Basic Dance Glossary

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Basic Dance Glossary

1. Chaine Turn - a basic turn used in ballet and jazz dance, as well as other
2. Ball Change - shifting weight from one foot to the other, and back again.
3. Grapevine - a dancer steps out to the side, crosses the other foot in front,
steps out to side again, and crosses the other foot behind.
4. First Position - One of five ballet positions. Heels touch and toes pointed
outward, forming a line with the feet. Arms are rounded.
5. Second Position - One of five ballet positions. Feet are separated about
shoulders' width, with toes turned outward. Arms are outstretched with
slight rounding.
6. Third Position - One of five ballet positions. Left foot stays forward while
the right heel meets the arch of the left foot , with right toes turned outward.
Right arm is outstretched to side, left is rounded above head.
7. Fourth Position - One of five ballet positions. Right foot is turned out in
front of the left at a distance, and left arm is rounded over the head. Right
arm is rounded in front, just as in first position.
8. Fifth Position - One of five ballet positions. Both feet are turned out in
different directions - toe to heel, heel to toe. Both arms are rounded above
9. Pique Turn - Dancer steps out on one foot, and a complete turn is made on
releve while the opposing foot's toes are brought up to the inside knee.
10. Releve - To balance on your toes, either stationary or in movement.
11. Kick Ball Change - one foot kicks either forward, to the side or to the back,
and then is brought behind for a ball change step.
12. Heel Pull - found in ballroom dancing, a half turn is completed on each
13. Derriere - French for "directly behind the body." Referenced often in ballet.
14. Pas de Deux - a two-person dance, usually a male/female duet
15. Double Turn - two full rotations of any dance turn (pique, attitude, pencil,
16. Attitude Turn - while turning on releve, one leg is bent backward behind
the body, leading the turn outward.
17. Glissade - a small leap to the side, almost a gliding motion across the floor.
18. Plie - a bend of the knees in any of the five ballet positions
19. Pas de Bourree - a connecting step used in dance combinations, it involves
the transfer of weight from one foot to the other, usually to "prep" for a turn
or leap.
20. Bridge - body is arched upside down, supported by the hands and feet
with head dropped downward.
21. Working Leg - the leg that is currently being used in a dance step
22. Developpe - leg is brought up so the knee is bent at waist length, and then
the leg is extended straight outward.
23.Dos a Dos - two people rotate completely around each other without
touching, their backs to one another.
24. Split Leap - legs "switch" back and forth in midair during the leap
25. Tour Jete - a jump in which one foot steps out to the side, and the other foot
kicks around in a leap to meet the other foot. Dancer lands on kicking foot.
Arms are outstretched, over the head during the leap, and then brought down
26. Feather Step - in partner dancing, the man takes four steps toward the
woman, with the third step going around the outside of her body.
27. Aplomb - a stationary position
28. Arabesque - one leg supports while the other is extended up and behind
the body
29. Ballerino - Italian term for male ballet dancer
30. Barre - a horizontal single or double barre used for ballet warm ups and
balance during instruction of new steps
31. Fan Kick - a kick that rotates 180 degrees in the air
32.Jete - a leap from one foot to the other
33.Grand Jete - a large leap that literally forms the splits in the air
34. Splits - one leg stretched straight in front of the body and one stretching
directly behind
35. Passe - the toes of one foot are brought up to the knee of the opposing leg.
36. En Pointe - to execute ballet steps on the tips of the toes, wearing special
ballet slippers known as pointe shoes
37. Port de Bras - the movement of the arms into different positions
38. Rond de Jambe - half circles traced with one foot
39. Tendu - French for "to stretch", in which a foot reaches out from the body
and extends outward, with toes remaining on the floor
40. Grand Battement - working leg is kicked upward to hip level and
brought down again
41. Retire - much like a passe, only the raised foot literally "rests" against the
front or back of the supporting knee
42. Sissonne - a jump from both feet onto one
43. Quadrille - a succession of steps in ballroom dancing in which the man
dances in turn with the woman
44. Pirouette - a complete rotation done in place in the "pique" position
45.Reverence - a bow or curtsy in dance

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