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The ant and the grasshopper

On a bright sunny day, when an ant was working hard to collect food, the grasshopper
would look at her and say, ”Why do you work so hard? Summers are for fun and
games. Come, listen to my song”. But the ant would ignore him and continue

As the days of winter came by, the grasshopper had nothing to eat. He begged the ant
for food, but she said, ”When I worked hard, you sang. Go away, there is no food for
you”. The grasshopper learned his lesson the hard way.

Moral: Work hard so you can reap the benefits tomorrow.

The lion and the rabbit

On a bright sunny day, when an ant was working hard to collect food, the grasshopper
would look at her and say, ”Why do you work so hard? Summers are for fun and
games. Come, listen to my song”. But the ant would ignore him and continue

As the days of winter came by, the grasshopper had nothing to eat. He begged the ant
for food, but she said, ”When I worked hard, you sang. Go away, there is no food for
you”. The grasshopper learned his lesson the hard way.

Moral: Work hard so you can reap the benefits tomorrow.

The selfish horse

Once upon a time, a washer man had a donkey and a horse. He was supposed to carry
many bundles of cloth to the other town. So he loaded the donkey heavily and the
three of them began their journey forward.

It was a very hot day and the donkey started to get extremely tired. He asked the horse
to share some of the load but the horse refused to say that it was not his duty to carry
the load.

Soon, the exhausted donkey could walk no further and collapse in the middle of the
road. The washer man was determined to complete his journey. So, he put all the
donkey’s baskets onto the horse and continued on his way.

The horse thought to himself, ”I wish I had helped the donkey before!”

Moral: Never shy away from helping anyone.

The pigeon and the hunter

One fine day, a hunter sets out to catch birds. He lays a net and spreads rice all over it.
Shortly, a flock of pigeons comes by and start eating the rice and get caught in the net.

They start to lose hope. Just then their leader asks them to fly together up in the sky.
They do as told and carry the net with themselves. The hunter runs after them but is
not able to catch them.

The pigeons fly towards their friend mouse’s hole. The mouse on seeing this cuts the
net into pieces and frees the pigeon.

Moral: Unity is strength. Anything is achievable if we work unitedly.

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