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Teaching Philosophy

Annie Little

Department of Home and Family

Learning Process

I believe that all students learn differently and it is important to expose them to several types of
learning styles. In this process, students will understand in what ways they best learn for themselves. I
want my students to have a lot of hands on learning and learn from their experiences. I believe in
second chances and allowing them if they did not understand something the first time, that they get a
second chance to try again and learn from what they missed. Learning is a continual process and one
that I do not think should ever end in our lives. We should all want to learn innovative ideas and that is
what I want for my students. I want them to have that passion for learning and seeking out
opportunities or resources to help them learn something new for themselves.

The Teacher

Being a teacher, I believe that it is important to see the true potential that each student has
when they don’t believe in themselves. It is important to help each student realize what they can
become. I want to try and relate the material with what the students are learning, to what they are
going on through in their life. I want to students to use what I am teaching, to what they may be
learning in other classes and be able to relate it to what they will use every day as most of the material
that is being taught is applicable to everyone.

Goals for Students

In the Family and Consumer Science classes I will be teaching, I want my students to relate what
they are learning in my class to others and be able to apply what they are learning. I think it is important
to know where your students are coming from so that the relating can happen. I think it is important to
get to know my students personally as I listen to what they are learning and what they are doing outside
of school, I can relate my experiences as well as theirs to the learning process. I want them to feel like
they have a purpose and know that the things they are learning in my classroom can relate to them in
their everyday lives and just for this class.

Implementation of Philosophy

I know that each time I teach, especially as I start out, will be a learning experience and must be
taken as a learning process so I know what thing I need to change or would like to keep the same. I want
to have my class be one of creativity as they students will come into my class ready to have an open
mind and create and know that even though it may be hard, they can do hard things. I will ask students
to come with ideas of what they would like to do through the year with FCCLA and have a fun time,
while still teaching them the information they need to succeed. I want my students to come excited to
learn and create, and that is my goal in my class, even though I am working on figuring out how exactly I
will do that in my class.
Learning Process

I believe that learning is a continual process and should never stop. That is one of my goals in my
class as I want students to come with questions, have them do a questionnaire and come with questions
of what they learned. Students need to prepare and come ready to learn. I want my students to not be
afraid to fail or try again and to know, that we can learn from our mistakes and try harder the next time.
I believe that we learn as we continue to ask questions of what we can learn from it, and grow if we
have to try again if we didn’t get it the first time. That is where the continual learning process that
comes into play and what I want my students to learn from my class.

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