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CÂU MỞ ĐẦU: Well, the good student I want to talk to you about is Rainy, who used to be my
classmate and desk-mate in high school. She was one of the most impressive friends of mine and
a really excellent person.
NHỮNG ĐIỀU HỌC ĐƯỢC TỪ NHÂN VẬT: I benefited a lot from Rainy, learning from her
attitude towards studying, her persistence, learning methods, and how to be a responsible person.
CÁC LÝ DO: I’d like to talk about Rainy with you for several reasons.
Lý do 1: Firstly, I feel that Rainy was really diligent.
THÔNG TIN KHÁCH QUAN: I still remember she was always the first to come and the last to
leave the classroom though she was a high –distinction in class then.
THÔNG TIN CHỦ QUAN: I was encouraged as well. She often told me that genius comes from
1% of inspiration and 99% of perspiration, and I really admire and appreciate her diligence and
Lý do 2: Besides, I also consider that Rainy was totally and utterly brainy.
THÔNG TIN KHÁCH QUAN: She could get a hang of learning points in the shortest time, and
after mastering those tricky concepts and formulas, she was also willing to give us a tutorial to
help us.
THÔNG TIN CHỦ QUAN: And I was the biggest beneficiary since I was the one who sat next
to her; I still appreciate the valuable aid she gave me.
Lý do 3: What amazed me more was that she was so versatile
THÔNG TIN KHÁCH QUAN: Apart from being excellent in her studies, she was also talented
and good at other fields. For example, she was proficient in English and Japanese; she excels in
playing the piano, and more surprisingly, she was even good at calligraphy. How impressive that
THÔNG TIN CHỦ QUAN: Personally, she was the one I always wanted to be, and she set a
good example for me to follow.
KẾT LUẬN: All in all, those are the reasons why when it comes to thinking of a good student,
Rainy is the first person that comes to my mind

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