Olvasott Szövegértés - Chaplin Sírja

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Charlie Chaplin’s Grave Robbed 40 Years Ago

40 years ago, two men dug up and removed Charlie
Chaplin’s coffin with his body still inside in
an attempt to extort money from his widow Oona; they
were later caught and convicted, and the legendary
comedian was eventually re-buried in his original plot. Just
over 40 years ago, robbers snatched renowned entertainer
Charlie Chaplin’s corpse from his grave near Lake Geneva
in Switzerland. His fourth wife Oona was notified by police
that her husband’s coffin with the body inside had been
dug up and was missing.
The actor had died just months earlier on Christmas Day at
the age of 88 and was buried two days later by their home.
The thieves eventually contacted her with
a ransom demand of more than $600,000 for the return of
his body and even made threats against their two youngest
children. She refused to comply, and, after five weeks
of surveillance, two auto mechanics – Gantscho Ganev
from Bulgaria and Roman Wardas of Poland – were
arrested for the crime. They led authorities to
a cornfield near the family home where they
had temporarily buried the coffin. The men were later
convicted of grave robbing and attempted
extortion. Chaplin was put back in his original burial
plot but with a concrete coating to prevent future

Find words and expressions that mean the same from

the text.
1. famous
2. money demanded in exchange for freeing someone
3. adead body
4. to inform
5. to do what you are told to do
6. for a period of time
7. awoman whose husband is dead
8. abox in which a dead person is buried
9. covering
10. an act of trying to do something
coffin - koporsó attempt - kísérlet
to extort - kikényszeríteni, kicsikarni
widow - özvegy(asszony) to convict - elítélni
to re-bury - újratemetni renowned - híres
corpse - holttest grave - sír
to notify - értesíteni thief - tolvaj
ransom - váltságdíj demand - követelés
threat - fenyegetés surveillance - rendőri megfigyelés
to comply - engedelmeskedni, teljesíteni (kérést, követelést)
cornfield - kukoricaföld temporarily - ideiglenesen
burial plot - sírhely coating - borítás, burkolat

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