Olvasott Szövegértés - Gardening

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Is the neighbour’s garden really greener?

Spring is in the air. March is the first spring month after the
long and bleak season of wintertime. The birds start
chirping, the first spring flowers start blooming and soon
the first fresh green leaves of grass appear in the lawn. The
fruit trees are beautiful in their bloom and the sweet smell
of their flowers attracts the buzzing honey bees. Those
who like gardening and have green fingers just can't wait to
do somegarden work as soon as they feel the first weak
beams of sunshine and the gentle spring breeze on their
face. Gardening has practical benefits but it can also be
fun. You don't necessarily need a big plot of land if you
want to start gardening. You can grow vegetables and
herbs in flowerpots or window boxes on your balcony
if you don't have a real garden, and potted flowers can 1
make even the simplest and smallest place a nice sight.
If you are lucky to have a garden, your work usually
starts with some raking and weeding before planting
flowers and sowing seeds. Before planting and sowing
you'll have to dig the soil and then make holes for the
plants and seeds. Garden gloves come in handy if you don't
want to soil your hands with the dirt. After planting, the
seeds and plants need water regularly so that they can grow
well. Seeds first then little seedlings grow out of the soil. If
you are a conscientious gardener and you take good care of
your seedlings, soon you will be able to enjoy the delicious
flavour of the first fresh vegetables from your own garden.
You can sow carrots, lettuce, peas, beans, spinach, cabbage,
cucumber, radish, and plant little seedlings of tomatoes and
pepper. Seedlings are available in nurseries quite early as
they are usually grown in greenhouses. Plant your own
strawberries as well, there's nothing better than home

grown strawberries. Spring is the season for planting fruit

trees and bushes and pruning the older ones. Pruning is
expert work, not everyone can do it well, so if you're not
sure what to do ask for the advice of a professional
gardener. Your lawn needs special care too, if you want to
enjoy the green grass till late autumn. Raking, fertilizing,
and weeding are always necessary and you might have to
replant seeds in places where you don't find the grass
strong and thick enough. Lawn mowing comes soon
after the first spring sunshine, because grass grows
very quickly. Spring flowers are colourful and sweet-
smelling. Annual flowers, like daisy, pansy, and geranium,
don't survive the winter, you have to plant or seed them
every year. Perennial flowers, like hyacinth, violet, forget-
me-not, daffodil, snowdrop, rose, don't have to be planted
again, so you can enjoy their fragrant beauty every spring. 2
To work in the garden you certainly need special gardening
tools, e.g. a shovel, a fork, a hoe, a rake, a spade, a
wheelbarrow, secateurs, a lawnmower, a hose and a
watering can. It's worth buying quality tools, as you will use
them for a long time. If you tend to your garden well, you'll
be able to harvest your crop and pick your own fruit. No
store bought vegetables or fruit can be as delicious as the
ones you grow at home in your garden. If you haven't
experienced it yet, just go ahead and give it a try.

Spring is in the air - Mindjárt itt a tavasz.
bleak - sivár, komor, szürke to chirp - csiripelni
to bloom - virágozni lawn - gyep, fű
to attract - vonzani to buzz - zümmögni
to have green fingers - jó, ügyes a kertészkedésben
can’t wait - alig várják beam - sugár

breeze - szellő benefit - haszon

necessarily - szükségszerűen plot - földdarab, parcella
herb - fűszernövény, gyógynövény
flowerpot - virágcserép window boxes - virágláda
potted flowe - cserepes virág raking - gereblyézés
weeding - gyomlálás, gazolás seed - mag
to sow/ sowed/ sown - vetni soil - termőföld
gardening glowes - kertész kesztyű
to soil - bepiszkolni dirt - föld
come in handy - jól jön sprout - csírázni
seedling - palánta conscientious - lelkiismeretes
flavour - ízesítés lettuce - saláta
spinach - spenót radish - retek
nursery - faiskola, kertészet greenhouse - melegház
there’s nothing better than - nincs jobb, mint…
bush - bokor to prune - metszeni 3
expert work - szakértelmet igénylő munka
fertilizing - trágyázás lawn mowing - fűnyírás
annual flower - egynyári növény
daisy - margaréta pansy - árvácska
geranium - muskátli perennial flower - évelő
hyacinth - jácint violet - ibolya
forget - me - not - nefelejts daffodil - nárcisz
snowdrop - hóvirág fragnant - illatos
gardening tools - kerti szerszámok
shovel - lapát fork - villa
hoe - kapa rake - gereblye
wheelbarrow - talicska secateurs - metszőolló
lawnmower - fűnyíró hose - slag
it’s worth - érdemes quality tools - jó minőségű
to tend (to) - gondozni to harvest - szüretelni
crop - termés to pich - leszedni, szedni
to give it a try - kipróbálni

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