Hudson Huth - Resume

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Hudson Huth 574.807.

P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y • Te c h n i c a l Wr i t i n g

Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana Graduation May 2019
College of Liberal Arts
Major: Professional Writing (Technical Writing)
Minor: Organizational Leadership – Polytechnic College
• Focus on writing and publishing for technical industries
• Additional coursework in document design, user-experience, and
archival practices
• First two undergraduate years spent in Electrical Engineering

Purdue Office of Engagement – Engagement and Social Media Writing 8/2018 - 05/2019
Advocated for engagement programs at Purdue through self-directed jour-
nalistic and public relations writing. Created writing and style guides for the
office. Assisted in website development through Cascade Server including
content creation, page organization, and usability testing.

Notre Dame Science and Engineering Computing – Student Technician 6/2016 – 8/2016
Resolved issues with university hardware and networking equipment, doc-
umented university machines, managed biology lab moves, and assisted in
general staff troubleshooting.

Purdue 360 –Vice President, Debate Committee Chair Spring 2017 - Current
Organized and coordinated initiatives at Purdue and in the Lafayette area
on topics of diversity, sexual assault awareness, and sustainability. Collab-
orated with over 100 campus organizations to promote and host events.
Redesigned the debate format to increase student engagement.

Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity – Recruitment, Member Development Spring 2016 - Current
Honors Engineering Peer Mentor
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017
Mentored freshman in the Honors Engineering program at Purdue during
biweekly meetings. Initiated discussions on academic and social life, educa-
tional and career prospects, and extracurricular involvement.

Writing and Publishing: Adobe CC software, especially InDesign and Photoshop • Technical Writing, Creative
Writing, Jounalistic Writing • Web Publishing • Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint and similar software
Technical: Python, C, MATLAB, HTML • CAD packages – primarily Autodesk, Siemens NX, and CATIA • UX
Design and Testing • Proficient in French

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