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William Cooper
Jewish atheism Apply to be a Writer Share this Report page
Age of first spoken word
Edouard Naville Jesus
Advice of the Guardian of
the Ragusa Capuchins In religio-mythology, Jesus
Judaism (CR:206), from the Hebrew
Simson Najovits Ja- meaning “god” + Egyptian
George Gurdjieff -Horus, i.e. “god son” (of
Christ myth theory Osiris), plus "Yes" or Bacchus
(aka Osiris) (Volney, 1771), is
the Roman recension name of
the dying and rising god,
astro-theologically based on
the perceptual yearly dying
and rising Orion constellation
(the root of Osiris myth, turned
Bacchus myth, turned Jesus
story), aka the dying and
rising hunter (Greek), warrior,
The gist of the Roman recension formation of the "Jesus" character (see: god character
or god (ancient Egypt), is the
equivalences), namely a god reduction synretism of main attributes of the Egyptian gods
first name of Jesus Christ, the Osiris and Horus into the form of a god man who, after being conceived immaculately
purported, albeit mythological, (see: virgin birth), baptized by a "John" (see: John the Baptist) or Anubis, dies horribly, i.e.
founder of Christianity; the is whipped or cut into 14 pieces (number of stars in Orion constellation), like Osiris was,
Roman empire monotheistic and is resurrected (see: death and resurrection of Osiris; death and resurrection of
reformulation of the Osiris Jesus), i.e. rises like the Orion constellation does, from the horizontal position, visually in
the sky (in Nov-Dec), like a reborn pharaoh.
(god the father) and Horus
(god the son) vs Set (devil) story.

In 1239, Frederick II asserted that Jesus was an imposter.

In 1514, Pope Leo X stated that Jesus or Christ was a fable and a profitable superstition.

In 1771, Constantin Volney decoded the the etymology of Jesus from Bacchus (the Greek version of Osiris) as

“Volney has shown that Yes was one of the names of Bacchus, which, with the Latin termination, is
nothing else than Yesus, or Jesus.”
— Robert Taylor (1829), The Diegesis (pg. 186)

In 1817, Napoleon Bonaparte put forward his reasoned opinion that Jesus never existed:

“I have dictated thirty pages on the world’s three religions; and I have read the Bible. My own mind is made
up. I do not think Jesus Christ ever existed.”

In 1912, American church historian Shirley Case, in her The Historicity of Jesus, attempted to refute the
contention that Jesus never existed. [1]

In 2014, Richard Carrier, in his On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason to Doubt, wherein he
describes himself as a “marginally renowned atheist”, attempts to argue that Jesus as an historical figure never
existed, but rather the figure of Jesus is a mythical aggregate, or something along these lines. [2]

The following are
related quote:

“In my
it’s easier to
find and
practicing the
teachings of
Jesus than a
— Phillip
Image from a 2014 article ( ) discussing the similarities between Horus and Jesus, each with a cross
(2011), (or ankh), the symbol of life and afterlife.
“Is Religion Inherently Homicidal?”, May 25 ( )( )

“The original Hebrew-Aramaic name of Jesus is yeshu‘a, which is short for yehōshu‘a (Joshua) [compare:
Joshua 10:13], just as Mike is short for Michael. The name yeshu‘a occurs 27 times in the Hebrew
Scriptures, primarily referring to the high priest after the Babylonian exile, called both yehōshu‘a (see, e.g.,
Zechariah 3:3) and, more frequently, yeshu‘a (see, e.g., Ezra 3:2). So, Yeshua’s name was not unusual; in
fact, as many as five different men had that name in the Old Testament. And this is how that name came to
be “Jesus” in English: Simply stated, this is the etymological history of the name Jesus: Hebrew/Aramaic
yeshu‘a became Greek Iēsous, then Latin Iesus, passing into German and then, ultimately, into English, as
— Michael Brown (2013), “What is the Original Hebrew Name for Jesus?” ( )

1. Case, Shirley J. (1912). The Historicity of Jesus: A Criticism of the Contention that Jesus Never Lived, a
Statement of the Evidence for His Existence, an Estimate of His Relation to Christianity. University of Chicago
2. Carrier, Richard. (2014). On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason to Doubt. Sheffield Phoenix

External links
Jesus – Wikipedia.

Latest page update: made by Sadi-Carnot , Sep 4 2018, 12:25 AM EDT (about this update - complete history)
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Anonymous Wow. 1 Jul 20 2017, 2:52 PM EDT by Sadi-Carnot

Thread started: Jul 20 2017, 1:22 PM EDT Watch

"In 1514, Pope Leo X stated that Jesus or Christ was a fable and a profitable superstition. "

Ha. No, actually he didn't. That quote is from a PROTESTANT POLEMIC against the pope to make a point.
Do your research people. Wow.

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