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CONFIDENTIAL TERBUKA @UTHM in Hussein Onn Malaysia UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER II SESSION 2016/2017 COURSE NAME, DYNAMICS COURSE CODE BDA 20103 PROGRAMME CODE BDD EXAMINATION DATE JUNE 2017 DURATION 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION PART A (OPTIONAL): ANSWER ONE (1) QUESTION ONLY. PART B (COMPULSORY): ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS, TIIIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF NINE (9) PAGES. CONFIDENTIAL ——<$ Ctr CONFIDENTIAL DA 20103 A TERBUKA PART A (OPTIONAL): ANSWER ONE (1) QUESTION ONLY Q1 In Figure Qt, the mechanism of sliding collar C moves along the shat causing an rads clockwise. Using instant (4) Draw a fee boy diagram to show an instantaneous center velocity (maris) (©) Calculate the angular velocity of bar BC. (11 mack) (6) Determine the velocity of slider C. (4 marks) (Q2 igure Q2 shows the pendulum which is suspended from point C and consists of two thin rods, each having a mass of 10 kg and 6 kg respectively. thin plate with he hollow setion 's welded at one end of horizontal rod at pont. The thin plate hase mass pe uit area of 6 kgm By examining onthe above circumstances, (@) Calculate moment of neta ofthe pendulum about pint ©. (12 marks) () Determine the location of 9 ofthe mass centr, G ofthe pendulum, (4 marks) (6) Calculate the moment of inertia Ie. 4 mas) PART B (COMPULSORY): ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Q3_ (@ In Figure Q4@, itis observed thatthe ball when thrown at A reaches its maximum eight hat B when =25, i. Calculate the required ntl speed va i, Calulate the angle of release & it Determine the maximum height (12 marks) () A panicle moves along a circular path of radius 300 mm, I is angular velocity is = (@e) rads where rs in seconds, determine the magnitude of the particle's acceleration when = 2s, (ema) 2 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, pa 20103 4 (a) Explain the following terms; i. Kinetic energy ii, Conservative gravitational potential energy i Conservative elastic potential energy (marks) (©) In Figure O40), a package is projected up 2 15° incline at point A with an inital velocity of 8 mvs Knowing thatthe coefficient of kinetic friction between the package and the incline is 0.12, calculate the maximum distance d that the package will ove up the incline, (14 marks) QS in Figure Q35, t point 4 on the sliding colar has @ constant velocity v = 03 mvs with corresponding lengthening of the hydraulic eylinder AC, For this sime poston 2D is Dorizotal and DE is veri, (@) Draw afree boy diagram and velocity diagram. marks) () Calculate the acceleration of DE where 0= 30 (14 marks) (6) Mustrate the acceleration diagram, marks) Q6 The 15 kg rod is consraned so that its ends of collar B move along the fixed guide as shown in Figure Q6. The rod is intally t rest when 0~ O°. The collar B is acted upon by a horizontal force P= 801 By neglecting fiction and mass of block 4 and collar B, (@) Draw the fee body diagram showing on the positon of rod in intial and final postion, (@ marks) (©) Wiite down the equation of initia! and final Kinetic energy (ase instantancous center of ‘za10 velocity to show onthe relationship of final velocity and angular velocity). (COmarks) () Calculate the angular velocity ofthe rod atthe instant 0=45%, marks) () Find the final velocity of the colar B anit inal Kneis energy. mas) -END OF QUESTIONS. 3 CONFIDENTIAL

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