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Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Poetry (ENG401)

Spring 2019
Assignment No. 1
Total Marks: 20
Lectures: 1-4

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Q1. Folklore, often known as oral tradition, is defined as ‘beliefs, customs, and stories of a
community passed through the generations by word of mouth’. Write a short
story/description of 150-250 words on any myth or folklore that you have read about, have
been intrigued by or that has been passed down in your culture/family since generations.

Q2. Situational irony is a literary device that occurs when incongruity appears between
expectations of something to happen, and what actually happens instead. Thus, something
entirely different happens from what the audience may be expecting.
Keeping in mind the above definition, write a short critical note on situational irony with
reference to ‘The Happy Prince’ and ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’ and quote the
different instances from the text. Also, do mention any other literary works which cater the
same characteristic.

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