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Answer the following questions:

Q1. What are the two kind of charges?

Q2. State the way of charging a conductor.

Q3. What is the net charge on an atom?

Q4. Name the way of charging a conductor in which the charge is shared.

Q5. An ebonite rod is rubbed with fur. State the kind of charge acquired by each.

Q6. The device used to protect the tall building from being damage.

Q7. Who discovered the way of producing electricity by friction?

Q8. Name three constituent of an atom and state the kind of charge on each of them.

Q9. When a charged rod is touched with disc of positively charged gold leaf electroscope, it is
observed that the divergence of leaves decreases. What kind of charge on the rod?

Q10 A glass rod rubbed with silk, state which body loses electron.
Q1. For which unit do we pay our electricity bill?

Q2. Name the material of the fuse wire.

Q3. State the property of material of fuse wire.

Q4. Which fuse wire is thick: 5A or 15A?

Q5. Write the full form of MCB.

Q6. With which wire the fuse wire connected?

Q7. How are electrical appliances connected in a house circuit: in series or in oarallel?

Q8. State the colour coding of live wire and its voltage

Q9 State the voltage at which electricity is supplied to our houses.

Q10. An electric heater is rated 1.5kW, 220V. Find the safe current which can flow through it.
Q1. Name the characteristic of the sound affected due to change in its

a. Amplitude b. Frequency c. Frequency

Q2. What determines the pitch of a sound?

Q3. Name the unit in which the loudness of sound is expressed.

Q4. Obtain the relation between time period and frequency.

Q5. If the amplitude is double, what will be the effect on its loudness?

Q6. Write the relation between loudness and amplitude.

Q7. Two waves have same frequencies 256Hz and 512 Hz, but same amplitude. Compare their

(i) loudness (ii) pitch.

Q8. Figure shows four waves A,B,C and D. Name the wave which shows

a. a note from musical instrument

b. a soft note

c. a shrill note

Q9. State three factors on which loudness of sound heard by a listener depends.

Q10. Determine its frequency if the time period of a wave is 2s.

Q1. Name two ways of changing liquid state to vapour state.

Q2. What do you understand by thermal expansion of a substance?

Q3. State three factors on which depend the linear expansion of a substance of a metal rod on

Q4. Two identical rods of copper are heated to different temperatures- one by 5 0C and other by 100C.
Which rod will expand more?

Q5. Which of the following will expand more when heated to the same temperature:

a. solid b. liquid c. gas

Q6. State one application of thermal expansion of liquids.

Q7. Why iron rims are heated before they are fixed on the wooden wheels?

Q8. Why the gaps are left between the successive rails on a railway track.

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