interesting discussion (Cottingham
ability of soil ecosystems (Altieri, 1995; Pankhurst et al., 1996; et al., 2000; Johnson et al., 1996; Kennedy and Smith, 1995;
Wardle, 2002), or if it is merely evidence of a built-in “func- Naeem and Li, 1997).
tional redundance” (Bianchi and Bianchi, 1995; Bardgett and
Shine, 1999). The extent to which species diversity and asso-
ciated metabolic versatility within the soil community is in ex- B. Plant-Engineered Root Zone Communities
cess of that required for ecosystem maintenance and functional While it is a truism that soil agro-ecosystems are extremely
stability—in response to perturbation—remains an unresolved complex, the plant root system is a rationalizing force that im-
question (Pankhurst, 1994). poses a class of order on the chaos that is functional agricultural
While several studies have shown that a reduction in species- soil. The vast surface area provided by roots is an extraordinarily
abundance relationships—measured, for example, by species diverse habitat for a huge assortment of microorganisms ranging
richness (total species) and species evenness (defined by the rel- from transient epiphytic saprophytes to epiphytic commensals,
ative frequency within a community)—can precede declining mutualistic symbionts, endophytes, and pathogens.
ecosystem processes (Naeem et al., 1995; Knops et al., 1999; The biogeography of the habitats comprising the root system
Wilsey and Potvin, 2000), there is little conclusive evidence to are defined by physical and chemical characteristics such as
support the hypothesis that ecosystem function depends upon increased exposure to light, water, aeration, plant photosynthate
the “full complement of diversity within sites” (Schwartz et al., leakage, root architecture, and root longetivity (Andrews and
2000). Accordingly, the importance of biodiversity in determin- Harris, 2000; McCully, 1999). However, it is primarily through
ing ecosystem stability and resilience remains a matter of debate the general release of carbon-rich material in the form of root
(see reviews by Chapin et al., 2000; Pimm, 1984; Waide et al., border cells (Hawes and Brigham, 1992; Hawes et al., 1998),
1999). This is especially so in the microbial sciences, where or alternatively via the selective exudation of specific sugars,
studies of biodiversity can often become confounded by diffi- carboxylic, and amino acids (Grayston et al., 1998; Jaeger et al.,
culties associated with the recovery and identification of suitable 1999; Siciliano et al., 1998; Lugtenberg, 2001; Ryan et al., 2001)
taxonomic units necessary to describe species (O’Donnell et al., that plants are able to “load-up” the root zone environment with
1994; Pankhurst et al., 1996). substrates that encourage the development of cultivar-specific,

plant-beneficial, microbial communities (Chanway et al., 1988; 2003). Microbially generated secondary metabolites have been
Lugtenberg, 2001). shown to aid plant growth (Glick et al., 1999; Patten and Glick,
This is by no means a one-way process, and plant “en- 2002; Mathesius, 2003), increase availability of minerals and
gineered” rhizomicrobial communities can likewise initiate nutrients (Murty and Ladha, 1988; Darrah, 1993; Marschener
changes in the root biochemistry (Darrah, 1993; Hinsinger, and Römheld, 1994; Hinsinger, 1998), improve nitrogen econ-
1998; Parmar and Dardarwal, 1999; Lugtenberg, 2001; Patten omy (Ladha et al., 1997; Reinhold-Hurek and Hurek, 1998;
and Glick, 2002; Vessey, 2003), inducing a root exudation re- Yanni et al., 2001), change plant susceptibility to frost dam-
sponse in the host plants that fostered them (Bolton et al., 1993; age (Xu et al., 1998), enhance plant health through the direct
Merharg and Killham, 1995). Thus root growth leads to substrate biocontrol of phytopathogens (Weller et al., 2002; Van Bruggen
loading in the root zone, which in turn promotes rhizobacte- et al., 2002), induce systemic forms of plant disease resistance
rial proliferation, leading to further root growth, a concomitant (Van Loon et al., 1998; van Wees et al., 1999), and secure
increase in root exudation that leads to substrate loading, and plant establishment (Lazarovits and Nowak, 1997; Burd et al.,
so on. 1998).
All such root–microbial exchanges can be considered a form By contrast, detrimental allelopathies occur where bacte-
of allelopathy (Barazani and Friedman, 1999) and include those rially produced secondary metabolites adversely affect plant
biochemical interactions, both inter- and intraspecifically, that growth and development. These detrimental effects occur in
involve microbial- or plant-produced secondary metabolites (al- the absence of any pathogenic symptomology (Schippers et al.,
lelochemicals) that influence growth and development of bi- 1987; Barazani and Friedman, 2001), although affected plants,
ological systems in the soil. Consequently, phyto-microbially in their weakened state, can subsequently become susceptible
governed plant growth is a form of beneficial allelochemical re- to phytopathogen attack (Frederickson and Elliot, 1985). Ac-
sponse that shares many of the characteristics of a “feedback” cordingly, such organisms have been termed deleterious rhi-
system. The plant initiates an allelopathic cascade of which it zosphere microorganisms (DRMO) and include the deleterious
is also the final recipient. An analogous process can be found rhizobacteria (DRB).
in autotoxicity, where phytochemical autoinhibitors collect in Notwithstanding the above, the use of functional groupings—
the root zone and inhibit same or nonsame species’ growth and beneficial, detrimental, or neutral–are deceptive (Nehl et al.,
development (Singh et al., 1999). 1996), as microbial–plant effects will vary according to a vari-
Since this can involve ecological phenomena at the trophic ety of factors, including: plant developmental age (Pilet et al.,
level (Romeo, 2000), such allelopathic events will, by default, 1979), environment (Hassink et al., 1991; Bensalim et al., 1998),
be involved in the regulation of ecosystem health and biodiver- host species (Åström and Gerhardson, 1988; Grayston et al.,
sity (Wardle et al., 1998; Malik, 2000). Availability of substrate 1998), and accompanying mycorrhizal status (see review by
determines reversible transition between active and dormant mi- Azcón-Aguilar and Barea, 1992). Sturz et al. (1997) showed
crobial states and differentially affects microbial community that bacterial strains, which individually inhibit plant growth,
structure (Stenström et al., 2001). Understanding these changes, can stimulate plant growth when applied as coinoculants. Sim-
both in the root zone and in the top- and subsoil, becomes criti- ilarly, the order in which bacterial populations form consortia
cal to soil health and fertility management in a sustainable soil and become established in the root zone can affect subsequent
agro-ecosystem (Taylor et al., 2002). plant growth responses (Sturz and Christie, 1995).
For a more comprehensive overview of the involvement of
plant and microbial secondary metabolites in ecosystem func-
C. Beneficial and Detrimental Microbial Allelopathies tioning (including allelopathy), please see Hadacek (2002) and
The term allelopathy was originally introduced to describe Barazani and Friedman (2001).
the injurious effects of one plant upon the other (Molisch, 1937).
However, the term has now been generally accepted to include
both inhibitory and stimulatory effects, and the definition has
been extended to include “any process involving secondary
metabolites produced by plants, microorganisms, viruses and
fungi that influence the growth and development of agricultural A. Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria in Soil
and biological systems (excluding animals), including positive The amount of N present on this planet as dinitrogen is ap-
and negative effects” (Torres et al., 1996, p. 278). proximately 4 × 1015 tons in the atmosphere and about 20 times
As a class of relationship between organisms, allelopathy that bound in sedimentary and primary rocks beneath the sur-
is considered to be one where no direct contact occurs, the face (Gallon and Chaplin, 1987). None of these sources is ac-
effect of any interaction being a consequence of some indi- cessible to plants until it is fixed, i.e., converted to ammo-
rect event controlled by an allelochemical. Thus in its broad- nia. Dinitrogen can be fixed by industrial processes (Haber-
est sense “plant-directed” microbial communities can provide Bosch process), or biologically, by some prokaryotes. Although
the host plant with a distinct ecological advantage through significant amounts of nitrogen are derived from industrial
the cultivation of beneficial allelopathies (Sturz and Christie, fertilizers, most of the fixed nitrogen present in the world’s

soil and water ecosystems comes from biological N2 fixation eluded explanation (Bolton et al., 1976; Hesterman et al., 1986;
(Hernandez, 2002). Fyson and Oaks, 1990; Zanetti et al., 1996; Høgh-Jensen and
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria can be symbiotic, free-living, or as- Schjoerring, 2001). Recent studies showed that the H2 produced
sociative, forming casual associations with other organisms, i.e., as a by-product of N2 fixation by legume nodules is responsi-
plants. The associative diazotrophs colonize the rhizosphere and ble for a substantial portion of the growth- or yield-enhancing
often enter the root and/or shoot interior, occupying intercellular effects of legume soils. Antibiotic and/or fungicide treatments
spaces (the so-called diazotrophic endophytes). Free-living N2 have demonstrated that the H2 uptake and plant growth promo-
fixers contribute only small amounts of N to plants. Symbiotic tion effects were both bacterial in nature (McLearn and Dong,
N2 -fixing bacteria can contribute directly to the productivity of 2002; Irvine et al., 2003).
plants at a high rate, while less direct contributions may be made Hydrogen gas is a byproduct of the N2 -fixing enzyme nitroge-
to the growth of plants by associative bacteria. Although their nase, claiming about 33% of the energy that flows to the enzyme
nitrogen contribution is minuscule, the associative diazotrophs (the other 67% is used to reduce N2 ) (Hunt and Layzell, 1993). In
enhance plant growth (Sevilla et al., 2001; Baldani et al., 2000; most free-living diazotrophs and some symbioses, the bacteria
Bastian et al., 1999; Jacoud et al., 1998; Hurek et al., 2002; also produce an enzyme called an uptake hydrogenase (HUP),
Dobbelaere et al., 2003). These results have encouraged a wave which is able to oxidize the H2 and thereby extract chemical
of investigations into associative endophytic diazotrophs in non- energy from it. However, many legume symbioses, including
legume plants (Riggs et al., 2002). most of the rhizobia used in agricultural production, lack this
The rhizobia–legume symbiotic relationship is the most uptake hydrogenase (Uratsu et al., 1982). Thus the H2 produced
widely studied and utilized of plant–microbe interactions by the nitrogenase diffuses out of the nodule into the soil. The
(Sprent, 2001). Rhizobia residing inside nodules of legume H2 production represents an energy source equivalent to 5 to
plants take N2 from air and reduce it to plant-available nitrogen. 7% of the crop’s net photosynthesis (Dong and Layzell, 2001).
The host plant develops nodule structure, regulates O2 tension, This H2 loss from nodule to soil is traditionally believed to be
and provides organic carbon to the bacteria, while the bacteria a disadvantage of HUP− over HUP+ . But the evolutionary pro-
provide the plant with the nitrogen it needs. Moreover, nonsym- cess, plant breeding of agricultural crops, or selection of optimal
biotic/associative N-fixing bacteria normally live in the rhizo- N2 -fixing bacteria have not reduced this energy loss in legumes.
sphere, where they can exchange fixed nitrogen with the plant for This leads to the hypothesis that H2 released by legume nodules
organic carbon. In this system, microbial populations respond may change the soil fertility directly to the benefit of the plant.
to plant exudates, and plant exudation follows from microbial The H2 released is rapidly oxidized by soil microorgan-
activity in the rhizosphere. isms within a few centimeters of the legume nodules (La Favre
The organic carbon exuded from plant roots into the rhizo- and Focht, 1983), resulting in an increase in rhizobial biomass
sphere promotes microbial population development around the (Popelier et al., 1985), and greater rates of O2 consumption and
roots. Studies have shown that root exudation is positively re- chemoautolithotrophic CO2 fixation (Dong and Layzell, 2001).
lated to soil inorganic N pool, its subsequent uptake by plants A recent study showed that this H2 uptake in H2 -treated soils
and its final accumulation in leaves (Hamilton and Frank, 2001). and soil around HUP− nodules is promoted by bacterial activity
Although no N fixation was shown in that study, it was clearly (McLearn and Dong, 2002). Since the H2 released by nodules is
demonstrated that plants were capable of promoting soil micro- oxidized by bacteria in the adjacent soils, it has been proposed
bial populations through nutrient delivery, especially nitrogen that the soil microfloral community structure is changed by the
nutrient supply. Direct soil deposition of plant-derived nitro- H2 released into the soil, and this microbial alteration influences
gen, including rhizodeposits (decaying roots), functions as a plant growth. Plant growth studies showed that H2 -treated soil
source of nutrients for the surrounding bacteria (Høgh-Jensen promoted soybean, barley, and canola growth by 10 to 20, and
and Schjoerring, 2001). Retaining crop residues increase the spring wheat by 20 to 30% (Dong and Layzell, 2002). These
number of N-fixing bacteria in soil by a factor of 100 and their experiments indicate that a considerable amount of energy is
activity by more than 10 (Roper, 1983). For a detailed overview transferred to the rhizosphere microbial population in a HUP−
of the nitrogen fixation by the associative diazotrophs, and root legume field in the form of H2 , and in return the energy-enriched
exudation, see the review by Jones et al. (2003). soils promote plant growth. These discoveries could help to ac-
count for the beneficial effects of legumes used in rotations with
cereals and other crops. We can speculate that H2 produced as
B. Hydrogen-Gas–Utilizing Bacteria in the Rhizosphere a by-product of N2 fixation in legumes enhances certain micro-
It is well known that intercropping legumes with nonlegumes, bial populations in soil and improves the growth and yield of
or crop rotation involving legumes and nonlegumes, can lead the subsequent crop. This hypothesis would also account for
to significant increases in the growth and yield in the non- the evolutionary questions surrounding why HUP− symbioses
legume crop. However, only about 25% of the increase in have thrived when there are genes (in many cases within the
the growth of the nonlegume crop can be attributed to im- same genus and species) for the more energetically efficient
proved N nutrition. The remaining 75% of the effect have HUP+ symbioses (Uratsu et al., 1982). Perhaps the plant growth

advantages of the HUP− symbioses offset the greater energy ef- For a recent overview of the soil-borne disease management
ficiency of the HUP+ symbioses. approaches under a direct seeding system (no till), see Paulitz
et al. (2002).
B. Bacterial Endophytes and Crop Rotations
A. Tillage Effects
A continuous apoplastic pathway exits from the root epi-
The use of tillage techniques in seed bed preparation and land
dermis to the shoot, which appears sufficient for movement of
use management not only impose a physical stress on the soil
microorganisms from the root cortex into the xylem and from
structure but also on the soil microbial communities that inhabit
there throughout the plant (Petersen et al., 1981). Consequently,
that soil (Doran and Linn, 1994; Elliot and Stott, 1997). In an
many bacterial endophyte communities are the product of a col-
effort to minimize such stresses, modern arable farming systems
onizing process initiated by rhizobacteria in the root zone. In
are attempting to reduce excessive cultivation in favor of limited
this regard, the plant host offers the microbial endophyte a rela-
or strategic tillage practices (Massé et al., 1994).
tively homeostatic, spatially diverse environment that is suitable
Here we define a conventional tillage system as a prelimi-
for biotrophic mutualists, benign commensals, and necrotrophic
nary deep primary operation followed by some secondary tillage
pathogens alike (Chanway, 1996: Stone et al., 2000).
system for seedbed preparation (Soil Conservation Society of
Where plant–endophyte populations are complementary, two
America, 1976). In contrast, conservation, or reduced tillage,
broad categories of beneficial effect are found in the literature,
can encompass any tillage practice that reduces loss of soil and
namely (1) plant growth promotion (e.g., Frommel et al., 1991,
water as compared to unridged or clean tillage. This can include
1993; Pillay and Nowak, 1997; Glick et al., 1998, 1999) and
(1) minimum tillage, considered to be the minimum amount of
(2) disease control based on postinfection pathogen suppression
tillage required for seed bed preparation and plant establish-
(Benhamou et al., 1996; Sturz et al., 1999). Recently, increased
ment; (2) notillage/zero tillage/direct drilling, which involves
interest has been expressed in further defining and exploiting
no seedbed preparation other than chemical preparation and soil
this relationship (Turner et al., 1993; Hallman et al., 1997;
opening for seed placement (Baeumer and Bakerman, 1973);
Sturz et al., 2000; Kobayashi and Palumbo, 2000; Lodewyckx
and (3) high-residue mulched beds (Morse, 1999, 2000)
et al., 2002; Mathesius, 2003), especially in those situations
Compared to conventional tillage systems, reduced-tillage
where endophytes are able to mitigate plant responses to en-
practices offer not only long-term benefits from soil stability,
vironmental stress, such as those found as a result of drought
reduced soil erosion, and sustainable agriculture (Anderson and
(Nowak et al., 1999), transplantation (Nowak et al., 1995) and
Gregorich, 1983; Lal, 1991; Larson and Pierce, 1991), but they
heat (Bensalim et al., 1998). However, where plant–endophyte
can also enhance soil microbial diversity (Davis et al., 2002;
populations are noncomplementary, inhibitory allelopathic ef-
Hassink et al., 1991; Lupwayi et al., 1998; Magdoff and van
fects can result (Sturz and Christie, 1996).
Es, 2000; Phatak, 1998; Phatak et al., 2002; Wander et al.,
It soon becomes clear that a fundamental source of potential
1995). Thus, minimizing the mechanical upheaval associated
endophytes is to be found in the soils and organic debris of previ-
with tillage operations tends to maximize soil microbial diver-
ous crop plantings. Thus, by extension, complementarity among
sity because the disruption of food substrate at the trophic level,
rotation crops will involve a microbial compatibility between the
desiccation and soil compaction are reduced, and optimum pore
newly planted crop and the resident autochthonous soil popula-
volume is maintained (Giller, 1996).
tion. Consequently, it has been proposed that the yield benefits
Paradoxically, fallow periods in a crop rotation can reduce
from complementary cropping systems involving, for example,
soil microbial diversity (Zelles et al., 1992), an effect proba-
legume rotations—and often attributed solely to residual nitro-
bly associated with food substrate depletion over time. Thus,
gen and improved soil structure—may also include an additional
heterogeneity in soil microbial populations tends to coincide
benefit from the carryover of the residual populations of endo-
with heterogeneity of food resources, which is often greatest in
phytically competent bacteria able to promote plant growth and
crops under conservation or zero tillage management, where the
inhibit disease development (Sturz et al., 1998). These relation-
residue of the preceding year’s crops adds sequentially to the
ships between crops in complementary rotations can be cultivar
variety of food substrates available for utilization.
specific (Sturz et al., 1999, 2003). Accordingly, crop rotation
Clearly, while the act of mixing soil during tillage increases
selection criteria should include an evaluation of the effects of
seedbed homogeneity, it will simultaneously destroy the diver-
rhizobacteria and their associated endoplant-competent bacte-
sity of trophic microsites that occur down the soil profile together
rial communities when considering the long-term consequences
with the assemblages of soil microorganisms that occupy them.
of those crop choices, since the benefits to soil health and quality
The result is a reduction in both the structural and functional di-
of such choices are likely to be cumulative.
versity of the soil microbial community (Beare et al., 1995) and
the efficiency of those microbially mediated processes that sus-
tain the agricultural productivity of soils, e.g., nutrient recycling, C. Soil Ethylene and Crop Development
degradation of toxic residues, maintenance of soil structure, and While the details and significance of soil ethylene (C2 H4 )
aggregation (Sparling, 1997). have only recently become appreciated, some repercussions

have already been recognized. Soil ethylene can affect plant 1-carboxylic acid (ACC), to the soil, particularly under stress
growth and is certainly a significant factor in field production (Abeles et al., 1992; Hyodo, 1991; Campbell and Thomson,
of agricultural crops. Soil is itself a source of ethylene, and the 1996; Grichko and Glick, 2001a; Stearns and Glick, 2003;
amount generated can vary widely depending on the type and de- Nayani et al., 1998; Ma et al., 2002). Upon exposure to
gree of soil amendment and other related factors (Smith, 1976a; stress, plants produce “stress ethylene,” which can be low-
Arshad and Frankenberger, 1988, 1990a, 1990b, 1990c, 1991; ered by associated bacteria able to produce 1-aminocyclopane-
Zechmeister-Boltenstern and Smith, 1998). While both biologi- 1carboxylate deaminase (ACC-deaminase) (Grichko and Glick,
cal and chemical processes contribute to ethylene accumulation 2001a, 2001b; Stearns and Glick, 2003). The ACC-deaminase
in soil (Arshad and Frankenberger, 2002), most soil ethylene is cleaves ACC to α-ketobutyrate and ammonia (reviewed in Ma
produced by microbes. et al., 2002). ACC-deaminase commonly occurs in soil bac-
Interestingly, although all major groups of bacteria, actino- teria (Li and Glick, 2001; Gosh et al., 2003), including the
mycetes, fungi, and algae are capable of producing ethylene pseudomonads (Campbell and Thomson, 1996), and in rhizo-
(Arshad and Frankenberger, 2002; Hodges and Campbell, 1998; bia (Shah et al., 1998), where it stimulates the formation of root
Cherneys and Kende, 1996; Osborne et al., 1996), according to nodules in leguminous plants upon infection (Ma et al., 2002).
Smith and Cook (1974) spore-forming bacteria living in anaer- Thus it is not beyond the bounds of possibility to modify crop
obic microsites are the primary ethylene producers. However, growth by manipulation of soil ethylene level via management
microbial generation of ethylene varies greatly with soil environ- of ACC-deaminase–containing bacterial communities.
ment, the nature of substrates present in native soil organic mat-
ter, and/or soil amendments (Arshad and Frankenberger, 2002).
Smith (1976b) proposed that the “microbial nutrient status” of D. Feeding Soil Microbes
soils could be screened by measuring O2 utilization and CO2 evo- The symbiosis that exists between plants and soil microbes
lution and then could be correlated to soil ethylene production. is much more highly evolved and extensive than was first real-
This was recently confirmed by Zechmeister-Boltenstern and ized. For decades, the use of amino acid supplements, sugars,
Smith (1998) after conducting experiments on six different soils. humic acids, and various gaseous materials remained outside the
In soil, the ethylene “atmosphere” may exceed 10 µl L−1 mainstream of agriculture in the U.S. because the scientific basis
(Perret and Koblet, 1984; Meek et al., 1983; Campbell and of such amendments was poorly understood. However, it is in-
Moreau, 1979; Smith and Dowdell, 1974), sufficiently high to creasingly apparent that many of these materials and treatments
cause physiological changes in plants (Smith, 1976a; Primrose, directly benefit or stimulate microbial populations by perform-
1979; Arshad and Frankenberger, 1991, 1998; Muromtsev et al., ing functions that directly benefit plants. Tailoring amendments
1995; Bibik et al., 1995; Zahir and Arshad, 1998). As a gaseous and cultural practices to promote beneficial soil microbes has
plant hormone ethylene can, in very small concentrations, af- been an underappreciated area of crop production science that
fect plant release from dormancy, shoot and root growth and offers potential for increasing agricultural productivity in a nat-
differentiation, adventitious root formation, leaf and fruit ab- ural and sustainable manner.
scission, floral induction, female flower formation, flower and It is already well established that sugars and amino acids are
leaf senescence, and fruit ripening, to mention a few of the better- released by decomposing plant material and can serve as carbon
characterized responses. sources for soil microbes. However, in modern crop production
Consistent with its classification as a secondary metabolite, monocultures that rely on mineral fertilizers, carbon sources can
microbial ethylene may also function as a signaling compound become limited, especially where crop residues are removed
in plant–microbial interactions—in plant microbial-cross talk from fields and soil organic matter is kept low. Consequently,
(Arshad and Frankenberger, 2002)—and may also play a sig- the diversity of microbial activity is likely to be reduced.
nificant role in rhizobacteria-mediated induced systemic resis- This is not meant to imply that soil applications of N-P-K
tance (ISR) in plants against specific pathogens via the jas- primarily intended to provide essential nutrients to crop plants
monate/ethylene signal-dependent pathway (Ton et al., 2002). do not also benefit soil microbes. The point is that traditional
Ethylene is involved in the determination of root system mor- fertilizer inputs are intended primarily for crop plants and not
phology, plant responses to abiotic and biotic stresses, and de- the microbes that sustain them. Even when soil organic matter
velopment of legume–rhizobia symbiotic associations (Nayani is low, relatively few agriculturalists would fertilize their fields
et al., 1998; Grichko and Glick, 2001a, 2001b; Penrose and specifically to benefit soil microbes.
Glick, 2001; Penrose et al., 2001; Ma et al., 2002, 2003; Stearns Even so, simple sugars, in the form of molasses, have often
and Glick, 2003; Grossman and Hansen, 2001; Ton et al., 2002). been added to compost to hasten decomposition, and on occasion
It may also affect the rate of root infection by phytopathogens they are used in small quantities by agriculturalists as a soil
that produce ethylene during early stages of infection (Whipps, amendment (Story, 1939; Schenck, 2001). The benefits of sugar
1990). supplements have been reported for many years and include
Besides soil microorganisms, plant roots contribute signifi- no detrimental environment effects because they decompose in
cant amounts of ethylene or its precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane- soil to CO2 and harmless organic products (Anonymous, 1939

in Schenck, 2001; Story, 1939). As such, molasses have been

used as a carbon source for microbes in bioremediation of soil
contaminants (Park et al., 2002).
Using sugar as a fertilizer was found to increase sugarcane
yields, particularly on soils low in potassium (Schenck, 2001).
It has been suggested that molasses soil treatments effectively
reduced crop damage by root parasites (Anonymous, 1939 in
Schenck, 2001; Story, 1939). Vawdrey and Stirling (1997) ob-
served a reduction in the severity of root galling in tomato when
molasses was added without urea. Molasses applied to field
plots at relatively high rates lowered nematode soil populations
and improved papaya tree growth and harvestable fruit, and in
Chinese cabbage fields it decreased the numbers of Heterodera
nematode cysts following harvest (Schenck, 2001). Here it was
reasoned that the suppressive effects of sugar on nematodes were
due variously to antagonism by microorganisms in the soil that
were stimulated by molasses, changes in oxygen concentration
caused by microbial metabolism of molasses, or the release of
toxic compounds from decomposing molasses (Schenck, 2001).
Soils in wheat, ryegrass, bentgrass, and clover crops have all
been amended with sucrose to mimic rhizosphere carbon inputs
(Grayston et al., 1998). After treatment, microbial communities
were extracted and analysed using the BIOLOG system to con-
struct sole carbon source utilization profiles for these communi-
ties. A clear discrimination between the carbon sources utilized FIG. 1. Changes in the water content of Sunshine Mix growing media av-
by microbial communities from the different plant rhizospheres eraged from 3 12-celled trays without plants in a growth chamber following a
single treatment with 8 mL of water or 50, 60, 80, or 100 mM sucrose. Water
was shown (Grayston et al., 1998). Accordingly, different carbon contents were determined from fresh and oven dry weights. Sterilization of me-
sources may stimulate specific soil microbes so that microbial dia in an autoclave for 20 min prior to sugar treatment resulted in no increase
fertilization can be customized to benefit particular microbes and in water-holding capacity. Staining with alician blue, a carbohydrate-specific
thus the crops associated with them. Carbohydrates, carboxylic stain, revealed positive staining beginning 48 h after treatment. Bacteria from
acids, and amino acids were the substrates mainly responsible treated soils were cultured on high sucrose media and genetically identified as
Baccillus megaterium, a known producer of extracellular polysaccharide. Error
for this differentiation, suggesting that plants may differ in the bars represent ± SE.
selective exudation of these compounds (Grayston et al., 1998).
Optimal growth of the soil bacteria Bacillus megaterium oc-
curred with 5% (w/v) date syrup or beet molasses supplemented Rolland et al., 2002; León and Sheen, 2003). The concept of
with NH4 Cl (Omar et al., 2001). B. megaterium has the abil- sugars as central signalling molecules is relatively novel. Hex-
ity to solubilize inorganic phosphate (Cakmakci et al., 1992), okinase (HXK) has been found to be a glucose sensor that mod-
suppress Rhizoctonia root rot of soybean (Zheng and Sinclair, ulates gene expression and multiple plant hormone-signalling
2000), and produce polysaccharides (Bishop and White, 1993). pathways (Sheen et al., 1999; Smeekens, 2000; León and Sheen,
In greenhouse studies, B. megaterium isolated from sugar- 2003). Diverse roles of SNF1-related protein kinases (SnRKs)
treated potting soils displayed improved soil particle aggrega- in carbon metabolism and sugar signalling are also emerging
tion and increased water-holding capacity, which was considered (Halford and Hardie, 1998; Hardie et al., 1998). Recent molec-
due to his same exopolymer (G. Welbaum, personal communica- ular analyses have revealed direct, extensive glucose control of
tion) (see Figure 1). Similarly, soils amended with molasses had abscisic acid biosynthesis and signalling genes that partially an-
greater moisture retention in a pawpaw field study in Australia, tagonizes ethylene signalling during seedling development un-
although the authors did not speculate on a possible mecha- der light (León and Sheen, 2003). Glucose and abscisic acid pro-
nism (Vawdry et al., 2002). Sugars may also directly impact soil mote plant growth at low concentrations but act synergistically to
properties in ways not related to microbial activity. Molasses inhibit growth at higher concentrations (León and Sheen, 2003).
and gypsum, applied either alone or combined, improved the Sugar molecules modulate many vital processes that are
structural stability of two sodic soils by decreasing dispersion also controlled by hormones during plant growth and develop-
and/or slaking (Suriadi et al., 2002). ment (Smeekens, 2000; León and Sheen, 2003). For example,
Apart from their trophic role, sugars also have a hormone- trehalose (∝-D glucopy-ranosyl-[1,1]-∝-D-glucopyranoside),
like function as primary messengers in signal transduction in a nonreducing disaccharide common in fungi and bacteria
plants and certain microbes (Koch, 1996; Smeekens, 2000; that does not accumulate in plants but is involved in the

regulation of plant growth and stress responses (Godjin and van for soil carbon and increases soil water-holding capacity while
Dun, 1999; Ho et al., 2001). Transgenic plants expressing the retaining soil structure and aeration, and soil stability to resist
Escherichia coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes for tre- erosion (Rillig et al., 2001).
halose synthesis (Holstrom et al., 1996; Romero et al., 1997; Glomalin levels can be maintained or increased by using no-
Pilon-Smits et al., 1998), exhibited strong developmental alter- till, cover crops, reduced phosphorus inputs (Wright et al., 1999).
ations, such as stunted growth (Goddijn et al., 1997; Romero Higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere also stimulate arbuscular
et al., 1997). fungi to produce more glomalin. Thus at CO2 levels of 670 µL
The mechanisms by which trehalose metabolism alters plant L−1 arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae grew longer and produced
development are not entirely known. Seedling growth has been five times as much glomalin as fungi on plants grown under
inhibited after treatment with 25 µM trehalose (Aeschbacher ambient levels (370 µL L−1 ) (Rillig et al., 2000).
et al., 2000). Similarly, Shen and Welbaum (2004) found Many biostimulants have been offered for sale commercially
that 15 mM trehalose reduced both root and hypocotyl growth (Ferrini and Nicese, 2002; Kelting et al., 1998). Although most
of alyssum and muskmelon by approximately 15%. Thus, mi- of these products are advertised as enhancing plant growth, or
crobially derived trehalose may similarly affect plant growth increasing stress tolerance, the stimulation of bacterial growth
and development. The fact that sucrose, trehalose, and other may be an inadvertent outcome of foliar feeding (Holland, 1997).
sugars are not just simple molecules providing carbon and en- Humic substances (HS) have generally formed the major com-
ergy source but are also involved in sensing and signalling ponents of the mixture of materials that comprise soil organic
pathways both in plants and microbes (Goddijn and Smeekens, matter. Much of the humic acid research has dealt with its cre-
1998; Smeekens, 2000; Rolland et al., 2002) adds a fur- ation, function, and longevity in soils. Relatively few studies
ther degree of complexity to the functioning of the agro- have examined its effects on plant growth when used as a bios-
ecosystem. timulant (Kelting et al., 1998). Humic acid may also be an im-
Techniques have been developed to map the availability of portant source of organic carbon for microbial populations, since
sugars and amino acids along live roots in an intact soil–root humin is often broadly used to describe a mixture of materials
matrix with native microbial soil flora and fauna present. Jaeger that are insoluble in aqueous systems and that contain nonhu-
et al. (1999) genetically engineered Erwinia herbicola 299R to mic components such as long-chain hydrocarbons, esters, acids,
contain a promoterless ice nucleation reporter gene, driven by and even relatively polar structures of microbial origin, such as
either of two nutrient-responsive promoters, for use as a biosen- polysaccharides.
sor. Both biosensors exhibited up to 100-fold differences in ice Tailoring inputs to feed soil microbes has not been
nucleation activity in response to varying substrate abundance widely practiced. As our knowledge of soil microbial com-
in culture (Jaeger et al., 1999). munities progresses, more precise rhizosphere management
Plants leak nutrients that nourish soil bacteria, which in practices—enhancing soil and plant health and the overall crop
turn benefit plants by protecting then from disease (Zheng and productivity—can be developed.
Sinclair, 2000; Vessey, 2003), stimulating plant growth, increas-
ing nutrient availability (Cakmakci et al., 1992), or, in the case
of B. megaterium, secreting polysaccharides (Bishop and White, V. PRECISION MANAGEMENT OF A SUSTAINABLE
1993; Gandhi et al., 1997) that help both the bacteria and plants AGRO-ECOSYSTEM—PROGRESS AND FUTURE
avoid drought stress (G. Welbaum, personal communication) In general, agricultural production tends to focus on practices
(Figure 1). designed to manage nutrients, water, weeds, and crop diseases.
The polymer produced by B. megaterium (Bishop and White, Precision agriculture and integrated pest management programs
1993; Gandhi et al., 1997) is an example of microbial extracel- have gone one step further by recognizing the need to target
lular polysaccharides (EPS) that are apparently produced by a inputs where they are required in the field. Here the objective
wide range of soil microbes (Roberson et al., 1995). EPS con- has been to lower the adverse environmental impacts of inten-
tribute to the stability of soil aggregates and are important factors sive agriculture practices and reduce per unit production costs.
affecting soil structure in cultivated soils. In studies of tomato However, this undoubtedly successful approach can be further
production in California, it was demonstrated that EPS produc- refined by the development and integration of new technolo-
tion could be effectively managed primarily by manipulating N gies, including new crop cultivars that capitalize on the holistic
(Roberson et al., 1995). management of the agro-ecosystem.
Glomalin is another example of a beneficial microbial prod- A better understanding of the dynamic nature of the plant–
uct produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the taxonomic microbial ecosystem, the development of stable/beneficial as-
order Glomales (Wright and Upadhyaya, 1996). Glomalin is sociations between existing and newly bred crop cultivars and
thought to seal and solidify the outside of the fungi’s hyphae that their associated microflora, the introduction of the new ways
transport water and nutrients, particularly phosphate, to plants. of microbial population management, and the development of
As roots grow, glomalin sloughs off into the soil, where it im- real-time monitoring and diagnostic devices, will favor timely
proves aggregation of soil particles. It can also serve as a sink production interventions.

A. Plant–Microbial Ecosystems and microorganisms has been recognized as one of the key de-
Certainly from the above discussion there is support for the terminants in a functioning terrestrial ecosystem (Huang et al.,
view that the functional biodiversity of soil organisms can be 2002; Sessitsch et al., 2001). The introduction of certain my-
linked with the maintenance of soil functional processes. As a re- corrhizal fungi–rhizobacteria combinations can not only affect
sult, the study of soil food webs—the interrelationship between plants but also influence rhizomicrobial composition (Probanza
biological activity (Mikola and Setala, 1998), soil microflora et al., 2001) and soil structure, enhancing, for example, the pro-
(Hungate et al., 2000; Setala, 2000), plant community structure portion of water-stable aggregates (Bethlenfalvay et al., 1997).
(Gange and Brown, 2002; Wardle et al., 1999), and soil man- Only a small proportion of naturally occurring microorgan-
agement practices (Brussaard, 1994; Moore, 1994) has been the isms can be cultured using traditional microbiological tech-
focus of intense interest in recent years. Even so, our knowl- niques (Hugenholtz and Pace, 1996). Soil- and plant-associated
edge of the interaction between soil food web decomposers and bacteria can also switch between culturable and unculturable
their effects on nutrient cycling is generally sparse (Ruess et al., forms (Hurek et al., 2002). Fortunately, molecular methods al-
2002). low the monitoring of both bacteria forms (Sessitsch et al., 2001)
Perhaps even less well understood are the physiological, bio- and can distinguish between active and dormant constituents in
chemical, plant–microbial and microbial–microbial interactions any population (Sessitsch et al., 2002). Moreover, a combina-
that occur in real time over changing agro-physical and agro- tion of molecular techniques and electron and epifluorescence
chemical environments (Mathesius, 2003). What are the molec- microscopy have opened up possibilities to study bacteriophages
ular determinants of nutrient sequestration giving specific ad- in natural ecosystems (Asheford et al., 2003). These bacterial
vantages to groups of different microbial consortia in various viruses may play a significant role in the management of bacte-
niches? What signal molecules are involved in nutrient sensing rial populations, as their numbers seem to be much higher than
and how are they exchanged between plants and their coloniz- estimated before and may reach, on average, 1.5 × 108 g−1 of
ing microflora? How do plants recognize beneficial microor- soil (approximately 4% of the bacterial population) (Asheford
ganisms and differentiate them from pathogens? Suppression of et al., 2003). Such powerful analytical tools will enable us to
plant defenses in early stages of the rhizobia–legume symbio- better address agro-ecosystem management processes at the mi-
sis development (Mithöfer, 2002) and in mycorrhizal infection crobial level and link them to the development microbial utiliza-
(Garcia-Garrido and Ocampo, 2002) indicates that such differ- tion methods in plant production systems. In this regard, find-
entiation is indeed possible. ing new ways of establishing stable associations between plants
Developments in genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics and beneficial organisms and understanding the molecular and
provide new tools that will allow us to study genotype × en- biochemical mechanisms of signal recognition and transduction
vironment molecular interactions (Bouchez and Hofte, 1998; that occur in plant–microbial interactions under different envi-
Briggs, 1998; Phillips and Freeling, 1998; Sommerville and ronments are most challenging study elements.
Sommerville, 1999; Delseny et al., 2001; Lagudah et al., 2001).
These tools are currently being used on model plant species,
but their application to a broader range of crops is essential B. Soil Priming
if we are to develop new approaches to the management of Soil structure, its overall health, and crop yield potential can
agro-ecosystems. be modified by cultural practices. However, the concept of “soil
Breeding plants for sustainable agricultural production sys- priming,” which we interpret as setting the “readiness” of a
tems will incorporate newfound disease resistance genes (see specific soil to receive a selected crop, is still new (Yunasa
reviews by McDowell and Woffenden, 2003; Staples, 2003). and Newton, 2003). For example, the design composition of
However, we must also consider beneficial plant–microbial asso- a cover crop in a heavy life-mulch/no-till production system
ciations in our breeding programs. Discovery of new small signal (Morse, 1999) can include “primer plants” with deep, thick,
molecules in plant responses to environmental stresses, e.g., tre- and fast-decomposing roots, providing channels (biopores) for
halose (Schiraldi et al., 2002), linear ß-1,3 glucans (Klarzynski the establishment of soil microbial communities (Yunasa and
et al., 2000), fatty acid-derived compounds (Ongena et al., 2002; Newton, 2003). Integration of legumes, which secrete com-
Weber, 2002), and microbial metabolic networks (Wackett, pounds recognized as signal molecules by rhizobacteria, into
2003) on one hand, and advances in microbial (Hopwood, 2003; life-mulch will induce the bacterial production of Nod factors
Wackett, 2003) and plant (Britt and May, 2003; Morandini and (lipochitooligosaccharides) essential for the establishment suc-
Salamini, 2003) genome sequencing, functional genomics (e.g., cessful N2 -fixing legume–rhizobia symbiosis (Prithiviraj et al.,
Askenazi et al., 2003), and in silico interaction of metabolic 2003). Submicromolar concentrations of these compounds in-
networks modeling (Price et al., 2003) on the other, will in- duce physiological changes in both host (legume) and an array of
crease the number of breeding options and selection criteria nonhost plants by enhancing seed germination and early seedling
available to plant breeders. Certainly communities of microor- growth (Prithiviraj et al., 2003). Moreover, nodules of several
ganisms and their host plants could benefit from closer genetic legumes produce high levels of hydrogen gas, which stimulates
links (Lugtenberg et al., 2001). Interaction between soil particles proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the rhizosphere, improving

growth of cereals in rotation (Dong and Layzell, 2001; McLearn dophytic bacteria seems to be particularly promising (Nowak
and Dong, 2002). Recent interest in the hydrogen-producing mi- and Shulaev, 2003). Such bacteria, when cocultured with plants,
croorganisms has been motivated by the potential for the bio- can be readily established in planta (e.g., Pillay and Nowak,
logical production of hydrogen gas for fuel (Kalia et al., 2003), 1997) and managed accordingly (Sturz et al., 2000). The suc-
and options also exist for their use in conventional agriculture. cessful introduction of endophytic pseudomonads into tissue
culture plantlets to improve transplant establishment (Nowak
et al., 1999) and early vigor (Lazarovits and Nowak, 1997)
C. Biopriming Plant Propagules has also been found to increase resistance to biotic (Sharma
Despite decades of extensive investigation of seed inoculation and Nowak, 1998; Barka et al., 2002) and abiotic (Bensalim
with beneficial microorganisms (seed biopriming) (McQuilken et al., 1998) stresses. Similar introduction of nitrogen-fixing en-
et al., 1998; Dobbelaere et al., 2003; see reviews by Bennett dophytes (other than Rhizobia) into clonally propagated plants
et al., 1992; Callan et al., 1997) and tuber (Burr et al., 1978; could also significantly contribute to the development of sustain-
Burr and Caesar, 1984; Lynch, 1990), the full potential for the able crop production systems (Dong et al., 1995; Sturz et al.,
utilization of these natural allies has never been achieved. 2000). Reis et al. (1999) has successfully inoculated sugar cane
A promising new area is that of induced-resistance responses plantlets with Acetobacter diazotrophicus, in vitro; and these
in host plants mediated by selected strains of rhizosphere bac- bacteria were reisolated from plants thirty days after transplant-
teria. These appear to protect plants by activating general inter- ing, demonstrating successful colonization.
nal defense responses (Pieterse et al., 2001). This phenomenon, The development of stable artificial associations between
phenotypically similar to pathogen-induced systemic acquired plants and nitrogen fixing diazotrophic bacteria have also been
resistance (SAR), is referred to as rhizobacteria-mediated ISR described by Varga et al. (1994) and Preininger et al. (1997).
(Van Loon et al., 1998). SAR in plants is induced by a va- Here, the authors were able to regenerate plantlets from a sym-
riety of necrotizing pathogens and depends on salicylic acid biotic callus-bacteria culture system, which could fix nitrogen.
(SA) accumulation in infected plants. Similar to SAR, some rhi- Such associations have been established with carrot (Varga
zobacteria induce the SA-dependent signaling pathway by pro- et al., 1994), strawberries (Preininger et al., 1997), tomato,
ducing nanogram amounts of SA in the rhizosphere (De Meyer potato, wheat, sugar cane, and poplar, using 11 strains of 8
and Höfte, 1997; De Meyer et al., 1999). Other rhizobacteria Azotobacter species (Sz. S. Varga, personal communication). In
activate plant defences via an SA-independent signaling path- the tomato system, the bacterium could be transmitted through
way involving jasmonic acid and ethylene (Ton et al., 2002). seeds; approximately 20% of seedlings derived from the seeds
SA-independent ISR has been well characterized in the model of Azotobacter beijerinckii-containing tomato demonstrated N2 -
plant Arabidopsis thaliana, using Pseudomonas fluorescence fixing activity two months after germination (Sz.S. Varga, per-
strain WCS417r as the inducer (Pieterse et al., 1996; van Wees, sonal communication).
2000; Ton et al., 2002). Synergistic effects of VAM fungi and diazotrophic bacteria
ISR, is now considered a general plant defense phenomenon, on nutrition and growth of various crops have been demonstrated
and has been described in many plant species, including to- by Paula et al. (1991, 1992). This promising finding, combined
bacco, tomato, cucumber, bean, radish, and carnation. The ad- with a substantial body of literature describing the presence of
vantage of using ISR as a tool for promoting disease resistance in “mycorrhiza helper bacteria” in natural ecosystems (see reviews
plants is that it provides a broad-spectrum resistance against sev- by Garbaye, 1994; Founoune et al., 2002) needs to be explored
eral different types of pathogens. In Arabidopsis, for example, further.
P. fluorescence strain WCS417r-induced ISR was effec- The development of a defined coculture microbial–plant mi-
tive against fungal root pathogen Fusarium oxysporum, and croecosystem to study complex plant–microbial environment
oomycete leaf pathogen Peronospora parasitica, and bacterial interactions (Nowak and Shulaev, 2003) would contribute to the
leaf pathogens Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and Xan- overall understanding of the plant growth ecosystem (Probanza
thomonas campestris pv. armaraciae (Pieterse et al., 1996; van et al., 2001) and the development of new technologies for stress
Wees et al., 1997; Pieterse et al., 2000). management and yield enhancement in plants. In this way, the
Simple seed inoculation with beneficial organisms has not large-scale production of microbial propagules, seeds, tubers,
been successful (Dobbelaere et al., 2003), as such inoculants cuttings, or grafted transplants containing endophytic and/or
must compete with naturally occurring colonizers (both endo- epiphytic microbial populations designed for specific planting
phytic and epiphytic; Sturz et al., 2000). Tissue culture tech- sites and/or crop rotations would contribute significantly to the
niques provide a great opportunity for the uptake of selected creation of sustainable agro-ecosystems.
microbial strains and/or strain combinations by sterile (or rela-
tively sterile) plant propagules. In vitro and ex vitro bacterization
and mycorrhization of vegetatively propagated material is cur- D. “Microbial Precision” Production Systems: The
rently being explored as an efficient way to improve production Development of the “Smart Field” Concept
practices of high value horticultural crops (reviewed in Nowak, Precision agriculture became a popular term in the 1980s to
1998; Nowak and Shulaev, 2003; Rai, 2001). The use of en- describe the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) to tailor

inputs and map productivity to specific geographical locations ecosystem; (2) better enabling the identification of indicators
within the field setting (Robert, 2002). With the continuing evo- of soil and plant health status, allowing for early interventions
lution of molecular genetic techniques, computer technology, and thus reducing the requirement for inundative system inputs;
and nanotechnology, it will be possible to precisely manage the (3) creating a scientific “workshop” for the development of new
rhizosphere while monitoring soil and plant health, in real time. sustainable technologies for accelerated soil improvement; and
Although much progress has been made in understanding those (4) provide impetus for discovery and the development of sim-
factors that comprise a sustainable agro-ecosystem and the dy- ple diagnostic tools for the determination of soil and plant health
namic interactions of microbial communities with soil/soil par- status parameters.
ticles (Huang et al., 2002; Passiora, 2002b) and plants (O’Neill,
1991; Sturz and Nowak, 2000), much more needs to be done to
design “microbial precision” production systems. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Such a system would be based on the management of func- The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of
tional microbial communities—namely disease inhibitors, in- Ms. Margaret Merrill, the College Librarian (College of Agricul-
ducers of growth promotion and stress resistance responses in ture and Life Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
plants, and facilitators of nutrient/water uptake (Vessey, 2003)— University), to literature searches, and Mrs. Maura Wood’s help
and will require comparative studies to determine the interac- with manuscript preparation.
tion of cultural practices, soil amendments, and crop rotations in
the agro-ecosystem linked to soil and plant “health” (Passiora,
2002a; Paulitz et al., 2002; Ryszkowski et al., 1998; Stine and REFERENCES
Weil, 2002). Abeles, F. B., Morgan, P. W., and Saltveit, M. E., Jr. 1992. Ethylene in Plant
Biology, 2nd ed., Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
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Aeschbacher, R. A., Wingler, A., Fritzius, T., Brodmann, D., Boller, T., and
2001, 2002) allows us to link microbial population dynamics to Wiemken, A. 2000. Trehalose induces the ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase
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