Final Project 4

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Summative Assessment:​ ​This is a sample of a summative assessment I would use at the end of the project.

rubric is in regard to critical thinking. I will have a separate rubric for curricular outcomes. (As that seems straight 
forward I did not provide that copy). This rubric was inspired by Digital Harbor, as assessing critical thinking can be 
challenging I search for advice on how to construct something meaningful. The only way I could use this assessment 
is from all their previous formative assessment and their Seesaw online journals. Just by looking at their final project 
would not help me assess critical thinking as I won't be able to see what they did in regards to completion. Again this 
type of evaluation can be very subjective. That is why I have made the columns very broad in a sense. 

Final Project: Critical Thinking  

Rubric  Developing -1  Proficient -3  Exemplary- 5 

Creativity   Student project is original  Student project is explored and  Student clearly explored and 
but mostly based off of an  expressed in a​ fairly​ ​original  expressed m
​ ultiple ideas​ in a 
existing idea​.  way.   unique way.  

  Student ​attempts​ to make  Student​ undertakes 1​ ​or  Student completes their product, 
Iteration   an iteration on the design  more​ iterations of their  having​ improved​ the design and 
and or aesthetic of their  product, improving the design  or aesthetics over time.  
project but is unsuccessful  and or/ aesthetics.  
in any improvement.  

  Student encounters  Student encounter  Student encounter complications 

  complications, and​ briefly  complications with a positive  with a positive attitude and 
Initiative   attempt​ to problem-solve  attitude and ​perseveres​ to  perseveres to problem-solve 
independently before  problem-solve independently  independently ​without needing 
seeking assistance.   before seeking assistance.   to seeking assistance.  

      Student attempts multiple new 

Learning  Students attempts 1 new  Student attempts a few new  avenues of learning for their 
avenue of learning for their  avenues of learning for their  project. They clearly 
project. ​Does not  project. They ​identify a skill  demonstrate a synthesis of 
implement​ new ways of  they did not have at the start of  skills ​they did not gave at the 
learning into their project.   the project.    start of the project.  

Reference: ​  

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