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Heidy de Oliveira Simões (1)

Ana Maria Guilherme Bailon (1)

Raquel Ramos Almeida da Silva (1)
Alaécio Meschiatti (1)
Vinícius Perin Passigatti (1)
Thiago Marchezi Doellinger (1)


The iron ore pellets tend to cluster during the reduction process as a consequence of the metallic iron
sinterization. This phenomenon is known as clustering and has a negative impact over the reactor’s permeability
and productivity. To minimize this phenomenon, some materials are added on the pellet surface after the firing
process. These materials serve as a physical barrier. However, the only way to predict the performance of the
pellets during reduction is based on the ISO 11256 test, which takes more than 12 hours to be concluded (just
one test). And, according to the standard, it is needed to run at least two tests. Based on that, the necessity to
improve the quality with technologies that allow a better operational performance has become imperative for
Samarco. Therefore, this work aimed at developing a methodology by automatic image analysis so as to evaluate
the anti-sticking material percentage (named as coating) adhered to the pellet surface. The paper brings the
device which was developed to capture the images from the pellets and the algorithm used to quantify the
percentage of coating on its surface.

Coating, Pellets, Iron Ore, Clustering.


(1) SAMARCO MINERAÇÃO SA, Rodovia ES 060, Km 14.4, Ponta Ubu, Anchieta ES. CEP 29230-000, +55
28 33619000,

20a Conferencia del Acero IAS | 20th IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.

The technnology of ironn ore direct reeduction geneerates a solid state

s product, which is callled DRI (direcct reduced
iron or diirectly reducedd iron). In thee production of
o DRI, the oxy ygen into the iron oxide is chemically reemoved by
reactions with carbon monoxide (C CO) and Hydrrogen (H2) at temperatures of about 9000°C. The tech hnological
evolutionn of that proceess in the last four decades brought prog gressive produuctivity gains, obtained by increasing
the tempeerature of the gas reducer, GRISCOM,
G 2000(1). An imaage of spongee iron after reaactor output iss shown in
Figure 1.

Source: BENIQUE (2011)


This systematic increaase of the tempperature of the reactors, wh hich today opeerates at 950ºº C and with a tendency
to reach 1050°C in thhe next few years, y leads to
t greater theermodynamic conditions fo for the occurrrence of a
phenomenon called stiicking or clusstering. The process
p of sticcking and form mation of cluusters of ore or
o iron ore
pellets is evidenced froom the entangglement betweeen two fibrou us iron precippitates of two pellets underr reducing,
EISEN, 2009
2 , (Figuure 2). Thereffore, it is a superficial
s ph henomenon, which
w is the result of mettallic iron
particles sintering reaaction. This phenomenon
p represents an n inconvenience to the ooperation of the direct
reductionn furnaces, caausing probleems such as decreased peermeability off the bed to the passage of gases,
formationn of preferredd channels, adhesion
a of material
m on thhe reactor's walls
w and disccharge, interruuptions of
operationn, reduced productivity and the quality off sponge iron, etc, LOPES, 2004 2 .

2011) (5)
Sourcee: SIMÕES (2

SEM im
mages (Scanniing Electron Microscope)
M shhowing iron fi

The methhod used to asssess the trendd of sticking of pellets durin

ng the reductioon is the simuulation of the conditions
which ressemble the process. The stiicking index, standardized by ISO 112566 (2007), is a test in which h the result
brings a tendency
t of clluster formation inside the direct reduction reactor. Thhis test is perfformed at a temperature
of 850° C,
C with the paassage of a gaas mixture conntaining H2, CO,C CO2 and N2 throughouut the bed of pellets, as
well as a defined mechhanical pressurre. Figure 3 shhows an exam mple of the testt.

20a Confeerencia del Accero IAS | 20tht IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Roosario, Santa Fe, Argentinaa.
Test asssembling bassed on ISO112256.

The mostt industrial sollution used to reduce the peellet cluster fo

ormation durinng reduction is to cover theem with an
oxide layyer named coaating agent, which
w acts as a physical barrrier between one
o pellet andd another wheen they are
exposed to a reducingg environmennt, PEREIRA A, 2012(6). The coating is applied by thhe pellet prod ducer and
steelmakeers before loaading the reacttor. Images off the pellet suurface with or without coatiing are shownn in Figure
4, where the anti-clusttering oxides are shown inn darker (a), while
w the surfa
face of the iroon oxide has a clear (b)

SEM images of
o pellets with
h coating (a) uncoated
u (b)

Samarco Mineração has

h applied thhe coating layyer in its direect reduction products
p sincce the beginniing of the
1990s, ass a way to ennsure its perffect use in Midrex
M and HyL processes. The oxide llayer providees a better
performaance of Samarcco's pellets, reeaching high metallization
m w low levells of clusteringg, PEREIRA, 2012(6).

A graduaal reduction in
i the rate off sticking of Samarco's peellets has beeen observed oover the yearrs through
improvemments implemmented into thhe industrial application
a of the coating dosage
d system
m. The new agents
a that
enable a decrease in thhe tendency of
o clustering, even at high temperatures, are examplees of the imprrovements

The relattionship betweeen the decrease of the inddex clustering g and a methood for determiining the perccentage of
coating agent around thhe pellets is prresented as ann important altternative paraameter for the ISO test to ev
valuate the
behavior of the pellett reactors redduction. This initiative is necessary
n beccause the testt according too standard
ISO11256 requires a fewf hours befoore the result is generated, resulting in difficulty
d in m
making decisio ons related
to the coaating process.

face appearancce of the pelllets before annd after coatiing appears to

The surfa t be quite diifferent. Therrefore, the
creation of
o a system im mage process to
t identify thiis difference proves
p feasiblee in optimizinng the responsse time for
the industtrial coating process.

A vision can be definned as the taskk of processinng informatio on for the undderstanding oof a particularr scene by
projectingg their imagess, COHEN, 19986(7). Accordding to Deschamps, 2004(8), vision system ms are integraated into a
single solution in a nuumber of diffferent technollogies, allowing great flexibility in devveloping appliications in
various fiields of knowlledge as, for example,
e in quuality control and processess (Figure 5, in Portuguese).

20a Confeerencia del Accero IAS | 20tht IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Roosario, Santa Fe, Argentinaa.
Updatted from Descchamps, 2004 (8)
" $
  %  '

Interdeependence betw ms of the area of vision systeems.

ween the term

Gonzalezz and Woods, 2002(9) have a structure of o interconneccted components for organizing image processing
systems, as can be seenn in Figure 6 (also
( in Portugguese).

" $

Adapted frrom Gonzalez and Woods, 2002
  %  '

Geeneral componnents of a systtem for processing images.


Thus, thee aim of this work

w was to implement
i a methodology
m in
i Samarco thhrough compuuter vision by y using the
tools desccribed above. This is to asssess the surfacce of firing iro
on ore pellets subjected to the addition of
o coating,
and also,, to define whhat percentage covers the surface. Thiss methodologyy will allow iits correlation n with the
behavior of the pellets during its redduction in direect reduction reactor
r regardiing the phenommenon of clusstering.

A gage R&R
R study will
w tell operators if the meaasurement sysstem is accepptable for its iintended use. The gage
study alsso shows which part of the t measurem ment system is i contributing the most tto the variation of the
measurem ments and hellps operators plan improveements to thee system. Meaasurement sysstems contain n variation
from threee main sourcces: the produucts themselvves, the appraaiser taking thhe measuremeents and the equipment
used to perform
p the measurement. The
T gage studdy shows the contribution
c o each of thesse areas. In an
of n adequate
measurem ment system, one would exxpect to find most of the variation witthin the produucts. If the bu ulk of the
variation is created byy the appraiserrs or the equiipment, then the
t system maay not be suittable. Repeataability and
reproduciibility are stanndardized term
ms, and they are
a associatedd with the preccision of meassurements gen nerated on
the same material usinng the same teest method unnder specific conditions.
c Thhere are two ccomponents of variance
for a meeasurement syystem. The firrst is the reppeatability or precision whhich is the vaariance within n repeated
measurem ments of a givven setup by a single appraaiser. The secoond is the reprroducibility w
which is the vaariation in
the averaage measurem ment made by different apppraisers. The measurement
m system evaluuation was maade by the
software Minitab 16. The test was based in thee % of contrib bution, or PCC, which is thhe relation beetween the
variabilityy of the meassurement systtem (ı²measuurement) and the total variiation (ı²total)). If the %Co ontribution
provided by the Minitaab is:

20a Confeerencia del Accero IAS | 20tht IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Roosario, Santa Fe, Argentinaa.
• Less thaan 1% - the measurement
m syystem is accepptable.
• Betweeen 1% and 9% % - the measuurement systeem is acceptab ble dependingg on the appllication, the cost
c of the
measurinng device, costt of repair, or other factors.
• Greater than 9% - thee measuremennt system is unnacceptable an
nd should be improved.

" "
 *     *  ,  
 ( ) ) + ) (

A piece of equipmentt was developped at Samarcco, which allowed capturinng images off the pellets for
f further
processinng in the AxiooViosion. It was
w decided that
t we shoulld use a 25 mm
m lens, attacched to an IC Cc1 model
camera, Zeiss,
Z shown in
i Figure 7.

Caamera (a) and objective (b)


The focall length was calculated

c andd the height from
f the pelleet to the cameera was set. T
The lighting sy
ystem was
accomplished through the use of an LED tape positioned in thee inner regionn of a 100 mm m in height and
d 100 mm
in diametter cylinder.

The imagge analyzer, Zeiss

Z AxioVission, was usedd to elaborate the algorithm m for image pprocessing, en nabling the
recognitioon of pellet suurface featuress. In Figure 8,, the final screeens already inn the measurinng step of the algorithm
are shownn.

inal screens in the measuring step of thee algorithm.


The data generated is automatically

a transferred too Microsoft Ex
xcel, where inndexes are calcculated repressenting the
percentagge of coating over the pelleet surface. Thhe measuremeent system waas validated thhrough the "T Total Gage
RR" tool by Minitab sooftware, versioon 16.

20a Confeerencia del Accero IAS | 20tht IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Roosario, Santa Fe, Argentinaa.
" " "

2 $ 2
 * / 
!    0  4 5  6  7 0  4 5

" 1 2 $ 8 9 1 $
!   0 7    6 5  4

A naked--eye observattion of samplles with and without the coating

c agent showed that there were significant
differencees that could be
b analyzed via analysis off images, as sh
hown in Figuree 9.

Uncoatedd pellets imagees (a) and coatted (b).


The needd to promote adequate

a precoonditions for the
t pellet surfface so that thhey could be ccaptured was identified.
The prepaaration of a suuitable equipm
ment was then initiated.

$ $ $ 2 $ 9 $ 1 2 1 9
!     3  4  5  4 3 % 0 4  4 5 5 % 0 5    5 ;    

To achievve good resullts in the inteerpretation of information, it is necessarry to take an image system m of good
quality ass an input. Thherefore, the im
mage acquisittion stage musst be configurred, which im
mplies the correct choice
of the haardware to caapture the im mage. Equipmeent configuration errors caan derail the implementatiion of the
applicatioon, for exampple in obtaininng images witth dark or distturbing shadoows, inappropriate focus, in
magnificaation, inadequuate acquisitioon time and too much noises, etc.

1 2 1 1 $ 8 = 9
!       4 :  % 5  6  7  4

The acquuisition of an image

i is baseed on transformming an imag
ge taken by ann electronic caamera from ana array of
points alllocated in meemory. The most
m common conversion iss that obtainedd by CCDs ccells, in which h each dot
representts a point of cell
c image proj ojected on it. The
T CCDs aree visible or innfrared light seensitive electrronic cells
and are chharacterized by
b their size annd resolution.

It was decided to use the

t Zeiss ICc11 with 1.4 meggapixel CCD camera. The live l image is rrefreshed upto
o 28 times
per seconnd, which perffectly meets thhe demands off the capture system,
s whichh is static.

The lens defines the surface

s focus and magnificcation (magniification or reeduction) of tthe object und der study.
Naturallyy, the acquisitiion process begins by the scene
s of interrest and this sccene is reduceed (or expand
ded) to the
dimensions of a CCD through
t a set of
o lenses, in which
w the prin
ncipal functionn (not considerring optical ph
such as innterference, diffraction,
d etcc) is the adjusstment of the image to be captured, witth the size of the CCD,
FORSYT T and PONCE E, 2003(11). Thee 25 mm objecctive lens wass chosen, withh manual adjusstment of focu us.

9 < 9 2

!   ! +   ; 5  4  5 

The lightting can be coonsidered as the

t most criticcal part of a vision
v system
m because the cameras are much less
sensitive and versatile than human vision.
v The liighting condittions should be
b optimized aas much as po ossible, so
that a cammera can captture an image to allow the human
h eye to
o distinguish without
w the neeed for such specialized

20a Confeerencia del Accero IAS | 20tht IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Roosario, Santa Fe, Argentinaa.
Tests were carried out with dichroic lamps, by LED and with LED strips. The best results were found with the
LED strips. The LED lighting can be used in applications which require a large illumination, providing good
illumination at a very interesting price and with a long life (about 100,000 hours).

The light reflects differently when it illuminates different geometries. It must take into account that there are
surfaces that are specular, lambertianas and totally absorbing. Therefore, it is necessary to have a preliminary
surface study so as to define the type of lighting, which has a significant weight in the image processing. Figure
10 shows different lighting models, depending on the type of problem to be solved.

Edmund Optics (12)

? @  

Different lighting models.

A B C ?  D E F

The pellets, which are spherical in shape, represent a challenge with regards to the lighting for the acquisition of
its image. Shadows can be generated according to the angle of the lighting model. A device was found to
minimize the noise and insert a component with an LED illumination source, shown in Figure 11.

Apparatus. Lateral (a) and top (b) view.

A B C ?  D D F

The apparatus consists of a cylinder which is 100 mm in diameter and 100 mm in high. A 1.5 mm white LED
tape was placed inside, which does not present problems of heating, acoustic/noise disturbance and vibration.
This configuration was considered the most propitious, minimizing variations in lighting and decreasing the
emission of heat, when compared to other lighting technologies.
F D F H I  @ J K L B @ K M  N ? B O P  L Q  Q  P

20a Conferencia del Acero IAS | 20th IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
It was deecided to manuufacture a sysstem where thhe working disstance could be b changed. SSuch demand is i because
of the pellet particle siize variation, changing thee focus on imaage capturingg. Figure 12 (aa) shows the developed

The device.
d Mechaanical system (a)
( and the coomplete equipm
ment (b)

2 1 1 9 $
!      %    5  4

A scan off the spatial cooordinates of a real image is

i named imag ge sampling, while
w a scan oof its amplitud
de is called
quantizattion in intensitty levels or sim ng to Gonzalez Woods, 20002(9).
mply quantizaation, accordin

In this woork it was deccided to use thhe quantizatioon with color images in RG GB space. Forr this type of image,
i the
employedd quantizationn model is bassed on the reppresentation of pixels in thrree visible collor channels (Red, Blue
and Greeen), constitutiing the RGB model, GOM MES,1994(13). Each color corresponds
c too a point in this
t space
which aree, therefore, represented
r byy three coordiinates: x, y an
nd z. These cooordinates cann take on who ole values
within a range
r of 0 to 255.
2 The prim
mary colors, reed, green and blue,
b are repreesented by poiints ( ),, ( ) T U U S R S R R S T U U S R

e( ).

The settinngs for imagee capture are performed byy the AxioVission software.. Figure 13 shhows images of pellets,
with and without the cooating agent, captured
c by thhe developed software.

Im b the system. Pellets withoout (a) and witth (b) coating.

mages of pelleets obtained by


2 1 1 < 9 9

!  !   ) 4 7 

The bigggest challengee in a compuuter vision syystem develop

pment is in the
t choice off the image processing
techniquees to be usedd to highlight and extract the
t desired in
nformation. A standard seqquence of acqquisitions,
b Vieira Pacciornik, 2001(14)
processinng and analyssis was used,, described by (
, from whiich more sop
routines can
c be developped.

20a Confeerencia del Accero IAS | 20tht IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Roosario, Santa Fe, Argentinaa.
equence of image acquisition, processing, analysis, and output.

A B C ?  D H F

The image pre-processing or digital processing (PDI) has the function of enhancing the image quality for
subsequent steps, maximizing the extraction of characteristics relevant to the process. Operations performed at
this stage are working directly with the intensity values of the pixels. This stage is also called enhance. The
image digital analysis (IDA) comprises of the following steps: segmentation, pre-processing, attributes
extraction, recognition and classification.

F F D V  W O
@  B L C

The shape of an image's histogram can become crucial information for image analysis, Gonzalez Woods, 2002(9).
Graphically, the image's histogram on the horizontal axis represents the intensity level scale and, on the vertical
axis, shows the probability of occurrence or the number of pixels of each image intensity level. Thus, the
histogram gives a general idea of the appearance of the image, but it doesn't reveal anything about its contents,
GOMES, 2007(15).

Operations on the image change its histogram, which is paramount due to segmentation technique used in this
work. With the extraction of the image's histogram, it is possible to apply various transformation techniques on
the image, where from the input image I, we take a second image I' (derived from the first). Initially, a correction
to the saturation was applied , shown in Figure 15.

Adequacy of post-review saturation and their respective histograms.

A B C ?  D X F

(a) Pellet with coating (b) Changed image.

(c) Pellet without coating. (d) Changed image.

20a Conferencia del Acero IAS | 20th IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
G G 
F F Y  C P  L Q K Q B

The basic task of the segmentation stage is to divide an image into meaningful units, i.e. in the objects of interest
which compose it. This task, although easily described, is very difficult to be implemented. The most common
operation is the thresholding by a cutting tone, based on the histogram. Everything above this tone turns white,
everything below turns black, resulting in a binary image.

Two separate slices were carried out, all by thresholding, but with different methods. The first one separated the
pellet from the bottom, based on the Otsu method, as shown in Figure 16, where the image 16 (a) shows the
input image and 16 (b) shows the bottom separated from the Pellet.

Picture with white background (a). Image without the background (b).
A B C ?  D Z F

@  B L C

The post-processing aims to enhance the result of segmentation, i.e. the binary image. Morphological operations
are those applied to binaries images. Since the images are binary, they allow a differential treatment. A series of
binary operators are applied in order to highlight or hide a specific characteristic feature.

Morphological operations of dilation, which expands an image, and the erosion, which shrinks, were used
throughout this work. The final image delimits the pellet areas with and without coatings.

F F H Q Q B [ ? Q   \ Q K @ Q B

This is the step where it effectively starts the image analysis. There are basically two types of measures. The
measures of field (field features) refer to the field as a whole, such as the total area and the area fraction. The
measures of the region (region features) refer to objects independently, such as circularity and perimeter. Both
measures are carried out in the developed methodology. However, only the field measures for the coating
analysis will be reported. Figure 17 (a) shows the developed equipment coupled to the image analyzer, with the
algorithm responsible for measuring the percentage of the pellet surface covered with the coating agent. Part (b)
of Figure 17 shows examples of analyses of pellets with and without coatings.

Equipment coupled to the image analyzer. (b) Analysis of pellets with and without coating
A B C ?  D ] F

20a Conferencia del Acero IAS | 20th IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
$ 2 9 9

!   ^   3   :  5

Tests weere carried ouut using the equipment

e annd the develooped algorithm
m, where it w was evidenced d that the
percentagge of coatingg over the peellet surface is i closely lin
nked to its beehavior in diirect reduction n reactors
regardingg the tendencyy to cluster. Figure
F 18 showws the graph obtained
o from
m pellets produuced in pilot scale.
s The
percentagge of coating are
a shown for each of the 50 pellets, as well
w as the aveerage of all thee results (red line).

Example of the results.


The analyyses performeed were correelated with thhe clustering index based on o standard IISO 11256, however at
temperatuures of 950°C C. Such a teemperature was w performed d considering the current scenario of the direct
reductionn reactors, wheere there is ann increased tem
mperature tren
nd. It is possibble to see a goood correlation
n between
the methoods. Figure 199 shows the coorrelation charrt.

Relation amonng the develop
ped method annd ISO 11256.


1 1 $ $ 2 1 9 2 9 < 9 2
!  ! 6 7  5  4 3 5 ;       4 5 5 

The term
ms and variables typically employed
e in measurement
m system evaluaation are repeeatability (the ability of
the operaator repeating the results obbtained by himself), reprodducibility (thee ability of thhe operator reproducing
the same results that annother operatoor achieved) and
a the percen ntage of contriibution (how m much of the variation
v is
due to the measuremennt system). Fiigure 20 show ws the percenttage of contribbution obtaineed for the cov vering test

Evaluaation of the meeasurement syystem.


20a Confeerencia del Accero IAS | 20tht IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Roosario, Santa Fe, Argentinaa.
The perceentage of conntribution (PC C), used to vallidate the coveering method,, presented a vvalue of 0.99. It means
that the covering
c test can be classsified as acceeptable metho odology, according to WER RKEMA’s asssessment,
2006(10). Therefore, thee system was considered goodg and suitaable for the purpose for whhich it is intennded. It is
possible tot confirm thaat the 99.01%% of the total variability
v are due to naturaal variation whhich exists beetween the
items (iteem to item). Fiigure 21 show
ws the componnents of measu urement systemm variations.

Evaluaation of the meeasurement syystem.


" " a "

+ +

This workk described teechnical detaills of the assem

mbly of an imaage processingg system.

This system has been currently

c usedd to obtain im
mages and anallyze them so as
a to identify the presence of coating
around thhe pellets.
Measurem ment system analysis
a showeed that the sysstem is reliablle.

Finally, this onitoring the process of cooating the pellets for the
t system haas became an important parrameter for mo
direct redduction market.

 `   b *  c *  
) + (

The authoors thank the Samarco

S Mineeração for suppporting and encouraging
e thhis study.

 * *  *   *

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15. GOMES, O. F. M. Microscopia Co-Localizada: Novas Possibilidades na Caracterização de Minérios.
Rio de Janeiro: Pontifícia Universidade Católica, 2007.

20a Conferencia del Acero IAS | 20th IAS Steel Conference

IAS, 2014, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
d e f g h i j k e l m n e o p q n m n q

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