Civil Rights Ib History Notes

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In the June exam there will be three areas of questions on (african american) Civil


- The non-violent civil rights movement (MLK)

- The black power movement (Malcolm X, Black Panther)

- Civil rights & the Law

Pg 196-225 the cold war and the americas textbook

US Civil Rights (1800-1950)

Civil Rights - refers to the positive acts governments take to protect against arbitrary and
discriminatory treatment by government or individuals.

13th admendment - banned slavery forever

14th amendment - gaurantees equal protection of the laws and anyone born in america is a

15th amendment - specifically gives blacks the right to vote

Black codes
- The south started to create laws that restricted the opportunities for Black Americans
- Jim Crowe Laws
- Not allowed to marry white people, go to university, being on juries, testifying in court
- Beggining of legal segregation
- They came up with a bunch of different ways to prevent blacks from voting
- Poll taxes (need to pay, blacks were poor)
- Literacy Tests (blacks didn’t have good education) that were unfair and was not the
same literacy test for blacks and whites
- Whites only primaries
- Grandfather clause (you can only vote if your grandfather votes; no black person can

Plessy vs Ferguson (1896)

- Plessy was 7/8th white and 1/8th black and was arrested for sitting in the white section
of the bus
- The supreme court ruled that the louisiana rule was constitutional because it offered
seperate but equal facilities for blacks did not violate the equal protection clause
- Once the supreme court layed this rule out, every state started to roll out segregation
Booker T Washington
- Born in the south as a slave, he realized the massive barriers for African Americans
- He beleives that you must prove them wrong/earn their respect through hard work
- So he thought the african americans should do jobs, business, etc.. to show they can
work hard in order to prove themselves to southerners
- He throught they shouldn’t reach to far and become lawyers, doctors, etc.. because it
was unrealistic
- Founds the national negro business league, and founded the first comprehensive school
for freed slaves in the South

W.E.B Du Bois (1868-1963)

- Born in Massechusetts (Northerner), and went to university outside of America
- He wanted the opposite of Booker T Washington, he wanted African Americans to reach
for total equality and become doctors, lawyers, etc..
- One of the founding members of the NAACP

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People)

- Uses the American Legal System and the American courts to fight for civil rights for
African Americans
- Accomplishments:
- GrandFather Clause outlawed (1915)
- Race Riots and Lynchings claim hundreds of lives (1919)
- 25 race riots occur in the summer of 1919, 38 killed in chicago, 70 blacks including 10
veterans are lynched in the South
- They try to get laws past against lynchings, but the federal government across the USA
were against

Marcus Garvey
- The father of African/Black Pride
- The president of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communites
of League
- Thought that African Americans should join together and celebrate/preserve their African
- He also thought that African Americans should go back to their original homeland, Africa

Women are Allowed To Vote

- Coalitions of women’s groups secured the ratifications of the 19th amendment (1920)
garunteeing all women the right to vote

A Philip Randolph
- Fought for labour rights for African Americans

Civil rights Under FDR

- Executive order 8802 forbids race discrimination in hiring June 1941, FDR sets up Fair
Employment Practices Commission to assure non-discrimination
- Japanese-Americans sent to concentration camps 1942

Jackie Robinson joins Brooklyn Dodgers 1947, first African American to play in Major league
Baseball, breaks color barrier

Armed forces integrated 1948, President Truman issues executive order 9981 requiring
integrated units in the armed forces

The NAACP sets up a legal defense fund to persue equality in the legal courts

The court ruled in Sweatt vs Painter 1950

Thurgood Marshall
Lead lawyer for NAACP

Brown VS Board of Education

- Linda Carol Brown was not allowed to attend a school four blocks from her house
because it was for white students
- Instead she has to walk twently-one blocks to the nearest all-black school
- NAACP argued intellectual, psyiological and financial damage that befell Blacks
- 64 years after Plessy the court struck down the doctrine “seperate but equal”
- But however the towns were already segregated into black and white areas, so the black
would needed to be bussed from the black section where the black schools were into
white schools, which costs money

Brown VS Board of Education Part 2

- States must with all deliberate speed dismantle this system
- Southern Manifesto urges resistance to desegregation efforts 1956
- Over 100 southern meembers of congress sign document attacking the supreme court
- Only Lyndon Johnson, Estes Kefauver, and Albert Gore Sr. refuse to join protest against
brown vs board of education

Central High and Governor Orval Faubus

- illustrate the long and costly battle to end segregation

Little Rock Central Highschool Desegregated

- Faubus said he wouldn’t allow desegregation in his state
- In 1957, the school board votes to integrate, the Arkansas national guard troops prevent
black children from attending school
- 1000 federal paratroopers are sent to escort black students and preserve the peace
- He responds by closing schools for a year 1958-59
- The public started to notice this, especially northerners

Rosa Parks - Montgomery Boycott Campaign

- The Rosa parks will be a two-fold campaign : it will be a legal battle with NAACP and
battle for public relations
- Martin Luther King is chosen to lead this public relations campaign
- MLK was aware of Gahndi’s tactics and wanted to use them, he wanted a nonviolent
- The busses are boycotted and so they were losing money, and they lose in court
- They were united and commited in not riding the bus
- Dr. King founded the SCLC in 1957, this group conducted nonviolent protests such as sit
ins, boycotts, public swimming pools, waiting rooms, lunch counters, other public places
- Often local police attacked the peaceful protesters or chose not to defend them from
- In august 1963 more than 250 000 people marched peacefully on Washington to show
support for President Kennedy’s request that Congress ban discrimination
- King delivered his “I have a dream speech”
- His dream was for african and white people to coexist
- In 1964 the Civil Rights bill says that any public intstitution can not discriminate
- Allowed government to withhold funds from discriminatory state and local programs
- Prohibited dicrimination on the basis orf race, color, religion, national origin, or sex
- Created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Authorized the US Justice Department to initiate lawsuits to desegregate schools and
public facilities
- The court ruled that state imposed (de jure) segregation must be eliminated at once
- De jure = legal change
- however , a full decade after Brown less than 1% of african americans attended
integrated schools

Women’s Rights Movement

- Equal pay and equal opportunity
- Reproductive rights
- Divorce rights
- Maternity leave
- Domestic and sexual violence

James Merideth is the first to challenge integration on a university level, he registered to Uni of
Mississipi and 5000 federal troops are sent by Pres. Kennedy to allow Meredith to register for
Riots result in 2 death and 100 of injured
- King and SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) oppose local laws that
support segregation
- Riots, fire-bombing, and police are against using protestors
- April 16, 1963 in response to white ministers who urge him to stop causing disturbances,
King issues articulate statement of nonviolent resistence to wrongs of American Society
- “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

- Gov. Wallace stops desegregation of the University of Albama June 1963

- Standing in the schoolhouse door and promising segregation “today, tommorow and
forever” Wallace is forced by president to stop
- Head of Mississipi NAACP is shot outside his home on the same night that Pres,
Kennedy addresses the nation on race, asking “are we to say to the world...that this is a
land of the free except the negroes”
- Emmet Till case
- Bombing of birmingham church, 4 black girls killed
- Overcoming 57 day Senate filibuster, Congress passes law forbiding racial
discrimination in many areas of life
- Civil righst workers seek to register black workers
- 3 are killed and many black homes and churches are burned
- National outrage helps pass civil rights legislation

Selma to Montgomery March

- King leads 54-mile march to support black voter registration
Bloody Sunday March 7th, 1965
- President johnson addresses nation in support of marchers
- After passage southern blac voter registration grows over 50%
- This was the greatest change that came as the result of the civil rights movements

Exam question : Determine the success of the nonviolent civil rights movement.
Determine which was more effective the black power or the nonviolent.
- Watts Riots in LA

Voting Rights Act Approved August 6, 1965

- After passage, southern black voter registration grows by over 50% and black officials
are elected to various positions
- In Mississipi black voter registration grew from 7% to 67%.

Watts Riots 1965

- In first of more than 100 riots
- Los Angeles black suburb erupts in riots, burning, looting and 34 deaths
- The riot begins with police brutality
- 10% of the american population is black
- Worst riots in US history results in 43 deaths in Detroit and federal troops being called
out to restore order
Malcolm X
- The nation of Islam
- Born in a small town in the south and his dad was hung by the Klan when he was a kid
- This sent his mother insane, so he was sent to live in the ghetto in Detroit with relatives
- He became a drug dealer and a pimp (called himself detroit Red)
- He was a successful gangster until he got thrown in jail, he was approached by
someone who showed him the Nation Of Islam a black empowerment group
- While in jail he started to embrace the teachings of Nation of Islam
- Malcolm X was a fantastic speaker as well

Stockely Carmicheal

H. Rap Brown

Huey Newton

Black Panther

Black Power Party for self Defense

- Protect people from police brutality
- Under California law they carried clearly visible guns to intimidate the police
- They have a manifesto called the 10 point program
- they were more than a “policing the police” group
- Wanted “black colonies” in USA, they wanted to be seperate from America
- They organized food drives, healthcare, voter registration, opened schools for kids
- The FBI targeted the Black Panther; 26 assassinated, 750 imprisoned

Non violent Black power

Integration: Sepreration:
- By working together with white people - USA is rotten and cannot be fixed, the
and enacting change throughout their system must be discarded
court system - The legal system is inherintly biased

- The ultimate goal is to be a part of - Ultimate goal is self-impowerment,

america with equality pride and building up a strong black

- “Violence is as american as apple pie”

-sought equaliry - Already assumed they were equal

Stagnation/Inflation (the price of goods is increasing more than salaries)

arab-Isreali Wars 1967-1973 (foreign affairs start to impact domestic affairs)
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)- its a Cartel / Oil Embargo
Shuttle Diplomacy
Real Politik (do whatever is necessary for americas benefit)

1972 $1 million program of kidnapping wiretaps and other illegal campaign activity mitchell
rejects this plan as it is too expensive

Henry Kissinger
-national security advisorfrom 1969-1975 and Secretary of State from 1973-1977
-key contributor to the foreign policy decisions of the Nixon Administration
-Created the concept of “Shuttle Diplomacy” This involved travel between conflicting nations to
settle disputes

Nixon is interested in Arms reduction because their economy is doing poorly and they don’t
want to spend money
Nixon fixes relations with China
The Russia-Chinese Boarder is the largest boarder on earth

The Sino-Soviet Split

- When Stalin dies, Russia declares that they are no longer foollowing Stalinism, and
criticized it
- Mao who followed Stalinism strictly, did not like this because his own authority was put
into question because he followed stalinism

- Strategic Arms Race

- Rapprochement with China

First Term Foreign Policy Goals:

- Strategic Arms Limitation
- Peaceful Negotiation with Foreign Powers
- Raprochement with China
- Detente with Soviet Union
- Reduced commintments of manpower to foreign nations (Nixon Doctrine)
- “Peace with honor” in Vietnam


-market for their goods in -detente

china -they like the arms reduction
-saving money

-increase tensions between

the USSR and China
-arms reduction

Ping-Pong Diplomacy
- breaking the ice between the to two countries

Did Nixon Succeed?

- Soviet fReAkEd out when china became allies with the ud
- Tacit ally
- Worry about the potential nuclear retalliation

Situation in Chile
- Banana Republic (known for growing/having few particular items)
- Chile known for mining-copper farming

Domestic Impact (Reforms of eduardo frei)

- Urban workers = poor workers and support left

- Wealthy landowners = right
- Catholic Church = right

- The programme put forward by Fre ajnd the Christian Democrats was called ‘Revolution
in Liberty’
- It promised reforms with the aim of improving the conditions of the lower classes
- Frei instituted a program of Chileanization of copper industry
- 51% of the shares of the US copper companies were purchased

US aid to assist reforms

- With this wealth the government set about improving the economy:
- New industries, paper and petrochemicals were developped
- Andean pact created a common market with Colombia, Bolivia, Equador, and Peru
- Banking Reforms were effected
- A graduated income tax

- A drop in world copper price led to inflation, which led to strikes and repression
- Internation Monetary Fund (IMF) World Bank

Consolidation - support base
Repression - DINA, caravan of death, operation condor, FEAR
Propaganda - Censorship, State Run Media
Economic Reforms brought some growth
Charity- wife, shurch, rich, etc…

Elimination of Opposition
Support Base

Events Leading to Power

Salvador Allende’s death during military coup aimed to overthrow power
Pinochet became commander-and-chief of the arned forces
After the 1973 coup Pinochet was named President of Chile
Pinochet declared himself dictator and began to denationalize march 1974

Crimes Against Humanity

January 28, 2005
Arrest of ex-DINA Director
Manuel Contreras
- Pinochet closed the DINA in 1978
- Pardoned himself from all future prosecution for action 1973-1978
- January 1998 Judgge Juan Guzman begins to investigate allegations against Pinochet
- DINA (secret police)
Caravan of death
- 97 victims
- Arrest of artists, intellectuals and professors
- Torture, permanant kidnapping and murder
Operation Condor
October 17th 1998 arrested in London on charges from a Spanish Court
House arrest for 16 months
March 2, 2000 Home Secretary Jack Straw, “Pinochet unfit physically to stand trial”
Returned to Chile
Immunity Lifted by Chilean Courts to apply to those of the “dissapeared”

Louis St. Laurent-Liberal Party (1948-1957)

Themes in Canadian history:

Relations with the united states

- Economic relations with the US
- Foreign relations with the US (Cold War)

Domestic policy
- Help in vietnam
- Missile crisis

Canadian Identity
- Anglo-french relations
- Immigration
- Multiculturalism

Indegineous Policy

Background Influences
WLM King’s goverenment used Orders in Council (a way to pass laws without going through
parliament-decree) to push through legislation
This alienated the provinces and turned the federal

The Indian Act governs the relationship between the federal government and Canada’s First
Nations that are registered under the Indian Act as “status indian”

This act controls all aspects of First Nations existence in Canada, and was created and
amended through the years WITHOUT any input from the First Nations themselves

Sexist laws in the Indian act, and they could not drink alcohol, other unfair laws…
First Nations refered to native peoples both registered and non-registered


Indian Rights:

Blue Quill, children from 11 reserves, Indians fought to run this school before it was about to be
shut down

Frank Coulder & the Nishka Valley

The Silent Revolution

1. Canada is an agreement between two people the English & French against america
2. Discrimination: English School Act - Manitoba
3. QR
4. How do they progress in these areas? - insure future of french culture & language
-charlotte town accords
-clarity act

Seperatism Referendum: NON 60 & OUI 40, NON 50.5 & OUI 49.5

Patriation of the Constitution

Outlines elections, powers of the governement

Fear a loss of provincial power & they fear the loss of elected officials in making decisions to
appointed judges

Non withstanding clause

- The 101 law -- charter rights violation
- The charter helps solidfy the just society

After WW2 attitudes (Worldwide) towards human rights began to change, specifically with the
concept of Crimes against humanity

In 1948 the UN adopted a Universal Declaration od the Human Rights which was headed by
John Humphery, a Canadian

The declaration made the plight of First Nations more apparent and leaders began advocating a
revision of the Indian Act

St. Laurent amended the Indian Act in 1951 and investigate the Indian Act
Restrictions were lifted on First Nation’s culture (like the Potlatch which was banned in the

Potlatch - celebration of Indian culture, communal feast

Potlatches were banned in 1885

Indians should be ruled through indian agents

In 1949, the USSR detonated its first atomic bomb, which influenced all of Canada’s national
defense decisions
Canada was a founding member of NATO in 1949
NORAD is created (North American Air Defense) peldging to share joint command in terms of
defending north american air defense
Canada is stuck in between the war between the us and the soviet union
DEW Distant Early Warning Lines, build a bunch of radar stations in the north

Canada supports the US in the Korean war

Economic Policies
Wartime production had nearly doubled Canada’s GNP, and this continued after the war (CD
Canada becomes one of the largest aluminum manufacturer in the world
Canada becomes the biggest supplier of materials for the usa’s arms race
1947, a massive oil field was found south of edmonton, Alberta
Le Duck is where the oil was found in Alberta

Economic Policies
-Transportation became a primary focus of Saint Laurent
-Pipelunes were built west and east of Alberta
-They went through the US making Alberta oil available to the uS which was a touchy subject in

-Many felt Canada needed to be more independent from the US and focus on themselves
-trans-Canada pipeline was built, but it was used as propaganda by the Conservative John
Defeinbaker to bring down St. Laurent and launch himself into power
-the pipeline would help transport oil and gas
-America dominated Canada’s natural resource industry
- the liberal government managed the country as they saw fit partly due to support from a civil
service they had creayed and with limited interference in parliement
- a pipeline is similar to a “toll-road”
- St. Laurent used his parliamentary Liberal majority

St Laurent seaway
Between 1954-1959

Deifenbaker- Conservative Party 1957-1963

Appointed the first female cabinet member, and the first aboriginal to become senator
Deifenbakeer attacked their smugness...the liberals lost the majority
Suffered discrimination for being german and ukraine, so understood discrimination of other
minority groups
He made the Bill Of Rights to protect Canadians from discrimination
However certain laws don’t apply every where
Its more symbolic that actually enforced
Cancellation of sputnik
Nationalism-policies that strengthen/favor your country
SUEZ CRISIS (1956), Nasser, leader of egypt, nationalized the Suez Canal (in Egypt) taking
control away from Britain & France

In retaliation, Britain, France and Isreal (who did not like Egypt) bombed egypt
Canada declined to be part of the vietnam war
Pearson spoke at Temple University

Trudeau’s concept of multiculturalism was that everybody was equal, and nobody should have
special privelege
Nobody having special privelege meant, quebec was not special/different, indegenous people
were not special/different, and that english people were not special/different

- Took their land / land claims
- Religious conversion
- Reservations & reserve
Blue quills residential school
Herald Cardinal
Draft dodger - young american men trying to avoid being sent to vietnam
Divergence of the third objectives, foster economic growth, perserve sovreignty, promote social
Improve canadians quality of life
Maintain environmental protection
Nuclear ban

- A comprehensive test ban

Ronald Raegan was damaging to the Canadian economic interest, hard line with the USSR andf
Central America

Battle for the hearts and minds of the people of quebec, as to what is the palace of quebec
Sepratists (radicals FLQ & Gradualists) VS Fedralists * want to keep quebec in Canada *

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