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Adaptive Finite Time Control of Nonlinear

Quantized Systems with Actuator Dead-Zone
Yan Zhang, Fang Wang, Jianhui Wang, and Yuanyuan Huang

Abstract—This paper investigates a finite-time control prob- control for linear and non-linear programs has also caught the
lem of nonlinear quantized systems with actuator dead-zone in attention of many scholars. The stability of a category of linear
a non-strict feedback form. By combing a simplified dead-zone
quantized systems was investigate in [13]- [14]. In addition,
model and the sector-bound characteristic of a hysteretic quan-
the quantized control of a kind of uncertain nonlinear systems
tizer, the control difficulty of coexistence of unknown actuator
dead-zone and control signal quantization effect can be overcome. was studied in [15]- [19]. Compared with the schemes in [13]-
By applying the approximation ability of neural network systems, [14], the system models in [15]- [19] do not need to be fully
an integrated adaptive controller is constructed, which can known to the designer. By applying backstepping skill, some
compensate the unknown control gain. The designed neural
novel approaches were proposed in [20]- [23] for the input
controller can ensure the transient performance of nonlinear
quantization to compensate the unknown control gain. Unlike
quantized systems with actuator dead-zone in finite-time. Based
on the Bhat and Bernstein theorem, the finite-time stability of some existing control strategies for input quantized nonlinear
system is proved. Finally, a numerical example is given to verify systems, the proposed control schemes in [20]- [23] do not
the validity of the proposed approach. require the global Lipschitz condition and the quantization
Index Terms—Adaptive neural control, backstepping tech- parameters can be unknown to the designer. In [24], a new
nique, unknown dead-zone, nonlinear quantized systems, finite- control approach was presented for a kind of stochastic non-
time stability. linear systems with unknown hysteresis. It is noteworthy that
the adaptive fuzzy or neural control in [22] and [24] requires
I. I NTRODUCTION the systems to have pure feedback form. In theory, when the
system does not meet these situations, the system can not be
Over the past few decades, the adaptive fuzzy or neural
controlled by the controller. Furthermore, for a more general
control based on approximation has received extensive atten-
category of non-strict feedback systems with quantized input,
tion. In [1]- [12], fuzzy logical or neural network systems
the issue of an adaptive tracking was discussed in [25]. By
were applied to model the unknown nonlinear functions, and
applying the Lyapunov function approach, for a category of
the adaptive controllers were designed by combing adaptive
switched stochastic systems with quantized input, a systematic
technique with backstepping. Although some achievements
adaptive control method was developed in [26]. Although the
have been made in [1]- [12], the impact of quantization on the
progress have been made for quantized systems in [13]- [26],
systems was neglected. Therefore, the problem of quantized
the problem of actuator dead-zone was not considered.
Y. Zhang is with the School of Mathematics and Systems Science, Shan- It is well known that the actuator dead-zone can worse
dong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China (e-mail: the systems performance. In order to deal with the dead-zone
F. Wang is with the College of Mathematics and Systems Science, Shandong nonlinearity, many approaches have been brought forward in
University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590 (e-mails: sandy- [27]- [31] to design the controllers. Among them, there are two main methods are usually employed. One method, as
J. H. Wang is with the College of Automation, Guangdong University
of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China, and also with the School of shown in [32]- [35], to compensate for the impact by creating
Mechanical and Electric Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou a slick inverse of dead-zone. The another method, as described
510006, China.(e-mail: in [36]- [45], facilitates the control design by establishing a
Y. Y. Huang is with the College of Computer and Communication Engi-
neering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410000 streamlined dead zone model. The above achievements are in
(e-mails: view of the implicit assumption that the control commands

2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2922748, IEEE Access

transmitted between the physical actuator and the controller highlighted as follows.
does not present quantization phenomena. The work [46] Compared with the existing researches on nonlinear
investigates the issue of stochastic nonlinear quantized systems quantized systems with actuator dead-zone, a novel finite-time
with actuator dead zone. However, the aforementioned control control strategy is developed. The proposed control scheme
researches in [13]- [46] focus on the problem of the infinite ensures the transient performance of quantized system with
time stability. In theory, the control schemes in [13]- [46] can actuator dead-zone in finite-time. On paper, a valid finite-time
not ensure the transient response of the system in finite time. solution is obtained for nonlinear quantized systems with
actuator dead-zone. Furthermore, according to the structural
As a class of time-optimal control, the finite-time control properties of radial basis function (RBF) neural networks
has been caught more and more attention by scholars in recent (NNs), the structure of the plants in this manuscript is in
years. The key characteristic of the finite-time control is to non-strict feedback form. Hence, the control scheme is more
make the system reach equilibrium in finite time and keep challenging and the control system is more common. The rest
equilibrium thereafter. A sliding controller was constructed of this manuscript is arranged as follows. The second part
in [47] by establishing a terminal mode sliding manifold. In provides necessary preparation and problem statement. The
order to solve the flutter phenomena caused by discontinuous third part addresses a tracking problem of non-strict feedback
controller, the Lyapunov theory of finite-time stability has been nonlinear quantized systems with actuator dead zone, and the
built for the first time in [48]- [49]. Then, the Lyapunov sta- finite time convergence is proved. The fourth part verifies the
bility theory in [48]- [49] is utilized to handle the subsequent effectiveness of the controller through an example. The fifth
finite-time control issues for the nonlinear systems in [50]- part gives the conclusion and points out the future research
[51]. In order to ensure the finite-time stability of nonlinear direction.
systems, some control programs were designed in [52]- [54]
for a kind of nonlinear systems with hysteretic characteristics. II. P REREQUISITES A ND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
By employing more appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii func-
A. Prerequisites
tional, the finite-time stability of time-varying delay systems
Lemma 1 (see [63]). Considering the nonlinear system
was discussed, see [55]- [58]. Furthermore, a new finite-
ρ = f (ρ, ς), for smooth positive definite function V (ρ) ∈ C 1 ,
time control strategy was presented in [59] for a category of
if there exist scalars c > 0, d > 0, and0 < σ < 1 satisfying
nonlinear system with actuation failures. The proposed control
scheme in [59] depends neither on the accurate model of
the system nor actuation failures. In addition, for a kind of V̇ (ρ) ≤ −cV σ (ρ) + d, t ≥ 0 (1)
nonlinear systems with dead-zone, several finite-time tracking
then, the system ρ̇ = f (ρ, ς) is SGPFS.
control programs were investigates in [60]- [65]. In [66],
Remark 1. Lemma 1 gives an important criterion of
a new adaptive finite-time output-feedback control method
SGPFS, which will be used to prove that the system is semi-
was proposed for a kind of nonlinear quantized systems with
global and practically finite-time stable.
unmeasurable states. By using the nonlinear decomposition
Lemma 2 (see [67]). For ιk ∈ R, k = 1, ..., n, 0 < p ≤ 1,
of hysteretic quantizer, the problem of quantization in finite-
one has
time was solved successfully in [67]. However, the works
n )p ∑
n (∑
n )p
[66]- [67] do not take into consideration the influence of the |ιk | ≤ |ιk |p ≤ n1−p |ιk | . (2)
actuator dead-zone on the control performance. To the best of k=1 k=1 k=1

our knowledge, up to now, the finite-time quantized control Lemma 3 (see [68]). For ∀ξ ∈ R and ∀ϵ > 0, the
problem of a category of nonlinear systems with actuator following relationship can be obtained:
(ξ )
dead-zone has not been studied, although its potentialities in
0 ≤ |ξ| − ξ tanh ≤ κϵ, κ = 0.2785. (3)
networked control systems. Considering the above discussion, ϵ
this manuscript is devoted to solving the finite-time control Lemma 4 (see [38]). For θ̂(t) = −γ θ̂(t) + κν(t), if
problem of non-strict feedback nonlinear quantized systems ν(t) > 0 and θ̂(t0 ) ≥ 0 is satisfied, one has θ(t) ≥ 0 for
with actuator dead-zone. The contributions of this paper are ∀t ≥ t0 , where γ > 0 and κ > 0 denote the design parameters.

2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2922748, IEEE Access

Lemma 5 (see [69]). For any real variables υ and ω, the unknown actuator dead zone of the finite-time deterministic
following inequality is satisfies: system. And this study will provide a stability analysis scheme
τ γ −τ for the actuator nonlinearity based on quantitative control
|υ|τ |ω|γ ≤ λ|υ|τ +γ + λ γ |ω|τ +γ . (4)
τ +γ τ +γ system.
where τ > 0, γ > 0 and λ > 0 represent the design Assumption 1. There exist smooth monotonously in-
parameters. creasing functions βi : R+ −→ R+ , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, under
Remark 2. Same as the finite-time studies in [1], [2], the initial value of βi (0) = 0 such that
[66], [67], Lemma 2 and Lemma 5 will be used widely to
|fi (x)| ≤ βi (∥x∥).
cope with the inequality (56) and (58).
What needs to be pointed out is that βi is a monotone
B. Problem description increasing function, which satisfies βi (0) = 0, that means
∑n ∑n
Think about the non-strict feedback system as follows: βi ( k=1 ak ) ≤ k=1 βi (nak ), where ak > 0. There is
 a smooth function hi (s) that makes βi (s) = shi (s). which

 ẋi = xi+1 + fi (x), 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1,

results in

ẋn = Γ(Q(u)) + fn (x), (5) ∑
n ∑

 y=x . βi ( ak ) ≤ nak hi (nak ) (8)
k=1 k=1

where x = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ]T ∈ Rn represents the state vector, This inequality will be widely applied in the following
y ∈ R represents the system output, u ∈ R represents processes.
the control signal. fi (.) : Rn → R represents an unknown Assumption 2. There are design parameters ϖ > 0 and
smooth nonlinear function. Γ(Q(u)) denotes the system input ϖ̄ > 0, such that
influenced by quantization and actuator dead zone, which can
be designed as follows: 0 < ϖ ≤ kl ≤ ϖ̄, 0 < ϖ ≤ kr ≤ ϖ̄.

 kr (Q(u) − br ), Q(u) ≥ br ,
 Because the existence of quantization and dead zone
Γ(Q(u)) = 0, bl < Q(u) < br , (6) increases the difficulty of controller design, it is necessary to

 k (Q(u) − b ), Q(u) ≤ b . introduce the following Lemma.
l l l

where bl and br stand for the breakpoints of the actuator Lemma 6 (see [46]). Γ(Q(u)) can be broken down as
nonlinearity. The parameters kr represents the right slope of below:
the actuator dead zone and the parameters kl denotes the left Γ(Q(u)) = H̄(u)u + Ḡ(t). (9)
slope of the actuator dead zone. Q(u(t)) denotes the hysteretic,
which can be expressed as follows:

 ui sgn(u), ui
< |u| ≤ ui , u̇ < 0, or ϖ(1 − δ) ≤ H̄(u) ≤ ϖ̄(1 + δ),

 1+δ

 ui < |u| ≤ 1−δ
|Ḡ(t)| ≤ ϖ̄ max{|br |, |bl |} + ϖ̄umin .

 , u̇ > 0. (10)

 ui (1 + δ)sgn(u), ui < |u| ≤ 1−δ , u̇ < 0,

ui (1+δ)
1−δ < |u| ≤
Q(u) = ui
 1−δ , u̇ > 0. C. Neural network systems

 0, 0 ≤ |u| < 1+δ , u̇ < 0, or

 Since system (5) contains the unknown function fi (.) :
1+δ ≤ |u| ≤ umin , u̇ > 0.

 − R n
→ R, therefore, radial basis function (RBF) neural
Q(u(t )), othercases.
(7) networks (NNs) will be adopted to approximate fi (.). An
where ui = ρ1−i umin (i = 1, 2, . . .), ρ ∈ (0, 1) represents a expression can be obtained as follows:
measure of quantization density, the parameter umin > 0, and
f (X) = ΦT ξ(X).
δ = 1−ρ
1+ρ . Therefore, Q(u) ∈ U = {0, ±ui , ±ui (1 + δ), i =
1, 2, . . .}. where X ∈ Ωx ⊂ Rq represents the input vector,
Remark 3. What needs to be pointed out is, compared Φ = [ϕ1 , ..., ϕl ]T ∈ Rl denotes the weight vector of
with the existing quantitative research, this paper considers the RBF NNs, l(> 1) denotes the number of nodes, ξ(X) =

2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2922748, IEEE Access

[ξ1 (X), ..., ξl (X)]T ∈ Rl represents the basis function vector, denotes the basis function vector of RBF NNs. ci > 0, ai > 0,
and ξi (X) as shown below: and σ = 2l−1
2l+1 (l > 2, l ∈ n) represent the design parameters.
(X − vi ) (X − vi )
T The controller can be expressed as follows:
ξi (X) = exp[− ], 1 ≤ i ≤ l.
ζ2 cn 2σ−1 zn θ̂n ξnT (Zn )ξn (Zn )
u=− z − , (14)
where vi = [vi1 , ..., viq ] T
is the center of the receiving field, 1−δ n 2a2n (1 − δ)
and ζ denotes the width of the Gaussian function. where cn > 0 and an > 0 are two parameters.
As shown in [11], f (X) is a continuous function define The adaptive law of θ̂ is chosen as:
on a compact set Ωx . For ∀ε > 0, there exists an RBF NNs qi
Φ∗T ξ(X), makes the following formula holds θ̂i = 2 zi2 ξiT ξi − γi θ̂i , θ̂i (0) ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n (15)

f (X) = Φ∗T ξ(X) + δ(X), ∀X ∈ Ωx . (11) where qi > 0 and γi > 0 denote the design parameters.
Assumption 3. For the desired trajectory yd and its i-th
where δ(X) is the approximation error, Φ∗ represents the ideal (i)
derivative yd , i = 1, 2, ..., n, we have
weight vector, and the inequality |δ(X)| < ε holds. when the
number of nodes l is large enough, one has |yd | ≤ d, i = 0, 1, 2, ..., n

Φ∗ = arg min { sup |f (X) − ΦT ξ(X)|}. where d ≥ 0 denotes a constant.

Φ∈Rl X∈Ωx
Lemma 8. For zi = xi − αi−1 , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, one can
Lemma 7 (see [11]). Let ξ(X) = [ξ1 (X), ..., ξl (X)]T get the relation as follows:
denotes the basis function vector of an RBF NNs, and X =

[x1 , ..., xn ]T denotes the input vector. For ∀m ≤ n, let Xm = ∥x∥ ≤ |zi |ωi (zi , θ̂i ) + d (16)
[x1 , ..., xm ], we have i=1

where ωj (zi , θ̂i ) = 1 + ci zi2σ−2 + 1

θ̂ ξ T (Zi )ξi (Zi ), i
2a2i i i
∥ξ(X)∥2 ≤ ∥ξ(Xm )∥2 .
1, 2, . . . , n − 1, ωn (zn , θ̂n ) = 1.
Remark 4. The above lemma provides a simple but useful Proof. Let x = [x1 , . . . , xn ]T , z = [z1 , . . . , zn ]T , and
structural properties of an RBF NNs. It should be noted that in α = [α1 , . . . , αn ]T . Then, one has
the process of backstepping design, lemma 7 is very important ∑
n ∑

to deal with the entire state variable. ∥x∥ ≤ |xi | = |zi + αi−1 |
i=1 i=1
∑n ∑
i=1 i=1
In this part, an adaptive controller for the system (5) will
∑n ∑
be designed. In order to start the backstepping design process, ≤ |zi | + |yd | + (ci zi2σ−2 + θ̂i ξiT (Zi )ξi (Zi ))|zi |
i=1 i=1
Φi (Xi ) will be employed to approximate the unknown non-

linear function, define a constant θi = ∥Φi ∥2 , i = 1, 2, · · · , n, ≤ |zi |ωi (zi , θ̂i ) + d. (18)
where Φi represents the unknown weight vector of RBF NNs. i=1

Define θ̂i as the estimate of θi , θ̃i = θi − θ̂i as an estimation Step 1. For the non-strict feedback system (5), the
error. Then, define the error variables as follows: derivative of z1 is

z1 = x1 − yd , ż1 = ẋ1 − ẏd = x2 + f1 (x) − ẏd . (19)

zi = xi − αi−1 , i = 2, · · · , n. (12) Think about Lyapunov function candidate as follows:
where αi represents the virtual control function, it can be z12 θ̃2
V1 = + 1 , (20)
expressed as follows: 2 2q1
1 where q1 > 0 represents a design parameter.
αi = −ci zi2σ−1 − θ̂i zi ξiT (Zi )ξi (Zi ), (13)
2a2i Differentiating V1 yields
¯ (i)T ¯
where ξi (Zi )(Zi = [x̄Ti , θ̂iT , ȳd ]T with θ̂i = ˙
θ̃1 θ̂1
[θ̂1 , θ̂2 , . . . , θ̂i ] ),
ȳd =
(1) (i)
[yd , yd , . . . , yd ]T , i = 1, 2, . . . , n. V̇1 = z1 (z2 + α1 + f1 (x) − ẏd ) − . (21)

2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2922748, IEEE Access

According to Lemma 5, Assumption 1, (8) and Lemma By combining Lemma 5 and Lemma 7, the following
8, the following inequality can be obtained: inequality can be obtained:
n )
z1 f¯1 = z1 (ΦT1 ξ1 (X1 ) + δ1 (X1 ))
z1 f1 ≤ |z1 |β1 (∥x∥) ≤ |z1 |β1 |zl |ωl (zl , θ̂l ) + d
l=1 ≤ |z1 |(∥Φ1 ∥∥ξ1 (X1 )∥ + ε1 )

n ( ) 1 2 T
≤ |z1 |β1 (n + 1)|zl |ωl (zl , θ̂l ) + |z1 |β1 ((n + 1)d) ≤ z θ1 ξ (Z1 )ξ1 (Z1 )
2a21 1 1
1 1 1
n ∑ n
+ a21 + z12 + ε21 . (27)
≤ z12 + zl2 β̄12 (zl , θ̂l ) + |z1 |β1 ((n + 1)d), (22) 2 2 2
where θ1 = ∥Φ1 ∥2 , Z1 = (x1 , yd , ẏd ), and a1 > 0 denotes a
where design parameter.

1 Furthermore, according to θ̃1 = θ1 − θ̂1 , the following

β̄12 (zl , θ̂l ) = (n + 1)2 ωl2 (zl , θ̂l )h21 ((n + 1)|zl |ωl (zl , θ̂l )). inequality can be obtained:
γ1 γ1 2 γ1 2
Then, the following inequality can be obtained by using θ̃1 θ̂1 ≤ − θ̃1 + θ , (28)
q1 2q1 2q1 1
Lemma 3 to the term |z1 |β1 ((n + 1)d) in (22)
Substituting (15), (27)–(28) into (25), the following in-
( z β ((n + 1)d) )
|z1 |β1 ((n + 1)d) ≤ tanh
1 1 equality holds:
γ1 2 ∑ 2 2
×z1 β1 ((n + 1)d) + κϵ1 . (23)
V̇1 ≤ −c1 z12σ − θ̃ + zl β̄1 (zl , θ̂l )
2q1 1
Applying Lemma 5 to terms z1 z2 , one has ∑∑
n−1 k
−z12 β̄j2 (z1 , θ̂1 ) + + λ1 , (29)
z2 z2 2
k=2 j=1
z1 z2 ≤ 1 + 2 (24)
2 2
Substituting (13), (22)–(24) into (21), we have a21 ε2 γ1 2
λ1 = κϵ1 + + 1+ θ .
2 2 2q1 1
1 1
V̇1 ≤ − z12 − c1 z12σ − 2 θ̂1 z12 ξ1T (Z1 )ξ1 (Z1 )
2 2a1 Step i(2 ≤ i ≤ n − 1). Let us assume that
θ̃1 θ̂1 ∑ 2 2
˙ n
+z1 f¯1 − + zl β̄1 (zl , θ̂l ) ∑
1 1 2
q1 Vi−1 = ( zj2 + θ̃j ),
2 2q j
n−1 k
−z12 β̄j2 (z1 , θ̂1 ) + + κϵ1 , (25) satisfies
k=2 j=1
i−1 (
∑ γj 2 ) ∑ ∑ ∑ 2 2
i−1 s n

where V̇i−1 ≤ − cj zj2σ + θ̃j + zl β̄k (zl , θ̂l )

2qj s=1 k=1 l=i
(n + 2)z1 ∑ ∑∑
i−1 n−1 k
f¯1 = + z1 β̄12 (z1 , θ̂1 ) − ẏd − zs2 β̄j2 (zs , θ̂s ) + + λi−1 , (30)
2 2
( z β ((n + 1)d) ) s=1 k=i j=1
1 1
+β1 ((n + 1)d) tanh
ϵ1 where
n−1 k
+z1 β̄j2 (z1 , θ̂1 ). ∑
a2j ε2j γj 2
k=2 j=1
λi−1 = (κϵj + + + θj ).
2 2 2q j

It is clear that f¯1 is a function of β̄j . There exist an RBF And then, let us consider a Lyapunov function candidate
NNs ΦT ξ1 (X1 ), it can be used to approximate f¯1 . Namely,
1 as follows:
for ∀ε1 > 0, 1 1 2
Vi = Vi−1 + zi2 + θ̃ . (31)
2 2qi i
f¯1 = ΦT1 ξ1 (X1 ) + δ1 (X1 ), |δ1 (X1 )| ≤ ε1 . (26) Differentiating zi yields

where X1 = (x1 , . . . , xn , yd , ẏd ). żi = ẋi − α̇i−1 = xi+1 + fi (x) − α̇i−1 . (32)

2169-3536 (c) 2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2922748, IEEE Access

where following inequality can be obtained:

i−1 (

∂αi−1 ( ∑
i−1 ) ∑ γj 2 )
α̇i−1 = xj+1 + fj (x) +
∂αi−1 ˙
θ̂j V̇i ≤ − cj zj2σ + θ̃ + λi−1
∂xj 2qj j
j=1 ∂ θ̂j
1 2 1

∂αi−1 (j+1)
+ zi+1 − ci zi2σ − zi2 + zi f¯i
+ yd . (33) 2 2
j=0 ∂yd θ̂i 2 T 1 ˙
− 2 zi ξi (Zi )ξi (Zi ) − θ̃i θ̂i
2ai qi
Differentiating Vi yields ∑i ∑ s ∑ n
+κϵi + zl2 β̄k2 (zl , θ̂l )
s=1 k=1 l=i+1

V̇i = V̇i−1 + zi (zi+1 + αi + fi (x) − α̇i−1 ) ∑

i ∑
n−1 ∑

1 ˙ − zs2 β̄j2 (zs , θ̂s ), (39)

− θ̃i θ̂i . (34) s=1 k=i+1 j=1
According to Assumption 1, Lemma 5, (8) and Lemma

∂αi−1 ∑
∂αi−1 ˙
8, the following inequality can be obtained: f¯i = − xj+1 − θ̂j
∂xj j=1 ∂ θ̂j

n 2 ∑ 2 2 n ∑ ( ∂αi−1 )2 n + 3
n i−1
zi fi ≤ z + zl β̄i (zl , θ̂l ) + zi + zi
2 i 2 j=1 ∂xj 2
+|zi |βi ((n + 1)d), (35) (z χ ) ∑∑
n−1 s
i i

i−1 i−1
∑ +χi tanh + zi β̄j2 (zi , θ̂i )
∂αi−1 ∂αi−1 ϵi
zi fj ≤ |zi | βj ((n + 1)d) s=1 j=1
∂xj ∂xj
j=1 j=1 ∑
∂αi−1 (j+1)
i−1 ( −
∑ ∂αi−1 )2
yd .
n (j)
+ zi2 j=0 ∂yd
2 j=1 ∂xj

i−1 ∑
n Similarly, there exist an RBF NNs ΦTi ξi (Xi ), it can be
+ zl2 β̄j2 (zl , θ̂l ). (36) used to approximate f¯i . Namely, for ∀εi > 0, one can get the
j=1 l=1
relation as follows:
where β̄j2 (zl , θ̂l ) = 2 (n + 1)2 ωl2 (zl , θ̂l )h2j ((n + f¯i = ΦTi ξi (Xi ) + δi (Xi ), |δi (Xi )| ≤ εi . (40)
1)|zl |ωl (zl , θ̂l )).
Let where Xi = (x1 , . . . , xn , θ̂1 , . . . , θ̂i , yd , ẏd , . . . , yd ).
By combining Lemma 5 and Lemma 7, which is similar

∂αi−1 to the derivation in (27), the following inequality can be
χi = βi ((n + 1)d) + βj ((n + 1)d),
∂xj expressed as:

and using Lemma 3, one can get the relationship as follows: zi f¯i = zi (ΦTi ξi (Xi ) + δi (Xi ))
≤ |zi |(∥Φi ∥∥ξi (Xi )∥ + εi )
(z χ )
i i 1 2 T
|zi |χi ≤ κϵi + zi χi tanh . (37) ≤ z θi ξ (Zi )ξi (Zi )
ϵi 2a2i i i
1 1 1
+ a2i + zi2 + ε2i . (41)
where ϵi > 0 denotes a design parameter. 2 2 2
Meanwhile, applying Lemma 5, the following inequality (2)
where Zi = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xi , θ̂1 , θ̂2 , . . . , θ̂i , yd , ẏd , yd , . . . , yd ),

can be obtained: θi = ∥Φi ∥2 and ai > 0 denotes a design parameter.

zi2 z2 Furthermore, by θ̃i = θi − θˆi , the following inequality

zi zi+1 ≤ + i+1 . (38) can be obtained:
2 2
γi γi 2 γi 2
θ̃i θ̂i ≤ − θ̃i + θ . (42)
Substituting (13), (30), (33) and (35)–(38) into (34), the qi 2qi 2qi i

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2922748, IEEE Access

Substituting (15) and (40)–(42) into (39), one has Similarly, there exist an RBF NNs ΦTn ξn (Xn ), it can be
i (
∑ γj 2 ) used to approximate f¯n . Namely, for ∀εn > 0, one can get
V̇i ≤ − cj zj2σ + θ̃
2qj j the relation as follows:

i ∑
s ∑
f¯n = ΦTn ξn (Xn ) + δn (Xn ), |δn (Xn )| ≤ εn . (51)
+ zl2 β̄k2 (zl , θ̂l )
s=1 k=1 l=i+1

i ∑ ∑
n−1 k where Xn = (x1 , . . . , xn , θ̂1 , . . . , θ̂n , yd , ẏd , . . . , yd ).
− zs2 β̄j2 (zs , θ̂s ) By combining Lemma 5 and Lemma 7, which is similar
s=1 k=i+1 j=1
to the derivation in (27) and (41), the following inequality can
+ + λi , (43) be obtained
where zn f¯n = zn (ΦTn ξn (Xn ) + δn (Xn ))
a2j ε2j γj 2
λi = (κϵj + + + θj ). ≤ |zn |(∥Φn ∥∥ξn (Xn )∥ + εn )
2 2 2q j 1 2
≤ z θn ξnT (Zn )ξn (Zn )
Step n. According to (5), (9), (12), we have 2a2n n
1 1 1
+ a2n + zn2 + ε2n . (52)
żn = H̄(u)u + Ḡ(t) + fn (x) − α̇n−1 , (44) 2 2 2
where where Zn = (x1 , . . . , xn , θ̂1 , . . . , θ̂n , yd , ẏd , . . . , yd ), θn =
∑ ∂αn−1 ( ) n−1
∑ ∂αn−1 ˙ ∥Φn ∥2 and an > 0 denotes a design parameter.
α̇n−1 = xj+1 + fj (x) + θ̂j
∂xj j=1 ∂ θ̂j Applying Lemma 4, (10) and (14), one has

∂αn−1 1 2
yd . (45) zn H̄(u)u ≤ −cn zn2σ − z θ̂n ξnT ξn . (53)
(j) 2a2n n
j=0 ∂yd

Choose the Lyapunov function candidate as follows: Combing (15), (42), and (52)–(53) to (49), we have
1 1 2 ∑n
Vn = Vn−1 + zn2 + θ̃ , (46) γj 2
2 2qn n V̇n ≤ − (cj zj2σ + θ̃j ) + λn , (54)
2q j
According to (43), the following inequality can be ob-
tained: where
γj 2 ) ∑∑
n−1 s
1 1 1 γn 2
V̇n ≤ − cj zj2σ + θ̃ + zn2 β̄k2 (zn , θ̂n ) λn = λn−1 + a2n + ε2n + u2min + θ . (55)
2qj j s=1 2 2 2 2qn n
n−1 n
1 1 ˙ Theorem 1. Under Assumptions 1-3 and bounded initial
− zs2 β̄k2 (zs , θ̂s ) + zn2 + λn−1 − θ̃n θ̂n
s=1 k=1
2 qn conditions, the non-strict feedback nonlinear quantized system
+zn (H̄(u)u + Ḡ(t) + fn (x) − α̇n−1 ). (47) (5) before the input defined in (6) is considered. The controller
(14) and parameter adaptive law (15) can ensure that all the
Applying Lemma 5 and (10), one has
1 1 signals in the closed-loop system are bounded in probability
zn Ḡ(t) ≤ zn2 + u2min . (48) and the error signal z1 going to stay a compact set, which is
2 2
Substituting (48) into (47), we have defined by

n−1 { [ ]1/σ 1 }
γj 2 d
V̇n ≤ − (cj zj2σ + θ̃ ) + λn−1 + zn f¯n Ωz = (z, θ) V (t) ≤ , <ϱ<1
2qj j (1 − ϱ)c 2
1 1 1 ˙
− zn2 + zn H̄(u)u + u2min − θ̃n θ̂n , (49) with c = min{cj , γj , j = 1, 2, . . . , n}, d = λn + (1 −
2 2 qn σ ∑n
σ)σ 1−σ j=1 γj .
proof. Applying lemma 5, let ω = 1, τ = σ, v =
n−1 s
1 ˜2
f¯n = fn (x) − α̇n−1 + zn β̄k2 (zn , θ̂n ) 2qi θi , γ = 1 − σ, λ = 1
σ, the following relationship can be
s=1 k=1 obtained
n−1 n
− zs2 β̄k2 (zs , θ̂s ) + zn . (50) (
1 ˜2 σ σ
θi ) ≤ (1 − σ)σ 1−σ +
1 ˜2
θi (56)
s=1 k=1
2 2qi 2qi

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2922748, IEEE Access

Combining (54) and (56), one has In order to examine the validity of Theorem 1, let yd =

n ∑
n ( 1 )σ sin(0.5t) + 0.5 sin(1.5t). The corresponding parameters are
V̇n ≤ − cj zj2σ − γj θ̃2 + d
j=1 j=1
2qj j set as δ = 0.5, µmin = 0.2, k1 = kr = 1.2, b1 = br = 0.6.
n (
1 2 )σ
∑n ∑ Consider the following control law and adaption law:
≤ −c zj2σ −c η̃ +d (57)
2qj j 1
j=1 j=1 α1 = −c1 z12σ−1 − θ̂1 z1 ξ1T (Z1 )ξ1 (Z1 ).
Furthermore, according to Lemma 2, we have
c2 2σ−1 z2 θ̂2 ξ2T (Z2 )ξ2 (Z2 )
n ( 2 ))σ u = − z − .
z j 1 2 1−δ 2 2a22 (1 − δ)
V̇ ≤ −c + θ̃ +d
2 2qj j ˙
θ̂i =
qi 2 T
z ξ ξi − γi θ̂i , θ̂i (0) ≥ 0, i = 1, 2.
2a2i i i
≤ −cV + d. σ
where z1 = x1 − yd , z2 = x2 − α1 .
Based on Bhat and Bernstein, if ∀(z, θ)∈Ωz for ∀t ∈
[ ]1/σ ( ) σ1 In order to construct the basis vector function ξi (Xi ),
[0, tδ ]. We have V ≥ (1−ϱ)c
≥ ϱc d
, namely, d ≤
for each input variable, the center of the receptive field is
ϱcV σ for ∀t ∈ [0, tδ ]. Hence, combining (58), for ∀t ∈ [0, tδ ],
taken as v = [−1.5, −1, −0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5]T and the width of
the following relationship can be obtained: √
Gaussian function is ζ = 2. Select the design parameters
V̇ ≤ −c(1 − ϱ)V σ . (59) as follows: k1 = 8, k2 = 6, a1 = 0.8, a2 = 1, λ1 =
( ) σ1 20, λ2 = 25, γ1 = 1, γ2 = 2. Select the initial condition
combining V ≥ ϱc
and (59), we have as [x1 (0), x2 (0)]T = [0.5, −0.3]T , and [θ̂1 (0), θ̂2 (0)]T =
[V (t0 )]1−σ [0.1, 0.2]T . Fig.1-Fig.4 display the corresponding simulation
tδ ≤ . (60)
c(1 − ϱ)(1 − σ) results.
[V (t0 )]1−σ y
ϑ= , (61) yd
c(1 − ϱ)(1 − σ) 1

then 0.5

[ d ]1/σ
V (t) ≤ , ∀t ≥ ϑ. (62) 0

(1 − ϱ)c
In view of the definition of V (t), we come to the
√ [ d ]1/2σ
conclusion that for o = 2 (1−ϱ)c , we have |zi | ≤ o −1

and |y − yd | ≤ o. The proof is thus completed. −1.5

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Remark 5. Current research status of adaptive quanti-

zation control of nonlinear systems, it can only ensure the Fig. 1: y and yd of Example 1.
stability of infinite time. However, its stability in finite time
can be proved by Therefrom 1, i.e. the tracking performance of
the non-strick feedback system can be achieved when t ≥ ϑ. 1



Example. Think about a non-strict feedback nonlinear

system as follows: −0.2


ẋ1 = x2 + (1 − sin2 x1 )x2 , −0.6

ẋ2 = Γ(Q(u)) − 3.5x2 + x21 x22 , −0.8

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

y = x1 , (63) Time(sec)

where Γ(Q(u)) represents the input of the system, and Q(u) Fig. 2: State variables x2 of Example 1.
is defined in (7).

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2922748, IEEE Access


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