Michael Jackson Estate Calls Leaving Neverland 'Outrageous and Pathetic'

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Michael Jackson estate calls Leaving Neverland 'outrageous and pathetic'

This article is more than 5 months old

Documentary detailing alleged sexual abuse by singer will receive its world
premiere at this year’s Sundance film festival

Ben Beaumont-Thomas


Thu 10 Jan 2019 11.09 GMTLast modified on Thu 7 Mar 2019 14.42 GMT


Michael Jackson during the 2005 trial in which he was accused of child molestation. Photograph: Aaron

Michael Jackson’s estate has condemned a new documentary film, Leaving Neverland,
which features allegations that the singer sexually abused children.

Speaking to TMZ, representatives from the estate said the film was “another lurid
production in an outrageous and pathetic attempt to exploit and cash in on Michael
Jackson … just another rehash of dated and discredited allegations. It’s baffling why any
credible film-maker would involve himself with this project.”

Leaving Neverland explores what a synopsis calls the “manipulation and abuse” of two
unnamed men, from the ages of seven and 10 onwards. The film, directed by Dan Reed,
who has won Baftas for documentaries including The Paedophile Hunter and Terror in
Mumbai, is described as “a portrait of sustained exploitation and deception,
documenting the power of celebrity that allowed a revered figure to infiltrate the lives of
starstruck children and their parents”.

The four-hour film will receive its world premiere at the Sundance film festival in Utah
on 25 January, and will air on Channel 4 later this spring.


Michael Jackson child sexual abuse claims


Numerous accusations of sexual abuse of children have previously been made against
Jackson. In 1993, Jackson was accused of sexually molesting 13-year-old Jordan
Chandler – he denied the claims, and later settled out of court for $23m. In 2005, a jury
found Jackson not guilty of molesting Gavin Arvizo and related charges. Arvizo was aged
13 at the time of the alleged offence. In 2013 and 2014, after Jackson’s death in 2009,
two further lawsuits were filed by Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who each alleged
that Jackson had abused them in the early 1990s when they were children. Both cases
were dismissed for being filed too long after the alleged incidents.

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 Sundanc e fil m fes ti val

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