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Formative Assessment – I (2016-17)

SUB: Social Science

Date: 13.12.16 M.M: 50

NAME: _____________________________________ SEC__________ ROLL NO.___________

1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Questions for 1 to 6 carry 1 mark each.
3. Questions from 7 to 14 carry 3 marks each.
4. Questions from 15 to 18 carry 5 marks each.
5. There will be separate answer sheets for History/Civics, Geography & Economics.

Q1. Name the countries whose representatives met at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe? [1]
Q2. What was Zolleverine? [1]
Q3. What are the uses of limestone? (Two points) [1]
Q4. Why Mica in indispensable mineral in electronic Industry? [1]
Q5. What is a movement? [1]
Q6. What do you mean by Debt trap? [1]
Q7. Explain any three measures introduced by the French revoluntionaries to create a sense of collective
identity amongst the French people? [3]
Q8. Explain the concept of liberalism? What did it politically emphasise during 19 century Europe? [3]
Q9. What is lignite? What is its importance in India’s context? [3]
Q10. Mining is called as a “Killer Industry”. Explain. [3]
Q11. Differentiate between sectional interest group and public interest groups with examples. [3]
Q12. In what ways do pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics? [3]
Q13. The RBI plays a crucial role in controlling the formal sectors loan? Explain. [3]
Q14. Why is currency accepted as a medium of exchange which cannot be refused? Explain. [3]
Q15. What was Romanticism? How did Romanticism seek to develop a particular form of nationalist
sentiments? Explain with examples. [5]
Q16. Define mineral? How are minerals formed in igneous and metamorphic rocks. [5]
Q17. Describe the struggle for restoration of democracy in Nepal. [5]

Q18. What do you mean by SHGs? What is the idea behind forming the SHGs? Briefly explain the function of
SHGs in extending loans in the formal sector? [5]


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