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2/25/2019 Minutes.SD.Nov.

2018 - Google Docs

Staff Development Agenda

Tuesday 11/20/18

1. Committee members: Jane Dittberner, Amy Mittlestadt, Kari Schroeder, Lynn Schoenbauer, Michelle
Koepp, Karis Chroder, Crystal Bronce, Allison Olson

2. 2018-2019 Building Goals

● 1. 70% of NPHS Students will meet or exceed the standards on the MCA Reading test. (Currently at 65.8%)
● 2. 65% of NPHS Students will meet or exceed the standards on the MCA Math test. (Currently at 65.8%)
● 3. 72% of NPHS Students will meet or exceed the standards on the MCA Science test. (Currently at 65.9%)
● 4. Currently 27% of NPHS 11th grade students meet 4/4 college readiness benchmarks on the ACT. This
will increase to 30% (Currently at 27%)
● 5. 80% of NPHS students will feel accepted as determined by the 2018 end of the year student survey.
(Currently at 74%)

3. Staff Development requests:

a) Michael Bailey is requesting to attend a CS Principles Worksheet on 12/1/18. There is no cost
since it is a Saturday. Amy M motion. 2nd by Kari. All approved
b) Sam Lewis is requesting to attend a RTI workshop on Dec. 19 in Brooklyn Center. Conference is
$259 plus sub ($125) for a total of $384. Michelle K. motion, 2nd by Lynn. All approved
c) Nicole Thietje is requesting to attend the MN Music Educator’s Midwinter Clinic in Mpls. on Feb.
14-16. Conference is $131 plus 1 day of sub $125). Total is $256. Motion by Lynn, 2nd by Amy.
All approved

Balance after today’s approvals: $10,636

Adjourned at 3:p.m.

Submitted by Jane Dittberner

HS Building Chair

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zzfj6-VGs7tHE9wI0uYFEb_o8D8DA9m9UpK-wobC0e8/edit 1/1

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