Describe A Beautiful Park

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You should say: where it is

What it looks like

What people do in this place

And explain why you like this place


 Blossom: hoa
 Fountain: đài phun nước
 Bench: băng ghế
 Path: lối đi
 Pond: ao
 Rockery: hòn non bộ
 Shrub: bụi rậm
 Pavilion: nhà hóng mát
 Stream: dòng suối
 Swing: xích đu
 Exercising: tập thể dục
 Jogging: chạy bộ
 Flying a kite: thả diều
 Playing hide-and-seek chơi trốn tìm
 Having a picnic: dã ngoại
 Dog walking: dắt chó đi dạo
 Morning reading: đọc vào buổi sáng
 Taking a nap: chợp mắt buổi trưa
 Cycling: đạp xe
CÂU MỞ ĐẦU: Well, the beautiful garden I want to share with you is the one in my community,
which is only a five-minute walk from where I live.
CẢNH VẬT TRONG KHU VƯỜN: In the garden, well, during spring and summer, everybody
can see a lot of beautiful flowers such as peonies, cherry blossom, daisies, and a lot of other
flowers. Beside, it is enclosed by all sorts of trees and shrubs; in the middle of the garden, there
is a wooden bridge with a stream flowing beneath it. Yet, in autumn and winter, it has nothing
but bare-branched trees.
CÁC HOẠT ĐỘNG CỦA CON NGƯỜI: The garden is really essential for local residents’
activities. People do lots odf activities here, such as doing Tai Chi, walking their dog, playing
games, or reading books.
CÁC LÝ DO: I like this garden for a number of reasons
Lý do 1: the aroma and fragrance of the flowers provide me with tremendous freshness and
THÔNG TIN CHỦ QUAN: Every morning, when I am walking through it, it puts me into a
good mood for a new day.
Lý do 2: Besides, I also feel inspired in such a place.
THÔNG TIN KHÁCH QUAN: This place is like an oasis in the middle of the city. You know,
most city dwellers get used to a sedentary lifestyle. They, therefore, need some fresh air by going
THÔNG TIN CHỦ QUAN: Personally, whenever I feel tired out from studies or life, I like to get
around and be inspired by nature, which is also a good way of relaxing.
Lý do 3: More importantly, it really meets the demand of the public.
THÔNG TIN KHÁCH QUAN: Local residents, especially kids and senior citizens, need a place
and room for sharing and interacting, and this garden is the perfect place.
THÔNG TIN CHỦ QUAN: I always feel exited when coming to this garden, and being close to
nature is really essential for me.
KẾT LUẬN: In shot, those are the reasons why I find this garden very impressive.

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