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July 29-
August 2
The heavens are telling the glory of God; and
the firmament proclaims his handiwork. —
Psalm 19.1

Register at

Join us as we gather to explore the wonder of

God’s creation — right in our own back yard. Besides the usual camp activities (canoeing/kayaking/
horse back riding/vespers/camp fire), we will reflect on the glory of the created world. The camp
includes an entire day exploring Glacier National Park.

Our leader will be:

Alyssa Cornell-Chavez. Alyssa will be our group leader, helping us understand and deepen our
knowledge of creation and its beauty. Alyssa writes of herself: I grew up in Livingston, MT where I
developed a passion for the outdoors and its history. After high school, I moved to Tempe, AZ where I earned my
History BA and History MA with and emphasis in public history from Arizona State University. During my
graduate program I started an internship with the Montana Natural History Center as an education intern. I
started working for MNHC after my graduation and have been working with them as Teaching Naturalist for
almost two years. I also earned my Montana Master Naturalist certification in 2018 while working for the center.
I love working outdoors and getting to teach and guide learners of all ages. Having the opportunity to connect
people to nature is so rewarding and I honestly always learn something new every time I go on a trip. The joy on
people’s faces when a bird they have never seen flies by, or when  they have a chance to identify a particularly
interesting track always puts a smile on my face.

Camp Director Rev. Tim Lanham will lead adult discussion — coordinating our exploration of
creation with the witness of Scripture and its theology which affirms that the heavens declare the
glory of God. Associate Director LJ Atkins and the Glacier Camp Staff will lead youth activities
— ensuring that kids of all ages have a fun and
Schedule: fulfilling time.
July 29 Monday -- 3.00 pm Registration
Cost: Ages 13+ $150 per person
6.00 pm Dinner
7.30 pm Campfire Ages 6-12 $75.00
July 30 Tuesday --
“For he has founded it on the seas, and Maximum cost for a family -- $450.00
established it on the rivers.” -- Psalm 24.2
Partial and Full Scholarships are available.
Theme: Water -- Explore the cultural and
geographic history of the Flathead Lake Area,
with a chance to go canoeing, kayaking, and/or
swimming in the Lake.

July 31 Wednesday --
“Consider the lilies, how they grow: they
neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even
Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like
one of these. But if God so clothes the grass
of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow
is thrown into the oven, how much more will
he clothe you—you of little faith!” -- Luke 12.27,
Theme: Creation and Providence --
Begin to understand God’s special care for
creation and humanity on a day-long trip to
Glacier Park, with stops at Lake McDonald and
on Logan Pass.

August 1 Thursday --
“The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow...

the desert shall rejoice and blossom; like the

photo: Glacier lilies and snow on Logan Pass,
crocus it shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice Glacier National Park
with joy and singing.” -- Isaiah 35.1-2a
Theme: Earth -- Develop an
understanding of creation, with all its order and
its majesty, as a testimony to the hand of God
which calls upon all things (even and especially
nature) to rejoice in God’s presence. We will
explore hiking trails at West Shore Park and
enjoy a picnic lunch set against this impressive
backdrop of nature.

August 2 Friday -- 10.30 am Concluding


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