Conduct Competency Assessment

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 Establish the context and purpose of assessment.

 The assessor must familiarize self with the qualification or unit of competencies to be assessed.
 Ensure that the assessment site complies with the relevant occupational health and safety requirements.
 Ensure that the assessment resources are available
 The assessor must ensure that the tools equipment and facilities are ready and available in the assessment site before the assessments
 A checklist of tools equipment and facilities must be on hand to help them assessor monitor the availability and completeness of the tools,
equipment and facilities.
 The checklist of tools equipment and facilities is included in the assessors guide.

 Plan and prepared the evidence gathering process.

 The assessor shall receive assessment package composed of the following:

 one copy of assessors guide
 specific instruction to the candidate
 competency assessment results summary
 Written Report
 Written test
 Answer sheets
 Rating sheets according to the methods of assessment to be used corresponding to the number of candidates

 Prepared the candidate

 The assessor shall introduce herself.

ASSESSOR: Good morning everyone. My name is YOUR NAME and I am your competency assessor for YOUR QUALIFICATION.

CRITICAL AREA: Acknowledge the presence of the TESDA representative, and tell candidate not to worry about his/her presence as he/she is there
to oversee the conduct of assessment and check if it is in accordance with the prescribed methodology and procedure.

CRITICAL AREA: Check attendance and identity of candidates and collect admission slips for verification.
CRITICAL AREA: Instruct the candidates to sign on the attendance sheet.

CRITICAL AREA: Present to the candidates an accomplished application form with self-assessment guide and explain its significance. “I have here
with me your accomplished application form and self-assessment guide. This is an indication that you know and can perform all the unit the
competency enumerated for YOUR QUALIFICATION”.

CRITICAL AREA: Conduct orientation to the candidates. The assessor must explain the context and purpose of the assessment.
“welcome candidate to our center for your assessment for YOUR QUALIFICATION, the purpose of our assessment for QUALIFICATION is to
determine the level of your competency.

CRITICAL AREA: Qualifications or units of competency to be assessed – ENUMERATE THE CORE COMPETENCIES that will be administered during
the assessment. Mention that the basic, vcommon and core competencies are integrated in the CORE COMPETENCIES during assessment and

CRITICAL AREA: enumerate the DIFFERENT TASKS to be performed and the evidence to be collected.

CRITICAL AREA: Assessment procedures to be undertaken. “To determine your knowledge and skills for QUALIFICATIONS the assessment method
we will use will be demonstration and oral questioning, these assessment methods can help to measure your underpinning knowledge and skills.

CRITICAL AREA: Before beginning the assessment mention to the candidates - the CR is located at the end of the hallway and you can also take your
meal at our canteen. It is located at the lobby. However during the assessment you are not allowed to leave the premises of the assessment centre.

CRITICAL AREA: Allowable are reasonable adjustments when applicable. “difficulty understanding of the given instruction, offer it to be translated
in his/her DIALECT. Also there is written exam and the candidate finds it difficult to write the answer inform the candidate that you can accept the
answers verbally.

CRITICAL AREA: Do's and don't s during the assessment.

If you have concerns, questions or there is a need for you to clarify matter concerning your assessment. You may raise your hands because I am
more than willing to assist you. But once the assessment has started then please refrain from asking questions. It is no longer allowed, in the
same token during the assessment if you have physical or any form difficulties then up hesitate to call my attention so that you can address it
CRITICAL AREA: Rights and Appeals System.
In case you have any questions regarding the assessment result you have the right to appeal. You can submit your appeal to the TESDA
provincial office for the assessment centre and the assessor are accredited.

CRITICAL AREA: Issuance of national certificate or certificate of competency.

For the issuance of the National Certificate. Inform you where to claim the national certificate within three working days after the
Assessment, .

CRITICAL AREA: Reassessment procedures. (emplasize FULL and CLUSTERED qualification)

After the assessment If CANDIDATE is found to be not competent. Inform CANDIDATE not to worry since they can be reassessed anytime at. In
case the reassessment is full qualification they have to undergo the whole assessment process if you are found to be competent in some unit
of competencies the reassessment should focus in the unit of competencies (for CLUSTERED) where they are found to be not competent.

CRITICAL AREA: Occupational safety and health requirements during actual assessment.
Inform CANDIDATE to observe safety as they perform the different tasks to check on electrical equipment before plugging it, to avoid pulling
the cord as they unplug the equipment, observe proper body mechanics when lifting heavy equipment, and in case of accidents. Please call the
asssessor’s attention immediately to provide you with first aid.

CRITICAL AREA: Confidentiality of assessment outcomes

Inform CANDIDATES with regards to the result of their assessment that strict confidentiality is OBSERVED to to ensure integrity.

CRITICAL AREA: Provide each candidate a copy of the specific instruction to the candidate.
If CANDIDATE don't have any questions or clarifications then distribute the specific instructions, inform CANDIDATES to read them carefully
and do not hesitate to ask questions, offer to translate it to their DIALECT and offer them that you are willing to assist them in whatever they

CRITICAL AREA: The assessor explains to the candidates in interpreting the instruction and shall ensure that the candidates understand the
contents of the instruction before starting the ASSESSMENT.

CRITICAL AREA: Instruct candidates to proceed to the assessment area.

CRITICAL AREA: Collect the evidence and make the assessment decision to simulate the assessment process. Two candidates will be performing the
tasks. One candidate will represent the COMPETENT while the other one is NOT YET COMPETENT explain to the candidate the task to be

Candidate 1 and 2, this is our assessment area where you are going to perform give CANDIDATE 1 the assigned TASKS, and if possible ask the
candidate to read the specific instruction to the candidate once more if there are no more questions are coming from the CANDIDATE then
begin the ASSESSMENT, also inform the CANDIDATE that after the demonstration there will be oral questioning.

CRITICAL AREA: Conduct assessment. In accordance with the methodologies specified in the evidence plan and the specific instructions for the
competency assessor. Implement the evidence gathering process and ensure its validity reliability. Fairness. And flexibility.
Observe the candidate and keep notes of the candidate's performance during the entire conduct of assessments.

After the demonstration. The candidate will be asked a series of questions based on her performance during the TASKS GIVEN for the oral
questioning. The CANDIDATE 1 is able to answer all the questions asked by the assessor. The CANDIDATE 2 will also be able to answer the
questions, though some of her answers are incorrect.

Record and rating sheet details of evidence collected and judgement made about the candidate's performance. Provide feedback on the
assessment. The assessor must provide candid about the outcomes of the assessment process. For positive feedback. Competent.


ASSESSOR: Please sit down candidate 1. How do you feel about the assessment.
Candidate 1: I am quite sure that I was able to perform well during the demonstration, but I had some difficulties in the written test and oral

CRITICAL AREA: Summarize the performance of the candidate during the whole assessment process.
My observation coincide with your opinion. You are indeed competent in performing that different skills for STATE THE QUALIFICATION.
CRITICAL AREA: Inform the candidate on areas she needs to improve on
However I have noticed that you did not observe ___________________ while performing the GIVEN TASKS. Furthermore you were not
confident in answering the question during oral questioning.

CRITICAL AREA: Discuss the specific tasks. Done well. By the candidate.

ASSESSOR: Nevertheless you were able to answer all questions correctly and the result of the written test showed that you are knowledgeable
enough about housekeeping and in this manner. I would like to congratulate you for a job well done. I found out that you were ready
COMPETENT. Please sign the competency assessment results summary, then forward the results summary to the TESDA representative for the
his/her signature.

CRITICAL AREA: Provide information in claiming national certificate or certificate of competency

For they issuance of the national certificate, you may go to the provincial office to claim your National Certificate. After three working days of
the assessment, and bring 1 piece passport size photo, the P 50.00 for the printing of your CERTIFICATE. In this regard I would like to say

CRITICAL AREA: In providing negative feedback. It is recommended that you carry out the following recommendations. Be positive without raising
any false expectations.

ASSESSOR: Please sit down and ask how he/she feels about the assessment.
CRITICAL AREA: Suggest further learning or practice to fix the gaps, ask CANDIDATE what he/she learned from the session like “I have learned
that I should review on the knowledge and skills.for me to become confident”

CRITICAL AREA: Emphasize and explain the results. Which competency has been and has not been achieved.
CRITICAL AREA: Arrange further opportunity for candidate to complete assessment requirements.
Based on the result of my observation during demonstration. The outcome of the assessment is that you are NOT YET COMPETENT.
However you can be reassessed at any time of your convenience
Inform the CANDIDATE if he/she have doubts regarding the assessment result he/she have the right to appeal (IF NOT PREVIOUSLY
MENTIONED). You can submit your appeal to the provincial office where the assessment centre and assessor are accredited.
Then let CANDIDATE sign the competency assessment results summary, and ask the CANDIDATE if he/she does not have any questions?
CRITICAL AREA: Record and report the result. Record the assessment outcome. Ensure rating sheets are signed by the candidate. After providing
feedback. Accomplish the competency assessment results summary, before passing it on together with the other documents to the TESDA
representative then TESDA representative will then deliver the documents to the designated TESDA office.

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