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North-Eastern Area Command

North-Eastern Area Com m and was one of
North-Eastern Area Command
sev eral geographically based commands raised
by the Roy al Australian Air Force (RAAF)
during World War II. For most of its existence it
controlled units based in central and northern
Queensland as well as Papua New Guinea. It was
formed in January 1942 from the eastern part
of the former Northern Area Command, which
had cov ered all of northern Australia and
Papua. Headquartered at Townsv ille,
Queensland, North-Eastern Area Command's
responsibilities included air defence, aerial
reconnaissance and protection of the sea lanes
within its boundaries. Its fly ing units, equipped
with fighters, reconnaissance bombers, div e
bombers and transports, took part in the battles
of Rabaul, Port Moresby and Milne Bay in 1942,
and the landings at Hollandia and Aitape in
1944. RAAF area commands in November 1942

The area command continued to operate after Active 1942–1956

the war, but its assets and staffing were much Allegiance Australia
reduced. Its responsibilities were subsumed in
Branch Royal Australian Air Force
February 1954 by the RAAF's new functional
Role Air defence
commands: Home (operational), Training, and
Aerial reconnaissance
Maintenance Commands. The area
Protection of adjacent sea lanes
headquarters was disbanded in December 1956
and re-formed as Headquarters RAAF Garrison/HQ Townsville, Queensland
Townsv ille. Engagements World War II
Notable Frank Lukis (1942)
Contents commanders Harry Cobby (1942–1943)
Ian McLachlan (1951–1953)
World War II
Post-war activity and disbandment
Order of battle
References 1/10
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World War II
The Roy al Australian Air Force (RAAF) formed North-
Eastern Area Command at Townsv ille, Queensland, on
15 January 1942, to take ov er the eastern portion of
what was prev iously Northern Area Command. [1 ]
Northern Area had been established on 8 May 1941 as
one of the RAAF's geographically based command-
and-control zones, cov ering units in northern New
South Wales, Queensland, the Northern Territory , and
Papua. [2 ] The roles of the area commands were air
defence, protection of adjacent sea lanes, and aerial
reconnaissance. Each was led by an Air Officer
Commanding (AOC) responsible for the administration
and operations of air bases and units within his
RAAF area commands in December 1941
boundary . [2 ][3 ]

Northern Area was split into North-Western Area

(NWA) and North-Eastern Area (NEA) following the outbreak of the Pacific War in December 1941, to
counter distinct threats to Northern Australia and New Guinea, respectiv ely . [1 ][4 ] Air Commodore Frank
Lukis, formerly in charge of Northern Area, was NEA's inaugural AOC, taking responsibility for RAAF
operations against the Japanese in New Guinea, New Britain and surrounding islands. [5 ][6 ] His
headquarters staff numbered 248. [7 ] On 20 January 1942, ov er 100 Japanese aircraft attacked Rabaul,
destroy ing or badly damaging six CAC Wirraway s and killing or wounding elev en crewmen of No. 24
Squadron under Wing Commander John Lerew. [8 ][9 ] The next day , NEA headquarters sent a signal to
Lerew ordering him to keep his airfield open; Lerew, with only two Wirraway s left, replied using the
legendary ancient gladiatorial phrase to honour an emperor, "Morituri vos salutamus" ("We who are about
to die salute y ou"). Ignoring a further message from headquarters to abandon his squadron and escape in
a Lockheed Hudson bomber, Lerew began ev acuating staff to Port Moresby , New Guinea, on
22 January . [9 ][1 0 ]

No. 33 Squadron, operating ex-Qantas Short Empire fly ing boats and sev eral smaller transports, was
raised in NEA on 19 February 1942. [1 1 ][1 2 ] Earlier that month, Lukis warned higher command of the
poor state of preparedness and low morale of Australian Army troops at Port Moresby , due to lack of air
cov er and apparent lack of interest from gov ernment echelons. [1 3 ] On 25 February , Nos. 3 and 4 Fighter
Sector Headquarters were established at Townsv ille and Port Moresby , respectiv ely , to coordinate fighter
operations. [1 4 ] Horn Island, in the Torres Strait, was raided by the Japanese on 14 March. [1 5 ] Three day s
later, sev enteen P-40 Kitty hawks of No. 7 5 Squadron, recently formed at Townsv ille, deploy ed to Port
Moresby . [1 6 ] Commanded by Squadron Leader John Jackson, the squadron suffered heav y losses in the
ensuing battle. At one point NEA headquarters gav e Jackson permission to withdraw but he refused, and
the squadron was ev entually credited with destroy ing thirty -fiv e Japanese aircraft in the air and on the
ground, securing Port Moresby until reliev ed by the 35th and 36th Squadrons of the United States Army
Air Forces (USAAF), operating P-39 Airacobras. [1 7 ][1 8 ] 2/10
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Sev eral USAAF bomber formations operated under

NEA's control in early 1942, including A-24 Banshees
of the 8th Bombardment Squadron out of Port
Moresby , and B-17 Fly ing Fortresses of the 435th
Bombardment Squadron (initially known as the
"Kangaroo Squadron") out of Townsv ille. [1 9 ] As of
20 April, operational authority ov er all RAAF combat
infrastructure, including area commands, was
inv ested in the newly established Allied Air Forces
(AAF) Headquarters under South West Pacific Area
Command (SWPA). [2 0 ][2 1 ] One result of this was the
integration of USAAF and RAAF staff at area Air Commodore Lukis (centre), with Group
Captain Garing (left), hands over North-Eastern
headquarters. According to the official history of the
Area Command to Group Captain Cobby in
RAAF, though "more a diplomatic gesture than a August 1942
practical method of war organisation", it gav e
personnel from the two serv ices the opportunity to
quickly become acclimatised to each other and "in North-Eastern Area, as an example, the atmosphere
was happy and the staff extremely cooperativ e". [2 2 ] Following the Battle of the Coral Sea in May , USAAF
units no longer operated under RAAF control in the NEA but were commanded directly by senior
American officers of the AAF; ov erall responsibility for operational tasking in NEA transferred to the AAF
at the end of July . [2 3 ]

NEA's operational headquarters, a reinforced concrete

bunker known as Building 81, was completed in May
1942. Located on Green Street, Townsv ille, at the base
of Castle Hill, it was topped with a suburban house to
mislead enemy aircraft. [2 4 ] The same month, Eastern
Area Command was formed, taking control of units in
New South Wales and southern Queensland from
Southern Area and NEA. [2 5 ][2 6 ] This left NEA in
command of Nos. 24, 33 and 7 6 Squadrons, as well as
No. 3 Fighter Sector Headquarters, at Townsv ille;
No. 11 Squadron Catalina at Port Moresby No. 100 Squadron at Cairns; No. 32 Squadron at Horn
Island; and Nos. 11, 20 and 7 5 Squadrons, as well as
No. 4 Fighter Sector Headquarters, at Port
Moresby . [2 7 ] The Japanese raided Townsv ille four times between 25 and 31 July ; most bombs fell in the
sea or the hills causing only one casualty , an injured child. [2 8 ] NEA's boundaries were fine-tuned on
19 August: a portion of Queensland within the Barkly Tableland and the Haslingden and Hey wood districts
was assigned to the control of North-Western Area. [2 9 ] Lukis handed ov er command of NEA to Group
Captain (later Air Commodore) Harry Cobby on 25 August. [3 0 ] By the end of the month, the headquarters
staff numbered 684. [3 1 ] No. 7 5 Squadron, replenished after its defence of Port Moresby , and No. 7 6
Squadron, deploy ed north from Townsv ille and also fly ing Kitty hawks, play ed what senior Australian
Army commanders described as the "decisiv e" role in the Battle of Milne Bay in New Guinea during August
and September 1942. [3 2 ] During the battle, Cobby exercised ov erall command of the RAAF units from
NEA headquarters, while their efforts were coordinated on the ground by Group Captain Bill Garing, NEA's
senior air staff officer. [3 3 ] 3/10
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On 1 September 1942, No. 9 (Operational) Group was formed at Port Moresby as a mobile strike force to
mov e forward with Allied adv ances in the Pacific, in contrast to the static, defensiv e nature of the area
commands. [3 4 ][3 5 ] It took ov er all units in New Guinea prev iously operating under NEA Command. NEA
initially retained administrativ e control of No. 9 Group but, on 1 January 1943, the group was made
independent of the area command and its administration became the responsibility of RAAF
Headquarters, Melbourne. [3 0 ] September 1942 also saw the formation of RAAF Command, led by Air
Vice Marshal Bill Bostock, to ov ersee the majority of Australian fly ing units in the SWPA. [3 6 ][3 7 ] Bostock
exercised control of air operations through the area commands, although RAAF Headquarters continued
to hold administrativ e authority ov er all Australian units. [3 8 ] He personally coordinated operations
when they inv olv ed more than one area command, for instance when the fighter squadrons of both NWA
and NEA were required to repulse a major attack. [3 9 ] No. 42 (Radar) Wing was formed at Townsv ille in
February 1943, and the following month took control of all radar stations in NEA. [4 0 ] As of April 1943,
the area command directly controlled four squadrons tasked primarily with anti-submarine warfare:
No. 7 Squadron, fly ing Bristol Beaufort reconnaissance-bombers out of Ross Riv er; No. 9 Squadron, a fleet
co-operation unit fly ing Supermarine Seagulls from Bowen; and Nos. 11 and 20 Squadrons, fly ing
reconnaissance and bombing missions with PBY Catalinas from Cairns. [4 1 ]

In early 1943, Japan was still believ ed to be capable of

inv ading, or at least bombing, the Torres Strait islands,
and NEA had only No. 7 Squadron, now operating
from Horn Island, to counter the threat. It was
reinforced in April by No. 84 Squadron, fly ing CAC
Boomerang fighters. [4 2 ] The same month, No. 7 2
Wing was formed at Townsv ille, before deploy ing to
Merauke, New Guinea. Controlling No. 84 Squadron,
No. 86 Squadron (fly ing Kitty hawks), and No. 12
Squadron (Vultee Vengeance div e bombers), the wing
was responsible for Torres Strait's air defence, as well
Air Commodore Summers (left), who
as offensiv e operations against infrastructure and
succeeded Air Commodore Cobby as AOC
shipping in Dutch New Guinea. In October, No. 84
North-Eastern Area Command, with staff in
Squadron conv erted to Kitty hawks and transferred to Townsville, May 1944
the newly formed No. 7 5 Wing, which was giv en
responsibility for units at Horn Island, Thursday
Island, and Higgins Field on Cape Y ork Peninsula. [4 3 ][4 4 ] In February 1944, No. 7 5 Wing headquarters
mov ed from Horn Island to Higgins Field, where it was soon joined by other units under its control,
Nos. 7 and 23 Squadrons; the latter operated Vengeances until being declared non-operational in June,
before re-equipping with B-24 Liberators for duty in North-Western Area. [4 5 ][4 6 ] By May , NEA's order of
battle on the Australian mainland consisted of Nos. 7 , 9, 13 (operating Lockheed Venturas from
Cooktown), 20 and 23 Squadrons. [4 4 ]

Cobby serv ed as AOC NEA until Nov ember 1943, handing ov er to Air Commodore John Summers, who
held command for the remainder of the war. [5 ] By the end of Nov ember, NEA headquarters staff
numbered 499, including ninety -sev en officers. [4 7 ] NEA's Catalinas joined aircraft of No. 9 Group in
support of the US inv asion of New Britain in December 1943 and January 1944. [4 8 ] The Catalinas also
conducted mine-lay ing operations around the Timor Sea in the lead-up to the landings at Hollandia and
Aitape in April 1944. [4 9 ] That month, No. 9 Group, which had become a static garrison force similar to
the area commands on mainland Australia, was renamed Northern Command and giv en responsibility for
[5 0 ][5 1 ] 4/10
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RAAF units in New Guinea. [5 0 ][5 1 ] In August, No. 7 5 Wing was disbanded and its units became the direct
responsibility of NEA headquarters. [5 2 ] The same month, No. 7 6 Wing headquarters, formed at
Townsv ille in January and subsequently based at Cairns, was transferred to Darwin, Northern
Territory . [5 3 ][5 4 ] There it came under the control of NWA headquarters and ov ersaw operations by
three Catalina squadrons, including No. 20. [5 5 ][5 6 ] No. 42 Wing disbanded in October 1944, following a
decision to assign control of RAAF radar stations to mobile fighter control units or similar
formations. [5 7 ] By the end of February 1945, NEA headquarters staff numbered 7 43, including 127
officers. [5 8 ] No. 7 2 Wing headquarters transferred to Townsv ille in May that y ear, and disbanded a
month later. [5 4 ]

Post-war activity and disbandment

On 2 September 1945, following the end of the Pacific
War, South West Pacific Area was dissolv ed and the
RAAF again assumed full control of all its operational
elements. [5 9 ] By the end of the month, NEA
headquarters staff numbered 526, including ninety -
eight officers. [6 0 ] The Air Force shrank dramatically
as personnel were demobilised and units disbanded;
most of the RAAF's bases and aircraft employ ed in
operations after the war were situated within Eastern
Area's sphere of control in New South Wales and
southern Queensland. [6 1 ] NEA headquarters staff at
the end of 1945 totalled 227 , including sixty -three
officers. [6 2 ]
RAAF area command boundaries in 1947. The
In September 1946, the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Vice geographical command-and-control organisation
Marshal George Jones, proposed reducing the fiv e was superseded by a functional system in
extant mainland area commands (North-Western,
North-Eastern, Eastern, Southern, and Western Areas)
to three: Northern Area, cov ering Queensland and the Northern Territory ; Eastern Area, cov ering New
South Wales; and Southern Area, cov ering Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania. The
Australian Gov ernment rejected the plan and the wartime area command boundaries essentially
remained in place. [6 3 ][6 4 ] Northern Command (redesignated Northern Area in 1945) was dissolv ed in
February 1947 . [5 3 ] By 1949, NEA headquarters was located in Sturt Street, Townsv ille. [6 4 ] No. 10
Squadron was based at Townsv ille from March that y ear, operating Av ro Lincolns ov er the Pacific and
Australia's northern approaches in the maritime reconnaissance and search-and-rescue roles. [6 5 ][6 6 ]
Group Captain (later Air Commodore) Ian McLachlan was appointed AOC NEA in September 1951;[6 7 ][6 8 ]
he serv ed two y ears in the post before handing ov er to acting Air Commodore Patrick Heffernan. [6 9 ]

Commencing in October 1953, the RAAF was reorganised from a geographically based command-and-
control sy stem into one based on function. In February 1954, the newly constituted functional
organisations—Home, Training, and Maintenance Commands—assumed control of all operations, training
and maintenance from North-Eastern Area Command. [3 ][7 0 ] NEA headquarters remained in existence
but only , according to the Melbourne Argus, as one of Home Command's "remote control points". [7 1 ] It 5/10
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was disbanded on 3 December 1956, and was succeeded by Headquarters RAAF Townsv ille
(Headquarters Tactical Transport Group from June 1988, and Headquarters Operational Support Group
from February 1991). [7 2 ][7 3 ]

As of 2009, the former NEA operational headquarters in Building 81, Green Street, housed Townsv ille's
State Emergency Serv ice group. [2 4 ]

Order of battle
As at 30 April 1942, NEA's order of battle
comprised:[7 4 ]

RAAF Station Townsville

No. 24 (General Purpose) Squadron

No. 33 (Transport) Squadron
No. 76 (Fighter) Squadron
RAAF Station Amberley

No. 23 (General Purpose) Squadron

RAAF Station Port Moresby

No. 11 (General Reconnaissance) Squadron Flight Lieutenant Les Jackson (second left),
No. 20 (General Reconnaissance) Squadron brother of Squadron Leader John Jackson, with
No. 32 (General Reconnaissance) Squadron fellow pilots of No. 75 Squadron in Port
No. 75 (Fighter) Squadron Moresby, August 1942
No. 3 Fighter Sector Headquarters, Townsville
No. 4 Fighter Sector Headquarters, Port Moresby

1. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, p. 311 (
2. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 91–92 (
3. "Organising for war: The RAAF air campaigns in the Pacific" (
F-Files/Pathfinder/PF121-Organising-for-War-The-RAAF-Air-Campaigns-in-the-Pacific.pdf) (PDF). Pathfinder.
No. 121. Air Power Development Centre. October 2009. Retrieved 2 July 2016.
4. Stephens, The Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 111–112
5. Ashworth, How Not to Run an Air Force, pp. 302–304
6. Stephens, The RAAF in the Southwest Pacific Area, p. 35
7. Royal Australian Air Force, Northern Area and North-Eastern Area Headquarters, p. 154
8. Stephens, The Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 135–136
9. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 354–358 (
10. "Gladiator's salute from Rabaul's air commander" ( Air Power Development Centre.
Archived from the original (
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11. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, p. 481 (

12. RAAF Historical Section, Maritime and Transport Units, pp. 35–38
13. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 447–448 (
14. Cooper, Kok oda Air Strik es, p. 53
15. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 453, 457 (
16. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 458–462 (
17. Stephens, The Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 139–141
18. Johnston, Whispering Death, pp. 164, 177
19. Cooper, Kok oda Air Strik es, pp. 147, 180
20. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, p. 473 (
21. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, pp. 15–16 (
22. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 473–478 (
23. Cooper, Kok oda Air Strik es, pp. 268–270
24. Pearce, Howard (January 2009). WWII – NQ ( (PDF) (Report). Brisbane: Queensland
Environmental Protection Agency. pp. 59, 100, 107. Archived from the original (
itage/documents/ww2_nth_qld_cultural_heritage.pdf) (PDF) on 28 April 2013. Retrieved 6 June 2016.
25. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, p. 478 (
26. Ashworth, How Not to Run an Air Force, p. 134
27. Royal Australian Air Force, Northern Area and North-Eastern Area Headquarters, p. 151
28. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 562–563 (
29. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, p. 588 (
30. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 588–589 (
31. Royal Australian Air Force, Northern Area and North-Eastern Area Headquarters, p. 244
32. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 603–604, 615–617 (
33. Stephens, The RAAF in the Southwest Pacific Area, pp. 33, 85
34. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, p. 6 (
35. Stephens, The Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 122–123
36. Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 585–588 (
37. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, pp. 4–6 (
38. Stephens, The Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 144–145
39. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, p. 42 (
DIG1070532/document/5519815.PDF) 7/10
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40. Royal Australian Air Force, Northern Area and North-Eastern Area Headquarters, pp. 326, 350
41. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, p. 141 (
42. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, p. 113 (
43. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, pp. 113–116 (
44. Gogler, We Never Disappoint, p. 105
45. Royal Australian Air Force, Northern Area and North-Eastern Area Headquarters, pp. 679, 706, 709
46. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, p. 245 (
47. Royal Australian Air Force, Northern Area and North-Eastern Area Headquarters, p. 579
48. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, pp. 128–129 (
49. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, pp. 213, 218 (
50. Stephens, The Royal Australian Air Force, pp. 144, 168
51. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, pp. 198–200 (
52. Royal Australian Air Force, Northern Area and North-Eastern Area Headquarters, p. 830
53. "Headquarters" (
rters). Order of Battle – Air Force. Department of Veterans' Affairs. Retrieved 24 December 2018.
54. AWM, Squadrons, Formations & Units, p. 119
55. Odgers, Air War Against Japan, p. 365 (
56. Royal Australian Air Force, Northern Area and North-Eastern Area Headquarters, p. 829
57. RAAF Historical Section, Radar Units, p. 21
58. Royal Australian Air Force, Northern Area and North-Eastern Area Headquarters, p. 873
59. Ashworth, How Not to Run an Air Force!, p. 262
60. Royal Australian Air Force, Northern Area and North-Eastern Area Headquarters, p. 903
61. Stephens, Going Solo, pp. 11–12, 72–73
62. Royal Australian Air Force, Northern Area and North-Eastern Area Headquarters, p. 916
63. Helson, The Private Air Marshal, pp. 321–325
64. Stephens, Going Solo, pp. 68, 462
65. "RAAF's big task in Qld" ( The News. Adelaide. 16 May 1953.
p. 9. Retrieved 10 June 2016 – via National Library of Australia.
66. "No. 10 Squadron" (
h/units/10sqn.htm). RAAF Museum. Retrieved 10 June 2016.
67. "New postings in RAAF" ( The Canberra Times. Canberra. 8
September 1951. p. 6. Retrieved 2 July 2016 – via National Library of Australia.
68. "Air officers promoted" ( Brisbane Telegraph. Brisbane. 4
September 1952. p. 12. Retrieved 21 July 2018 – via National Library of Australia.
69. "New RAAF chief for North-Eastern Area" ( Townsville Daily
Bulletin. Townsville, Queensland. 9 September 1953. p. 3. Retrieved 2 July 2016 – via National Library of
70. Stephens, Going Solo, pp. 73–76, 462–463 8/10
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71. "Battle 'nerve-centre' goes north: RAAF fighting control shifted from here" (
429331). The Argus. Melbourne. 21 May 1954. p. 5. Retrieved 2 July 2016 – via National Library of Australia.
72. RAAF Historical Section, Introduction, Bases, Supporting Organisations, p. 160
73. "RAAF Headquarters North Eastern Area" (
sReports/AgencyDetail.aspx?reg_no=CA%208590&singleRecord=T). Agencies. National Archives of
Australia. CA 8590. Retrieved 24 December 2018.
74. Ashworth, How Not to Run an Air Force, p. 299

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Australian War Memorial (AWM) (1995). Squadrons, Formations & Units of the Royal Australian Air Force
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Cooper, Anthony (2014). Kok oda Air Strik es: Allied Air Forces in New Guinea, 1942. Canberra: NewSouth
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Gogler, Kevin (2012). We Never Disappoint: A History of 7 Squadron RAAF 1940–1945 (http://airpower.airfor
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Stephens, Alan (ed.) (1993). The RAAF in the Southwest Pacific Area 1942–1945 (
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